126 research outputs found

    Desenvolvimento do feijoeiro sob o uso de biofertilizante e adubação mineral.

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    A produção intensiva de alimentos exige manejo adequado do solo para garantir a produtividade e a sustentabilidade ambiental. Uma das alternativas é a utilização de resíduos orgânicos no desenvolvimento das culturas, diminuindo a dependência de adubos minerais. Com o objetivo de avaliar o desenvolvimento da cultura de feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), utilizando biofertilizante e adubação mineral, conduziu-se o experimento com seis tratamentos dispostos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial, em quatro blocos, com parcelas de 8,0 x 5,0 m. Os tratamentos sob solo cultivado com a cultura de feijão caracterizaram-se como: com e sem biofertilizante (CB e SB, respectivamente) e para a adubação mineral foram utilizadas a dose recomendada no plantio, ½ dose de adubação e sem adubação mineral (AM, 1/2AM, SAM). Adotaram-se práticas culturais convencionais para o preparo inicial do solo, e em seguida foi efetuada a aplicação de biofertilizante de origem bovina na dosagem de 100 m3 ha-1, com antecedência de três meses da semeadura. Foram avaliados os parâmetros massa da matéria seca acumulada na parte aérea da planta, área foliar e produtividade da cultura. Os resultados mostraram semelhanças entre as características analisadas, obtendo-se melhor desenvolvimento à cultura que recebeu biofertilizante

    A peripheral blood mononuclear cell-based in vitro model: A tool to explore indoleamine 2, 3-dioxygenase-1 (IDO1)

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    Background: Proinflammatory cytokines powerfully induce the rate-limiting enzyme indoleamine 2, 3-dioxygenase-1 (IDO-1) in dendritic cells (DCs) and monocytes, it converts tryptophan (Trp) into L-kynurenine (KYN), along the kynurenine pathway (KP). This mechanism represents a crucial innate immunity regulator that can modulate T cells. This work explores the role of IDO1 in lymphocyte proliferation within a specific proinflammatory milieu. Methods: Peripheral blood mononuclera cells (PBMCs) were isolated from buffy coats taken from healthy blood donors and exposed to a pro-inflammatory milieu triggered by a double-hit stimulus: lipopolysaccharide (LPS) plus anti-CD3/CD28. The IDO1 mRNA levels in the PBMCs were measured by RT-PCR; the IDO1 activity was analyzed using the KYN/Trp ratio, measured by HPLC-EC; and lymphocyte proliferation was measured by flow cytometry. Trp and epacadostat (EP) were used as an IDO1 substrate and inhibitor, respectively. KYN, which is known to modulate Teffs, was tested as a positive control in lymphocyte proliferation. Results: IDO1 expression and activity in PBMCs increased in an in vitro pro-inflammatory milieu. The lymphoid stimulus increased IDO1 expression and activity, which supports the interaction between the activated lymphocytes and the circulating myeloid IDO1-expressing cells. The addition of Trp decreased lymphocyte proliferation but EP, which abrogated the IDO1 function, had no impact on proliferation. Additionally, incubation with KYN seemed to decrease the lymphocyte proliferation. Conclusion: IDO1 inhibition did not change T lymphocyte proliferation. We present herein an in vitro experimental model suitable to measure IDO1 expression and activity in circulating myeloid cells

    Adenosine Deaminase Two and Immunoglobulin M Accurately Differentiate Adult Sneddon's Syndrome of Unknown Cause

