2 research outputs found

    The quasi-universality of nestedness in the structure of quantitative plant-parasite interactions

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    Understanding the relationships between host range and pathogenicity for parasites, and between the efficiency and scope of immunity for hosts are essential to implement efficient disease control strategies. In the case of plant parasites, most studies have focused on describing qualitative interactions and a variety of genetic and evolutionary models has been proposed in this context. Although plant quantitative resistance benefits from advantages in terms of durability, we presently lack models that account for quantitative interactions between plants and their parasites and the evolution of these interactions. Nestedness and modularity are important features to unravel the overall structure of host-parasite interaction matrices. Here, we analysed these two features on 32 matrices of quantitative pathogenicity trait data gathered from 15 plant-parasite pathosystems consisting of either annual or perennial plants along with fungi or oomycetes, bacteria, nematodes, insects and viruses. The performance of several nestedness and modularity algorithms was evaluated through a simulation approach, which helped interpretation of the results. We observed significant modularity in only six of the 32 matrices, with two or three modules detected. For three of these matrices, modules could be related to resistance quantitative trait loci present in the host. In contrast, we found high and significant nestedness in 30 of the 32 matrices. Nestedness was linked to other properties of plant-parasite interactions. First, pathogenicity trait values were explained in majority by a parasite strain effect and a plant accession effect, with no parasite-plant interaction term. Second, correlations between the efficiency and scope of the resistance of plant genotypes, and between the host range breadth and pathogenicity level of parasite strains were overall positive. This latter result questions the efficiency of strategies based on the deployment of several genetically-differentiated cultivars of a given crop species in the case of quantitative plant immunity

    Phenotypic variation for quantitative resistance to Phytophthora capsici in pepper germplasm, and molecular diversity and evolution pattern of the major effect QTL Pc5.1

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    L'utilisation de variétés présentant des résistances quantitatives polygéniques est une pratique respectueuse de l'environnement et potentiellement durable pour lutter contre les bioagresseurs. Les résistances quantitatives sont cependant mal connues et encore peu exploitées. Via l'étude de l'interaction Capsicum spp. / Phytophthora capsici, les objectifs sont de (i) caractériser la diversité naturelle de l'hÎte pour le phénotype quantitatif de résistance, (ii) décrire la diversité au QTL Pc5.1, déterminant majeur de la résistance, conservé chez les géniteurs et efficace à large spectre, et (iii) déterminer le profil d'évolution moléculaire aux gÚnes candidats de Pc5.1. L'évaluation du niveau de résistance de ressources génétiques de Capsicum spp. et du spectre de résistance d'un panel d'accessions a permis d'identifier de nouveaux géniteurs de forte résistance au spectre large et a fourni un set d'isolats différenciant les accessions selon leur spectre. Le polymorphisme à Pc5.1 a été révélé par séquençage haut débit. Globalement, Pc5.1 présente un polymorphisme nucléotidique plus élevé que le reste du génome. Les accessions résistantes sont trÚs peu divergentes au QTL, signe d'une forte conservation intra- et inter-génique, alors que les accessions sensibles sont plus polymorphes. Aux gÚnes candidats, deux haplotypes majeurs ont été identifiés, l'un présent quasi exclusivement chez des accessions résistantes et l'autre chez des accessions sensibles, ce qui confirme la forte conservation du locus et la divergence entre résistants et sensibles. Le déséquilibre de liaison mesuré aux gÚnes candidats étant fort, surtout chez les C. annuum, 65% des polymorphismes sont significativement associés à la résistance. Cette étude a mis en évidence le caractÚre contraint de l'allÚle de résistance à Pc5.1 et interroge sur l'origine et l'histoire évolutive du QTL, en relation avec sonefficacité à large spectre. Il semble qu'une localisation proche du centromÚre limite les recombinaisons au locus et que la divergence entre les sensibles et les résistants soit un événement ancien. La détermination de la nature moléculaire et de l'histoire évolutive de Pc5.1 sera poursuivie en approfondissant les analyses de divergence des séquences et en se focalisant sur la validation fonctionnelle des gÚnes candidats déjà en cours.An environmentally friendly and potentially durable strategy to control diseases is the breeding for varieties displaying quantitative polygenic resistances. However a few is known about quantitative resistances, which are thus underexploited. Through the investigation of the Capsicum spp. / Phytophthora capsici interaction, this study aimed to (i) phenotype natural host diversity for the quantitative resistance, (ii) describe the nucleotide diversity at the QTL Pc5.1, a major determinant of resistance that is retrieved among genitors and is broad-spectrum, and (iii) explore the pattern of molecular evolution at Pc5.1 candidate genes. Through the phenotyping for level of resistance in Capsicum spp. genetic resources and spectrum of resistance in a sample of accessions, novel genitors displaying strong and broadspectrum resistance have been identified, and a set of isolates that differentiate accessions according to their resistance spectrum has been established. High-throughput sequencing has been exploited to identify polymorphisms at Pc5.1. Nucleotide diversity at Pc5.1 is higher than over the genome. Resistant accessions displayed low divergence thatindicates high intra- and inter-genic conservation, while susceptible accessions are more polymorphic than resistant ones. At the candidate genes, two major haplotypes have been identified, one being almost exclusively exhibited by resistant accessions and the other by susceptible ones, which reinforces the assessments that the QTL is highly conserved and that resistant and susceptible accessions are divergent. Linkage disequilibrium at candidate genes being high, particularly for C. annuum, 65% of polymorphisms are in significant association with resistance. By highlightingthe constraint pattern of selection at Pc5.1, this study wonders about the origin and the evolution history of the QTL, in relation to its broad-spectrum efficiency. A close proximity with the centromere region seems to restrict recombinations at the QTL, and divergence between resistant and susceptible may be an ancient event. The investigation of the molecular function and the pattern of evolution of Pc5.1 will be continued through in depth study of the acquired sequences and functional validation of candidate genes already ongoing