183 research outputs found

    Micro-Wineries as Drivers for Local Economic Development and Innovation in lagging-behind contexts

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    Today, there is increasing awareness of the role that social capital can play in spurring Local Economic Development especially in underdeveloped, remote, or lagging contexts. It encompasses different aspects, such as relationship networks, allowing knowledge exchange and innovation boost, and is associated mainly with craft-based economic activities of small and medium-size, entrusted with the long-term development of the local economy and embedded into local societies. Micro-wineries represent a good example, being small realities that serve especially the local market, acting also as co-working spaces that strengthen local communities. Mediterranean regions have commonly been connected with these sectors; nevertheless, only recently, wine and oenological tourism have been coupled with local development and economic regeneration strategies. This study aims at pushing the body of knowledge in the development of micro-wineries in Southern Italy and, more generally, in lagging-behind contexts of Southern Europe, trying to regenerate the existing realities, creating spots of knowledge-sharing where also tourists can live experiences in contact with local cultures. Micro-wineries can constitute the pockets of specialization where to innervate innovation through the Smart Specialization Strategies framework, that helps creating new competitive advantages for enhancing the economic growth. In order to support the discussion, the San Diego wine cluster will be deepened as a case study, since its wine market recently boomed, challenging the historic worldwide producers and constituting an important slice of the local market. Findings from the research highlight the micro-wineries symbiosis with the territory and the society itself. Positive relations between them and the broad regional innovation strategy emerge as well, showing the snowball effect on the levels of social capital and Local Economic Development in lagging contexts. Useful lessons are drawn for encouraging policy makers and planners in undertaking actions towards strengthening the potential of micro-wineries and building networks among them

    Colorado--The Changing Landscape of Land Use Law and Regulations Impacting the Colorado Oil and Gas Industry: From the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Act of 1951 to Senate Bill 181 of 2019

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    When Colorado Democratic Governor Jared Polis approved Senate Bill 181, this new law significantly redirected the historical focus of Colorado oil and gas regulation. This provided a significant delegation of land use related authority to local government for the first time since the passage of this Act in 1951. This new law moved away from the traditional notion of statewide regulation based upon exclusive jurisdiction by the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (“COGCC”). While this change of legislative focus is significant, this latest direction is probably a natural continuation of a general trend that has been emerging in Colorado since certain Supreme Court Opinions were announced in 1992, as explained later in this Article. As the State of Colorado has, among other things, grown in population, residential housing now significantly finds itself competing with oil and gas development in the same geographical areas, especially the suburbs of the “Front Range.” Simultaneously, the political sentiment of Colorado has trended into a more significantly Democratic direction from a historically Republican majority. The law as to the governance of the oil and gas industry has now changed as a result of the passing of SB 181—from fostering the development of oil and gas industry to a new paradigm requiring the weighing of interests, including environmental concerns. This Article provides a historic explanation to allow the reader to better understand how this transition has come about. That which is observed in Colorado might also be seen as a potential harbinger of future change that could be noted in other oil and gas states

    Review of An Instructor’s Guide to Teaching Military Students: Simple Steps to Integrate the Military Learner into your Classroom by Suzane L. Bricker

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    Review of An Instructor’s Guide to Teaching Military Students: Simple Steps to Integrate the Military Learner into your Classroom by Suzane L. Bricker

    Green Economy as a driver for Urban Regeneration: insights from Greentown Labs, USA

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    The objective of this study is to investigate the linkages between economic development, innovation and environmental sustainability inside urban areas. To achieve this goal, this paper adopts a case study strategy, by drawing inspiration from an incubator located in the Boston metropolitan area, named Greentown Labs. The case study is discussed by analysing the different stages the Greentown Labs went through, relocating from Cambridge to Boston and then from Boston to Somerville. The present contribution will give some recommendations considering the creation of incubators as facilitator of growth of innovative start-ups that can be essential for spurring innovation and economic development within urban centres

    Green Economy as a driver for Urban Regeneration: insights from Greentown Labs, USA

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    The objective of this study is to investigate the linkages between economic development, innovation and environmental sustainability inside urban areas. To achieve this goal, this paper adopts a case study strategy, by drawing inspiration from an incubator located in the Boston metropolitan area, named Greentown Labs. The case study is discussed by analysing the different stages the Greentown Labs went through, relocating from Cambridge to Boston and then from Boston to Somerville. The present contribution will give some recommendations considering the creation of incubators as facilitator of growth of innovative start-ups that can be essential for spurring innovation and economic development within urban centres

