62 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan pengaruh metode artikulasi terhadap keterampilan berbicara siswa kelas III SDN 28 Cakranegara. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas III SDN 28 Cakranegara. Sedangkan yang menjadi sampelnya adalah siswa kelas IIIA sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas IIIB sebagai kelas kontrol. Data keterampilan berbicara dianalisis menggunakan ui-t sampel independent dengan bantuan program analisis statistic SPSS 16.0 for windows dengan taraf signifikansi 5% atau 0,05 diperoleh hasil ttest ˂ 0,05 (ttest = 0,00), maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa Ha diterima dan H0 ditolak. Adapun Ha dalam penelitian ini adalah “ada pengaruh metode artikulasi terhadap keterampilan berbicara

    Pengaruh Risiko Kredit Risiko Operasional dan Risiko Likuiditas terhadap Profitabilitas Bpr di Kota Denpasar

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    Profitability is the ability of banks to make profits for a certain period . The amount of the profitability of a company tend to be influenced by various risks. Risks that occur will cause a loss for the bank if not detected and not well managed. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of credit risk, operational risk, and liquidity risk to profitability BPR in Denpasar 2010-2014. This research was conducted in rural banks ( BPR ) contained in Denpasar 2010-2014. The number of samples taken is as much as 10 BPR, through purposive sampling technique. The data collection method used is non- participant observation method with data analysis technique multiple linear regression. Based on the analysis found that credit risk is not significant positive effect on profitability. Operational risk is a significant negative effect on profitability. Liquidity risk is a significant positive effect on profitability


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    Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk melakukan analisis pengabdian masyarakat dalam penerapan pembukuan sederhana bagi UMKM dengan menggunakan buku kas sederhana. Penerapan buku kas sederhana oleh UMKM dapat membantu pengelola mengetahui perubahan saldo perusahaan. Pengabdian ini dilakukan kepada UMKM Rengginang Ibu Supartin dan UMKM Keripik Ibu Watimah yang berlokasi di Desa Toapaya Selatan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa metode pelaksanaan dilakukan dengan survey dan wawancara lansung kepada pemilik UMKM. Analisis yang dapat dilakukan dengan cara mengumpulkan publikasi/bukti kegiatan dalam pengabdian masyarakat. Analisis yang dapat dilakukan dengan cara mengumpulkan publikasi/bukti kegiatan dalam pengabdian masyarakat untuk melakukan pembukuan secara sederhana. Minimnya pengetahuan manajemen keuangan dapat diatasi dengan edukasi pentingnya pembukuan. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat memberikan rekomendasi berupa kegiatan edukasi pembukuan keuangan penting dilakukan dan membiasakan menyusun pembukuan keuanga

    San Iacomo de li incurabili

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    San Giacomo degli Incurabili

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    View into a typical side chapel; The church of S Giacomo degli Incurabili, Rome, also commissioned by Cardinal Antonio Maria Salviati, is da Volterra's [Capriani's] most important and influential work; he employed an oval plan (long axis about 25.5 m, short axis about 18.7 m) in a major ecclesiastical building, which may have been a development of designs for oval churches by Vignola, particularly for S Andrea (1554). A series of drawings (1590; Stockholm, Nmus.; 1595-1596; Vienna, Albertina) shows the development from a conventional rectangular plan to a longitudinal oval with transepts and then to the final unified oval plan surrounded by chapels. The double pilasters that originally articulated the side chapels gave way to single pilasters, emphasizing the longitudinal axis, and the exterior underwent a similar change, the articulated side façades being replaced by unadorned and unarticulated walls to form a simple shell for the interior. The façade to the Via del Corso followed Vignola's unexecuted design (1568) for Il Gesù, Rome, of a two-storey façade constrained by volutes. Source: Grove Art Online; http://www.groveart.com/ (accessed 1/20/2008

    San Giacomo degli Incurabili

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    The north wall, depicting the Cappella S. Francesco di Paolo by P. Legros, 1716-19, looking up; The church of S Giacomo degli Incurabili, Rome, also commissioned by Cardinal Antonio Maria Salviati, is da Volterra's [Capriani's] most important and influential work; he employed an oval plan (long axis about 25.5 m, short axis about 18.7 m) in a major ecclesiastical building, which may have been a development of designs for oval churches by Vignola, particularly for S Andrea (1554). A series of drawings (1590; Stockholm, Nmus.; 1595-1596; Vienna, Albertina) shows the development from a conventional rectangular plan to a longitudinal oval with transepts and then to the final unified oval plan surrounded by chapels. The double pilasters that originally articulated the side chapels gave way to single pilasters, emphasizing the longitudinal axis, and the exterior underwent a similar change, the articulated side façades being replaced by unadorned and unarticulated walls to form a simple shell for the interior. The façade to the Via del Corso followed Vignola's unexecuted design (1568) for Il Gesù, Rome, of a two-storey façade constrained by volutes. Source: Grove Art Online; http://www.groveart.com/ (accessed 1/20/2008