140 research outputs found

    Erziehung für Menschenrechte. Jugendliche, Missionare unter den Jugendlichen, für menschliche Entwicklung, aktives und verantwortliches Weltbürgertum

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    Ljudska se prava, činjenica je, i danas krše po cijelom svijetu. Povređuje se dostojanstvo ljudske osobe, njezina prava i slobode. To se događa i u zemljama napredne demokracije, a pritom je nerijetko na djelu dvostruka politika. Podsjećajući na to, autorica ukazuje na povezanost don Boscova odgojnog sustava i Konvencije o pravima djeteta. Salezijanski odgojni sustav promiče preventivni pristup pravima čovjeka, a to uključuje i odgoj za ljudska prava i za aktivno i odgovorno svjetsko građanstvo. Značajke tog odgoja su odgoj za vrednote, dijalog i multidisciplinarnost. Nije dostatno učiti o ljudskim pravima, potrebno je promicati cjelovit odgoj za ljudska prava. Cjelovit odgoj uključuje i školsko i izvanškolsko područje, to je cjeloživotni odgoj. Važno je uočiti povezanost svih ljudskih prava: građanskih, kulturnih, ekonomskih, političkih i socijalnih, ali i odgovornosti i dužnosti. Na kraju članka autorica daje kronološki prikaz ljudskih prava od završetka Drugoga svjetskog rata do danas.Its a fact that even to this day human rights are violated all around the world. There are violations against the dignity of the human person, his rights and freedom. All of this occurs even in developed democratic countries and most often dirty politics is involved. The author underlines the close ties between don Boscos educational system and the Convention for the Rights of the Child. The Salesian educational system promotes a preventive approach for the rights of man which includes education for human rights and active and responsible world citizenship. The characteristics of this education are education for values, dialogue and a multidisciplinary approach. It does not suffice to merely learn about human rights, rather, there must be integral education for human rights. Integral education is a life-long process so it must take place within the school and in extracurricular activities. It is important to include all human rights: civil, cultural, economic, political and social and responsibilities and duties. The article ends with a chronological survey of human rights from the end of the Second World War to the present.Es sei eine Tatsache, dass Menschenrechte auch heutzutage in der ganzen Welt verletzt werden. Dignität des Menschen, seine Rechte und Freiheiten werden verletzt. Dies geschehe auch in den Ländern der fortgeschrittenen Demokratie, und dabei wirke oft eine zweifache Politik. Erinnernd daran, weise die Autorin auf die Verbundenheit vom don Boscos Erziehungssystem und der Konvention über Kinderrechte hin. Das salesianische Erziehungssystem fördere einen präventiven Zutritt zu den Menschenrechten und dies schließe auch Erziehung für Menschenrechte und für aktives und verantwortliches Weltbürgertum ein. Das Merkmal dieser Erziehung sei Erziehung für Werte, Dialog und Multidiszipliniertheit. Es sei nicht genügend, über Menschenrechte zu lernen, man solle auch eine vollständige Erziehung für Menschenrechte fördern. Die vollständige Erziehung schließe auch den Schul- und Außerschulbereich ein und das sei eine lebenslange Erziehung. Es sei nötig, die Verbundenheit aller Menschenrechte: bürgerlicher, kultureller, ökonomischer, politischer und sozialer, aber auch Verantwortungen und Pflichten zu beobachten. Am Ende des Artikels bringe die Autorin eine chronologische Darstellung der Menschenrechte seit Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges bis heute hervor

