13 research outputs found

    Uso de la revista digital como herramienta didáctica en los centros de secundaria

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    [EN] The new Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are a resource, that well-used by teachers, can allow to the students to be motivated with regard to different specialties, such as science. Within the different ICTs that can be chosen, the Digital Magazine is a digital tool that would allow reaching several competences and achieve meaningful student learning. The development of this tool has been implemented among students of the Master's Degree in Teacher Training at the University of the Balearic Islands, as future teachers to assess the acceptance of this digital tool both in its use as teachers and as developed by students. A digital magazine was requested to be done by the students and, after its completion, a survey was carried out that revealed the positive and negative aspects of the tool selected for the educational use. In conclusion, the digital methodology provided was received with a high degree of satisfaction by the students of the master, who considered the use of Digital Magazines as an innovative, attractive, useful and motivating digital resource for secondary school students.[ES] Las nuevas Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) son un recurso que bien utilizado por el profesorado puede permitir la motivación del alumnado con respecto a diferentes especialidades, como serían las ciencias. Dentro de las diferentes TIC que se pueden escoger, la revista digital supone una herramienta digital que permitiría alcanzar diversas competencias y conseguir un aprendizaje significativo del alumnado. El desarrollo de esta herramienta se ha implantado entre alumnado del máster de Formación de Profesorado de la Universidad de las Islas Baleares, como futuros profesores, para evaluar la aceptación de esta herramienta digital tanto en su utilización como docentes o como elaborada por su alumnado. Se solicitó la realización de una revista digital y, tras la finalización de la misma, se llevó a cabo una encuesta que permitió conocer los aspectos tantos positivos como negativos de la herramienta seleccionada para su uso docente. En conclusión, la metodología digital aportada fue recibida con alto grado de satisfacción por parte del alumnado del máster, que consideró el uso de las revistas digitales como un recurso digital innovador, atractivo, útil y motivador para los alumnos de educación secundaria.Tejada Gavela, S.; Pinya Fernández, S.; Capó Fiol, X.; Sureda Gomila, A. (2021). Uso de la revista digital como herramienta didáctica en los centros de secundaria. En IN-RED 2021: VII Congreso de Innovación Edicativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 169-177. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2021.2021.13664OCS16917

    Induction of detoxification systems in wild red mullet Mullus surmuletus after microplastic ingestion

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    Marine litter greatly affects marine species and ecosystems (1), however there is little evidence of physiological responses of vertebrates to plastic exposure. In this study, wild mullets Mullus surmuletus were obtained from fishing vessels operating in Mallorca Island (W Mediterranean). Stomach content analyses and identification under microscope determined that 28% of the samples had ingested microplastics. Liver samples of surmullets with and without microplastic ingestion were analysed to determine physiological effects. Results suggest an induction of the detoxification system in M. surmuletus Linnaeus, 1758 but no oxidative stress or cellular damage


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    Marine compartments are often considered independent environments in studies on plastic pollution (Ali et al., 2021). Consequently, little is known about microplastic (MPs) distribution amongst those habitats closely linked. Here, we perform an interactive assessment of MPs abundance and composition from the pelagic habitat to beaches integrating shallow seafloor sediments of a coastal Mediterranean marine protected area and evaluating MPs ingestion in holothurians, echinoderms, molluscs, and fishes inhabiting the area. We observed a gradient in the accumulation of MPs from the sea surface (0.17 ± 0.39 MPs/m2) to the seafloor (76 ± 108 MPs/m2) and beach sediment (13418 ± 28787 MPs/m2), with a skip of two orders of magnitude. Microplastic abundances fit with those reported for more anthropized Mediterranean areas and suggest coastal environments as potential debris sinking areas. Fibers dominate all the studied habitats. Holothurians showed the highest general MPs and fibers ingestion occurrence (91%), with greater values (9.48 ± 8.05 MPs/individual and 8.24 ± 7.95 fibers/individual) than those reported previously (Bulleri et al., 2021). Considering ecological key role, species distribution, and MPs ingestion values, we suggest Holothuroidea as suitable bioindicators for plastic pollution, particularly for fibers. Fibers are composed primarily of cellulose acetate (29%), whereas styrofoam of polystyrene (64%), and films, fragments, and filaments of a variable percentage of polyethylene and polypropylene. Differences found in the polymer composition amongst plastics´ morphologies are reflected in the variability observed between habitats and marine organisms. Particularly the polymer composition of fibers coincides with that of one of the MPs ingested by invertebrates. Results suggest that shape is a key plastic characteristic in determining polymer distribution patterns along with habitats and in marine species. Finally, this study highlights once again the importance and urgency of local and global actions needed to mitigate plastic pollution and particularly fiber release into the marine environment

