180 research outputs found

    Rainfall partitioning in mixed oak forest with dwarf bamboo (Sasa paniculata) undergrowth.

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    Throughfall measurements in a 60-year-old white oak (Konara) stand (Quercus serrata THUNB.) with under growing dwarf bamboo (Sasa paniculata) were carried out during two periods totaling eleven months, from August to November 1993 and from May to November 1994, in order to clarify the role of Sasa on interception loss and rainfall partitioning in this forest. Eight troughs and spiral-type stemflow gauges connected to tipping bucket-gauges were used for Konara throughfall and stemflow measurements. Ten troughs were used for throughfall measurements under the Sasa canopy. Analyses of seventy-five individual storms showed that partitioning of net rainfall in Konara throughfall, Sasa throughfall and stemflow represent 72%, 68% and 10% of the gross rainfall respectively. The stemflow delivered to the trunk base area represented on average 3.5 times more precipitation than any other place below the canopies of the Konara trees. Also, it was determined that maximum rain intensity was highly correlated with stemflow and this variable explained a further 5.5% of the stemflow variation. The interception loss from the forest canopy was estimated at 18% and the total interception loss of forest vegetation (Konara + Sasa) accounted for 31.7%. Sasa interception loss contribution (13.6% of the gross rainfall) was relatively high accounting for 40% of the total interception of the two canopy layers. The canopy saturation of Konara and Sasa were estimated from continuous storms and showed a value of 0.62 mm and 0.37 mm respectively. The trunk storage capacity was estimated at a value of 0.2 mm. The total amount of water stored in both canopies (Konara + Sasa) was assessed to be 1.2 mm. The results indicate that Sasa vegetation plays an important role in the water balance of this kind of forest and possibly in other types of forests where Sasa is widely distributed

    Genome-wide analysis of mechanosensitive channel of small conductance (MscS)-like gene family in common bean

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    Mechanosensitive (MS) ion channels are transmembrane proteins that open and close in response to mechanical forces produced by osmotic pressure, sound, touch and gravity. In plants, MS have an important role in different biological processes like gravity detection, maintenance of plastid shape and size, lateral root emergence, growth of pollen tube, and plant-pathogen interactions. In this study, homologous mechanosensitive channel of small conductance (MscS)-like gene family in common bean was identified. Nine Phaseolus vulgaris MscS-like (PvMSL) genes were found to be distributed on five chromosomes. A complete overview of PvMSL genes in common bean is presented, including gene structures, chromosome locations, phylogeny, protein motifs and expression pattern. Subcellular localization predictions of PvMSL family revealed their location to plasma and chloroplast membrane. Phylogenetic analysis of nine PvMSL proteins resulted in two main classes. The predicted gene structure, conserved motif, domain and presence of transmembrane regions in each PvMSL strongly supported their identity as members of MscS-like gene family. Four duplicate events of PvMSL genes were discovered in P. vulgaris chromosomes, and tandem and segmental duplication may cause the expansion of PvMSL genes. Furthermore, PvMSL genes displayed differential expression patterns in tissues and organs. This is the first step towards genome-wide analyses of MSL genes in common bean. Thus, the data obtained in this study provide resources to select candidate genes for future functional analyses that will help understand plant growth, development, and function of MSL gene family in P. vulgaris.Key words: Mechanosensitive, phylogenetic analysis, gene duplication, plant, in silico

    Costras biológicas del suelo en pastizales gipsófilos del noreste de México

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    Se evaluó la diversidad y composición de costras biológicas del suelo en un pastizal con suelos gipsófilos y carbonatos de calcio, en el noreste de México. Se identificaron ocho especies: Endocarpon pussillum, Nostoc commune, Oxymitra sp., Psora cerebriforme, Psora crenata, Psora decipiens, Placidium sp. y Xanthoparmelia chlorochroa, con cobertura total de 18.1%. Las especies dominantes fueron Endocarpon pussillum (57.65%) y Placidium sp. (19.91%). La cobertura vegetal fue de 18.3 % y 63.6% de suelo desnudo. La zona mostró valores moderados de diversidad (Shannon & Weiner (H´) =1.68) y de riqueza de costras biológicas del suelo (Índice de Margalef (DMg) =1.2)

    Composición y estructura de la vegetación en tres sitios del estado de Nuevo León, México

