73 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of integrated neurocognitive therapy on cognitive impairment and functional outcome for schizophrenia outpatients

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    Cognitive impairment is highly prevalent in patients with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder. Many interventions have been developed to treat cognitive deficit, since it has a strong impact on functional outcome; however, there are no integrated interventions targeting multiple neuro-and social-cognitive domains with a particular focus on the generalization of the effects of therapy on the functional outcome. Recently, a group of experts has developed a cognitive remediation group therapy approach called Integrated Neurocognitive Therapy (INT), which includes exercises to improve the MATRICS (Measurement and Treatment Research to Improve Cognition in Schizophrenia) neuro-and social-cognitive domains. This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to assess the efficacy of this approach. We conducted a search of PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and PsycINFO to select primary studies evaluating INT in schizophrenic and schizoaffective patients. The primary outcomes of the meta-analysis included negative and positive symptoms and global functioning. Two randomized controlled trials met inclusion criteria. A total of 217 participants were included. Based on the results from the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS), a significant pooled effect size was observed for negative symptoms, which demonstrated not only an improvement in the patients treated immediately after therapy but also a permanence of positive results at a 9-12-month follow-up. On the other hand, no significant effect size was observed for positive symptoms. In addition, a significant pooled effect size was found for Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF), which shows how INT's integrated approach has lasting positive implications on patients' functional outcome. We concluded that INT might be an effective treatment for negative symptoms and global functioning in patients with schizophrenia, compared to treatment as usual (TAU)

    Young adults and multisensory time perception: Visual and auditory pathways in comparison

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    : The brain continuously encodes information about time, but how sensorial channels interact to achieve a stable representation of such ubiquitous information still needs to be determined. According to recent research, children show a potential interference in multisensory conditions, leading to a trade-off between two senses (sight and audition) when considering time-perception tasks. This study aimed to examine how healthy young adults behave when performing a time-perception task. In Experiment 1, we tested the effects of temporary sensory deprivation on both visual and auditory senses in a group of young adults. In Experiment 2, we compared the temporal performances of young adults in the auditory modality with those of two samples of children (sighted and sighted but blindfolded) selected from a previous study. Statistically significant results emerged when comparing the two pathways: young adults overestimated and showed a higher sensitivity to time in the auditory modality compared to the visual modality. Restricting visual and auditory input did not affect their time sensitivity. Moreover, children were more accurate at estimating time than young adults after a transient visual deprivation. This implies that as we mature, sensory deprivation does not constitute a benefit to time perception, and supports the hypothesis of a calibration process between senses with age. However, more research is needed to determine how this calibration process affects the developmental trajectories of time perception

    Contact resistance and overlapping capacitance in flexible sub-micron long oxide thin-film transistors for above 100 MHz operation

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    In recent years new forms of electronic devices such as electronic papers, flexible displays, epidermal sensors, and smart textiles have become reality. Thin-film transistors (TFTs) are the basic blocks of the circuits used in such devices and need to operate above 100 MHz to efficiently treat signals in RF systems and address pixels in high resolution displays. Beyond the choice of the semiconductor, i.e., silicon, graphene, organics, or amorphous oxides, the junctionless nature of TFTs and its geometry imply some limitations which become evident and important in devices with scaled channel length. Furthermore, the mechanical instability of flexible substrates limits the feature size of flexible TFTs. Contact resistance and overlapping capacitance are two parasitic effects which limit the transit frequency of transistors. They are often considered independent, while a deeper analysis of TFTs geometry imposes to handle them together; in fact, they both depend on the overlapping length (LOV) between source/drain and the gate contacts. Here, we conduct a quantitative analysis based on a large number of flexible ultra-scaled IGZO TFTs. Devices with three different values of overlap length and channel length down to 0.5 μm are fabricated to experimentally investigate the scaling behavior of the transit frequency. Contact resistance and overlapping capacitance depend in opposite ways on LOV. These findings establish routes for the optimization of the dimension of source/drain contact pads and suggest design guidelines to achieve megahertz operation in flexible IGZO TFTs and circuits

    Analysis and modelling of motility of cell populations with MotoCell

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    Background Cell motility plays a central role in development, wound-healing and tumour invasion. Cultures of eucariotic cells are a complex system where most cells move according to 'random' patterns, but may also be induced to a more coordinate migration by means of specific stimuli, such as the presence of chemical attractants or the introduction of a mechanical stimulus. Various tools have been developed that work by keeping track of the paths followed by specific objects and by performing statistical analysis on the recorded path data. The available tools include desktop applications or macros running within a commercial package, which address specific aspects of the process. Results An online application, MotoCell, was developed to evaluate the motility of cell populations maintained in various experimental conditions. Statistical analysis of cell behaviour consists of the evaluation of descriptive parameters such as average speed and angle, directional persistence, path vector length, calculated for the whole population as well as for each cell and for each step of the migration; in this way the behaviour of a whole cell population may be assessed as a whole or as a sum of individual entities. The directional movement of objects may be studied by eliminating the modulo effect in circular statistics analysis, able to evaluate linear dispersion coefficient (R) and angular dispersion (S) values together with average angles. A case study is provided where the system is used to characterize motility of RasV12 transformed NIH3T3 fibroblasts. Conclusion Here we describe a comprehensive tool which takes care of all steps in cell motility analysis, including interactive cell tracking, path editing and statistical analysis of cell movement, all within a freely available online service. Although based on a standard web interface, the program is very fast and interactive and is immediately available to a large number of users, while exploiting the web approach in a very effective way. The ability to evaluate the behaviour of single cells allows to draw the attention on specific correlations, such as linearity of movement and deviation from the expected direction. In addition to population statistics, the analysis of single cells allows to group the cells into subpopulations, or even to evaluate the behaviour of each cell with respect to a variable reference, such as the direction of a wound or the position of the closest cell

