13 research outputs found

    Early Seroma Treatment Protocol Based on US-Guided Aspiration in DTI Prepectoral Reconstruction: A Prospective Study

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    Introduction: Seroma is a common complication after prepectoral prosthetic breast reconstruction with ADM, leading to wound dehiscencse, infection, and even loss of reconstruction at last. A new ultrasound (US) guided follow-up protocol has been applied to compare primary and secondary complications incidence and their treatment, and evaluate the effect of precocious seroma detection and its evacuation in reducing secondary complications. Methods: We enrolled 406 patients from January 1st, 2021 to July 1st, 2023 who underwent mastectomy and 1-stage prepectoral reconstruction with ADM. Experimental group counted 96 patients, whom have been treated as protocol fashion, therefore with multiple US-guided evaluations and eventual evacuations along with postoperative period; control group (310 patients) has exclusively been clinically evaluated. Results: Seroma incidence detected rate among experimental group, after 1-year follow-up, was 32.2%, compared to 16.8% in control cohort, additionally no other secondary complications were detected in the first group. Referring to the wound dehiscence incidence, a statistically significant higher frequency was observed in control group compared with treatment 1 (21.2% vs. 0%; P = .0027). Conclusions: Seroma and correlated secondary complications may lead to additional surgeries, higher sanitary costs and even reconstructive failure. With a seriated US follow-up protocol application, the surgeon could promptly manage and treat seroma, decreasing additional complications rate, particularly wound dehiscence. Level of evidence: III


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    Background: The ability to control skin blood flow decreases with advancing age and some clinical disorders, as in diabetes and in rheumatologic diseases. Feasible clinical strategies such as whole-body vibration exercise (WBVE) are being used without a clear understanding of its effects. The aim of the present study is to review the effects of the WBVE on blood flow kinetics and its feasibility in different populations. Material and Methods: The level of evidence (LE) of selected papers in PubMed and/or PEDRo databases was determined. We selected randomized, controlled trials in English to be evaluated. Results: Six studies had LE II, one had LE III-2 and one III-3 according to the NHMRC. A great variability among the protocols was observed but also in the assessment devices; therefore, more research about this topic is warranted. Conclusion: Despite the limitations, it is can be concluded that the use of WBVE has proven to be a safe and useful strategy to improve blood flow. However, more studies with greater methodological quality are needed to clearly define the more suitable protocols

    Peripheral nerve regeneration after injury with vein conduit filled with fat graft: a pre-clinical study

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    Quando un innesto nervoso \ue8 utilizzato per riparare un gap nervoso, questo provvede a condurre la rigenerazione assonale, e costituisce una fonte di cellule di Schwann, fattori di crescita e componenti della lamina basale. L\u2019innesto nervoso \ue8 quindi una guida meccanica per la progressione assonale fra il moncone prossimale e distale. Sebbene l\u2019innesto autologo di nervo sia la tecnica finora di scelta per il riparo dei gap nervosi, non ha dato ancora dei buoni risultati nel ripristino di una normale funzione. A parte l\u2019accuratezza nella microsutura dei foglietti perineurali o epineurali, niente sembra influenzare l\u2019orientamento e la crescita assonale. Altri Autori hanno condotto studi in cui sono stati utilizzati vein conduit vuoti, riempiti con fibre muscolari, oppure guide di materiali sintetici . In recenti lavori condotti in vitro ed in vivo, \ue8 stata dimostrata le presenza di cellule staminali totipotenti nelle cellule del tessuto adiposo, capaci di differenziarsi in cellule della linea nervosa. Inoltre ci sono degli studi condotti sul ratto, che dimostrano la presenza di NGF sulla tonaca avventizia ed intimale delle vene.Lo scopo di questa ricerca \ue8 quello di paragonare la ripresa dell\u2019 attivit\ue0 nervosa e la crescita assonale con valutazioni clinico- comportamentali, strutturali ed ultrastutturali, dopo il riparo dei gap nervosi con innesti di vena riempiti e non con fat graft.Nowadays the physiopatology of nerves regeneration is well-known. The utilization of nerve graft to repair a nerve gap, enables the axonal regeneration and constitutes a source of Schwann cells, growth factors and components of the basal lamina. Additionally, it acts as a mechanical guide for the axonal progression between proximal and distal stumps. Autologous graft nerve is the gold standard technique in nervous gap repair. Anyway this technique is not adequate for a complete recovery of physiological function Just perineural or epineural micro-suture, should influences the way and axonal growth. Recent works conducted in vitro and in vivo has been demonstrated the presence of pluripotent stem cells into cells of adipose tissue enable to differentiating into nerve cells. Other studies on rats demonstrate the presence of NGF on the adventitia and intima of veins. The aim of this study is to clinically evaluate the recovery of nerve conduction in rats using the \u201cCat Walk\u201d analysis. Recovery of nerve conduction by vein graft filled with autologous fat graft is compared with repair by vein conduit

    From Sub-Pectoral to Pre-Pectoral Implant Reconstruction: A Decisional Algorithm to Optimise Outcomes of Breast Replacement Surgery

