35 research outputs found

    Economía creativa en la aglomeración metropolitana de Sevilla: agentes, redes locales de colaboración y principales actuaciones

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    Desde hace ya más de una década se viene atribuyendo un valor estratégico a la economía creativa al entender que puede contribuir a estimular la creación de empleo y a promover nuevos modelos de desarrollo territorial. Con este contexto general de referencia, el objetivo de este artículo es contribuir al conocimiento de la economía creativa en la aglomeración metropolitana de Sevilla, centrando especialmente la atención en los agentes a ella vinculados, en las redes de cooperación socio-institucional que entre dichos agentes se conforman y en sus principales actuaciones.For over a decade a strategic value has been placed on the so-called creative economy in the understanding that it can help to drive both job creation and promote new economic models. Given this general reference context, the aim of this article is to contribute to knowledge of the creative economy in the Urban Agglomeration of Seville, with special focus on the public and private agents with links to the area, on the local socio-institutional cooperation networks created by these agents, and on their main actions.Proyecto de Investigación del Plan Nacional de I+D+

    Cultural resources and creative industries in spanish medium-sized cities

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    In recent years, stress has been put on the relationship between cultural resources and creative industries and their ability to dynamise the economy and generate development processes. At the same time, much geographical research and some public powers and institutions have highlighted the role that medium-sized towns and cities can play by acting as intermediaries between large cities and rural areas. Seeking to combine these two theoretical reference frameworks, this article aims to analyse the presence of cultural resources and creative industries in Spanish medium-sized towns and cities. A typology of these towns and cities is also proposed based on these resources and industries.En los últimos años, se ha acentuado el interés por las relaciones entre recursos culturales e industrias creativas y su capacidad para dinamizar la economía y generar procesos de desarrollo. Al mismo tiempo, una importante parte de la investigación geográfica, de los poderes públicos y otras instituciones han destacado la potencialidad de las ciudades medias para actuar como intermediarias entre las grandes ciudades y las áreas rurales. Con la intención de combinar estos dos marcos teóricos de referencia, este artículo pretende analizar la presencia de recursos culturales e industrias creativas en las ciudades medias españolas. A este respecto, se propone una tipología de estas ciudades basada en este tipo de recursos e industrias.Spanish National Plan R&D&i and ERDF fund

    Patrimonio cultural y desarrollo regional

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    Around the beginning of 70’s, the worldwide economy is experimenting series of transformations which implies a real mutation of the social an economical reality, a dominant reality up to now. The growing interdependence, among nations, regions and cities, makes necessary search advantages that permit every ambit to compete in a global economy more and more, it demands a better profit of proper benefits or resources. In this context, apparently convenient, just as in this article is carried out, a reflection about the role of the cultural patrimony as a development factor and its possible incidence in the territorial structures

    Innovación y desarrollo local en una ciudad media de Andalucía. El caso de Antequera (Málaga)

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    Proyecto de I+D+i financiado por el Ministerio Educación y Ciencia y con Fondos FEDE

    Bibliometric analysis of the scientific production of judo as a combat sport

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    The aim of this paper was to analyze the trends in judo research as a combat sport through a bibliometric analysis of scientific production indexed in the Web of Science database, starting with a group of 336 articles published between 2007 and 2017. By applying the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA-P) methodology, the study sample was reduced to 88 articles. Different types of variables were analyzed: a) institutional characteristics; b) sample-related characteristics; and c) research methods and tools. The results showed that the most productive years were 2014 and 2016, when the average number of authors was 4.56±1.79 and the average number of citations in the Web of Science was 9.25±11.9. The highest percentage of publications showed male samples, of high-performance level and under the discipline of training theory. The most commonly methodology used was the observational study with univariate statistics through instruments and observation tools. The most studied parameters were physiological and technical-tactical elements. It seems that judo as a combat sport attracts more scientific interest in its sporting and competitive side. Some suggestions are proposed to achieve a more specific analysis of the sport of judo, without contextualizing it as a combat sport

