43 research outputs found

    Vanishing theorems for Shimura varieties at unipotent level

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    We show that the compactly supported cohomology of Shimura varieties of Hodge type of infinite Γ1(p)\Gamma_1(p^\infty)-level (defined with respect to a Borel subgroup) vanishes above the middle degree, under the assumption that the group of the Shimura datum splits at pp. This generalizes and strengthens the vanishing result proved in "Shimura varieties at level Γ1(p)\Gamma_1(p^\infty) and Galois representations". As an application of this vanishing theorem, we prove a result on the codimensions of ordinary completed homology for the same groups, analogous to conjectures of Calegari--Emerton for completed (Borel--Moore) homology

    A quotient of the Lubin-Tate tower II

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    In this article we construct the quotient M_1/P(K) of the infinite-level Lubin-Tate space M_1 by the parabolic subgroup P(K) of GL(n,K) of block form (n-1,1) as a perfectoid space, generalizing results of one of the authors (JL) to arbitrary n and K/Q_p finite. For this we prove some perfectoidness results for certain Harris-Taylor Shimura varieties at infinite level. As an application of the quotient construction we show a vanishing theorem for Scholze's candidate for the mod p Jacquet-Langlands and the mod p local Langlands correspondence. An appendix by David Hansen gives a local proof of perfectoidness of M_1/P(K) when n = 2, and shows that M_1/Q(K) is not perfectoid for maximal parabolics Q not conjugate to P.Comment: with an appendix by David Hanse

    Monetary policy and bubbles in US REITs

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    In this article, we analyze the effects of monetary policy on the bubbles in the Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) sector of the United States. We use a time‐varying vector autoregressive model over the quarterly period of 1972:1 to 2018:1. We find protracted periods, starting from the onset of the recent financial crisis to the end of the sample period, where contractionary monetary policy is associated with increases in the bubble component in the REITs of the US economy. This result, which is robust to alternative REITs indexes, is contrary to the “conventional” view, as well as to the predictions of standard models of bubbles.http://wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/irfihj2020Economic

    The efficacy of angiotensin–I receptor blocker Valsartan in patients with cronic obstructive lung disease

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    Department of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Chiril Draganiuc Institute of Phthysiopulmonology, Department of Functional Diagnostic, Republican Diagnostic Medical Center, Chisinau, the Republic of MoldovaBackground: The purpose of this study was the clinical, functional and instrumental evaluation of efficacy and safety of angiotensin-I receptor blocker Valsartan in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Material and methods: There were investigated 25 patients (mean age 50.5 ± 4.34 years) with moderate to severe forms of obstructive lung disease – initial and after 5 weeks of treatment with angiotensin – I receptor blocker Valsartan (Nortivan, ,,Gedeon Richter’’, Hungary), mean dose 54.5 ± 15.4 mg once-daily, using standard ECG, EchoCG with Doppler, bodyplethysmography, ultrasound Doppler (for endothelial function estimation), pulmonary diffusion capacity for CO, cycloergometry - initial and after short – term treatment with Nortivan. Results: There were not detected any negative changes on bronchial permeability after the treatment. Significant improvement of endothelial function, pulmonary diffusion capacity, parallel with considerable decreasing of pulmonary artery systolic and mean pressure and total bronchial resistance – were observed after 5 weeks of treatment. Conclusions: Nortivan is well-tolerated and highly effective in patients with moderate to severe forms of obstructive lung disease

    Ultrasonografia cu substanţă de contrast în examinarea tumorilor renale. Comparaţie între un caz de oncocitom şi un caz de cancer cu celule renale şi studiu aprofundat al literaturii