    Ras activated ERK and PI3K pathways differentially affect directional movement of cultured fibroblasts.

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    Background: Cell migration is essential in physiological and pathological processes, such as wound healing and metastasis formation. Ras involvement in these processes has been extensively demonstrated. This work attempts to characterize Ras regulation of the phenomena determining directional cell migration by separately analyzing the role of its principal effector pathways, MAPK and PI3K. Methods: NIH3T3 and NIHRasV12 fibroblasts were followed in wound healing assays to study, in time and under a directional stimulus, cell migration both under standard conditions and in presence of MAPK and PI3K inhibitors. Several parameters, descriptive of specific aspects of cell motion, were evaluated by coupling dynamic microscopy with quantitative and statistical methods. Quantitative Western Blots coupled with immunofluorescence stainings, were used to evaluate ERK activation. Results: Constitutive RasV12 activation confers to NIH3T3 the ability to close the wound faster. Neither increased cell proliferation nor higher speed explains the accelerated healing, but the increased directional migration drives the wound closure. Inhibition of ERK activation, which occurs immediately after wound, greatly blocks the directional migration, while inhibition of PI3K pathway reduces cell speed but does not prevent wound closure. Conclusion: Ras is greatly involved in determining and regulating directionality, ERK is its key effector for starting, driving and regulating directional movement

    Time bisection and reproduction: Evidence for a slowdown of the internal clock in right brain damaged patients

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    Previous studies show that the right hemisphere is involved in time processing, and that damage to the right hemisphere is associated with a tendency to perceive time intervals as shorter than they are, and to reproduce time intervals as longer than they are. Whether time processing deficits following right hemisphere damage are related and what is their neurocognitive basis is unclear. In this study, right brain damaged (RBD) patients, left brain damaged (LBD) patients, and healthy controls underwent a time bisection task and a time reproduction task involving time intervals varying between each other by milliseconds (short durations) or seconds (long durations). The results show that in the time bisection task RBD patients underestimated time intervals compared to LBD patients and healthy controls, while they reproduced time intervals as longer than they are. Time underestimation and over-reproduction in RBD patients applied to short but not long time intervals, and were correlated. Voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping (VLSM) showed that time underestimation was associated with lesions to a right cortico-subcortical network involving the insula and inferior frontal gyrus. A small portion of this network was also associated with time over-reproduction. Our findings are consistent with a slowdown of an 'internal clock' timing mechanism following right brain damage, which likely underlies both the underestimation and the over-reproduction of time intervals, and their (overlapping) neural bases

    Oxide thin-film transistors on fibers for smart textiles

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    Smart textiles promise to have a significant impact on future wearable devices. Among the different approaches to combine electronic functionality and fabrics, the fabrication of active fibers results in the most unobtrusive integration and optimal compatibility between electronics and textile manufacturing equipment. The fabrication of electronic devices, in particular transistors on heavily curved, temperature sensitive, and rough textiles fibers is not easily achievable using standard clean room technologies. Hence, we evaluated different fabrication techniques and multiple fibers made from polymers, cotton, metal and glass exhibiting diameters down to 125 µm. The benchmarked techniques include the direct fabrication of thin-film structures using a low temperature shadow mask process, and the transfer of thin-film transistors (TFTs) fabricated on a thin (≈1 µm) flexible polymer membrane. Both approaches enable the fabrication of working devices, in particular the transfer method results in fully functional transistor fibers, with an on-off current ratio >107 , a threshold voltage of ≈0.8 V, and a field effect mobility exceeding 7 cm2 V −1 s −1 . Finally, the most promising fabrication approach is used to integrate a commercial nylon fiber functionalized with InGaZnO TFTs into a woven textile

    Charge trapping mechanism leading to sub-60-mV/decade-Swing FETs

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    In this work, we present a novel method to reduce the subthreshold swing of field-effect transistors below 60 mV/dec. Through modeling, we directly relate trap charge movement between the gate electrode and the gate dielectric to subthreshold swing reduction. We experimentally investigate the impact of charge exchange between a Cu gate electrode and a 5 nm thick amorphous Al2O3 gate dielectric in an InGaZnO4 thin-film transistor. Positive trap charges are generated inside the gate dielectric while the semiconductor is in accumulation. During the subsequent de-trapping, the subthreshold swing diminishes to a minimum value of 46 mV/dec at room temperature. Furthermore, we relate the charge trapping/de-trapping effects to a negative capacitance behavior of the Cu/Al2O3 metal-insulator structure
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