    Reduced Antioxidant Response of the Fan Mussel Pinna nobilis Related to the Presence of Haplosporidium pinnae

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    The endemic fan mussel (Pinna nobilis) in the Mediterranean Sea is at high risk of disappearance due to massive mortality events. The aim of the study was to evaluate the antioxidant response of P. nobilis collected in the Balearic Islands (Western Mediterranean) before and after the mass mortality event. Individuals collected before (between 2011 and 2012) and after (between 2016 and 2017) the event were analyzed by histological, molecular, and biochemical methods to compare pathogenic loads and biochemical responses. All the individuals collected during 2016–2017 presented symptoms of the disease and were positive for Haplosporidium pinnae, while acid-fast bacteria or/and Gram-negative bacteria were detected in some individuals of both sampling periods. The activities of the antioxidant enzymes catalase and superoxide dismutase in the gills were significantly lower in P. nobilis a ected with the parasite compared to those in the asymptomatic ones, while levels of malondialdehyde, as an indicator of lipid peroxidation, were higher in infected individuals. When analyzing the di erential e ects of H. pinnae and Mycobacterium sp. on P. nobilis, it was observed that significant e ects on biomarkers were only observed in the presence of H. pinnae. Co-infection of P. nobilis by H. pinnae with other pathogens such as Mycobacterium sp. constitutes a serious problem due to its high mortality rate in the Balearic Island waters. This concerning situation for P. nobilis is favored by a reduction in antioxidant defenses related to H. pinnae infection that induces oxidative stress and cell damage.En prens

