1,239 research outputs found

    Student Diversity in Rural Schools: Beyond Special Education

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    Rural teachers and administrators need to move beyond special education and address the entire range of student diversity in rural schools through a more comprehensive educational approach

    Quantum power correction to the Newton law

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    We have found the graviton contribution to the one-loop quantum correction to the Newton law. This correction results in interaction decreasing with distance as 1/r^3 and is dominated numerically by the graviton contribution. The previous calculations of this contribution to the discussed effect are demonstrated to be incorrect.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures; numerical error corrected, few references adde

    The Fermion Self-Energy during Inflation

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    We compute the one loop fermion self-energy for massless Dirac + Einstein in the presence of a locally de Sitter background. We employ dimensional regularization and obtain a fully renormalized result by absorbing all divergences with BPHZ counterterms. An interesting technical aspect of this computation is the need for a noninvariant counterterm owing to the breaking of de Sitter invariance by our gauge condition. Our result can be used in the quantum-corrected Dirac equation to search for inflation-enhanced quantum effects from gravitons, analogous to those which have been found for massless, minimally coupled scalars.Comment: 63 pages, 3 figures (uses axodraw.sty), LaTeX 2epsilon. Revised version (to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravity) corrects some typoes and contains some new reference

    Algebraic Classification of Weyl Anomalies in Arbitrary Dimensions

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    Conformally invariant massless field systems involving only dimensionless parameters are known to describe particle physics at very high energy. In the presence of an external gravitational field, the conformal symmetry may generalize to Weyl invariance. However, the latter symmetry no longer survives after quantization: A Weyl anomaly appears. In this Letter, a purely algebraic understanding of the universal structure of the Weyl anomalies is presented. The results hold in arbitrary dimensions and independently of any regularization scheme.Comment: 4 pages - accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Covariant Pauli-Villars Regularization of Quantum Gravity at the One Loop Order

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    We study a regularization of the Pauli-Villars kind of the one loop gravitational divergences in any dimension. The Pauli-Villars fields are massive particles coupled to gravity in a covariant and nonminimal way, namely one real tensor and one complex vector. The gauge is fixed by means of the unusual gauge-fixing that gives the same effective action as in the context of the background field method. Indeed, with the background field method it is simple to see that the regularization effectively works. On the other hand, we show that in the usual formalism (non background) the regularization cannot work with each gauge-fixing.In particular, it does not work with the usual one. Moreover, we show that, under a suitable choice of the Pauli-Villars coefficients, the terms divergent in the Pauli-Villars masses can be corrected by the Pauli-Villars fields themselves. In dimension four, there is no need to add counterterms quadratic in the curvature tensor to the Einstein action (which would be equivalent to the introduction of new coupling constants). The technique also works when matter is coupled to gravity. We discuss the possible consequences of this approach, in particular the renormalization of Newton's coupling constant and the appearance of two parameters in the effective action, that seem to have physical implications.Comment: 26 pages, LaTeX, SISSA/ISAS 73/93/E

    SUSY--QCD corrections to scalar quark decays into charginos and neutralinos

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    We calculate the supersymmetric QCD corrections in order αs\alpha_s to the decays \squark_i \to q' \chargino_j (i,j = 1,2) and \squark_i \to q \neutralino_k (k = 1,...4) within the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model. In particular we consider the decays of squarks of the third generation, \stop_i and \sbottom_i (i = 1,2), where the left--right mixing must be taken into account. The corrections turn out to be of about 10\%, except for higgsino--like charginos or neutralinos, where they can go up to 40\%.Comment: 15 pages (including 5 figures). Tiny corrections in the text are made. An acknowledgement is added. Figures 2 - 5 are replaced by new ones (change in one curve in each figure). To be published in Phys. Lett.

    Thermal one- and two-graviton Green's functions in the temporal gauge

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    The thermal one- and two-graviton Green's function are computed using a temporal gauge. In order to handle the extra poles which are present in the propagator, we employ an ambiguity-free technique in the imaginary-time formalism. For temperatures T high compared with the external momentum, we obtain the leading T^4 as well as the subleading T^2 and log(T) contributions to the graviton self-energy. The gauge fixing independence of the leading T^4 terms as well as the Ward identity relating the self-energy with the one-point function are explicitly verified. We also verify the 't Hooft identities for the subleading T^2 terms and show that the logarithmic part has the same structure as the residue of the ultraviolet pole of the zero temperature graviton self-energy. We explicitly compute the extra terms generated by the prescription poles and verify that they do not change the behavior of the leading and sub-leading contributions from the hard thermal loop region. We discuss the modification of the solutions of the dispersion relations in the graviton plasma induced by the subleading T^2 contributions.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures. Revised version to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Light--like Wilson loops and gauge invariance of Yang--Mills theory in 1+1 dimensions

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    A light-like Wilson loop is computed in perturbation theory up to O(g4){\cal O} (g^4) for pure Yang--Mills theory in 1+1 dimensions, using Feynman and light--cone gauges to check its gauge invariance. After dimensional regularization in intermediate steps, a finite gauge invariant result is obtained, which however does not exhibit abelian exponentiation. Our result is at variance with the common belief that pure Yang--Mills theory is free in 1+1 dimensions, apart perhaps from topological effects.Comment: 10 pages, plain TeX, DFPD 94/TH/

    General structure of the graviton self-energy

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    The graviton self-energy at finite temperature depends on fourteen structure functions. We show that, in the absence of tadpoles, the gauge invariance of the effective action imposes three non-linear relations among these functions. The consequences of such constraints, which must be satisfied by the thermal graviton self-energy to all orders, are explicitly verified in general linear gauges to one loop order.Comment: 4 pages, minor corrections of typo

    Alternative splicing: an important mechanism for myometrial gene regulation that can be manipulated to target specific genes associated with preterm labour

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    Considerable effort has been expended in attempting to distinguish genes that contribute to initiating the onset of term and preterm labour (PTL) from those that change in expression as a consequence of the progression of labour. The ability to define more clearly the genes involved in triggering labour contractions should lead to the development of new effective and safer strategies to prevent preterm birth. There is ample evidence to suggest that specific genes are co-ordinately regulated within the upper and lower regions of the myometrium prior to and during parturition and many of these genes are regulated by alternative pre-mRNA splicing. This mini-review highlights that expression of a range of different splicing factors, with defined roles in pre-mRNA splicing, is both temporally and spatially regulated within the uterine smooth muscle during pregnancy and labour. Moreover, several of these splicing factors play key roles in controlling the differential expression of specific regulatory proteins involved in uterine signalling and uterine quiescence. In addition, antisense morpholino oligonucleotide manipulation of pre-mRNA splicing may have potential in defining and targeting uterine pro-labour genes and thus contribute to the development of new therapeutic approaches to prevent PTL
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