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    En verano de 2004, en tres sitios del matorral espinoso tamaulipeco, se determinó el estatus de la vegetación arbustiva y arbórea. Los sitios fueron localizados en los municipios de Los Ramones (S1), China (S2) y Linares (S3), Nuevo León, México. En cada sitio se establecieron, aleatoriamente, tres transectos (50 m x 7 m), en los cuales se estimaron los valores relativos de abundancia, dominancia, frecuencia y valor de importancia (VI) de los árboles y arbustos presentes. Además, se determinaron parámetros dasométricos como altura y diámetro de copa. La diversidad de especies para cada sitio se estimó con el índice de Shannon Wiener. La similitud entre sitios se determinó con el índice de Jackard. Se registraron un total de 1 741 individuos. Las plantas encontradas pertenecen a 20 familias, predominando los géneros y especies de la familia Fabaceae (10) seguidos por Euphorbiaceae (4) y Rhamnaceae (4), Rutaceae (3) y Cactaceae (2). En las restantes 15 familias sólo presentaron un solo tipo de individuo. El índice de Shannon mostró que no hay diferencias en la biodiversidad entre sitios; sin embargo, el índice de Jackard mostró igualdad entre especies sólo entre S1 y S2. Las especies de plantas más frecuentes fueron Acacia rigidula (255) seguida por Viguera stenoloba (171), Havardia pallens (167), Karwinskia humboldtiana (132), Forestiera angustifolia y Castela texana (125); representando el 56% del total encontrado y registran los valores más altos de los diferentes índices aplicados. Las especies menos frecuentes fueron: Condalia spahtulata (7), Ebenopsis ebano (7), Condalia hookeri (6), Wedelia acapulcensis (5), Cordia boissieri (4), Acacia farnesiana y Yucca treculeana con (3), Helietta parvifolia (2), Croton torreyanus (1) y Prosopis sp. (1); representando estas últimas sólo un 2.2%. En el S3 se registro una riqueza específica de individuos de poco más de 100% que en S1 o S2. Linares fue el sitio que presentó mayor diversidad de especies, posiblemente debido a la alta precipitación históricamente registrada. ABSTRACT During the summer of 2004, a study of the status of woody vegetation was performed at three sites in the Tamaulipan thornscrub. The sites were located in the municipalities of Los Ramones (S1), China (S2) and Linares (S3) in the state of Nuevo Leon, Mexico. At each site three random transects (50 m X 7 m) were laid out, and relative abundance, relative dominance and relative frequency were estimated along each transect. In addition, dasometric parameters, such as height and crown diameter, were determined. Plant diversity was estimated by the Shannon-Wiener index, and similarity between sites was calculated using the Jackard index. A total of 1 741 individual plants belonging to 20 families were registered. Fabaceae had the highest number of species (10) followed by Euphorbiaceae (4) and Rhamnaceae (4), Rutaceae (3) and Cactaceae (2). The other 15 families were represented by only one species. The Shannon index showed that there were no statistical differences in biodiversity between sites; however, the Jackard index showed similarity among species only between S1 and S2. The most frequent species in the three sampling sites were Acacia rigidula (255) followed by Viguera stenoloba (171), Havardia pallens (167), Karwinskia humboldtiana (132), Forestiera angustifolia and Castela texana (125). This group represented about 56% of the total. Less frequent species were: Condalia spathulata (7), Ebenopsis ebano (7), Condalia hookeri (6), Wedelia acapulcensis (5), Cordia boissieri (4), Acacia farnesiana and Yucca treculeana with (3), Helietta parvifolia (2), Croton torreyanus (1) and Prosopis sp. (1), and they represented only about 2%. S3 registered the highest species richness with a little more than 100% of that of S1 or S2. That Linares was the site with the greatest species diversity might have been due to the higher precipitation recorded historically

    Spatio-temporal variations of macro and trace mineral contents in six native plants consumed by ruminants at northeastern Mexico = Variación en espacio y tiempo del contenido de macro y microminerales en seis plantas nativas consumidas por rumiantes en el noreste de México

