17 research outputs found

    Audit of a clinical guideline for neonatal hypoglycaemia screening

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    NHRMC Early Career Fellowship #511481RMT was supported by NHRMC Grant #63300

    Hierarchische Modellsysteme zur Optimierung der Beatmungstherapie

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    With the greatest burden of infant undernutrition and morbidity in low and middle income countries (LMICs), there is a need for suitable approaches to monitor infants in a simple, low-cost and effective manner. Anthropometry continues to play a major role in characterising growth and nutritional status.We developed a range of models to aid in identifying neonates at risk of malnutrition. We first adopted a logistic regression approach to screen for a composite neonatal morbidity, low and high body fat (BF%) infants. We then developed linear regression models for the estimation of neonatal fat mass as an assessment of body composition and nutritional status.We fitted logistic regression models combining up to four anthropometric variables to predict composite morbidity and low and high BF% neonates. The greatest area under receiver-operator characteristic curves (AUC with 95% confidence intervals (CI)) for identifying composite morbidity was 0.740 (0.63, 0.85), resulting from the combination of birthweight, length, chest and mid-thigh circumferences. The AUCs (95% CI) for identifying low and high BF% were 0.827 (0.78, 0.88) and 0.834 (0.79, 0.88), respectively. For identifying composite morbidity, BF% as measured via air displacement plethysmography showed strong predictive ability (AUC 0.786 (0.70, 0.88)), while birthweight percentiles had a lower AUC (0.695 (0.57, 0.82)). Birthweight percentiles could also identify low and high BF% neonates with AUCs of 0.792 (0.74, 0.85) and 0.834 (0.79, 0.88). We applied a sex-specific approach to anthropometric estimation of neonatal fat mass, demonstrating the influence of the testing sample size on the final model performance.These models display potential for further development and evaluation in LMICs to detect infants in need of further nutritional management, especially where traditional methods of risk management such as birthweight for gestational age percentiles may be variable or non-existent, or unable to detect appropriately grown, low fat newborns

    Comparison of receiver-operator characteristic curves for the prediction of composite neonatal morbidity, low and high fat BF% using the Delong method [26].

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    <p>For each pair of logistic regression models, the standard error and p-value from the Delong method for ROC curve comparison are reported [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0195193#pone.0195193.ref026" target="_blank">26</a>]. Comparisons include BF% from ADP, weight-for-length-for-gestational age (W/L/GA), weight-for-length-squared (W/L<sup>2</sup>), mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC), birthweight percentiles (BW<sub>pctl</sub>) and developed composite feature (CF). Statistical significance is denoted by *p<0.05, **p<0.01 ***p<0.001.</p

    Comparisons of anthropometry and body composition measures for male and female neonates.

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    <p>An independent t-test (two-tailed) was applied to compare continuous variables and a chi-squared test for categorical variables (neonatal composite morbidity and proportions in each fat range). Statistical significance is denoted by *p<0.05, ***p<0.001.</p

    Mean model RMSE and R-squared statistics for estimations of body composition parameters at a testing sample size.

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    <p>Panels (a)-(b) fat free mass (FFM), (c)-(d) fat mass (FM) and (e)-(f) body fat percentage (BF%) measured via air displacement plethysmography. Population was divided into two sex-stratified halves, with the first half used to fit male and female-specific linear estimation models and an equally-sized subset containing an even distribution of sexes used to fit the combined sex model. The second half or test set was then randomly and repeatedly restricted with root mean squared error (RMSE) and R-squared determined for each iteration.</p