129 research outputs found

    3-Sasakian manifolds, 3-cosymplectic manifolds and Darboux theorem

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    We present a compared analysis of some properties of 3-Sasakian and 3-cosymplectic manifolds. We construct a canonical connection on an almost 3-contact metric manifold which generalises the Tanaka-Webster connection of a contact metric manifold and we use this connection to show that a 3-Sasakian manifold does not admit any Darboux-like coordinate system. Moreover, we prove that any 3-cosymplectic manifold is Ricci-flat and admits a Darboux coordinate system if and only it is flat.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX; some minor misprints correcte

    Curvature properties of 3-quasi-Sasakian manifolds

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    We find some curvature properties of 3-quasi-Sasakian manifolds which are similar to some well-known identities holding in the Sasakian case. As an application, we prove that any 3-quasi-Sasakian manifold of constant horizontal sectional curvature is necessarily either 3-\alpha-Sasakian or 3-cosymplectic.Comment: 7 pages, to appear in Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys. (IJGMMP

    Some remarks on cosymplectic 3-structures

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    In this note we briefly review some recent results of the authors on the topological and geometrical properties of 3-cosymplectic manifolds.Comment: 6 page

    Hard Lefschetz Theorem for Sasakian manifolds

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    We prove that on a compact Sasakian manifold (M,η,g)(M, \eta, g) of dimension 2n+12n+1, for any 0pn0 \le p \le n the wedge product with η(dη)p\eta \wedge (d\eta)^p defines an isomorphism between the spaces of harmonic forms ΩΔnp(M)\Omega^{n-p}_\Delta (M) and ΩΔn+p+1(M)\Omega^{n+p+1}_\Delta (M). Therefore it induces an isomorphism between the de Rham cohomology spaces Hnp(M)H^{n-p}(M) and Hn+p+1(M)H^{n+p+1}(M). Such isomorphism is proven to be independent of the choice of a compatible Sasakian metric on a given contact manifold. As a consequence, an obstruction for a contact manifold to admit Sasakian structures is found.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in the Journal of Differential Geometr

    Cosymplectic p-spheres

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    We introduce cosymplectic circles and cosymplectic spheres, which are the analogues in the cosymplectic setting of contact circles and contact spheres. We provide a complete classification of compact 3-manifolds that admit a cosymplectic circle. The properties of tautness and roundness for a cosymplectic pp-sphere are studied. To any taut cosymplectic circle on a three-dimensional manifold MM we are able to canonically associate a complex structure and a conformal symplectic couple on M×RM \times \mathbb{R}. We prove that a cosymplectic circle in dimension three is round if and only if it is taut. On the other hand, we provide examples in higher dimensions of cosymplectic circles which are taut but not round and examples of cosymplectic circles which are round but not taut.Comment: 17 pages, accepted for publication in Journal of Geometry and Physic

    Sasakian nilmanifolds

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    We prove that a compact nilmanifold admits a Sasakian structure if and only if it is a compact quotient of the generalized Heisenberg group of odd dimension by a co-compact discrete subgroup.Comment: 9 pages, to appear in IMR

    A non-Sasakian Lefschetz K-contact manifold of Tievsky type

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    We find a family of five dimensional completely solvable compact manifolds that constitute the first examples of KK-contact manifolds which satisfy the Hard Lefschetz Theorem and have a model of Tievsky type just as Sasakian manifolds but do not admit any Sasakian structure.Comment: 10 pages, to appear in Proceedings of the American Mathematical Societ

    Examples of compact K-contact manifolds with no Sasakian metric

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    Using the Hard Lefschetz Theorem for Sasakian manifolds, we find two examples of compact K-contact nilmanifolds with no compatible Sasakian metric in dimensions five and seven, respectivelyComment: 8 pages, accepted for publication in IJGMMP (Proceedings of the XXII IFWGP, University of Evora, Portugal