29 research outputs found


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    We reviewed available information on seven species of anglerfishes of the genus Lophius, all of them economically important. Geographically, anglerfishes are distributed on the continental shelf and slope of the Atlantic, Western Pacific, and Indian oceans. Many of the studies refer to two species of the north-eastern Atlantic, the black-bellied angler Lophius budegassa and the angler Lophius piscatorius. Lophiids have received their common name because of the characteristic way that they attract prey to their wide mouth, by moving the illicium (the modified first ray of the dorsal fin), located at the tip of the snout. Recent underwater observations, however, showed that Lophius piscatorius casts its illicium before the immediate attack, when the prey already cannot escape. Underwater observations also revealed the action of the pelvic and pectoral fins that help the fish bury itself during sit-and-wait behavior. The available data on feeding indicated that the species are basically piscivorous. Females release their eggs immersed in a buoyant, gelatinous mass, similar to the egg masses of toads. The eggs and larvae are pelagic, and the juveniles are demersal; the adults occupy deeper areas. Concomitant with the interest generated by their peculiar way of life, the species of Lophius have come to be appreciated for culinary purposes due to the texture and flavor of the meat. This awoke interest in their commercial exploitation, and these fish have become a valued fishery resource in Japanese, American, and European markets. The increasing development of the Lophius fishery has prompted research on the reproduction, feeding and fishery of the European species and the Goosefish Lophius americanus. On the other hand, the Western Atlantic Monkfish Lophius gastrophysus, locally known as the ‘toadfish' or ‘monkfish' is still barely studied off the Brazilian coast. This species was intensively exploited between 2000 and 2002, resulting in a reduction in the catch during that period. In 2005, a federal regulation (Normative Instruction) limited the annual maximum catch for this species. However, the biological basis of this regulatory tool was derived from research on other species of Lophius in the Atlantic. Research on the biology and ecology of Lophius gastrophysus is urgently required in order to enable an assessment of the sustainability of the local populations and to support effective management of the fishery.  Na presente revisão foram consideradas as sete espécies do gênero Lophius, todas importantes no contexto econômico. Geograficamente, estão distribuídas na plataforma continental e talude dos oceanos Atlântico, Índico e Pacífico Ocidental. Grande parte dos trabalhos consultados refere-se a duas espécies do Atlântico Norte Oriental (Lophius budegassa e Lophius piscatorius). Os lofiídeos são conhecidos mundialmente como “peixes-pescadores” pela forma característica de atrair presas para sua ampla boca, através da movimentação do ilício (primeiro raio da nadadeira dorsal modificado), localizado no topo do focinho. Observações subaquáticas recentes, no entanto, mostraram que o balançar do ilício em Lophius piscatorius precede o ataque imediato, quando a presa já não pode escapar do raio de ação do predador; mostraram também, que as nadadeiras peitorais e pélvicas são importantes auxiliares para o peixe enterrar-se quando adota o comportamento de senta-espera. Os dados de alimentação apontam para uma dieta basicamente piscívora nas espécies estudadas. As fêmeas liberam seus ovos de forma agregada imersos numa tira gelatinosa flutuante, semelhante à desova de alguns anfíbios. Os ovos e as larvas são pelágicos e os indivíduos juvenis são demersais, passando a ocupar áreas mais profundas quando adultos. Concomitante ao interesse causado por seu peculiar modo de vida, as espécies de Lophius passaram a ser apreciadas na culinária pela textura e sabor de sua carne, o que aumentou sua exploração comercial como recurso pesqueiro valorizado nos mercados europeu, americano e japonês. A crescente exploração desse recurso induziu estudos dos aspectos reprodutivos, alimentares e pesqueiros das espécies européias e de Lophius americanus. Por outro lado, Lophius gastrophysus, a espécie do Atlântico Sul que ocorre na costa sul e sudeste do Brasil e é conhecida localmente como ‘peixe-sapo' ou ‘tamboril' é, ainda, muito pouco estudada. Esta foi fortemente explorada entre 2000 e 2002, resultando numa redução da biomassa nas capturas ao longo desse período. Em 2005, uma instrução normativa limitou a captura máxima anual de Lophius gastrophysus. No entanto, para respaldar o instrumento normativo, foram utilizados dados biológicos de outras espécies do Atlântico, dada a inexistência de conhecimentos sobre Lophius gastrophysus. Estudos direcionados a essa espécie são, portanto, imprescindíveis para subsidiar as decisões que visam o ordenamento da pesca e a sustentabilidade das populações.