    Factores alimentarios moduladores de la inflamación

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    [spa] La inflamación es un proceso tisular caracterizado por una serie de fenómenos moleculares, celulares y vasculares con finalidad defensiva y reparadora frente a agresiones físicas, químicas o biológicas. La realización de actividad física aguda provoca una respuesta inmunológica asociada a la aparición de un estado proinflamatorio agudo. Sin embargo, la práctica de ejercicio regular reduce los marcadores de inflamación. Además, el ejercicio agudo incrementa la producción de especies reactivas de oxigeno (ROS) incrementando el daño oxidativo, pero a la vez estimula las defensas antioxidantes endógenas. Algunos nutrientes como los ácidos grasos omega-3, las vitaminas o los polifenoles, pueden modular el balance oxidativo y la respuesta inflamatoria. Asimismo, productos de oxidación de ácidos grasos también pueden tener propiedades anti-inflamatorias, de hecho, el sebo de cerdo, que se elabora en condiciones de oxidación de ácidos grasos, se ha utilizado tradicionalmente como tratamiento frente a procesos inflamatorios agudos. El objetivo principal de esta tesis doctoral es estudiar los efectos de nutrientes y de alimentos funcionales enriquecidos con ácidos grasos esenciales y antioxidantes sobre marcadores de estrés oxidativo e inflamación asociados a la realización de ejercicio físico agudo y sobre las adaptaciones derivadas de un período de entrenamiento regular y evidenciar las propiedades antiinflamatorias del sebo de cerdo. Deportistas de diferentes modalidades (futbolistas y taekwondistas) y de diferentes edades (jóvenes de menos de 25 años y seniors de más de 40 años) que consumieron una bebida funcional de almendra y aceite de oliva enriquecida con ácido docosahexaenoico (DHA) y vitamina E durante un periodo determinado han participado en los estudios Los efectos anti-inflamatorios del sebo de cerdo se estudiaron en un modelo animal y para encontrar los componentes del sebo responsables de los mismos se utilizaron células inmunitarias humanas. El entrenamiento regular incrementa los niveles de proteínas desacoplantes 2 y 3 (UCP-2 y UCP-3) potenciando las defensas contra la producción ROS mitocondrial en células inmunitarias mononucleares periféricas (PBMCs), además provoca un cambio en la estrategia de eliminación ROS, pasando de un sistema basado en la catalasa a un sistema basado en la glutatión peroxidasa. El ejercicio regular provoca un incremento de los niveles circulantes de prostaglandina E1 (PGE1). La realización de un ejercicio físico intenso y prolongado incrementa los marcadores de daño oxidativo a la vez que induce una adaptación de los mecanismos antioxidantes para reducir el daño oxidativo en PBMCs. Este ejercicio incrementa los niveles plasmáticos de IL-6 en futbolistas, mientras que la suplementación de la dieta con DHA no altera los niveles de citoquinas plasmáticas. El ejercicio físico intenso incrementa la capacidad de producción de citoquinas proinflamatorias, además de PGE1, PGE2 y Resolvina D1 (RvD1) en PBMCs estimuladas in vitro con lipolisacárido (LPS). El ejercicio físico extenuante incrementa la activación del NFκB en PBMCs y los niveles plasmáticos de la molécula de adhesión intercelular 3 (sICAM3) y sL-Selectina. La suplementación con DHA potencia las capacidades antioxidantes de las PBMCs y de los neutrófilos y atenúa la respuesta inflamatoria después de la estimulación in vitro con LPS o phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) respectivamente. El consumo durante un mes de la bebida funcional atenúa el grado de activación de las células inmunes. El sebo de cerdo (por vía tópica o en forma de extracto hidroalcohólico) reduce la respuesta inflamatoria, encontrándose algunos componentes responsables de estos efectos. En conclusión la suplementación de la dieta con nutrientes como los ácidos grasos poliinsaturados omega-3 y antioxidantes como polifenoles o vitamina C modulan la respuesta inflamatoria y el balance oxidativo asociado al entrenamiento y a la realización de un ejercicio físico. La manteca de cerdo presenta potentes efectos anti-inflamatorios atribuibles a diferentes componentes hallados en el extracto hidroalcohólico.[cat] La inflamació és un procés tissular caracteritzat per una sèrie de fenòmens moleculars, cel·lulars i vasculars amb finalitat defensiva i reparadora front a agressions físiques, químiques o biològiques. La realització d’activitat física aguda provoca una resposta immunològica associada a l’aparició d’un estat proinflamatori agut. Per contra, la pràctica d’exercici de forma regular redueix els marcadors d’inflamació. A més l’exercici agut incrementa la producció d’espècies reactives d’oxigen (ROS) incrementant el dany oxidatiu, però a la vegada estimula les defenses antioxidants endògenes. Alguns nutrients com els àcids grassos omega3, les vitamines, o els polifenols poden modular el balanç oxidatiu i la resposta inflamatòria. S’ha demostrat que els productes d’oxidació dels àcids grassos també poden tenir propietat anti-inflamatòries , de fet, el saïm de porc, que s’elabora en condicions d’oxidació d’àcids grassos, s’ha utilitzat tradicionalment com a tractament front a processos inflamatoris aguts. L’objectiu principal d’aquesta tesis doctoral es estudiar els efectes de nutrients i d’aliments funcionals enriquits amb àcids grassos essencials i antioxidants sobre els marcadors d’estrès oxidatiu i d’inflamació associats a la realització d’exercici físic agut i sobre les adaptacions derivades d’un període d’entrenament regular i evidenciar les propietats anti-inflamatòries del saïm de porc. Esportistes de diferents modalitats (futbolistes i taekwondistes) i de diferents rangs d’edat (joves de menys de 25 anys i sèniors de més de 40 anys) que varen consumir una beguda funcional d’ametlla i oli d’oliva enriquida amb àcid docosahexaenoïc (DHA) i vitamina E durant un període determinat han participat en els estudis. Els efectes anti-inflamatoris del saïm de por es varen