15 research outputs found

    Assessing reproducibility for radiographic measurement of leg length inequality after total hip replacement

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    Leg length inequality (LLI) as a result of total hip replacement can cause considerable morbidity. Although LLI was described when the technique was popularised in the 1960s, it remains a significant challenge to arthroplasty surgeons. This study reviews the established practice for the measurement of LLI on plain antero-posterior radiograph, and compares these techniques to two methods used locally. The radiographs of 35 patients were measured using four techniques. All four methods yielded an interclass correlation co-efficient of ≥0.90 for inter reader reliability. This study shows that the four methods are comparable for reliability, while a composite method, measuring from the centre of femoral rotation to the inferior teardrop and then to the lesser trochanter, has the added advantage of providing extra information on component position as well as an overall measure of LLI

    A review of symptomatic leg length inequality following total hip arthroplasty

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    Leg length inequality (LLI) following total hip replacement is a complication which features increasingly in the recent literature. The definition of LLI is complicated by lack of consensus regarding radiological measurement, clinical measurement and the incomplete relationship between LLI and associated symptoms. This paper reviews 79 reports relating to LLI post hip replacement, detailing definitions and classification and highlighting patient populations prone to symptomatic LLI. While there is no universal definition of LLI, there is a broad consensus that less than 10 mm of difference on AP view plain radiographs is clinically acceptable. There are few techniques described that consistently produce a postoperative LLI of less than this magnitude. Where postoperative LLI exists, lengthening appears to cause more problems than shortening. In cases of mild LLI, non-surgical management produces adequate outcomes in the majority of cases, with functional LLI cases doing better than those with true LLI. Operative correction is effective in half of cases, even where nerve palsy is present, and remains an important option of last resort. Poor outcomes in patients with LLI may be minimised if individuals at risk are identified and counselled appropriately

    Custom uncemented revision stems based on a femoral classification

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    From the outcome of 175 cases, a group of 4 types of custom-designed HA-coated hip stems, based upon an incremental scale of bone condition, was demonstrated to be sufficient for use with the variety of cavitary defects encountered in revision hip surgery. Harris Hip Score evaluation showed a significant improvement in hip pain and function. Radiographic measurements of axial migration over a 4-year period were less than 2 mm. The migration data were similar across the 4 types of revision stem. A follow-up using DEXA scans showed preservation of bone in all regions up to 4 years, which justifies the design rationale for the close fit of the stems in the proximal region in achieving initial stability and strain transfer

    The dimensional accuracy of preparation of femoral cavity in cementless total hip arthroplasty

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    Objective: To observe the accuracy of femoral preparation and the position of the cementless prosthesis in femoral cavity, and to compare the results between the computer-assisted surgical group (CASPAR) and the conventional group. Methods: Ten femoral components were implanted either manually or by CASPAR in cadaver femurs. The specimens were cut to 3 mm thick slices. Microradiograms of every slice were sent to a computer for analysis with special software (IDL). The gaps and the medullary cavities between component and bone, the direct bone contact area of the implant surface, the gap width and the percentage of gap and bone contact area were measured in every slice. Results: In the proximal implant coated with HA of the CASPAR group, the average percentage of bone contact reached 93.2% (ranging from 87.6% to 99.7%); the average gap percentage was 2.9% (ranging from 0.3% to 7.8%); the maximum gap width was 0.81 mm and the average gap width was only 0.20 mm. While in the conventional group, the average percentage of bone contact reached 60.1% (ranging from 49.2% to 70.4%); the average gap percentage was 32.8% (ranging from 25.1% to 39.9%); the maximum gap width was 2.97 mm and the average gap width was 0.77 mm. The average gap around the implant in the CASPAR group was only 9% of that in the manual group; the maximum and average gap widths were only about 26% of those in the manual group. On the other hand, the CASPAR group showed 33% higher bone contact than the manual group. Conclusion: With the use of robotics-assisted system, significant progress can be achieved for femoral preparation in total hip arthroplasty

    Total hip arthroplasties in young patients under 50 years: limited evidence for current trends. A descriptive literature review

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    Item does not contain fulltextWe examined all reported outcomes of uncemented and cemented total hip arthroplasty in patients younger than 50 years of age listed in Medline (1966- 1 January 2009) and PubMed, and scrutinised reference lists of relevant papers. In addition, we evaluated relevant data in the Swedish hip arthroplasty register. 109 relevant articles were identified, 37 of which had a mean follow-up longer than 10 years. Although uncemented implants are widely used in patients under 50 years of age, there are only 2 reports that fulfil the criteria published by the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) in the United Kingdom (follow-up of >10 yrs and survival of =90%). Current trends relating to implant selection remain unsupported by survival data, and additional information about the long-term results of newer implants is essential. As matters stand, the most reliable results relate to cemented implants