    Erziehen über die Menschenrechte und für die Menschenrechte

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    Već 150. godina Salezijanska obitelj diljem svijeta nastoji primjenjivati don Boscov odgojni sustav. U vezi s time u članku se naglašava današnje značenje don Boscove ideje o kršćanskom odgoju koji želi "odgajati poštene građane i dobre kršćane". Odgoj u ljudskim pravima i za ljudska prava, danas je jedan od istaknutih oblika pastorala mladih i jedno od sredstava suvremene primjene don Boscovog odgojnog sustava (preventivni odgojni sustav). Stoga se ističe značenje koje valja pridati ljudskim pravima i način kako danas odgajati o ljudskim pravima i za ljudska prava. Autorica s pravom tvrdi kako su građanska, kulturalna, ekonomska, politička i socijalna prava međuovisna i neodjeljiva. Ona uključuju prava i dužnosti ali i odgovornost, drugim riječima zajedničarski personalizam i cjeloviti humanizam. Odgoj za ljudska prava ne može biti samo opis situacije, nego mora biti usmjeren prema djelovanju, zauzimanju stajališta i kritičkom promišljanju. To obuhvaća kognitivnu, afektivnu i aktivnu voljnu dimenziju ponašanja. Umjesto tradicionalnog pristupa (civic learning) autorica predlaže širi pristup koji potiče praktično iskustvo, prihvaćanje odgovornosti i sudjelovanje (socio-civic learning).The Salesian family has been adapting don Bosco\u27s educational system all over the world already for 150 years. The article reminds us of the contemporary meaning of don Bosco\u27s statement on Christian education which "educates honest citizens and goos Christians". Education of human rights and for human rights today is an important form of youth ministry and a contemporary method of adapting don Bosco\u27s educational system (the preventive educational system). Thus, the article emphasizes the importance of human rights and how to educate with human rights and for human rights and how civil, cultural, economical, political and social rights are inseperably intertwined. Human rights include rights and obligations, in other words, communal personalism and integral humanism. Education for human rights can not be merely a description of a situation, but rather, it has to be directed towards action, taking a stand and critical thinking. This comprises the all dimensions of behaviour: cognitive, affective and the active will. Instead of the traditional approach (civic learning) the author recommends a wider approach which fosters practical experience, accepting responsibilites and participation (socio-civic learning).Seit 150 Jahren versuche die Salesianerfamilie, don Boscos Erziehungssystem weltweit anzuwenden. Damit verbunden werde es im Artikel an die heutige Bedeutung von der don Boscos Behauptung über die christliche Erziehung erinnert, welche "ehrliche Bürger und gute Christen erziehen wolle". Erziehung in den Menschenrechten und für die Menschenrechte sei heutzutage eine der bedeutendster Formen der Jugendpastoral und eines der Mittel der zeitgenössischen Verwendung vom don Boscos Erziehungssystem (präventives Erziehungssystem). Deswegen werde darauf aufmerksam gemacht, was für einen Wert man auf die Menschenrechte legen, wie man heute in den Menschenrechten und für die Menscherechte erziehen solle. Zur gleichen Zeit werden wir daran erinnert, wie bürgerliche, kulturelle, ökonomische, politische und soziale Rechte voneinander abhängig und unzertrennlich seien. Diese schließen Rechte und Verpflichtungen aber auch Verantwortung, mit anderen Worten, den Gemeinschaftspersonalismus und vollständigen Humanismus ein. Erziehung für die Menschenrechte könne nicht nur die Situationsschilderung sein, sondern müsse auch auf die Wirkung, Einnehmen von Stellungen und das kritische Bedenken gerichtet sein. Dies umfasse kognitive, affektive und aktive Willensdimension des Verhaltens. Anstatt des traditionellen Zugangs (civic learning), schlage die Autorin einen breiteren Zutritt vor, welcher praktische Erfahrung, Akzeptieren der Verantwortung und Teilnahme (socio-civic learning) fördere

    Double-logarithmic asymptotics of the electromagnetic form factors of the electron and quark

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    The asymptotic behaviour of the electromagnetic form factors of the electron and quark is obtained in the double-logarithmic approximation for Sudakov kinematics, i.e. for the case that the value of the momentum transfer is much greater than the mass of the particle.Comment: RevTeX, aps.sty, epsf.sty, 16 pp, 5 fig

    First characterization of toxic alkaloids and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the cryptic dendrobatid Silverstoneia punctiventris

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    Background: Poison frogs are known for the outstanding diversity of alkaloid-based chemical defences with promising therapeutic applications. However, current knowledge about chemical defences in Dendrobatoidea superfamily has two sources of bias. First, cryptic, brown-colored species have been neglected in comparison to those conspicuously colored, and second, there has been little interest in characterizing metabolites other than alkaloids mediating defensive functions. In an effort to contribute to fill the gap of knowledge about cryptic species and broadening the spectrum of compounds analyzed we have applied head-space solid phase microextraction coupled to gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (HS-SPME/GC-MS) for extracting amphibian alkaloids and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from Silverstoneia punctiventris. Results: Using the skin from 8 specimens in 4 biological replicates we have found 33 different compounds. Twenty of them were classified as VOCs into 15 chemical classes including alkanes, alcohols, carbonyl compounds, methylpyridines, benzothiazoles, N-alkylpyrrolidines, pyrazines, and sesquiterpenoids, some of which were previously reported as repellents, defence compounds or defence pheromones in other organisms, and as sex pheromones in a treefrog. Interestingly, six of the remaining compounds were identified as alkaloids previously reported in other toxic/unpalatable dendrobatid frogs. Conclusions: This is the first report of alkaloids and VOCs found in the Silverstoneia genus, which has been assumed for decades as non-chemically defended. This study establishes HS-SPME/GC-MS as a new application for a simultaneous approach to amphibian alkaloids and VOCs in poison frogs while opens up new research questions to assess the co-occurrence of both type of compounds and to investigate the evolutionary significance of a defence gradient that includes olfactory avoidance, unpalatability, and toxicity in dendrobatids. In addition, our results show that amphibian alkaloids could have a dual function (olfactory at distance, taste by contact) never explored before neither in Silverstonaeia nor in any other dendrobatid species.Fil: Gonzalez, Mabel. Universidad de los Andes; ColombiaFil: Palacios Rodriguez, Pablo. Universidad de los Andes; ColombiaFil: Hernandez Restrepo, Jack. Universidad de los Andes; ColombiaFil: González Santoro, Marco. Universidad de los Andes; ColombiaFil: Amézquita, Adolfo. Universidad de los Andes; ColombiaFil: Brunetti, Andrés Eduardo. Universidade de Sao Paulo; Brasil. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Biología Subtropical. Instituto de Biología Subtropical - Nodo Posadas | Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Instituto de Biología Subtropical. Instituto de Biología Subtropical - Nodo Posadas; ArgentinaFil: Carazzone, Chiara. Universidad de los Andes; Colombi