estudiar en un model animal i per a determinar els components dels saïm responsables d’aquests efectes es varen emprar cèl·lules immunitàries humanes. L’entrenament regular incrementa els nivells de proteïnes desacoblants 2 i 3 (UCP-2 i UCP-3) potenciant les defenses contra la producció de ROS a nivell mitocondrial en cèl·lules immunitàries mononuclears perifèriques (PBMCs), a més provoca un canvia en l’estratègia d’eliminació de ROS, passant-se d’un sistema basat en la catalasa a un sistema basat en la glutatió peroxidasa. L’exercici regular provoca un increment en els nivells circulants de prostaglandina E1 (PGE1). La realització d’un exercici físic intens i perllongat incrementa els marcadors de dany oxidatiu a la vegada que indueix una adaptació dels mecanismes antioxidants per reduir el dany oxidatiu en PBMCs. Aquest tipus d’exercici incrementa els nivells plasmàtics de IL-6 en futbolistes, per la seva banda la suplementació de la dieta amb DHA no altera els nivells de citocines inflamatòries. L’exercici físic intens incrementa la capacitat de producció de citocines pro-inflamatòries, a més de PGE1, PGE2 i Resolvina D1 (RvD1) en PBMCs estimulades in vitro amb lipolisacàrid (LPS). L’exercici físic extenuant incrementa l’activació de NFκB en PBMCs i els nivells plasmàtics de la molècula d’adhesió intercel·lular 3 (sICAM) i sL-Selectina. La suplementació amb DHA potencia les capacitats antioxidants de les PBMCs i dels neutròfils a més atenua la resposta inflamatòria després de l’estimulació in vitro amb LPS o phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) respectivament. El consum durant un mes de la beguda funcional atenua el grau d’activació de les cèl·lules immunitàries. El saïm de porc (per via tòpica o en forma d’extracte hidroalcohòlic) redueix la resposta inflamatòria, i s’han determinat alguns components responsables d’aquests efectes. En conclusió la suplementació de la dieta amb nutrients amb àcids grassos poliinsaturats omega-3 i antioxidants com els polifenols o la vitamina C modulen la resposta inflamatòria i el balanç oxidatiu associat a l’entrenament i a la realització d’exercici físic agut. El saïm de porc presenta potents efectes anti-inflamatoris atribuïbles a diferents composts trobats en l’extracte hidroalcohòlic.[eng] nflammation is a tissue process characterized by a series of molecular, cellular and vascular phenomena with defensive and restorative purpose against physically, chemistry or biological aggressions. Acute physical activity could cause an immune response, which is related to apparition of pro-inflammatory state. However, the practice of regular exercise reduces pro-inflammatory makers. Furthermore, acute exercise increases reactive oxygen species (ROS) production leading to oxidative damage, but at the same time acute exercise is able to enhance endogen antioxidant defences. Some nutrients such as omega 3 fatty acids, vitamins or polyphenols can modulate the oxidative balance and the inflammatory response. In this sense, products of fatty acids oxidation could present anti-inflammatory properties, in fact, lard which is elaborated under oxidation conditions, has been traditionally used treatment against acute inflammatory process. The main objective of this doctoral thesis is to evaluate the effects of nutrients and functional foods enriched with essential fatty acids and antioxidants on oxidative stress and inflammation markers associated to acute and regular exercise adaptations. Additionally, to evidence the lard anti-inflammatory properties is also an aim of this doctoral thesis. Studies were performed with athletes from different modalities (football and taekwondo players) and different age (young under 25 years and seniors over 40 years) that consumed an almond and olive oil based functional beverage enriched with docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and vitamin E during a variable period. Lard anti-inflammatory effects were studied in an animal model, and the lard components responsible of anti-inflammatory effects were tested using human immune cells. Regular training increases uncoupling protein 2 and 3 (UCP-2 and UCP-3) levels, enhancing defences against mitochondria ROS production in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), besides regular exercise causes a change in ROS elimination strategy, from a system based on catalase activity to a system based on glutathione peroxidase activity. Regular exercise causes an increase in prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) plasma levels. An intense and prolonged physical exercise increases oxidative stress markers, but also induces an adaptative response in order to reduce oxidative damage in PBMCs. This kind of exercise increases IL-6 plasma levels in football players, while DHA diet supplementation do not alter plasma cytokine levels. Intense physical exercise increase pro-inflammatory cytokine production at the same time intense exercise increases PGE1, PGE2 and Resolvin D1 (RvD1) production in lipolysacharide (LPS)- stimulated PBMCs. Extenuate physical exercise enhances NFκB activation in PBMCs, and also increases intercellular adhesion molecule 3 (sICAM-3) and sL-Selectin plasma levels. DHA diet supplementation enhances PBMCs and neutrophils antioxidant capabilities and reduces the inflammatory response after LPS or phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) in vitro stimulation. The intake of functional beverage for one month attenuates activation degree of immune cells. Lard (topically or as hydroalcoholic extract) reduces the inflammatory response and, some anti-inflammatory components have been isolated and determined. In conclusion, diet supplementation with nutrients rich in omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and antioxidant as polyphenols or vitamin C modulates the inflammatory response and oxidative balance associated to regular training and acute exercise. Lard exerts potent anti-inflammatory effects attributable to different compounds isolated in the hydroalcoholic extract

