85 research outputs found

    Dimensional Crossover in the Large N Limit

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    We consider dimensional crossover for an O(N)O(N) Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson model on a dd-dimensional film geometry of thickness LL in the large NN-limit. We calculate the full universal crossover scaling forms for the free energy and the equation of state. We compare the results obtained using ``environmentally friendly'' renormalization with those found using a direct, non-renormalization group approach. A set of effective critical exponents are calculated and scaling laws for these exponents are shown to hold exactly, thereby yielding non-trivial relations between the various thermodynamic scaling functions.Comment: 25 pages of PlainTe

    Recruitment of mud clam Polymesoda erosa (Solander, 1876) in a mangrove habitat of Chorao island, Goa

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    Habitat-specific settlement success results either from active habitat selection or differential mortality after non-selective settlement. The mud clam Polymesoda erosa (Solander, 1876) is an ecologically and economically important benthic invertebrate with high abundance in the mangrove forests of Chorao Island, Goa, India. A one-year study (Jul 2004-Jul 2005) was conducted to characterize the patterns of post-larval settlement and survival of P. erosa in the mangrove habitat. The mean density of settling post-larvae was 28 no.m-2 with a majority of settlers during Sept 04. The density of adult clams in the landward zone ranged from 7-12 no.m-2 (mean: 9 ± 6 sd; n=122). In the seaward region, adults were completely absent at the low tide level. Higher densities of juveniles observed at the low- and mid-tide levels were assumed to be due to frequent inundation which allowed the young individuals to feed adequately and attain the critical sizes at which vulnerability to physical and biological constraints is substantially reduced, whereas, at high-tide level, increased desiccation may account for the mortality of settlers. It is speculated that initially the settlers settle according to the hydrodynamic conditions for sedimentation; however, adult survival is affected by their recruitment in a suitable habitat (e.g. substrates near Avicennia sp.). Thus, habitat dependent viability during the post-settlement phase could be the best explanation for the non-random, patchy distribution of P. erosa observed in the Chorao mangrove swamp.Um assentamento larval bem sucedido resulta da seleção ativa do habitat pelas larvas ou da mortalidade diferencial destas após o assentamento não seletivo. Nos manguezais da ilha Chorao, Goa, India, a ostra do lodo Polymesoda erosa (Solander, 1876) é um invertebrado muito abundante e de importância econômica. O presente trabalho, realizado durante um ano (julho de 2004 a julho de 2005), visou caracterizar os padrões de assentamento pós-larval e a sobrevivência de P. erosa no ambiente do mangue. Os resultados mostraram que a densidade de larvas pós-assentadas foi de 28 indiv.m-2, com a maioria dos assentamentos ocorrendo em setembro de 2004. A densidade de adultos fixados no lado terrestre variou de 7 a 12 indiv.m-2 (média: 9 ± 6 dp; n = 122). Na região voltada ao mar, os adultos estiveram ausentes no nível da maré baixa. As altas densidades de juvenis observadas nos níveis de maré baixa e média estão provavelmente relacionadas à inundação frequente da área, o que permite aos indivíduos jovens alimentarem-se adequadamente e atingirem os tamanhos críticos em que a vulnerabilidade aos estresses físicos e biológicos são substancialmente reduzidos. Além disso, na maré alta, o aumento da dissecação pode favorecer a mortalidade dos indivíduos recém-assentados. É lançada a hipótese de que o assentamento ocorre inicialmente devido às condições hidrodinâmicas da sedimentação, mas a sobrevivência do adulto é afetada pelo recrutamento em ambiente favorável (p. ex., em substratos próximos a Avicenia sp.). Desta forma, a viabilidade do habitat durante o período pós-assentamento pode ser a melhor explicação para a distribuição não randômica, em manchas, observada para P. erosa no manguezal da ilha Chorao

    Intrinsically Safe Communication and Tracking Technologies for Underground Coal Mines

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    The CSIRO, with funding assistance from Japan Coal Energy Center (JCOAL) and The Australian Coal Association Research Program (ACARP), has developed, tested and secured IEC Ex.ia certification via Simtars for an Ethernet Switch and via TestSafe for a Serial To Ethernet Converter (STEC) and a Paging and Location System (PLS). The STEC provides translation between serial data and Ethernet packets. Any device with a wired (i.e. copper) serial interface can be connected to the STEC; the device then becomes part of an optical fibre-based Ethernet network and is controllable and addressable using standard Ethernet communication protocols. The PLS is comprised of two devices: tags and nodes. The tags, small portable units that communicate wirelessly, can be attached to personnel and/or equipment within a mine. The tags have a paging function, enabling two-way messaging between personnel and the remote server (control room operator). The tags communicate with the remote server via the nodes; fixed units that communicate with each other and the control room via optical fibre. Tag locations are continuously tracked within the mine, providing the control room with the locations of all tagged personnel, vehicles and equipment. Prototypes of the technologies developed by CSIRO were tested and demonstrated at three mines

    Responses of cortisol and prolactin to sexual excitement and stress in stallions and geldings.

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    Sexual stimulation induces rapid secretion of cortisol and prolactin (PRL) in stallions. Experiment 1 was designated to determine whether stallions associated location and(or) procedure with previous sexual stimulation in that location. After a control period on d 1, four stallions were exposed to an estrous mare for 5 min on d 2. On d 3, 4, 5, and 6, the same procedure was followed with no mare present. Concentrations of PRL and cortisol increased (P less than .05) after mare exposure on d 2 but did not vary (P greater than .05) on d 1, 3, 4, 5, or 6. In Exp. 2, six stallions were used to determine the short-term effects of 1) sexual stimulation, 2) acute physical exercise, 3) restraint via a twitch (twitching), 4) epinephrine administration, and 5) no stimulation on plasma concentrations of PRL and cortisol. Stallions received one treatment per day separated by 2 d of no treatment. Concentrations of cortisol increased (P less than .05) within 10 min after sexual stimulation, exercise, twitching, and epinephrine administration but not during control bleedings. Concentrations of PRL increased (P less than .05) immediately after sexual stimulation, exercise, and twitching but not after epinephrine administration or during control bleeding. In Exp. 3, the same five treatments were administered to six geldings. Concentrations of cortisol increased (P less than .05) after epinephrine administration, exercise, and twitching but not after sexual stimulation or during control bleedings. Concentrations of PRL increased (P less than .05) after exercise and sexual stimulation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS