4 research outputs found

    Impacto del Simulador PhET en la Capacidad de Indagaci贸n con Estudiantes Universitarios

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    This study was based on evaluating the impact of the use of PhET simulators in the area of science, to be used as a teaching-learning strategy and to improve the capacity of inquiry in university level students, from their beginning as cachimbos to their last levels in the Faculty of Education Sciences and Humanities of the National University of the Peruvian Amazon, in order to analyze the effectiveness of PhET simulators, when they are tested in a sample of 64 students. The research was developed in experimental form and its design was of pre-experiment type with a pre-test and post-test, applied to a single group. To carry out the work, the indirect observation technique was used and the instrument was a test. As important results it could be obtained that of the 100% of students; when the information was collected before the use of the PhET simulator, 75.4% of the students obtained a grade of Fair, and after the test, the final result was that 58.4% of the students obtained a grade of Good, so it can be affirmed that there were significant differences between the moments when the information was collected and it can be said that the PhET simulator has a positive impact on the inquiry capacity of university students.Es estudio se fundament贸 en evaluar el impacto que tiene el uso de los simuladores PhET en el 谩rea de las ciencias, para ser usado como una estrategia de ense帽anza-aprendizaje y poder ver mejorado la capacidad de indagaci贸n en estudiantes de nivel universitario, desde su inicio como cachimbos hasta sus 煤ltimos niveles en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educaci贸n y Humanidades de la Universidad Nacional de la Amazonia Peruana, de esta manera poder analizar la efectividad que puede tener los simuladores PhET, cuando son puestos a prueba en muestra los cuales fueron 64 estudiantes. La investigaci贸n se desarroll贸 en forma experimental y su dise帽o fue de tipo pre-experimento con un pre-test y post-test, aplicado a un solo grupo. Para realizar la ejecuci贸n del trabajo se utiliz贸 la t茅cnica de la observaci贸n indirecta y el instrumento fue un test. Como resultados importantes se pudo obtener que del 100% de estudiantes; cuando se hizo el levantamiento de la informaci贸n antes del uso del simulador PhET, se obtuvo que el 75,4% de los estudiantes obtuvieron una calificaci贸n de Regular, y despu茅s de realizar el test, el resultado final fue que el 58,4 % de los estudiantes obtuvieron una calificaci贸n de Bueno, por lo que se puede afirmar que hubieron diferencias significativas entre los momentos donde se realizaron el levantamiento de la informaci贸n y se puede decir que el simulador PhET, tiene un impacto positivo en la capacidad de indagaci贸n en los estudiantes universitarios.

    Hyperendemic malaria transmission in areas of occupation-related travel in the Peruvian Amazon

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    Abstract Background Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum cause a significant illness burden in Peru. Anopheline indices for populated communities in the peri-Iquitos region of Loreto have been reported to be remarkably low, with entomological inoculation rates (EIR) estimated at one to 30 infective bites per year based on a few studies in close proximity to the urban centre of Iquitos and surrounding deforested areas. Local reports suggest that a large number of the reported cases are contracted outside of populated communities in undeveloped riverine areas frequented by loggers and fishermen. Methods To better understand vectorial capacity in suspected high malaria transmission zones in a rural district near Iquitos, Peru, mosquito collections were conducted at different points in the seasonality of malaria transmission in 21 sites frequented by occupational labourers. Prevalence of Plasmodium spp in vectors was determined by circumsporozoite protein ELISA on individual mosquitoes. Slide surveillance was performed for humans encountered in the zone. Results In total, of 8,365 adult female mosquitoes examined, 98.5% were identified as Anopheles darlingi and 117 (1.4%) tested positive for sporozoites (P. falciparum, P. vivax VK210 or P. vivax VK247). Measured human biting rates at these sites ranged from 0.102 to 41.13 bites per person per hour, with EIR values as high as 5.3 infective bites per person per night. Six percent of the 284 blood films were positive for P. vivax or P. falciparum; however, 88% of the individuals found to be positive were asymptomatic at the time of sampling. Conclusions The results of this study provide key missing indices of prominent spatial and temporal heterogeneity of vectorial capacity in the Amazon Basin of Peru. The identification of a target human subpopulation as a principal reservoir and dispersion source of Plasmodium species has important implications for vaccine development and the delivery of effective targeted malaria control strategies

    Costos y Presupuestos - CA62 - 202102

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    Descripci贸n: El curso de Costos y Presupuestos estudia la estructura de costos, su clasificaci贸n y aplicaci贸n mediante un sistema de acumulaci贸n de costos de acuerdo a las caracter铆sticas de la empresa para luego elaborar el presupuesto maestro que le sirva como herramienta de gesti贸n. Todo ello con el fin de identificar la inversi贸n que realizan las empresas en la elaboraci贸n de sus productos o servicios e identificando la utilidad o p茅rdida que podamos hallar al final de un periodo determinado. Prop贸sito: El curso de Costos y Presupuestos tiene el prop贸sito de desarrollar habilidades que le permitan identificar la adecuada estructura de costos y una eficiente toma de decisiones en b煤squeda de una gesti贸n eficiente en el ejercicio profesional. El curso contribuye directamente al desarrollo de las competencias generales de Razonamiento cuantitativo (general - UPC) y como la Toma de decisiones (espec铆fica - UPC), ambos a un nivel 2