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      Although the rainbow trout is associated with economic benefits, its introduction process has often resulted in environmental and socio-economical losses. Trout were first introduced into Brazil in 1949 in the Serra da Bocaina mountains, and into the Macaé River, Nova Friburgo, state of Rio de Janeiro, in 1952. Currently, trout occur in every state in southern and southeastern Brazil. The main reason for their introduction into Brazilian rivers was to promote sport fishing and tourism, often justified by the presumed absence of native fish species. The recency of the nationwide prohibition, together with the 50-year history of salmonid introductions, means that new introductions continue to occur. Although the earlier introductions were endorsed by the government, these actions are, nowadays, mainly encouraged by amateur fishermen and people in the tourist trade. Commercial trout farms also contribute to reintroductions, through the sale of live specimens without the required environmental permits. The pertinent environmental laws are quite recent and poorly divulged. Studies regarding impacts of rainbow trout introduction in the native fauna, which would enable tracing educational campaigns, and proposition of measures for handling and commercialization are necessary actions. span>A pesar de que la especie está asociada a beneficios económicos, el proceso de introducción de la trucha Oncorhynchus mykiss frecuentemente ha acarreado perjuicios ambientales y socioeconómicos. La trucha fue introducida en Brasil, por primera vez, en 1949 en la Sierra de la Bocaina y en el Río Macaé (RJ) en 1952. Actualmente, ocurre en todos los estados de la región sur y sudeste. Las principales razones para su introducción en ríos brasileiros han sido el incremento de la pesca deportiva y del turismo, muchas veces con el argumento de la supuesta ausencia de otras especies de peces en los ríos donde fueron introducidas. El carácter aun reciente de la prohibición en el ámbito nacional, sumado a los 50 años de cultura de introducciones de salmónidos, hace que nuevas introducciones continúen ocurriendo. Aunque históricamente la introducción de trucha ha sucedido por iniciativa gubernamental, y la legislación ha sido permisiva, actualmente los principales incentivadores de estas acciones son empresarios del sector turístico y pescadores aficionados. La truchicultura también ha contribuido para que sucedan reintroducciones a través de la venta de ejemplares vivos sin necesidad de obtención de licencia ambiental. Normas ambientales restrictivas son muy recientes y poco divulgadas. Se recomienda realizar estudios de evaluación de impacto sobre la fauna nativa y que esta información sea divulgada en campañas educativas y proposición de medidas para manipulación y comercialización de la trucha.Apesar de a espécie estar associada a benefícios econômicos, o processo de introdução da truta Oncorhynchus mykiss frequentemente tem acarretado prejuízos ambientais e sócio-econômicos. A truta foi introduzida no Brasil, pela primeira vez, em 1949, na Serra da Bocaina e no Rio Macaé (RJ) em 1952. Atualmente, a espécie ocorre em todos os estados da Região Sul e Sudeste. As principais razões para sua introdução em rios brasileiros têm sido o incremento da pesca esportiva e do turismo, muitas vezes com o argumento da suposta ausência de outras espécies de peixes nos rios onde foram introduzidas. O caráter ainda recente da proibição em âmbito nacional, aliado aos 50 anos de cultura de introduções de salmonídeos, faz com que novas introduções continuem ocorrendo. Embora historicamente as introduções da truta tenham ocorrido por iniciativa governamental, e a legislação tenha sido leniente, atualmente os principais incentivadores dessas ações são empresários do ramo turístico e pescadores amadores. A truticultura também tem contribuído para reintroduções através da venda de exemplares vivos sem necessidade de obtenção de licença ambiental. Normas ambientais restritivas são muito recentes e pouco divulgadas. Estudos de avaliação de impacto sobre a fauna nativa para subsidiar campanhas educativas e proposição de medidas para manipulação e comercialização da truta são ações recomendadas

    Following food clouds: Feeding association between a minute loricariid and a characidiin species in an Atlantic Forest stream, Southeastern Brazil

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    Following behavior is a widespread feeding tactic among marine fishes, but remains poorly documented for freshwater fishes. The present study describes such association between two freshwater species: the minute armored catfish Parotocinclus maculicauda and the South American darter Characidium sp. During underwater observations in an Atlantic Forest stream, we recorded Characidium sp. closely following P. maculicauda (<5cm), catching the particles dislodged by this catfish's grazing activity. The following behavior displayed by the darter is considered opportunistic and possibly favors the capture of preys associated to the periphyton. This study is one of the few records of nuclear-follower feeding association between freshwater fishes and the first one in Atlantic Forest streams. Copyright © 2007 Sociedade Brasileira de Ictiologia

    Phylogenetic community structure: Temporal variation in fish assemblage

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    Hypotheses about phylogenetic relationships among species allow inferences about the mechanisms that affect species coexistence. Nevertheless, most studies assume that phylogenetic patterns identified are stable over time. We used data on monthly samples of fish from a single lake over 10 years to show that the structure in phylogenetic assemblages varies over time and conclusions depend heavily on the time scale investigated. The data set was organized in guild structures and temporal scales (grouped at three temporal scales). Phylogenetic distance was measured as the mean pairwise distances (MPD) and as mean nearest-neighbor distance (MNTD). Both distances were based on counts of nodes. We compared the observed values of MPD and MNTD with values that were generated randomly using null model independent swap. A serial runs test was used to assess the temporal independence of indices over time. The phylogenetic pattern in the whole assemblage and the functional groups varied widely over time. Conclusions about phylogenetic clustering or dispersion depended on the temporal scales. Conclusions about the frequency with which biotic processes and environmental filters affect the local assembly do not depend only on taxonomic grouping and spatial scales. While these analyzes allow the assertion that all proposed patterns apply to the fish assemblages in the floodplain, the assessment of the relative importance of these processes, and how they vary depending on the temporal scale and functional group studied, cannot be determined with the effort commonly used. It appears that, at least in the system that we studied, the assemblages are forming and breaking continuously, resulting in various phylogeny-related structures that makes summarizing difficult. © 2014 The Authors. Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd

    Aberturas del cordón de arena de la laguna costera imboassica (estado de Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) no alteran la abundancia de los peces comerciales

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    The coastal lagoon Imboassica (Rio de Janeiro State) had from 1993 to 2004 four openings of the sand bar that separates it from the ocean. During this period, 28 samples of fish fauna occurred; 55.6% with commercial value classified in functional guilds as: residents of coastal lagoons (RLC), marine dependent (MD), marine visitors (VM) and from freshwater (D). The catch per unit effort CPUE from the fish species with commercial value during the periods before and after the openings was availed according to exposure time and area of the gill nets. It was observed a growing trend of the individuals VM, RCL and MD with commercial interest during the periods after the openings of the sand bar. When the sand bar remained closed for at least three years, it was observed an increase on the abundance of freshwater fish, as a reduction on other guilds (VM, RCL and MD). The fish production in Imboassica lagoon is considered low and varies in function of the opening and closing of the sand bar. © 2016, Instytut Technologii Drewna. All rights reserved