    Oxidative status assessment of the endemic bivalve Pinna nobilis affected by the oil spill from the sinking of the Don Pedro

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    Several biomarkers were determined to evaluate the effects of the Don Pedro spillage on the digestive gland of the fan mussel Pinna nobilis (Linnaeus, 1758). Two areas in the southeast of Ibiza Island (Western Mediterranean) were selected; one affected by the oil spill (Talamanca) and one did not affected (Espardell). Mussels were sampled one, six and twelve months after the accident. PAH levels were elevated in P. nobilis from the affected area one month after the accident and, although they were decreasing gradually, they were always higher than in the control area. An increase in enzyme activities, reduced glutathione and lipid peroxidation were evidenced one month after the spillage, with no changes in acetylcholinesterase. All biomarkers progressively returned to basal levels one year after the oil spill. In conclusion, the Don Pedro oil spill induced an acute situation of oxidative stress on P. nobilis that were recovered twelve months later.Publicado1,953

    Breaking the paradigm: Marine sediments hold two-fold microplastics than sea surface waters and are dominated by fibers

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    We conducted one of the first studies to integrate the quantification and characterization of microplastics (MPs), including fibers, in different habitats (sea surface, seafloor and beach sediments) of a coastal Mediterranean marine protected area, analyzing their ingestion in several marine species. The objectives of the study were to evaluate the distribution of MPs according to shape and polymer, to assess the contribution of fibers to local plastic pollution and to evaluate their ingestion in fish and invertebrates species that inhabit the study area (Pagrus pagrus, Serranus scriba, Spondyliosoma cantharus, Diplodus vulgaris, Oblada melanura, Holothuria forskalii, Holothuria tubularis, Holothuria polis, Arbacia lixula, Paracentrotus lividus, Modiolus barbatus, Mytilus galloprovincialis and Arca noae). A total of 111 environmental samples were analyzed. The mean abundance of MPs (excluding fibers) quantified in beach sediments (13,418.86 ± 28,787.99 MPs/m2) was two orders of magnitude higher than that found in seafloor sediments (76.92 ± 108.84 MPs/m2), which in turn was two orders of magnitude higher than sea surface samples (0.17 ± 0.39 MPs/m2). The fibers were the most abundant shape of MPs identified in all habitats. Variability in MPs ingestion was detected between species, with ingestion rates ranging from 43 % to 100 % for general MPs and ranging from 7 % to 100 % for fibers. The highest ingestion was observed in Holoturians, representing suitable bioindicators for plastic pollution. The composition of the polymer varies weakly depending on habitats and biota, but the result is strongly correlated with the morphology of the plastic. Fibers were mainly composed of cellulose acetate (29 %), styrofoam of polystyrene (18 %), and filaments, films and fragments of polyethylene and polypropylene. The results highlighted the need to expand integrated approaches to effectively study marine plastic pollution and to undertake efficient actions to limit the input of plastics, particularly fibers, into the marine environment.This study was founded by the INTERREG project: Plastic Busters MPAs: preserving biodiversity from plastics in Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (grant agreement No 4MED17_3.2_M123_027). Acknowledgement to the Servicios Científico técnicos of the University of Balearic Islands, and to Dr. Gabriel Martorell Crespi. Valentina Fagiano is supported with a pre-doctoral fellowship (FPI-CAIB) co-financed by the Government of the Balearic Islands and the European Social Fund. Montserrat Compa is the recipient of a postdoctoral fellowship within the Margalida Comas program financed from the Direcció General de Política Universitària i Recerca of the Government of the Balearic Islands.Peer reviewe

