384 research outputs found

    Energy price shocks: sweet and sour consequences in developing countries

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    This paper discusses the effects of recent energy price changes on developing countries. It reviews the transmission channels between energy prices and growth and distribution in developing countries based on the most recent literature; employs a Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model to identify the most vulnerable countries; and presents three brief country case studies analysing policy responses to oil shocks in more detail (Nigeria, Malawi and Ghana). The issue of energy shocks is crucial, as oil prices affect growth. Since Brent oil prices hit a 2011 high of 127abarrelinApril2011,astheconflictinLibyashutdownitssupplies,theInternationalEnergyAgency(IEA)hasrepeatedlysaidthatoilpricesposeathreattogrowth.In2011,theIEAestimatednominaloilpricesof127 a barrel in April 2011, as the conflict in Libya shut down its supplies, the International Energy Agency (IEA) has repeatedly said that oil prices pose a threat to growth. In 2011, the IEA estimated nominal oil prices of 114 a barrel in 2015, revising its 2010 estimate of $104 a barrel upward. / Oil prices and developing country growth: An increase in oil prices has a negative effect on oil-importing countries making their input costs are greater. Meanwhile, it is commonly thought that oil prices will benefit oil exporters through improved terms of trade, at least in the short run. However, if we take into account the decrease in world gross domestic product (GDP) induced by higher oil prices and the competitiveness (production costs) of nonoil sectors in oil-exporting country, higher oil prices may eventually lower incomes in all developing countries. We estimate that, in terms of real GDP, African countries may suffer up to a 3% loss from a doubling of oil prices. / Oil prices, poverty and distribution: Because of their effect on employment and on food and transport prices, oil price shocks also have important distributional impacts within each country. Evidence shows that recent energy price shocks have increased food insecurity and poverty levels in developing countries. Some population segments have a higher degree of vulnerability, including the poor, the landless, informal sector workers and female-headed households. Evidence from household surveys in several countries shows that oil price shocks tend to have a stronger effect on poorer households, as a higher proportion of their expenditure goes towards oil products. / Effects of recent oil price changes in selected case study countries: Reviewing the experience of Nigeria, we find that oil price increases can harm countries with abundant oil but low refinery capacity. In such cases, an oil price will lead to fuel price stabilisation policies such as fossil fuel subsidies, which affect the national budget negatively and generate adverse environmental effects. Countries with oil reserves such as Ghana may suffer ‘Dutch disease’, which may reduce long-term growth by making the national currency stronger and diverting resources from other exportable production to national consumption. In Malawi, physical fuel scarcity generated by a lack of foreign reserves has been exacerbated by economic scarcity deriving from fuel price increases. / Conclusions: Many developing countries are already putting in place policy responses to reduce their dependence on oil (e.g. energy conservation, diversification) but, as our case studies show, long-term commitment to such policies outside the political and/or electoral cycle, government effectiveness, real independence of regulatory bodies and technical skills of decision makers need to be in place for the successful implementation of appropriate actions to reduce vulnerability or cope with oil price increases. Policies to cope with oil price crises include the strengthening of refinery capacity for countries with oil endowments, interventions promoting a structural change towards green sources of energy, the creation of strategic petroleum reserves and hedging strategies

    New tools for scientific learning in the EduSeis project: the e-learning experiment

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    The Educational Seismological Project (EduSeis) is a scientific and educational project, the main aim of which is the development and implementation of new teaching methodologies in Earth Sciences, using seismology as a vehicle for scientific learning and awareness of earthquake risk. Within this framework, we have recently been experimenting with new learning and information approaches that are mainly aimed at a high school audience. In particular, we have designed, implemented and tested a model of an e-learning environment in a high school located in the surroundings of the Mt. Vesuvius volcano. The proposed e-learning model is built on the EduSeis concepts and educational materials (web-oriented), and is based on computer-supported collaborative learning. Ten teachers from different disciplines and fifty students at the ITIS «Majorana» technical high school (Naples) have been taking part in a cooperative e-learning experiment in which the students have been working in small groups (communities). The learning process is assisted and supervised by the teachers. The evaluation of the results from this cooperative e-learning experiment has provided useful insights into the content and didactic value of the EduSeis modules and activities. The use of network utilities and the «Learning Community» approach promoted the exchange of ideas and expertises between students and teachers and allowed a new approach to the seismology teaching through a multidisciplinary study