    Volatilomics of Natural Products: Whispers from Nature

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    Volatilomics studies the emission of volatile compounds from living organisms like plants, flowers, animals, fruits, and microorganisms, using metabolomics tools to characterize the analytes. This is a complex process that involves several steps like sample preparation, extraction, instrumental analysis, and data processing. In this chapter, we provide balanced coverage of the different theoretical and practical aspects of the study of the volatilome. Static and dynamic headspace techniques for volatile capture will be discussed. Then, the main techniques for volatilome profiling, separation, and detection will be addressed, emphasizing gas chromatographic separation, mass spectrometry detection, and non-separative techniques using mass spectrometry. Finally, the whole volatilome data pre-processing and multivariate statistics for data interpretation will be introduced. We hope that this chapter can provide the reader with an overview of the research process in the study of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and serve as a guide in the development of future volatilomics studies

    A model of a transition neutral pion formfactor measured in annihilation and scattering channels

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    We consider an alternative explanation of newly found growth of neutral pion transition form factor with virtuality of one of photon. It is based on Sudakov suppression of quark-photon vertex. Some applications to scattering and annihilation channels are considered including the relevant experiments with lepton-proton scattering.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figur

    Resummation of Yukawa enhanced and subleading Sudakov logarithms in longitudinal gauge boson and Higgs production

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    Future colliders will probe the electroweak theory at energies much larger than the gauge boson masses. Large double (DL) and single (SL) logarithmic virtual electroweak Sudakov corrections lead to significant effects for observable cross sections. Recently, leading and subleading universal corrections for external fermions and transverse gauge boson lines were resummed by employing the infrared evolution equation method. The results were confirmed at the DL level by explicit two loop calculations with the physical Standard Model (SM) fields. Also for longitudinal degrees of freedom the approach was utilized for DL-corrections via the Goldstone boson equivalence theorem. In all cases, the electroweak Sudakov logarithms exponentiate. In this paper we extend the same approach to both Yukawa enhanced as well as subleading Sudakov corrections to longitudinal gauge boson and Higgs production. We use virtual contributions to splitting functions of the appropriate Goldstone bosons in the high energy regime and find that all universal subleading terms exponentiate. The approach is verified by employing a non-Abelian version of Gribov's factorization theorem and by explicit comparison with existing one loop calculations. As a side result, we obtain also all top-Yukawa enhanced subleading logarithms for chiral fermion production at high energies to all orders. In all cases, the size of the subleading contributions at the two loop level is non-negligible in the context of precision measurements at future linear colliders.Comment: 32 pages, 7 figures, uses LaTeX2

    Resummation of double logarithms in electroweak high energy processes

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    At future linear e+ee^+e^- collider experiments in the TeV range, Sudakov double logarithms originating from massive boson exchange can lead to significant corrections to the cross sections of the observable processes. These effects are important for the high precision objectives of the Next Linear Collider. We use the infrared evolution equation, based on a gauge invariant dispersive method, to obtain double logarithmic asymptotics of scattering amplitudes and discuss how it can be applied, in the case of broken gauge symmetry, to the Standard Model of electroweak processes. We discuss the double logarithmic effects to both non-radiative processes and to processes accompanied by soft gauge boson emission. In all cases the Sudakov double logarithms are found to exponentiate. We also discuss double logarithmic effects of a non-Sudakov type which appear in Regge-like processes.Comment: 26 pages, 3 figures, Latex2