    Bibliometric analysis of the scientific production of judo as a combat sport

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    [ES] El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar las tendencias de la investigación en judo como deporte de combate por medio de un análisis bibliométrico de la producción científica en la base de datos WebofScience,a través de los 336 artículos publicados entre los años 2007 al 2017. Tras utilizar la metodología Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta‐Analysis (PRISMA‐P), la muestra del estudio fueron 88 artículos. Se analizaron diferentes tipos de variables agrupadas en: a) características institucionales; b) características de la muestra; y c) métodos e instrumentos de investigación. Los resultados mostraron que los años más productivos fueron 2014 y 2016, donde el número medio de autores fue de 4,56±1,79, y el de citas en la Web of Science fue de 9,25±11,9. El mayor porcentaje de publicaciones presentó una muestra masculina, de alto rendimiento y bajo la disciplina de la teoría del entrenamiento. La metodología más utilizada fue el estudio observacional con estadística univariante a través de instrumental y hojas de observación. Los parámetros más estudiados fueron los fisiológicos y los técnico‐tácticos. Parece ser que el judo como deporte de combate muestra mayor interés científico en su carácter deportivo y competitivo. Se proponen medidas para conseguir un análisis más específico de la modalidad del judo, sin contextualizarlo como deporte de combate.[EN] The aim of this paper was to analyze the trends in judo research as a combat sport through a bibliometric analysis of scientific production indexed in the Web of Science database, starting with a group of 336 articles published between 2007 and 2017. By applying the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta‐Analysis (PRISMA‐P) methodology, the study sample was reduced to 88 articles. Different types of variables were analyzed: a) institutional characteristics; b) sample‐related characteristics; and c) research methods and tools. The results showed that the most productive years were 2014 and 2016, when the average number of authors was 4.56±1.79 and the average number of citations in the Web of Science was 9.25±11.9. The highest percentage of publications showed male samples, of high‐performance level and under the discipline of training theory. The most commonly methodology used was the observational study with univariate statistics through instruments and observation tools. The most studied parameters were physiological and technical‐tactical elements. It seems that judo as a combat sport attracts more scientific interest in its sporting and competitive side. Some suggestions are proposed to achieve a more specific analysis of the sport of judo, without contextualizing it as a combat sport

    Patrimonio cultural, territorio y políticas públicas: el caso de Andalucía

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    Desde comienzos de la década de los setenta, la economía mundial está experimentando una serie de transformaciones que supone una verdadera mutación de la realidad social y económica hasta ahora dominante. La creciente interdependencia entre naciones, regiones y ciudades hace necesario buscar ventajas que permitan a cada ámbito competir en una economía cada vez más global, lo que exige un mejor aprovechamiento de los recursos propios. En este contexto, parece oportuno, tal y como se hace en este artículo, considerar cómo nuevas visiones del patrimonio cultural puede influir diferencialmente en los distintos tipos de ámbitos territoriales de Andalucía; analizar si desde distintas instituciones internacionales, con incidencia directa o indirecta en la región, se ha ido incorporando la nueva visión integradora de la relación patrimonio cultural/desarrollo; y, conocer si las políticas públicas impulsadas desde Andalucía vinculan el desarrollo socioeconómico a las potencialidades del patrimonio cultural de la región.Since the beginning of the 70´s, the world´s economy is experimenting a series of transformations that imply a true mutation of the social and economical scene, the dominant scene up to now. With the growing interdependence between nations, regions and cities, arises the need to search for advantages that would allow every territory to compete in an increasingly globalized economy, this calls for a better use of each territory´s resources. In this context, it seems convenient, as is done in this article, to consider how this new visions of cultural heritage can influence in different ways in the distinct types of Andalucia´s territories; to analyse if from different international institutions, with direct or indirect incedence in the region, has been incorporated the new integrative vision of the relation cultural heritage/development; and, to know if public politics impelled from Andalucia can tie the socioeconomical development to the potencialities of the cultural heritage of the region