    A review of strategies, methods and technologies to reduce non-beneficial consumptive water use on farms considering the FAO56 methods

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    In the past few decades, research has developed a multitude of strategies, methods and technologies to reduce consumptive water use on farms for adaptation to the increasing incidence of water scarcity, agricultural droughts and multi-sectoral competition for water. The adoption of these water-saving practices implies accurate quantification of crop water requirements with the FAO56 crop coefficient approach, under diverse water availability and management practices. This paper critically reviews notions and means for maintaining high levels of water consumed through transpiration, land and water productivity, and for minimizing non-beneficial water consumption at farm level. Literature published on sound and quantified experimentation was used to evaluate water-saving practices related to irrigation methods, irrigation management and scheduling, crop management, remote sensing, plant conditioners, mulching, soil management and micro-climate regulation. Summary tables were developed on the benefits of these practices, their effects on non-beneficial water consumption, crop yields and crop water productivity, and the directions for adjustment of FAO56 crop coefficients when they are adopted. The main message is that on-farm application of these practices can result in water savings to a limited extent (usually<20%) compared to sound conventional practices, however this may translate into large volumes of water at catchment scale. The need to streamline data collection internationally was identified due to the insufficient number of sound field experiments and modelling work on the FAO56 crop water requirements that would allow an improved use of crop coefficients for different field conditions and practices. Optimization is required for the application of some practices that involve a large number of possible combinations (e.g. wetted area in micro-irrigation, row spacing and orientation, plant density, different types of mulching, in-field water harvesting) and for strategies such as deficit irrigation that aim at balancing water productivity, the economics of production, infrastructural and irrigation system requirements. Further research is required on promising technologies such as plant and soil conditioners, and remote sensing applicationsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The application of ground-based and satellite remote sensing for estimation of bio-physiological parameters of wheat grown under different water regimes

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    Remote sensing technologies have been widely studied for the estimation of crop biometric and physiological parameters. The number of sensors and data acquisition methods have been increasing, and their evaluation is becoming a necessity. The aim of this study was to assess the performance of two remote sensing data for describing the variations of biometric and physiological parameters of durum wheat grown under different water regimes (rainfed, 50% and 100% of irrigation requirements). The experimentation was carried out in Policoro (Southern Italy) for two growing seasons. The Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 images and radiometric ground-based data were acquired regularly during the growing season with plant biometric (leaf area index and dry aboveground biomass) and physiological (stomatal conductance, net assimilation, and transpiration rate) parameters. Water deficit index was closely related to plant water status and crop physiological parameters. The enhanced vegetation index showed slightly better performance than the normalized difference vegetation index when plotted against the leaf area index with R2 = 0.73. The overall results indicated that the ground-based vegetation indices were in good agreement with the satellite-based indices. The main constraint for effective application of satellite-based indices remains the presence of clouds during the acquisition time, which is particularly relevant for winter-spring crops. Therefore, the integration of remote sensing and field data might be needed to optimize plant response under specific growing conditions and to enhance agricultural production

    Endoscopic Treatment of Pilonidal Sinus Disease: State of Art and Review of the Literature

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    Background: Pilonidal sinus disease (PSD) is a chronic troublesome pathology of the natal cleft of the sacrococcygeal region, with an estimated incidence of 26 cases in every 100,000 inhabitants. The aim of this review is to give a snapshot of the current literature on the endoscopic approach to PSD. Methods: A search on endoscopic treatment of pilonidal disease was performed according to PRISMA guidelines, adopting the following search terms: (pilonidal OR sacrococcygeal) and (endoscopic OR VAAPS OR EPSiT OR minimally invasive OR video-assisted OR video assisted). Results: Thirty-four articles were included in the final analysis, among which 23 were on adults and 11 were on pediatric population. The endoscopic approach is associated with painless postoperative pain, good aesthetic results, short time off work, and high patient satisfaction. Despite these advantages in short-term outcomes, results on recurrence rate in a long-term follow up are needed to definitively confirm the importance of this technique. Conclusions: The endoscopic approach is associated with significant postoperative advantages over other standard surgical approaches, and it should be included in the surgical portfolio for the treatment of PSD. According to the Italian guidelines, this technique could be considered as the gold standard for limited PSD. However, the favorable short-term-outcomes and lack of reliable data on long-term follow-up must be a stimulus to perform further high-quality studies to give definitive conclusions on this technique