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    BACKGROUND: The association that exists between livedo reticularis (LR) and stroke is known as Sneddon's syndrome (SnS). The disorder is classified as primary SnS (PSnS), if the cause remains unknown and secondary SnS. The condition is rare and it occurs mainly sporadically. In 2014, 2 independent teams described a new genetic disorder with childhood-onset, which was called deficiency of adenosine deaminase 2 (DADA2), characterized by recurrent fevers and vascular pathologic features that included LR and stroke. All the patients carried recessively inherited mutations in cat eye syndrome chromosome region candidate 1 gene (CECR1), encoding the adenosine deaminase 2 (ADA2) protein. Genetic testing is the standard for the diagnosis of DADA2. However, the diagnostic accuracy of more affordable laboratorial analysis in CECR1-mutated individuals remains to be established. We aim to determine whether plasma ADA2 activity and serum immunoglobulin M (IgM) levels can distinguish (1) DADA2 from other adult patients within the SnS spectrum, and (2) healthy CECR1 heterozygous (HHZ) from healthy controls (HC). METHODS: ADA2 activity in plasma and serum IgM concentrations was measured in adult patients within the SnS spectrum, healthy first-degree relatives and HC. Genetic results were used as the reference standard. The primary outcome measures were sensitivity and specificity derived from receiver operating curve analysis. RESULTS: A total of 73 participants were included in the study: 26 patients with PSnS with no CECR1 mutation (PSnS), 6 bi-allelic (DADA2 patients) and 7 HHZ CECR1 mutations and 34 HC. Plasma ADA2 activity and serum IgM levels were significantly lower in DADA2 patients than in PSnS. With the use of the best indexes, plasma ADA2 activity differentiated PSnS from DADA2 with a sensitivity and specificity of 100.0% and HHZ from HC with a sensitivity of 97.1% and specificity of 85.7%. Serum IgM levels also differentiated PSnS from DADA2 with a sensitivity of 85.2% and specificity of 83.3%. CONCLUSION: Serum IgM levels might be used as a triage tool and plasma ADA2 activity performs perfectly as a diagnostic test for DADA2 in adult patients within the SnS spectrum. ADA2 activity in plasma also reliably distinguishes HHZ from HC.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Is the chlorophyll derivative Zn(II)e6Me a good photosensitizer to be used in root canal disinfection?

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    The aim of this study was to assess antimicrobial efficacy and cytotoxic outcomes of a chlorophyll based photosensitizer (PS) Zn(II)chlorin e6 methyl ester (Zn(II)e6Me), when applied to human dentin discs and root blocks infected with 48 h biofilms. The results were compared with the ones obtained with FotoSan® (commercial Toluidine Blue O formulation) and 3% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl).publishe

    Copy number variants prioritization after array-CGH analysis - a cohort of 1000 patients

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    Array-based comparative genomic hybridization has been assumed to be the first genetic test offered to detect genomic imbalances in patients with unexplained intellectual disability with or without dysmorphisms, multiple congenital anomalies, learning difficulties and autism spectrum disorders. Our study contributes to the genotype/phenotype correlation with the delineation of laboratory criteria which help to classify the different copy number variants (CNVs) detected. We clustered our findings into five classes ranging from an imbalance detected in a microdeletion/duplication syndrome region (class I) to imbalances that had previously been reported in normal subjects in the Database of Genomic Variants (DGV) and thus considered common variants (class IV).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Two Caenorhabditis elegans UDP-Glucose:Glycoprotein Glucosyltransferase Homologues Have Distinct Biological Functions

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    The UDP-Glc:glycoprotein glucosyltransferase (UGGT) is the sensor of glycoprotein conformations in the glycoprotein folding quality control as it exclusively glucosylates glycoproteins not displaying their native conformations. Monoglucosylated glycoproteins thus formed may interact with the lectin-chaperones calnexin (CNX) and calreticulin (CRT). This interaction prevents premature exit of folding intermediates to the Golgi and enhances folding efficiency. Bioinformatic analysis showed that in C. elegans there are two open reading frames (F48E3.3 and F26H9.8 to be referred as uggt-1 and uggt-2, respectively) coding for UGGT homologues. Expression of both genes in Schizosaccharomyces pombe mutants devoid of UGGT activity showed that uggt-1 codes for an active UGGT protein (CeUGGT-1). On the other hand, uggt-2 coded for a protein (CeUGGT-2) apparently not displaying a canonical UGGT activity. This protein was essential for viability, although cnx/crt null worms were viable. We constructed transgenic worms carrying the uggt-1 promoter linked to the green fluorescent protein (GFP) coding sequence and found that CeUGGT-1 is expressed in cells of the nervous system. uggt-1 is upregulated under ER stress through the ire-1 arm of the unfolded protein response (UPR). Real-time PCR analysis showed that both uggt-1 and uggt-2 genes are expressed during the entire C. elegans life cycle. RNAi-mediated depletion of CeUGGT-1 but not of CeUGGT-2 resulted in a reduced lifespan and that of CeUGGT-1 and CeUGGT-2 in a developmental delay. We found that both CeUGGT1 and CeUGGT2 play a protective role under ER stress conditions, since 10 µg/ml tunicamycin arrested development at the L2/L3 stage of both uggt-1(RNAi) and uggt-2(RNAi) but not of control worms. Furthermore, we found that the role of CeUGGT-2 but not CeUGGT-1 is significant in relieving low ER stress levels in the absence of the ire-1 unfolding protein response signaling pathway. Our results indicate that both C. elegans UGGT homologues have distinct biological functions