42 research outputs found

    European guidelines resources for PRM

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    Osteointegração nos amputados: um passo em frente!

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    ntrodução: Em Portugal, até agora, as próteses de reabilitação usadas para doentes amputados a nível transfemoral e transtibial condicionam trocas frequentes por motivos de alargamento, instabilidade, desconforto, problemas de pele e dor no coto que originam limitação funcional e perda de qualidade de vida. Em 1990, na Suécia, adoptou-se a técnica de osteointegração no membro inferior e superior com o desenvolvimento inovador da fixação óssea da prótese, eliminando o contacto com a pele e permitindo ganhar função e independência destes doentes. O desenvolvimento do protocolo OPRA permitiu definir critérios de indicação e seleção dos doentes e programar um processo de reabilitação individualizado. A técnica engloba 2 tempos cirúrgicos nos ossos longos. Os autores reportam o primeiro caso clínico de osteointegração realizado em Portugal. Caso Clínico: Um amputado transtibial com necessidade de trocas frequentes da prótese de reabilitação tipo socket, foi selecionado para osteointegração. Na fase S1 foi introduzido o implante intramedular. Após 6 meses, na fase S2 foi colocada a conexão de titânio por protusão à pele, e estabilização dos tecidos moles. O programa de reabilitação foi gradual e individualizado. Recorreu-se à escala visual analógica da dor para progressão da recuperação funcional. O doente está satisfeito e com capacidade de realizar eficazmente atividades até aqui inatingíveis. Discussão: A osteointegração implica uma equipa multidisciplinar e visa promover qualidade de vida e recuperar eficazmente doentes amputados para a sociedade ativa. Neste primeiro doente verificou-se ganho de função e independência com claro impacto psicosocioeconómico. Factores como a estrutura, dinâmica e bioquímica do tecido ósseo assim como a estabilização dos tecidos moles são fundamentais. As complicações possíveis incluem infeção, necrose cutânea, descelagem e fractura. As vantagens biomecânicas são maior segurança, suporte dos tecidos moles, estabilidade protésica e, no caso das amputações transfemorais, maior flexão do joelho. Conclusão: A osteointegração representa um passo em frente na reabilitação dos amputados e os autores acreditam que contribuirá no futuro para dotar as próteses de função sensitivomotora artificial, com o desenvolvimento das neurociências, robótica e engenharias electrotécnica e biomédica. A osteointegração permitiu projetar uma vida diferente e mais ativa para este doente, conjugando os impactos biomecânico, fisiológico, psicológico, social e económico

    Cinesiterapia e Massoterapia

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    Reabilitação Respiratória

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    White book on physical and rehabilitation medicine (PRM) in Europe. Chapter 10. Science and research in PRM: Specificities and challenges

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    In the context of the White Book of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (PRM), this paper deals with Research, the future of PRM. PRM students and specialists are mainly involved in biomedical research, investigating the biological processes, the causes of diseases, their medical diagnosis, the evaluation of their consequences on functioning, disability and health and the effects of health interventions at an individual and a societal level. Most of the current PRM research, often interdisciplinary, originates from applied research which, using existing knowledge, is directed towards specific goals. Translational medical research, research and development, implementation research and clinical impact research are in this field. PRM physicians, mainly master or PhD students, are nowadays increasing their participation in basic research and in pre-clinical trials. PRM physicians are involved in primary research, which is an original first hand research, but also in secondary research, which is the analysis and interpretation of primary research publications in a field, with a specific methodology. Secondary research remains an important activity of the UEMS PRM section and it will be the field of the new created Cochrane Rehabilitation. Secondary research with interest for persons with disabilities, will be developed world wide on the basis of evidence based medicine, with the participation of PRM physicians and of all other health and social professionals involved in rehabilitation. The development of research activities with interest for PRM in Europe is a challenge for the future, which has to be faced now. The European PRM schools, the European master and PhD program with their supporting research and clinical facilities, the European PRM organizations with their websites, the PRM scientific journals and European congresses are a strong basis to develop research activities, together with the development of Cochrane Rehabilitation field and of our cooperation with European high level research facilities, European and international scientific societies in different fields. PRM will be a leader in this field of research

    “Balneology and PRM: how are they related?”

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    Questionnaire to evaluate musculoskeletal disorders among musicians

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    European guidelines resources for PRM

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    Determinants of disability in chronic musculoskeletal health conditions: a literature review

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    Knowledge of the determinants of disability in musculoskeletal conditions (MSC) is critical for reducing their burden. No epidemiologic studies from a truly comprehensive perspective consider environmental factors (EF) and personal factors (PF) as determinants of disability. However, one can identify candidate EF from the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) Core Sets for rheumatoid arthritis (RA), osteoporosis (OP), osteoarthritis (OA), low back pain (LBP) and chronic wide spread pain (CWP). The objective of this literature review was to contribute to the validation of the EF from the ICF Core Sets for MSC and the candidate PF from a (ICF) Delphi exercise, as well as from the report of the Bone and Joint Decade (BJD) Health Strategy Project. The results of the literature search focus on reviews published between January 1991 and March 2006 that contained information on EF and PF that determine disability in LBP, RA and OA. Many PF and EF included in the ICF Core Sets were confirmed as potential determinants of disability. However, regarding some contextual factors, in particular EF referring to the physical environment, there is a lack of reviews and clinical studies that have investigated their relevance to disability. The predominant medical model in studies on disability in MSC may explain this lack of evidence. However, the increasing attention given to the integrative model of functioning, disability and health of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the approval of the ICF by the World Health Assembly in 2001 may stimulate future research on the effect of EF and PF on disability