    Sialendoscopy for salivary stones: principles, technical skills and therapeutic experience

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    La scialoadenite cronica ostruttiva rappresenta una delle più frequenti patologie non-neoplastiche delle ghiandole salivari e la scialoendoscopia è sempre più utilizzata nella sua diagnosi e nel suo trattamento, associata o meno con la litotripsia laser. La scialoendoscopia può essere inoltre associata ad approcci esterni mini-invasivi nelle litiasi troppo voluminose per essere rimosse con un approccio unicamente endoscopico. Il presente articolo riporta lesperienza delle Cliniche Otorinolaringoiatriche dellOspedale SantOrsola-Malpighi di Bologna e dellAzienda Ospedaliero Universitaria di Cagliari, Italia. È stata eseguita unanalisi retrospettiva su 48 pazienti (26 femmine, 22 maschi; età media di 45,3 anni; range 8-83 anni) trattati per patologia cronica ostruttiva delle ghiandole salivari maggiori mediante procedure chirurgiche endoscopiche o combinate da novembre 2010 ad aprile 2016 presso lAzienda-Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Cagliari. I risultati dellOspedale SantOrsola-Malpighi di Bologna erano stati precedentemente pubblicati. Gli aspetti tecnici della scialoendoscopia sono stati accuratamente descritti. I pazienti trattati presso lAzienda Ospedaliero Universitaria di Cagliari presentavano una patologia unilaterale in 40 casi e bilaterale in 8 casi; sono state trattate 56 ghiandole salivari maggiori (22 sottomandibolari e 34 parotidi). 5 pazienti sono stati sottoposti a scialoendoscopia bilaterale per parotite ricorrente giovanile, 10 per patologia ostruttiva non litiasica e 33 (68,75%) presentavano calcoli salivari (1 paziente presentava una litiasi parotidea bilaterale). Solo 8 pazienti sono stati sottoposti a scialectomia radicale per via esterna (5 scialectomie sottomandibolare e 3 parotidectomie). La chirurgia conservativa nei pazienti con scialoadenite cronica ostruttiva appare efficace e può essere realizzata mediante un approccio puramente endoscopico o combinato, con unalta percentuale di successo. La procedura richiede una strumentazione adeguata e deve essere eseguita da un chirurgo esperto, che abbia svolto un training specifico scialoendoscopico, in modo da evitare le possibili complicanze maggiori e minori. La scialectomia tradizionale rappresenta la extrema ratio, limitata nei casi in cui un approccio conservativo sia risultato inefficace o controindicato

    Bladder cancer organoids as a functional system to model different disease stages and therapy response.

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    Bladder Cancer (BLCa) inter-patient heterogeneity is the primary cause of treatment failure, suggesting that patients could benefit from a more personalized treatment approach. Patient-derived organoids (PDOs) have been successfully used as a functional model for predicting drug response in different cancers. In our study, we establish PDO cultures from different BLCa stages and grades. PDOs preserve the histological and molecular heterogeneity of the parental tumors, including their multiclonal genetic landscapes, and consistently share key genetic alterations, mirroring tumor evolution in longitudinal sampling. Our drug screening pipeline is implemented using PDOs, testing standard-of-care and FDA-approved compounds for other tumors. Integrative analysis of drug response profiles with matched PDO genomic analysis is used to determine enrichment thresholds for candidate markers of therapy response and resistance. Finally, by assessing the clinical history of longitudinally sampled cases, we can determine whether the disease clonal evolution matched with drug response

