66 research outputs found
Storing, reporting and comparing proteomics experiments using the miape generator tool
Comunicaciones a congreso
Flexible workflows for on-the-fly electronmicroscopy single-particle image processing using Scipion
Electron microscopy of macromolecular structures is an approach that is in increasing demand in the field of structural biology. The automation of image acquisition has greatly increased the potential throughput of electron microscopy. Here, the focus is on the possibilities in Scipion to implement flexible and robust image-processing workflows that allow the electron-microscope operator and the user to monitor the quality of image acquisition, assessing very simple acquisition measures or obtaining a first estimate of the initial volume, or the data resolution and heterogeneity, without any need for programming skills. These workflows can implement intelligent automatic decisions and they can warn the user of possible acquisition failures. These concepts are illustrated by analysis of the well known 2.2 Å resolution β-galactosidase data setThe authors would like to acknowledge financial support from
The Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness
through the BIO2016-76400-R (AEI/FEDER, UE) grant, the
Comunidad Auto´noma de Madrid through grant S2017/BMD3817, the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PT17/0009/0010), the
European Union (EU) and Horizon 2020 through the
CORBEL grant (INFRADEV-1-2014-1, Proposal 654248),
the ‘la Caixa’ Foundation (ID 100010434, Fellow LCF/BQ/
IN18/11660021), Elixir–EXCELERATE (INFRADEV-3-
2015, Proposal 676559), iNEXT (INFRAIA-1-2014-2015,
Proposal 653706), EOSCpilot (INFRADEV-04-2016,
Proposal 739563) and INSTRUCT–ULTRA (INFRADEV03-2016-2017, Proposal 731005
Comparación entre las técnicas de cribado de patología cervical y las conizaciones de tres hospitales en españa
Objetivo: Analizar las características poblacionales y los métodos diagnósticos de patología cervical para la prevención del cáncer de cérvix de tres hospitales españoles para mejorar y unificar los programas de cribado y prevención. Material y métodos: Estudio retrospectivo de las características demográficas y clínicas de 408 mujeres con patología cervical uterina diagnosticadas en 3 hospitales españoles. Se comparan los factores de riesgo, el proceso diagnóstico y la indicación de tratamiento de dos grupos: las que requirieron conización cervical (n=222) y las que no precisaron tratamiento quirúrgico (n=186). También se analizan las recomendaciones vacunales y su grado de cumplimiento. Resultados: Las mujeres conizadas usaron más anticoncepción hormonal y tienen un mayor hábito tabáquico mientras que el número de compañeros sexuales es mayor en pacientes no conizadas. Más del 50% de pacientes con biopsia cervical positiva presentaron un resultado igual o más grave en la anatomía patológica de la pieza quirúrgica. Existen diferencias significativas en sensibilidad y valor predictivo positivo de la citología y de la determinación de HPV entre hospitales. La recomendación de vacunación en ambos grupos fue similar, el porcentaje de mujeres que no la cumplieron fue elevado y significativamente mayor entre pacientes conizadas. Conclusión: En nuestro medio las mujeres conizadas tienen características clínicas y epidemiológicas diferentes a las no conizadas, existen diferencias entre las técnicas diagnósticas de distintos hospitales y sin embargo la concordancia entre biopsia y resultado del cono es elevada. Sigue siendo necesaria una correcta educación sanitaria en relación con la vacunación en mujeres con patología cervical.
Background: To analyse the characteristics of the population and diagnostic methods related to the cervical cancer prevention program in three different-level hospitals of a Spanish region in order to improve and unify the screening program. Methods: We retrospectively studied demographic and clinical characteristics of 408 women with cervical lesions diagnosed in three hospitals in Aragon (Spain). Correlation between risk factors, diagnosis process and conisation indication was analysed divided in two groups: conisation required (n=222) or non-conisation (n=186). We also assessed the number of vaccine recommendations made to the patients and the degree of compliance. Results: Conisaited women more frequently used a combined hormonal contraceptive method and are more smokers, while the sexual partners are more in women without conisation. More than 50% of women con positive biopsy was confirmed after surgical treatment. There are significant differences between sensibility and positive predictive value of pap-smear and HPV determination in different hospitals. The recombinant vaccine was recommended to both groups at a similar rate. The percentage of women who were recommended to receive the vaccine but chose not to do it, was high in both groups but significantly higher in the Conisation group. Conclusion: In our environment conisaited women have different clinical and epidemiological profiles, there are differences between diagnosis techniques in different hospitals, however, the concordance between biopsy and definitive result is high. A good sanitary education is necessary in relation with the vaccination of women with cervical pathology
Image processing tools for the validation of CryoEM maps
The number of maps deposited in public databases (Electron Microscopy Data Bank,
EMDB) determined by cryo-electron microscopy has quickly grown in recent years.
