6 research outputs found

    Análisis multivariante de la precariedad en España, Italia, Francia, Portugal y Bélgica

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    [ES] Se lleva a cabo un estudio multivariante de la precariedad en sus múltiples dimensiones tanto para España como para Italia, Portugal, Bélgica y Francia para el año 2009. Este trabajo se basó en el proyecto de investigación del Plan Nacional de I+D+I Respuestas sociales a la crisis y procesos de precarización de la vida en la sociedad contemporánea: Bélgica, España, Francia, Italia y Portugal financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, (Ref. CSO 2011-23252). Construcción de indicadores, que aquí hemos sometido a la revisión desde la teoría estadística, se han discutido indicadores para medir la multidimensionalidad de la precariedad y se han realizado propuestas alternativas. Una vez obtenidos los indicadores y validados mediante modelos lineales con variables de control se propone un HJ-Biplot para el estudio de la relación de las Comunidades Autónomas con siete indicadores de precariedad. Posteriormente, se estudian las estructuras de correlación entre los indicadores, en los cinco países, mediante un STATIS DUAL y se encuentra la estructura consenso que es convenientemente analizada, siendo posible así, explicar los patrones de precariedad comunes en todos los países. Ninguna de las dos últimas técnicas ha sido utilizada anteriormente en el estudio de la precariedad

    Development and application of Bayesian dynamic compartment modelling to study labour (in)stability in Spain

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    Esta es una tesis metodológica en la que nos centramos en el mercado laboral. Sin embargo, los métodos aquí desarrollados también podrían aplicarse a otras áreas de las Ciencias Sociales permitiendo a los/las investigadores/investigadoras ampliar el conocimiento al abordar las preguntas de investigación desde un punto de vista diferente. En este contexto, la (in)estabilidad laboral podría entenderse como la velocidad de transición del empleo al no empleo y viceversa. Si la velocidad es alta, la inestabilidad también es alta; por el contrario, si la velocidad de transición es baja, habrá una baja inestabilidad. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es desarrollar un nuevo marco metodológico para el estudio de la (in)estabilidad laboral que se centre en la velocidad de transición de un estado a otro. La (in)estabilidad se estudiará desde dos perspectivas. En primer lugar, como transiciones del empleo al no-empleo y viceversa en un modelo de dos compartimentos. Estudiaremos las cohortes de entrada al mercado laboral, quinquenalmente, de 1970 a 1990 y las seguiremos hasta el 31/12/2013, así como comparando por sexo. En segundo lugar, se utilizará un modelo de tres compartimentos: individuos con contrato fijo, temporal y no-ocupados/as. Aquí, debido a las limitaciones de la muestra, los individuos serán seguidos anualmente de 1991 a 2002 con un seguimiento fijo de diez años y los resultados también se presentarán por sexo. Las conclusiones de aplicar modelos de compartimentos dinámicos para estudiar el mercado laboral de mujeres y hombres van en línea con lo que otros autores ya han observado: la presencia de una fuerte segregación laboral de género. Aunque señalamos que la brecha en la velocidad de transición entre mujeres y hombres al no empleo se está reduciendo, los patrones de (in)estabilidad difieren sustancialmente entre ellos.This is a methodological thesis in which we focus on labour market. However, the methods here developed could also be applied to other areas of Social Science enabling researchers broadening knowledge by tackling research questions from a different point of view. In this context, Labour (in)stability could be operatized as transition speed from employment to non-employment and vice versa. If speed is high, instability is also high; on the contrary, if transition speed is low for a given set of individuals, these have low instability. This methodology might enable researchers identify new patterns in the study of labour precariousness that have yet not described. The primary aim of this thesis is to develop a novel methodological framework for the study of labour (in)stability which focuses on transition speed from one state to another. The data is an anonymized sample of one million people who were enrolled in Social Security in a specific year. Using this source, (In)stability will be studied from two perspectives. Firstly, as transitions from employment to non-employment and vice-versa in a two-compartment model. We will study market labour entrance cohorts, quinquennially, from 1970 to 1990 and we will be following them until 31/12/2013 as well as comparing by sex. Secondly transitions between fixed-time, permanent workers and non-employment in a three-compartment model. Here, due to sample limitations, individuals will be followed annually from 1991 to 2002 with a fixed follow-up of ten years and results will also be presented by sex. The conclusions of applying dynamic compartment models to study labour market for females and males goes in line to what other authors have already observed: the presence of strong gender labour segregation. Although we point out that the gap in transition speed between females and males to non-employment is narrowing, (in)stability patterns differ substantially between them

    Genistein effect on cognition in prodromal Alzheimer's disease patients. The GENIAL clinical trial