    Microplastic ingestion by Mullus surmuletus Linnaeus, 1758 fish and its potential for causing oxidative stress

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    A total of 417 striped red mullet, Mullus surmuletus, were analyzed to study microplastic ingestion and livers of fish were assessed to study effects of microplastics. Nearly one third (27.30%) of the individuals were quantified to ingest microplastics although there was no evidence of oxidative stress or cellular damage in the liver of fish which had ingested microplastics. A small increase in the activity of glutathione S-transferase (GST) of M. surmuletus was detected which could be suggesting an induction of the detoxification systems but these findings should be tested in laboratory conditions under a controlled diet and known concentration of microplastics. Fish from trammel fisheries, operating closer to land and targeting larger individuals, showed higher mean ingestion values than fish from trawling fisheries, and were related to body size, as microplastics ingested increased with total fish length. Consequently, ingestion values of microplastics were not related to sampling distance from land giving further evidence of the ubiquity of microplastics in the marine environment. Finally, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis showed that the vast majority of microplastics were filament type and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) was the main identified componentVersión del edito

    Oxidative stress response in the seagrass Posidonia oceanica and the seaweed Dasycladus vermicularis associated to the invasive tropical green seaweed Halimeda incrassata

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    [eng] The Mediterranean Sea is one of the most affected areas by the presence of invasive species. Halimeda incrassata (J Ellis) JV Lamoroux is newly arrived tropical seaweed in waters of the Mallorca Island (Balearic Islands, Western Mediterranean). The aim was to evaluate the effect of a potential competition between the invasive Halimeda incrassata, the native Posidonia oceanica and Dasycladus vermicularis, by means of antioxidant - related biomarkers in waters of Mallorca. The activities of the antioxidant enzymes - catalase, superoxidedismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and glutathione reductase (GRd) -, the levels of reduced glutathione (GSH) and malondialdehyde as indicator of lipid peroxidation were evaluated. The concentration of 3,6,7-trihydroxycoumarin (THC) was measured in D. vermicularis. P. oceanica biomarkers were not altered while D. vermicularis coexisting with the invader showed higher GSH levels (46%) and antioxidant enzyme activities (catalase 74%, SOD 65%, GPx 86% and GRd 98%), although without lipid damage. H. incrassata showed higher malondialdehyde and GSH levels (30% and 31%, respectively), and catalase, superoxide dismutase and glutathione reductase activities (51%, 35% and 84%, respectively) in presence of P. oceanica respect to being alone; and higher superoxide dismutase and glutathione reductase in the presence of D. vermicularis (22% and 42%, respectively). THC concentration in D. vermicularis was significantly higher (53%) in samples competing with H. incrassata. Altogether, native P. oceanica meadows seem unaffected by the alien H. incrassata -which suffered oxidative stress competing with the other species-; whereas increased antioxidant capacities were evidenced in D. vermicularis, possibly as an adaptation mechanism to the new stressful situation that reflect differences in the physiological activities of the three species. In conclusion, the presence of the invasive H. incrassata may be a competitor to be considered for D. vermicularis, while it does not seem to be a major problem for P. oceanica