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    Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie Iuliu Haţieganu, Cluj-NapocaIntroducere. Oncocitomul renal (OCR) reprezintă o tumoră benignă, a cărui diagnostic este în mod frecvent incidental. Cancerul cu celule renale (CCR) este cea mai frecventă patologie malignă renală. Ultrasonografia este în mod frecvent prima linie de evaluare a acestor formaţiuni, studiul fiind completat cu examinarea prin tomografie computerizată cu substanţă de contrast (CECT). Studiul prezintă două cazuri – OCR și, respectiv, CCR. Printr-o amplă consultare a literaturii de specialitate, corelată cu experienţa de până în prezent, se dorește identificarea aportului ultrasonografiei cu substanţă de contrast (CEUS) în diagnosticul tumorilor renale. Materiale și metodă. Ambii pacienţi au fost de sex feminin, vârsta fiind de 35 și, respectiv, 53 de ani. Evaluarea imagistică a inclus, în ambele cazuri, ecografia în mod B, Doppler color, pulsat, precum și cu substanţă de contrast (SC) (Sonovue-Bracco, Italia, 1,6 ml intravenos în bolus). Caracteristicile captării și spălării agentului de contrast au fost evaluate folosind un program dedicat (Sonoliver, Tomtec Imaging Systems). S-au calculat pentru fiecare formaţiune și pentru parenchimul martor următorii indici: Time to peak (TTp), intensitatea maximă (IMAX), timpul de spălare (RT), timpul mediu de tranzit (mTT). Investigaţiile au fost completate prin CECT. Rezultate. Examinarea ultrasonografică a primei paciente a identificat o masă localizată la nivelul corticalei rinichiului drept, hiperecogenă comparativ cu aceasta, omogenă, bine delimitată. Formaţiunea măsura 30/31/31 mm. Examinările Doppler color și pulsat au relevat vascularizaţie periferică și centrală, ce îmbrăca aspectul de ,,spiţe de roată”. La introducerea substanţei de contrast, periferia tumorii a prezentat captare intensă. IMAX atribuită formaţiunii a fost inferioară parenchimului normal (92,2% vs 100%). Valorile RT, TTp și mTT au fost superioare corticalei de referinţă (8,44s vs 6,01s; 17,59s vs 15,7s; 20,19s vs 16,97s). Centrul formaţiunii a captat mai lent SC, rămânând hipocaptant. Formaţiunea corticală stângă, identificată la cea de-a doua pacientă, a fost inomogenă și relativ hipercogenă, comparativ cu parenchimul normal. Delimitarea tumorii, raportată la cazul precedent, nu a fost la fel de netă. Dimensiunile au fost de 32/28,7/27 mm. Examinările Doppler color și pulsat au identificat vascularizaţie bogată peritumorală. Post-CEUS, la nivelul tumorii și a corticalei de referinţă s-au calculat IMAX (84,95% vs 100%; ), RT (14,87s vs 16,6s), TTp (16,96s vs 18,25s), mTT (49,41s vs 69,85s). Examinarea CECT a primului caz consolidează diagnosticul de oncocitom, iar la cel de-al doilea – diagnosticul de CCR. Rezultatul anatomopatologic al pieselor de rezecţie identifică leziunile ca OCR și CCR. Discuţii. Procesele de neovascularizaţie imprimă tumorilor renale o comportare aparte faţă de corticala indemnă. În cazurile prezentate, indicii CEUS măsuraţi pentru OCR și CCR sunt sensibil diferiţi atât între ei, cât și faţă de cei ai parenchimului normal. Literatura de specialitate subliniază nevoia unor studii ample, concentrate asupra diagnosticului tumorilor renale prin intermediul CEUS. Concluzii. Abilitatea CEUS de a detecta fluxuri lente, capacitatea de cuantificare în timp real și posibilităţile de postprocesare pot fi considerate argumente ce susţin validitatea metodei în cuantificarea tumorilor renale. Constrângeri în cazul pacienţilor cu insuficienţă renală practic nu există. Cuantificarea curbelor de spălare în cadrul unui lot semnificativ de pacienţi ar putea identifica parametrii specifici OCR și CCR

    Identifying networks in social media: The case of #Grexit

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    We examine the intensity of ‘#Grexit’ usage in Twitter during a period of economic and financial turbulence. Using a frequency-analysis technique, we illustrate that we can extract detailed information from social media data. This allows us to map the networks of interest as it is reflected in Twitter. Our findings identify high-interest in Grexit from Twitter users in key peripheral countries, core Eurozone members as well as core EU member states outside the Eurozone. Overall, our study presents a useful tool for identifying clusters. This is part of a new research agenda utilising the information extracted from big data available via social media channels

    Monetary policy and bubbles in US REITs

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    In this article, we analyze the effects of monetary policy on the bubbles in the Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) sector of the United States. We use a time‐varying vector autoregressive model over the quarterly period of 1972:1 to 2018:1. We find protracted periods, starting from the onset of the recent financial crisis to the end of the sample period, where contractionary monetary policy is associated with increases in the bubble component in the REITs of the US economy. This result, which is robust to alternative REITs indexes, is contrary to the “conventional” view, as well as to the predictions of standard models of bubbles.http://wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/irfihj2020Economic

    Shimura varieties at level Γ1(p)Γ_1(p^\infty) and Galois representations

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    We show that the compactly supported cohomology of certain U(n,n)\mathrm{U}(n,n) or Sp(2n)\mathrm{Sp}(2n)-Shimura varieties with Γ1(p)\Gamma_1(p^\infty)-level vanishes above the middle degree. The only assumption is that we work over a CM field FF in which the prime pp splits completely. We also give an application to Galois representations for torsion in the cohomology of the locally symmetric spaces for GLn/F\mathrm{GL}_n/F. More precisely, we use the vanishing result for Shimura varieties to eliminate the nilpotent ideal in the construction of these Galois representations. This strengthens recent results of Scholze and Newton-Thorne

    Shimura varieties at level Γ1(p)\Gamma_1(p^{\infty}) and Galois representations

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    We show that the compactly supported cohomology of certain U(n, n) or Sp(2n)-Shimura varieties with Γ1(p∞)-level vanishes above the middle degree. The only assumption is that we work over a CM field F in which the prime p splits completely. We also give an application to Galois representations for torsion in the cohomology of the locally symmetric spaces for GLn/F. More precisely, we use the vanishing result for Shimura varieties to eliminate the nilpotent ideal in the construction of these Galois representations. This strengthens recent results of Scholze [Sch15] and Newton-Thorne [NT16]