    Combination chemotherapy for choroidal melanoma: ex vivo sensitivity to treosulfan with gemcitabine or Cytosine arabinoside

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    Treatment of choroidal melanoma by chemotherapy is usually unsuccessful, with response rates of less than 1% reported for dacarbazine (DTIC)-containing regimens which show 20% or more response rates in skin melanoma. Recently, we reported the activity of several cytotoxic agents against primary choroidal melanoma in an ATP-based tumour chemosensitivity assay (ATP-TCA). In this study, we have used the same method to examine the sensitivity of choroidal melanoma to combinations suggested by our earlier study. Tumour material from 36 enucleated eyes was tested against a battery of single agents and combinations which showed some activity in the previous study. The combination of treosulfan with gemcitabine or cytosine arabinoside showed consistent activity in 70% and 86% of cases, respectively. Paclitaxel was also active, particularly in combination with treosulfan (47%) or mitoxantrone (33%). Addition of paclitaxel to the combination of treosulfan + cytosine analogue added little increased sensitivity. For treosulfan + cytosine arabinoside, further sequence and timing experiments showed that simultaneous administration gave the greatest suppression, with minor loss of inhibition if the cytosine analogue was given 24 h after the treosulfan. Administration of cytosine analogue 24 h before treosulfan produced considerably less inhibition at any concentration. While we have so far been unable to study metastatic tumour from choroidal melanoma patients, the combination of treosulfan with gemcitabine or cytosine arabinoside shows activity ex vivo against primary tumour tissue. Clinical trials are in progress. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    A Multicenter Clinical Evaluation of Data Logging in Cochlear Implant Recipients Using Automated Scene Classification Technologies

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    Currently, there are no studies assessing everyday use of cochlear implant (CI) processors by recipients by means of objective tools. The Nucleus 6 sound processor features a data logging system capable of real-time recording of CI use in different acoustic environments and under various categories of loudness levels. In this study, we report data logged for the different scenes and different loudness levels of 1,366 CI patients, as recorded by SCAN. Monitoring device use in cochlear implant recipients of all ages provides important information about the listening conditions encountered in recipients' daily lives that may support counseling and assist in the further management of their device settings. The findings for this large cohort of active CI users confirm differences between age groups concerning device use and exposure to various noise environments, especially between the youngest and oldest age groups, while similar levels of loudness were observed

    The Distribution of Dengue Virus Serotype in Quang Nam Province (Vietnam) during the Outbreak in 2018

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    Objectives: Quang Nam province in the Centre of Vietnam has faced an outbreak of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) in 2018. Although DHF is a recurrent disease in this area, no epidemiological and microbiological reports on dengue virus serotypes have been conducted mainly due to lack of facilities for such a kind of advanced surveillance. The aim of this study was to detect different dengue virus serotypes in patients’ blood samples. Design and Methods: Suspected cases living in Quang Nam province (Vietnam) and presenting clinical and hematological signs of dengue hemorrhagic fever were included in the study. The screening was performed, and the results were compared by using two methodologies: RT real-time PCR (RT-rPCR) and the Dengue NS1 rapid test. Results: From December 2018 to February 2019, looking both at RT-rPCR [+] and NS1 [+] methodologies, a total of 488 patients were screened and 336 were positive for dengue virus detection (74 children and 262 adults); 273 of these patients (81.3%) underwent viral serotype identification as follows: 12.82% (35/273) D1 serotype, 17.95% (49/273) D2, 0.37% (1/273) D3, 68.50 (187/283) D4, and 0.37% (1/273) D2+D4 serotypes. The RT-rPCR outcomes showed higher sensitivity during the first three days of infection compared to NS1 (92.3% vs. 89.7%). The NS1 increased sensitivity after the first 3 days whilst the RT-rPCR decreased. Conclusions: Advanced surveillance with dengue virus serotypes identification, if performed routinely, may help to predict and prevent further DHF epidemics based on the exposure of the different serotypes during different periods that lead to the intensification of disease severity as a consequence of antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE)
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