10 research outputs found

    Stakeholder perception on corporate reputation and management efficiency : Evidence from the Spanish Defence sector

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    The Spanish Ministry of Defence was the first to elaborate a Social Responsibility (SR) report stating that efficiency plays a leading role. The territorial organs to manage the image and trust in the armed forces, are given by the Spanish Defence Delegations (SDD), and all of them are certified with a seal of excellence. In this work, defence economics and analysis of efficiency line up with the concept of SR. The main aim is to analyse if SR policy has an effective influence and, as a consequence, a high degree of performance can be expected. To this end, given a set of discretionary variables, the efficiency of the 19 SDD during the 2015-2017 period is analysed by means of Data Envelopment Analysis technique. A bootstrap procedure is used to eliminate the bias of the estimates and obtain a robust ranking. The results show an unusual positive behavior in public sector

    A new Network Simulation Method for the characterization of delay differential equations

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    In this work, we provide for the first time the characterization of delay terms in systems of delay differential equations within the frame of the Network Simulation Method, a procedure that sets a formal equivalence between the system of differential equations and an electrical network. The results were not achieved previously, which strengths the formalism of the model and provides new opportunities for the method. Free circuit software LTspice is employed to conduct the simulations, which requires few simulation rules and can be programmed either by electrical symbol code or text file. Very few devices are needed to design the network model, and the delay terms are easily implemented by voltage-controlled voltage sources. A practical example for delayed adsorption/desorption kinetics is employed to test the methodology, being the results compared with software Mathematica. Additionally, the modelling of pulse width in passively mode-locked quantum dot lasers by the application of a reverse bias voltage is addressed, which constitutes a promising application in communications and advanced sensing. The power, versatility and simplicity of the Network Simulation Method enables it as an exceptional alternative to solve complex systems described by delay differential equations, from both researching and educational points of view.The authors want to thank the University Centre of Defence at the Spanish Air Force Academy for financial support

    An谩lisis de estabilidad y determinantes de eficiencia: evidencia emp铆rica

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    [SPA] El procedimiento biet谩pico de Simar y Wilson marc贸 un punto de inflexi贸n en la metodolog铆a del An谩lisis Envolvente de Datos (DEA), dado que la significatividad de cierto factor ex贸geno proporciona una informaci贸n estrat茅gica de valor incalculable. En este trabajo se analiza la hip贸tesis de que la eficiencia de las regiones tur铆sticas espa帽olas durante el per铆odo 2005-2013, viene determinada por un grupo de variables ambientales. Se define el Coeficiente de Estabilidad (CE) ilustrando su utilidad para reforzar la significatividad de cada atractor. Los resultados permiten clasificarlos en fuertes o d茅biles, fortaleciendo as铆 el proceso de toma de decisiones de 谩mbito tanto pol铆tico como privado, cuyo objetivo primordial es preservar la eficiencia en la gesti贸n de los recursos.[ENG] Simar and Wilson鈥檚 Two-stage procedure supposed a turning point in the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) methodology, as the significance of an exogenous factor can help policy makers for strategic decisions. This paper define the Stability Coefficient (SC) and present that the efficiency of the Spanish tourism regions for 2005-2013 is determined by a group of contextual variables, illustrating how the SCs strengthen the significance of each potential attractor. The results classify the attractors into strong and weak, allowing the decision process, avoiding the wastefulness of decision making units spending.Escuela T茅cnica Superior de Ingenier铆a de Telecomunicaci贸n (ETSIT), Escuela T茅cnica Superior de Ingenier铆a Agron贸mica (ETSIA), Escuela T茅cnica Superior de Ingenier铆a Industrial (ETSII), Escuela T茅cnica Superior de Arquitectura y Edificaci贸n (ETSAE), Escuela T茅cnica Superior de Ingenier铆a de Caminos, Canales y Puertos y de Ingenier铆a de Minas (ETSICCPIM), Facultad de Ciencias de la Empresa (FCCE), Parque Tecnol贸gico de Fuente 脕lamo (PTFA), Vicerrectorado de Estudiantes y Extensi贸n de la UPCT, Vicerrectorado de Investigaci贸n e Innovaci贸n de la UPCT, y Vicerrectorado de Internacionalizaci贸n y Cooperaci贸n al Desarrollo de la UPCT