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    Background: Delaying the transition from minimal cognitive impairment to Alzheimer’s dementia is a major concern in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) therapeutics. Pathological signs of AD occur years before the onset of clinical dementia. Thus, long-term therapeutic approaches, with safe, minimally invasive, and yet efective substances are recommended. There is a need to develop new drugs to delay Alzheimer’s dementia. We have taken a nutritional supplement approach with genistein, a chemically defned polyphenol that acts by multimodal specifc mechanisms. Our group previously showed that genistein supplementation is efective to treat the double transgenic (APP/PS1) AD animal model. Methods: In this double-blind, placebo-controlled, bicentric clinical trial, we evaluated the efect of daily oral supplementation with 120 mg of genistein for 12 months on 24 prodromal Alzheimer’s disease patients. The amyloidbeta deposition was analyzed using 18F-futemetamol uptake. We used a battery of validated neurocognitive tests: Mini-Mental State Exam (MMSE), Memory Alteration Test (M@T), Clock Drawing Test, Complutense Verbal Learning Test (TAVEC), Barcelona Test-Revised (TBR), and Rey Complex Figure Test. Results: We report that genistein treatment results in a signifcant improvement in two of the tests used (dichotomized direct TAVEC, p=0.031; dichotomized delayed Centil REY copy p=0.002 and a tendency to improve in all the rest of them. The amyloid-beta deposition analysis showed that genistein-treated patients did not increase their uptake in the anterior cingulate gyrus after treatment (p=0.878), while placebo-treated did increase it (p=0.036). We did not observe signifcant changes in other brain areas studied. Conclusions: This study shows that genistein may have a role in therapeutics to delay the onset of Alzheimer’s dementia in patients with prodromal Alzheimer’s disease. These encouraging results indicate that this should be followed up by a new study with more patients to further validate the conclusion that arises from this study.This work was supported by the following grants: CB16/10/00435 (CIBERFES) from Instituto de Salud Carlos III, (PID2019-110906RB-I00/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033) and RED2018-102576-T from the Spanish Ministry of Innovation and Science, PROMETEO/2019/097 from “Consellería de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital de la Generalitat Valen ciana” and EU Funded H2020- DIABFRAIL-LATAM (Ref: 825546), European Joint Programming Initiative “A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life” (JPI HDHL) and of the ERA-NET Cofund ERA-HDHL (GA N° 696295 of the EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme) and Fundación Ramón Areces y Fundación Soria Melguizo. to J.V. and Grant PID2020-113839RB-I00 funded by MCIN/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033, PCIN-2017-117 of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, and the EU Joint Programming Initiative ‘A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life’ (JPI HDHL INTIMIC-085) to CB. We also acknowledge funding from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities (RTI2018099200-B-I00), the Generalitat of Catalonia, Agency for management of University and Research Grants (2017SGR696) and the Department of Health (SLT002/16/00250) to RP. Part of the equipment employed in this work has been funded by Generalitat Valenciana and co-fnanced with ERDF funds (OP ERDF of Comunitat Valenciana 2014-2020). M.J. is a “Serra Hunter” Fellow

    Genistein effect on cognition in prodromal Alzheimer's disease patients : the GENIAL clinical trial

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    Delaying the transition from minimal cognitive impairment to Alzheimer's dementia is a major concern in Alzheimer's disease (AD) therapeutics. Pathological signs of AD occur years before the onset of clinical dementia. Thus, long-term therapeutic approaches, with safe, minimally invasive, and yet effective substances are recommended. There is a need to develop new drugs to delay Alzheimer's dementia. We have taken a nutritional supplement approach with genistein, a chemically defined polyphenol that acts by multimodal specific mechanisms. Our group previously showed that genistein supplementation is effective to treat the double transgenic (APP/PS1) AD animal model

    Does antrum size matter in sleeve gastrectomy? A prospective randomized study

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    Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) is a safe and effective bariatric procedure in terms of excess weight loss. Nevertheless, controversies still exist on several technical and operative aspects of LSG. The aim of this study is to evaluate variations in anthropometric features in subjects with a LSG gastric resection starting from 2 cm or 6 cm from the pylorus. Secondary aim was the evaluation of differences in morbidity, food tolerance, and GERD incidence studied with upper endoscopy (UE) and GERD Health-Related Quality-of-Life score

    One Anastomosis Gastric Bypass after Sleeve Gastrectomy Failure: Does a Single Procedure Fit for all?

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    Introduction Considering the multitude of bariatric procedures performed all over the world, the necessity of revisional surgery increased accordingly. Several authors argued that with the great diffusion of sleeve gastrectomy (SG), the number of patients who experienced a weight regain at long follow-up was congruous and physiologic, even if not negligible. Recent studies showed that one anastomosis gastric bypass (OAGB) was an effective and safe option also as redo surgery. The aim of the study was to evaluate effectiveness of OAGB as redo surgery after SG in term of anthropometric features and remission of comorbidities. Methods Bariatric patients experiencing weight regain and insufficient weight loss after SG and undergoing OAGB as redo surgery were retrospectively analyzed. During post-OAGB outpatient visit weight, %EWL, BMI, comorbidities, and vitamin deficiencies were evaluated. A further visit was scheduled for the evaluation of postoperative esophagitis/gastritis at upper endoscopy. Results Fifty-nine (Reviewer #3-1) patients underwent OAGB as redo-surgery consequently to the worsening of the bariatric outcomes at 29.42 +/- 7.29 months from SG (mean weight, BMI and %EWL were 120.89 +/- 16.79 kg, 43 +/- 4.39 and 19.84 +/- 30.29, respectively). Conversely, at a mean follow-up of 34.32 +/- 1.71 months (Reviewer #3-3) after OAGB, no weight regain or insufficient weight loss cases were recorded (mean weight 71.25 +/- 10.22 kg, mean BMI 24.46 +/- 2.06 kg/m2, mean %EWL 69.49 +/- 14.4, p < 0.0001) (Reviewer #3-2). Conclusion OAGB is a safe and effective bariatric procedure in terms of morbidity, mortality, and %EWL also as revision surgery after SG. Further larger studies are needed to address this issue