9 research outputs found

    one shot six centres a new strategy in ultrasound guided paravertebralblock

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    The paravertebral block (PVB) is the technique of injecting local anaesthetic alongside the vertebral body close to where the spinal nerves emerge from the intervertebral foramen. This produces unilateral, segmental, somatic, and sympathetic nerve blockade in multiple contiguous thoracic dermatomes which is effective for managing acute and chronic pain. Recently PVB has also been used for surgical anaesthesia in patients undergoing several surgical procedures with improved postoperative outcomes. Unfortunately the spread of local anaesthetic and the anaesthetic effect is sometime unpredictable, even with a standardized ultrasound-guided technique. The aim of this study is to show a new approach for the Paravertebral block ultrasound-guided and confirmed by ENS using a single injection. This new approach allows an easy visualization and accurate puncture of the paravertebral space, ensuring good anaesthesia of reproducibility, productivity and effectiveness. In this study we obtained six dermatomes anaesthesia, with a single shot injection in all patients

    Foreword to Issue 2/2023

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    La misurazione e la gestione del Rischio Sanitario Attraverso Indicatori Idonei e La Formazione Attraverso la Simulazione: Un Approccio Interdisciplinare

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    Nell’ambito di un progetto di ricerca finanziato dall’AILUN (www.ailun.it) e condotto presso gli ospedali “San Francesco” di Nuoro e “San Camillo” di Sorgono (NU), il gruppo di ricerca ha elaborato appositi questionari riguardanti i profili di rischiosità dei quattro reparti (chirurgia generale, ostetricia e ginecologia, pediatria e neonatologia e anestesia e rianimazione) coinvolti nel progetto. Tali questionari sono stati predisposti tenendo conto della casistica giurisprudenziale e dei riferimenti normativi vigenti. I questionari sono stati poi somministrati, nel corso del 2015, ai medici e al personale sanitario coinvolti nello studio. Un primo obiettivo dei questionari è l’implementazione di strumenti di auto-analisi da parte della struttura sanitaria ed in particolare dei reparti coinvolti nello studio, in modo da consentire al personale ed all’azienda di conoscere il proprio livello di esposizione al rischio. Partendo dal caso di studio in esame, l’obiettivo è elaborare un modello che sia replicabile a livello generale

    Un tentativo di misurazione dei rischi sanitari attraverso indicatori idonei: il contesto dello Asl n.3 di Nuoro

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    Nel saggio il gruppo di ricerca si sofferma sull’identificazione delle aree di principale criticità nelle quattro UU.OO. coinvolte nel progetto dal punto di vista del rischio percepito. L’obiettivo è verificare se sussista una divergenza tra risk assessment e risk perception e di elaborare eventi formativi con l’uso delle tecniche di simulazione finalizzati alla prevenzione-controllo-contrasto delle infezioni ospedaliere.In the essay the research group focuses its attention on identifying the main problematic areas in the four wards which have been involved in the project, taking into account mainly professionals’ risk perception. The objective is to verify whether there is a difference between risk perception and risk assessment and to prepare training programs using simulation techniques aimed at preventing-contrasting-controlling hospital infections

    Report on Blockchain for Societies

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    The Amsterdam Law Forum (ALF) has released in this edition a Special Collection titled Report on Blockchain for Societies, which has been edited by Dr Thibault Schrepel who is an Associate Professor at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) and PhD student in blockchain and antitrust Kirill Ryabtsev. This Report is composed of several contributions written by prominent scholars and practitioners in the area of blockchain technology, the Report discusses the application of blockchain governance to various legal fields such as data protection, regulation of luxurious goods industry, real estate, health and vaccines, and laws on nationality

    Report on blockchain for societies

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    The Amsterdam Law Forum (ALF) has released in this edition a Special Collection titled Report on Blockchain for Societies, which has been edited by Dr Thibault Schrepel who is an Associate Professor at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) and PhD student in blockchain and antitrust Kirill Ryabtsev. This Report is composed of several contributions written by prominent scholars and practitioners in the area of blockchain technology, the Report discusses the application of blockchain governance to various legal fields such as data protection, regulation of luxurious goods industry, real estate, health and vaccines, and laws on nationality

    Report on blockchain for societies

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    The Amsterdam Law Forum (ALF) has released in this edition a Special Collection titled Report on Blockchain for Societies, which has been edited by Dr Thibault Schrepel who is an Associate Professor at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) and PhD student in blockchain and antitrust Kirill Ryabtsev. This Report is composed of several contributions written by prominent scholars and practitioners in the area of blockchain technology, the Report discusses the application of blockchain governance to various legal fields such as data protection, regulation of luxurious goods industry, real estate, health and vaccines, and laws on nationality