    Quantification and statistical analysis of pollutants in the Mar Menor

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    [ESP] El Mar Menor es la laguna costera hipersalina m谩s grande de Europa. La eutrofizaci贸n es el proceso de contaminaci贸n m谩s importante de las aguas de lagos, estanques, r铆os y embalses. Este proceso es causado por el exceso de nutrientes en el agua, principalmente nitr贸geno y f贸sforo, provenientes principalmente de la actividad humana. En este trabajo presentamos un an谩lisis cuantitativo de contaminantes en las aguas del Mar Menor en diferentes playas de la laguna. Las muestras se analizaron con el sistema de cromatograf铆a i贸nica. [ENG] The Mar Menor is the largest hypersaline coastal lagoon in Europe. Eutrophication is the most important contamination process of the waters of lakes, ponds, rivers, and reservoirs. This process is caused by the excess of nutrients in the water, mainly nitrogen and phosphorus, coming mainly from human activity. In this work we present a quantitative analysis of contaminants in the waters of the Mar Menor in different beaches of the lagoon. Samples were analyzed on the Metrohm 861 ion chromatography system.Los autores quieren agradecer al Centro Universitario de la Defensa de la Academia del Ej茅rcito del Aire, MDE 鈭扷PCT el apoyo econ贸mico recibido

    An谩lisis de la influencia del factor de giro en el problema de persecuci贸n-evasi贸n en sistemas autopropulsados

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    [ESP] En este trabajo se estudia el problema de caza-evasi贸n de dos sistemas autopropulsados que se desplazan en un espacio bidimensional. El objetivo del perseguidor es situarse en la posici贸n 贸ptima para capturar al evasor, mientras que la estrategia del evasor consiste en evitar esa situaci贸n. El sistema de ecuaciones diferenciales acopladas que se obtiene se ha resuelto num茅ricamente mediante el M茅todo de Simulaci贸n por Redes. Se ha analizado el efecto del factor de giro para un problema concreto. La eficiencia del M茅todo de Simulaci贸n por Redes lo convierte en una alternativa 贸ptima para el estudio de modelos complejos de caza-evasi贸n. [ENG] In this work the pursuit-evasion problem of two self-propelled systems moving in a bidimensional space is studied. The aim of the pursuer is to situate itself at the optimal position to capture the evader, meanwhile the strategy of the evader is to avoid that situation. The coupled differential equations obtained have been solved numerically by using the Network Simulation Method. The effect of the turning factor has been analyzed. The Network Simulation Method efficiency becomes an optimal alternative for the study of complex pursuit-evasion models.Escuela T茅cnica Superior de Ingenier铆a de Telecomunicaci贸n (ETSIT), Escuela T茅cnica Superior de Ingenier铆a Agron贸mica (ETSIA), Escuela T茅cnica Superior de Ingenier铆a Industrial (ETSII), Escuela T茅cnica Superior de Arquitectura y Edificaci贸n (ETSAE), Escuela T茅cnica Superior de Ingenier铆a de Caminos, Canales y Puertos y de Ingenier铆a de Minas (ETSICCPIM), Facultad de Ciencias de la Empresa (FCCE), Parque Tecnol贸gico de Fuente 脕lamo (PTFA), Vicerrectorado de Estudiantes y Extensi贸n de la UPCT, Vicerrectorado de Investigaci贸n e Innovaci贸n de la UPCT, y Vicerrectorado de Internacionalizaci贸n y Cooperaci贸n al Desarrollo de la UPCT

    Conductividad y relajaci贸n en vidrios de Coulomb.