    Solving the Interconnection Problem

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    The distinct three energy grids as such exist in the United States (the Western Interconnection, the Eastern Interconnection, and the Texas Interconnection or ERCOT) unnecessarily constrain the United States in addressing its future energy needs, as electricity flow between the three grids is very limited. As our country’s reliance on traditional nonrenewable energy sources like coal continue to decline and the reliance on renewable energy sources continues to grow, the United States should focus on replacing the existing three-grid system with a national energy grid that will benefit energy companies and consumers, as well as serve our future energy needs. This Article provides both an overview of the current energy system in the United States and evidence in support of a solution—creation of a national energy grid

    An exploration of teaching diverse students in a higher education institution in the UK: A case study of a University in London

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    This study investigates race equality at The University of Sunderland in London through an analysis of practices and perspectives. Interviews were conducted with Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic (BAME) students, staff, and affiliated individuals, revealing seven major themes: Curriculum, Covid, Diversity, Personal Sphere, Institution, Belonging, and Technology. These themes offer valuable recommendations for fostering a more diverse and inclusive environment, improving the academic experience in UK Higher Education Institutions. To promote diversity, it is essential to ensure balanced student representation in classes and incorporate diversity considerations in recruitment and allocation processes. Creating a culture of equality, diversity, and inclusion is crucial for a positive learning environment. Mentorship programs can facilitate inclusivity, pairing BAME students with experienced staff. Policies should be reviewed to ensure inclusivity and non-discrimination. Increasing representation of people of colour in senior management roles enhances staff diversity. Staff training on creating an inclusive environment is important. Transparent and fair recruitment processes are necessary to avoid bias. Implementing these recommendations can contribute to a more inclusive and equitable higher education landscape, benefiting both students and staff

    Perspective on Wildgrass Oil & Gas Committee v. Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Commission and the Embracing of Associated Standing

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    The ongoing litigations between the Wildgrass Oil & Gas Committee (“Wildgrass”) and, among others, the Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Commission (“COGCC”) serve as a microcosm of the political and legal horizons that define the microscope used to examine Colorado oil and gas development. This set of litigations began administratively with the application for permits before the COGCC and, over the passage of time, weaved its way through the District Court of the City and County of Denver (the “State District Court”), the United States District Court for the District of Colorado (the “Federal District Court”), the Colorado Court of Appeals (the “Court of Appeals”), and finally the United States Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit (the “10th Circuit”). As of the time of this writing, the State District Court action remains currently unresolved since the Court of Appeals remanded the case. This Article will provide an overview of these litigations and the Authors’ thoughts and insights as to the political and regulatory environment of these judicial decisions, including an emphasis on associated standing by the Court of Appeals

    Defensa al derecho fundamental à la reproducción – Sentencia T-627 de 2012 de la Corte Constitucional de Colombia

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    El objeto de este artículo es comentar y reflexionar jurídicamente sobre la Sentencia T-627/12 de la Sala Octava de Revisión de la Corte Constitucional de Colombia. Interesa este pronunciamiento que reconoce el derecho a la información como parte integrante de los derechos reproductivos de las mujeres y hombres colombianos y el innovador abordaje judicial desde la perspectiva de la responsabilidad de los funcionarios involucrados, en el contexto de una progresiva línea jurisprudencial con enfoque de tutela efectiva de derechos.El objeto de este artículo es comentar y reflexionar jurídicamente sobre la Sentencia T-627/12 de la Sala Octava de Revisión de la Corte Constitucional de Colombia. Interesa este pronunciamientoque reconoce el derecho a la información como parte integrante de los derechos reproductivos de las mujeres y hombres colombianos y el innovador abordaje judicial desde la perspectiva de la responsabilidad de los funcionarios involucrados, en el contexto de una progresiva línea jurisprudencial con enfoque de tutela efectiva de derechos

    Prothrombotic genetic risk factors in chronic daily headache

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    The aetiology of chronic daily or near-daily headache (CDH) is unknown. We evaluated prothrombotic genetic risk factors (factor V G1691A, factor II 20210 G/A, methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase mutations and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 4G/5G polymorphism) in 100 patients with CDH, and in 73 healthy controls. Patients did not differ from controls for the studied prothrombotic polymorphisms. These findings suggest that prothrombotic genetic risk factors do not play a role in the development of CDH
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