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    During two consecutive years the Ca, K, Mg, Na, P, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn contents were determined, seasonally, in foliar tissue of native trees (T) and shrubs (S) from northeastern Mexico such as Acacia rigidula (S), Bumelia celastrina (T), Croton cortesianus (S), Karwinskia humboldtiana (S), Leucophyllum frutescens (S) and Prosopis laevigata (T). Collections were carried out from August 2004 to May 2006 in a subtropical and semiarid region of the State of Nuevo Leon, Mexico at three county (Los Ramones, China and Linares) sites, which are grouped under a similar climatic pattern. Mineral concentrations were quantified using an atomic absorption Spectrophotometer, with exception of Pcontent that was estimated using a colorimeter. Mineral data were statistically analyzed using one-way analysis of variance with a multi-factorial arrangement being years (2), sites (3), seasons (4), and plant species (6) the factors. All minerals in all plants were significantly different among years, sites and seasons; however, some interactions were not significant. In general, plants in Linares site had higher mineral content followed by Los Ramores and China; in addition, during the year two, all plants had higher mineral content; moreover, during summer all plants had higher mineral content followed by fall, spring and winter. Yearly and seasonal variations in plant minerals might have been related to seasonal water deficits, excessive irradiance levels during summer and extreme low temperatures in winter that could have affected leaf development and senescence. In spite of these differences, all plant species had suitable levels of Ca, Mg, K, Fe and Mn to satisfy grazing ruminant requirements. However, P, Na, Zn and Cu, showed marginal inadequate concentrations in prolonged periods throughout the year and it might have a negative impact on animal productivity. RESUMEN Durante dos años consecutivos, los contenidos de Ca, K, Mg, Na, P, Cu, Fe, Mn y Zn fueron determinados, estacionalmente, en el tejido foliar de árboles (T) y arbustos (S) nativos de la flora del noreste de México tales como: Acacia rigidula (S), Bumelia celastrina (T), Croton cortesianus (S), Karwinskia humboldtiana (S), Leucophyllum frutescens (S) and Prosopis laevigata (T). Las colectas de material vegetal se llevaron a cabo de agosto de 2004 a mayo de 2006 en tres municipios (Los Ramones, China y Linares) del estado de Nuevo León, México localizados en una región subtropical semiárida. Los sitios dentro de cada municipio están agrupados bajo un mismo patrón climático. Las concentraciones de minerales fueron estimadas usando un espectrofotómetro de absorción atómica, con excepción del P que fue estimado usando un colorímetro. Los contenidos de los minerales fueron estadísticamente analizados usando un diseño estadístico completamente al azar con arreglo multifactorial siendo años (2), sitios (3), estaciones (4) y las especies de plantas (6) los factores. Todos los minerales, de todas las plantas fueron significativamente diferentes entre años, sitios y estaciones; sin embargo, algunas interacciones no fueron significativas (P<0.05). En general, las plantas en el sitio de Linares tuvieron mayores contenidos de todos los minerales seguido de Los Ramones y China. Asimismo, durante el segundo año, todas las plantas tuvieron un mayor contenido de todos los minerales; además, durante el verano las plantas resultaron con el mayor contenido de minerales seguido por otoño, primavera e invierno. Las variaciones anuales y estacionales de los minerales pudieran estar relacionadas con los déficits estacionales de humedad, radiación solar excesiva durante el verano y bajas temperaturas durante el invierno que pudieron haber afectado el desarrollo y madurez de las hojas. Aun cuando hubo diferencias en el contenido mineral, todas las plantas tuvieron niveles adecuados de Ca, Mg, K, Fe y Mn para cubrir los requerimientos de rumiantes en pastoreo. Sin embargo, todas las plantas, en períodos prolongados durante el año, tuvieron niveles marginalmente bajos de P, Na, Zn and Cu, lo que pudiera causar un impacto negativo en la productividad animal

    Comparisons of the Root Mechanical Properties of three Native Mexican Tree Species for Soil Bioengineering Practices