With this rapid growth, it is critical to guarantee their quality. So far, map validation has
primarily focused on the agreement between maps and models. From the image
processing perspective, the validation has been mostly restricted to using two halfmapsand the measurement of their internal consistency. In this article, we suggest that map validation can be taken much further from the point of view of image processing if 2D classes, particles, angles, coordinates, defoci, and micrographs are also provided. We present a progressive validation scheme that qualifies a result validation status from 0 to 5 and offers three optional qualifiers (A, W, and O) that can be added. The simplest validation state is 0, while the most complete would be 5AWO. This scheme has been implemented in a website https://biocomp.cnb.csic.es/EMValidationService/ to which reconstructed maps and their ESI can be uploaded.We are thankful to Philip Baldwin, Dmitry Lyumkis, and Gabriel Lander for
making their validation methods available (4.h and A.c). Javier Vargas and Jordi
Burguet would like to thank the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for
financial support through the call 2019 Proyectos de I+D+i – RTI Tipo A (PID2019-
108850RA-I00) and Arrate Muñoz Barrutia, PID2019-109820RB-I00, MCIN/AEI/
10.13039/501100011033/, cofinanced by European Regional Development Fund
(ERDF), “A way of making Europe.”. The authors acknowledge the economic
support from MICIN of the Instruct Image Processing Center (I2PC) as part of the
Spanish participation in Instruct-ERIC, the European Strategic Infrastructure
Project (ESFRI) in the area of Structural Biology, Grant PID2019-104757RB-I00
funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ and “ERDF A way of making
Europe”, by the European Union and Grant PRE2020 - 093527 funded by MCIN/
AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by “ESF Investing in your future”. We also
acknowledge support from “Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid” through Grant:
S2017/BMD-3817, Instituto de Salud Carlos III (project IMPaCT-Data, exp. IMP/
00019), co-funded by the European Union, European Regional Development
Fund (ERDF, “A way to make Europe”), and European Union (EU) and Horizon
2020 through grants: EOSC Life (INFRAEOSC-04-2018, Proposal: 824087), High-
ResCells (ERC – 2018 – SyG, Proposal: 810057), IMpaCT (WIDESPREAD-03-2018 –
Proposal: 857203), EOSC – Synergy (EINFRA-EOSC-5, Proposal: 857647), iNEXTDiscovery
(Proposal: 871037), EnLaCES (H2020-MSCA-IF-2020, Proposal:
Trends and outcome of neoadjuvant treatment for rectal cancer: A retrospective analysis and critical assessment of a 10-year prospective national registry on behalf of the Spanish Rectal Cancer Project
Introduction: Preoperative treatment and adequate surgery increase local control in rectal cancer. However, modalities and indications for neoadjuvant treatment may be controversial. Aim of this study was to assess the trends of preoperative treatment and outcomes in patients with rectal cancer included in the Rectal Cancer Registry of the Spanish Associations of Surgeons.
Method: This is a STROBE-compliant retrospective analysis of a prospective database. All patients operated on with curative intention included in the Rectal Cancer Registry were included. Analyses were performed to compare the use of neoadjuvant/adjuvant treatment in three timeframes: I)2006–2009; II)2010–2013; III)2014–2017. Survival analyses were run for 3-year survival in timeframes I-II.
Results: Out of 14, 391 patients, 8871 (61.6%) received neoadjuvant treatment. Long-course chemo/radiotherapy was the most used approach (79.9%), followed by short-course radiotherapy ± chemotherapy (7.6%). The use of neoadjuvant treatment for cancer of the upper third (15-11 cm) increased over time (31.5%vs 34.5%vs 38.6%, p = 0.0018). The complete regression rate slightly increased over time (15.6% vs 16% vs 18.5%; p = 0.0093); the proportion of patients with involved circumferential resection margins (CRM) went down from 8.2% to 7.3%and 5.5% (p = 0.0004). Neoadjuvant treatment significantly decreased positive CRM in lower third tumors (OR 0.71, 0.59–0.87, Cochrane-Mantel-Haenszel P = 0.0008). Most ypN0 patients also received adjuvant therapy. In MR-defined stage III patients, preoperative treatment was associated with significantly longer local-recurrence-free survival (p < 0.0001), and cancer-specific survival (p < 0.0001). The survival benefit was smaller in upper third cancers.
Conclusion: There was an increasing trend and a potential overuse of neoadjuvant treatment in cancer of the upper rectum. Most ypN0 patients received postoperative treatment. Involvement of CRM in lower third tumors was reduced after neoadjuvant treatment. Stage III and MRcN + benefited the most
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