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    Background: Innovations and advancements with implant-based breast reconstruction, such as the use of ADMs, fat grafting, NSMs, and better implants, have enabled surgeons to now place breast implants in the pre-pectoral space rather than under the pectoralis major muscle. Breast implant replacement surgery in post-mastectomy patients, with pocket conversion from retro-pectoral to pre-pectoral, is becoming increasingly common, in order to solve the drawbacks of retro-pectoral implant positioning (animation deformity, chronic pain, and poor implant positioning). Materials and Methods: A multicentric retrospective study was conducted, considering all patients previously submitted to implant-based post-mastectomy breast reconstruction who underwent a breast implant replacement with pocket conversion procedure at the University Hospital of Udine—Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Department—and “Centro di Riferimento Oncologico” (C.R.O.) of Aviano, from January 2020 to September 2021. Patients were candidates for a breast implant replacement with pocket conversion procedure if they met the following inclusion criteria: they underwent a previous implant-based post-mastectomy breast reconstruction and developed animation deformity, chronic pain, severe capsular contracture, or implant malposition. Patient data included age, body mass index (BMI), comorbidities, smoking status, pre- or post-mastectomy radiotherapy (RT), tumour classification, type of mastectomy, previous or ancillary procedures (lipofilling), type and volume of implant used, type of ADM, and post-operative complications (breast infection, implant exposure and malposition, haematoma, or seroma). Results: A total of 31 breasts (30 patients) were included in this analysis. Just three months after surgery, we recorded 100% resolution of the problems for which pocket conversion was indicated, which was confirmed at 6, 9, and 12 months post-operative. We also developed an algorithm describing the correct steps for successful breast-implant pocket conversion. Conclusion: Our results, although only early experience, are very encouraging. We realized that, besides gentle surgical handling, one of the most important factors in proper pocket conversion selection is an accurate pre-operative and intra-operative clinical evaluation of the tissue thickness in all breast quadrants

    Daily Serum Collection after Acellular Dermal Matrix-Assisted Breast Reconstruction

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    Background The acellular dermal matrix (ADM)-assisted breast reconstruction technique is widely known, but discouraging results due to early postoperative complications have been reported. As the literature identifies seroma as the most common issue after breast surgery without identifying its pathogenesis, we aimed to report the trend of postoperative daily serum collection after ADM-assisted breast reconstruction and compare it with data in the literature in order to discover more about this little-known topic. Methods A retrospective study on 28 consecutive patients who received ADM-assisted breast reconstruction between February 2013 and February 2014 was performed. In order to reduce the number of variables that could affect serum production, only one brand of ADM was used and all tissues were handled gently and precisely. The daily drainage volume was recorded per patient during the first four days of hospitalization. Likewise, postoperative complications were noted during routine follow-up. Results In total, five (17.9%) bilateral and 23 (82.1%) unilateral ADM-assisted breast reconstructions (33 implants) were performed. The mean age, body mass index, and length of hospital stay were 53.6 years, 21.3 kg/m2, and 4.5 days, respectively. One major complication led to implant loss (3.0%), and nine minor complications were successfully treated with ambulatory surgery (27.3%). Serum collection linearly decreased after 24 hours postoperatively. Conclusions Daily drainage decreased following the theoretical decline of acute inflammation. In concordance with the literature, daily serum production may not be related to the use of ADM

    Association of CDK4 germline and BRAF somatic mutations in a patient with multiple primary melanomas and BRAF inhibitor resistance

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    Many genetic alterations, including predisposing or somatic mutations, may contribute toward the development of melanoma. Although CDKN2A and CDK4 are high-penetrance genes for melanoma, MC1R is a low-penetrance gene that has been associated most consistently with the disease. Moreover, BRAF is the most frequently somatically altered oncogene and is a validated therapeutic target in melanoma. This paper reports a case of multiple primary melanoma with germline CDK4 mutation, MC1R variant, and somatic BRAF mutation in nine out of 10 melanomas, indicating that a common pathogenesis, because of a predisposing genetic background, may be shared among distinct subsequent melanomas of probable clonal origin. After 3 months of targeted therapy with BRAF inhibitor, our patient developed resistance with rapid progression of the disease leading to death. This is the first case in which early resistance to BRAF inhibitor has been reported in a patient with CDK4 germline mutation

    Muscle-Sparing Skin-Reducing Breast Reconstruction with Pre-Pectoral Implants in Breast Cancer Patients: Long-Term Assessment of Patients’ Satisfaction and Quality of Life

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    Introduction Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed tumor in women; globally, it accounts 23% of all cancer deaths. Breast reconstruction after oncologic surgery has become crucial to enhance patients’ quality of life and alleviate the psychological distress related to the disease. The aim of this study was to assess quality of life and esthetic satisfaction of breast cancer patients undergoing muscle-sparing skin-reducing breast reconstruction (MS-SR) with pre-pectoral implants. Methods Sixty-three patients who met definite oncological and reconstructive criteria were enrolled in the study. Specific questionnaires (EORTC QLQ-C30, QLQ-BR23) were administered preoperatively, 1, and 12 months after MS-SR breast reconstruction to evaluate patients’ QoL. Satisfaction with procedure and related Quality of Life were assessed through BREAST-Q questionnaire preoperatively and 12 months after surgery. Results Sixty-three breast cancer patients underwent MS-SR. Seventy-eight procedures were carried out; in 15 patients a bilateral reconstruction was performed. One month after surgery, both EORTC QLQ-C30 and QLQ-BR23 average scores demonstrated a slight drop since preoperative values, but a significant improvement in QoL was documented 12 months after BR (p < 0.05). BREAST-Q test showed significant psychophysical and esthetic satisfaction 12 months postoperatively. Conclusions Muscle-sparing skin-reducing breast reconstruction is an established and reliable technique. EORTC QLQ-C30, QLQ-BR23 and BREAST-Q scores showed an improvement of patients’ QoL and esthetic satisfaction. Reduction of pain and other surgery-related symptoms are cornerstones of patient well-being. Both physicians and patients should build a thorough awareness of the silver lining of muscle-sparing skin-reducing breast reconstruction based on the high safety profile and highly satisfactory patient-reported results