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    Abstract Background: Urbanized slope areas in Sierra Madre Oriental are prone to sediment related disasters mainly caused by heavy rainfall episodes during hurricane season, knowledge on the factors on soil-roots dynamics are required to mitigate or lessen those disasters. Questions and hypothesis: The mechanical properties of roots of native species vary according species. The mechanical properties of the roots are influenced by the morphology of root: diameter. Species studied: Quercus rysophylla, Pinus pseudostrobus and Acacia berlandieri. Study site and dates: Sierra Madre Oriental, Chipinque Ecological Park in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon. From middle of December 2014. Methods: Selection of species was made base on widespread distribution and predominance in degraded areas. Samples were taken at field and tensile tests to calculate maximum force to root breakage were conducted using a laboratory dispositive, calculations of tensile strength and modulus of elasticity were calculated using formulas. The corresponding relations between root diameter and mechanical properties were established. Results: Results confirmed that bigger diameters require bigger forces to break. In other hand, results confirmed the negative relationship between diameter and tensile strength and diameter and modulus of elasticity. Pointing out that roots of bigger diameter have less tensile strength and elasticity. The order of importance of the species studied according its mechanical properties was found like: Acacia berlandieri > Quercus rysophylla > Pinus pseudostrobus. Conclusions: The results of this study begin the data contribution of the mechanical properties of native species of Sierra Madre Oriental in order to use it in the application of soil bioengineering practices on urbanized slopes prone to disasters. Keywords: Root mechanical properties, native forest species, soil bioengineering, landslides, Sierra Madre Oriental Comparaciones de las Propiedades Mecánicas de las Raíces de tres Especies Nativas Mexicanas para Practicas de Bioingeniería de Suelos Resumen Antecedentes: Las pendientes urbanizadas en Sierra Madre Oriental son propensas a los desastres relacionados con sedimentos causados generalmente por lluvias intensas durante la temporada de huracanes, conocimiento en los factores de la dinámica suelo-raíces son indispensables para mitigar y aminorar esos desastres. Preguntas e hipótesis: Las propiedades mecánicas de las raíces de especies nativas forestales varían de acuerdo a la especie. Las propiedades mecánicas de las raíces son influenciadas por la morfología de la raíz: diámetro. Especies estudiadas: Quercus rysophylla, Pinus pseudostrobus y Acacia berlandieri. Área de estudio y fechas: Sierra Madre Oriental, Parque Ecológico Chipinque, Monterrey, Nuevo León. Desde mediados de diciembre de 2014. Métodos: La selección de especies fue hecha en base a la distribución extensa y predominancia de las especies en áreas degradadas. Las muestras fueron tomadas en campo y las pruebas de tensión para calcular la fuerza máxima requerida para el quiebre de la raíz fueron conducidos usando un dispositivo en el laboratorio. La fuerza de tensión y módulo de elasticidad fueron calculados usando formulas. Las relaciones correspondientes entre el diámetro de la raíz y las propiedades mecánicas fueron establecidas. Resultados: Los resultados obtenidos confirman que las raíces con diámetros mayores requieren de una fuerza mayor para romperse. Por otro lado, los resultados confirmaron la relación negativa entre el diámetro y la fuerza de tensión y el diámetro y el módulo de elasticidad. Esto señala que las raíces con diámetros mayores poseen menor fuerza de tensión y elasticidad. El orden de importancia de las especies estudiadas de acuerdo a sus propiedades mecánicas fue encontrado como: Acacia berlandieri > Quercus rysophylla > Pinus pseudostrobus. Conclusiones: Los resultados de este estudio comienzan la contribución de datos de las propiedades mecánicas de las especies nativas de Sierra Madre Oriental para poder usarse en la aplicación de prácticas de Bioingeniería de suelos en laderas urbanas propensas a desastres. Palabras clave: Propiedades mecánicas de la raíz, especies de bosque nativo, bioingeniería de suelo, deslizamientos de tierra, Sierra Madre Oriental

    Utilização de e-book interativo em aulas de Matemática em um curso técnico em eletroeletrônica integrado ao ensino médio

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    A utilização de tecnologias digitais para o ensino se faz necessária em uma sociedade que as consome em seu cotidiano. Este artigo propõe a utilização de um e-book interativo desenvolvido como proposta para integração entre as disciplinas de Matemática, Física e Medidas Elétricas em turmas de um curso técnico em eletroeletrônica integrado ao ensino médio de um instituto federal. A pesquisa é qualitativa e apoia-se em dados numéricos das análises das percepções dos alunos somadas às reflexões da professora de Matemática em relação à utilização do material. Sobre os resultados, verificou-se não ser comum a utilização de e-books interativos, e ainda, que os recursos contribuíram para o entendimento dos conteúdos e para a dinamização das abordagens. Sendo assim, prevê-se que em estudos futuros seja possível utilizar o e-book em mais turmas, visando mais análises, bem como a produção de objeto de aprendizagem semelhante para outros conteúdos curriculares

    Ovarian undifferentiated carcinoma with voluminous mesenteric presentation

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    AbstractINTRODUCTIONAbout 5% of ovarian cancers are so poorly differentiated and difficult to classify that they are called undifferentiated carcinomas and usually have disseminated disease at presentation. Extra pelvic debulking it is difficult to complete.PRESENTATION OF CASEWe report a case of a rare ovarian tumor presented as a large mesenteric tumor of 14cm diameter in a 73 years old woman.DISCUSSIONUndifferentiated carcinomas are usually large, solid with hemorrhage and necrosis, bilateral and most are difficult to classify histologically. Rarely are pure, generally identified through the extensive sampling of lesions, some other components of surface epithelial carcinoma and usually the predominant element is the latter. Cases with predominantly undifferentiated component are rare.CONCLUSIONThe treatment and diagnostic approach is the same as for other high-grade epithelial tumors of the ovary, but in this particular case the differential diagnosis and diagnostic approach is that of a mesenteric tumor