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    Los sistemas f铆sicos alejados del equilibrio resultan dif铆ciles de estudiar, pues ni siquiera el concepto de temperatura se encuentra bien definido. El aporte fundamental de la Tesis Doctoral ``Conductividad y relajaci贸n en vidrios de Coulomb'' estriba en la caracterizaci贸n del no equilibrio en los vidrios de Coulomb, mediante la extensi贸n de ciertos conceptos inherentes al equilibrio. Estos sistemas poseen utilidad, ya que una gran cantidad de materiales modernos se pueden encuadrar bajo el marco del modelo te贸rico de los vidrios de Coulomb. Asimismo, algunos mecanismos tan importantes como la conductividad el茅ctrica en cadenas de ADN parece responder al mismo modelo. Nuestro estudio mediante simulaci贸n num茅rica ha servido para refutar la validez de algunos modelos existentes, as铆 como para arrojar nuevas cuestiones al campo experimental. La caracterizaci贸n del no equilibrio se ha llevado a cabo a trav茅s del estudio de la relajaci贸n y la conductividad

    After notes on self-similarity exponent for fractal structures

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    Previous works have highlighted the suitability of the concept of fractal structure, which derives from asymmetric topology, to propound generalized definitions of fractal dimension. The aim of the present article is to collect some results and approaches allowing to connect the self-similarity index and the fractal dimension of a broad spectrum of random processes. To tackle with, we shall use the concept of induced fractal structure on the image set of a sample curve. The main result in this paper states that given a sample function of a random process endowed with the induced fractal structure on its image, it holds that the self-similarity index of that function equals the inverse of its fractal dimension

    Excitation probability and effective temperature in the stationary regime of conductivity for Coulomb Glasses

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    In this paper, we shall illustrate the numerical calculation of the effective temperature in Coulomb glasses by excitation probability provided that the system has been placed in a stationary state after applying a strong electric field. The excitation probability becomes a better alternative than the occupation probability, which has been classically employed to calculate the effective temperature and characterize the thermodynamics of Coulomb glasses out of equilibrium. This is due to the fact that the excitation probability shows better statistics than the occupation probability. In addition, our simulations show that the excitation probability does not depend on the choice of the chemical potential, which critically affects the occupation probability. Our results allow us to propose the excitation probability as a standard procedure to determine the effective temperature in Coulomb glasses as well as in other complex systems such as spin glasses


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    El estudio de la cin茅tica de las reacciones qu铆micas puede resultar una tarea compleja en muchas ocasiones. La resoluci贸n te贸rica de las ecuaciones diferenciales correspondientes a un esquema cin茅tico qu铆mico muy complejo es una tarea casi inabordable en problemas reales, y es necesario hacer uso de m茅todos num茅ricos. El software libre SimKinet resuelve, a modo de caja negra, el sistema de ecuaciones diferenciales de un esquema cin茅tico qu铆mico, sin necesidad de conocimientos de programaci贸n, y en un entorno accesible y sencillo. El programa es libre, r谩pido y eficiente y, dada su gran versatilidad, puede emplearse tanto para prop贸sitos educacionales como de investigaci贸n

    El software Simkinet como herramienta para el estudio de las ecuaciones diferenciales asociadas a un esquema cin茅tico qu铆mico

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    El estudio de la cin茅tica de las reacciones qu铆micas puede resultar una tarea compleja en muchas ocasiones. La resoluci贸n te贸rica de las ecuaciones diferenciales correspondientes a un esquema cin茅tico qu铆mico muy complejo es una tarea casi inabordable en problemas reales, y es necesario hacer uso de m茅todos num茅ricos. El software libre SimKinet resuelve, a modo de caja negra, el sistema de ecuaciones diferenciales de un esquema cin茅tico qu铆mico, sin necesidad de conocimientos de programaci贸n, y en un entorno accesible y sencillo. El programa es libre, r谩pido y eficiente y, dada su gran versatilidad, puede emplearse tanto para prop贸sitos educacionales como de investigaci贸n