33,367 research outputs found

    Filling up the measure: polemical hyperbole in 1 Thessalonians 2:14-16

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    Reviewed Book: Schlueter, Carol J. Filling up the measure: polemical hyperbole in 1 Thessalonians 2:14-16. Sheffield: JSOT Pr, 1994

    Canon Fodder in the Institutional Vessel : The Missing Voice of the Student in Literary Canon and Curriculum Discourse

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    Are graduate students\u27 part of the “canon wars,” which have been waged among scholars and institutions for more than twenty years to determine what should remain part of the literary canon and therefore part of the curriculum; or are graduate students merely “canon fodder”? My research attempts to define the canon, then examines whether scholar-critics or academic institutions have listened to the voice of the students regarding the creation and continued teaching of the canon, and finally explores the chasm between the “accessible” and “selective” canon. I ask whether any pedagogical approach values the student when implementing the canon through the required readings. What happens when graduate students are granted authority in this conversation? Few teachers seem willing to make the leap from rhetoric to practical application; however, research demonstrates that giving students choices about what they read adds to a culture of empowerment and enthusiasm in the classroom. A student-influenced approach to the “canon wars” will not only make sense of the war, but also provide a context for future study and what it means for the canon and curricula to enter the student into the fray as more than mere “canon fodder.

    Literatūrinio kanono tyrimai: metodologinės gairės

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    The article presents for the Lithuanian audience an interdisciplinary approach of literary canon studies that integrates diverse methods of various disciplines (sociology of literature and culture, literary and cultural history, teaching of literature, text reception and aesthetic response history, memory and media research and bibliography studies). The most intense development of literary canon studies can be observed in Western Europe and the United States in the last decade of the 20th century. This was due to the fact that the scholars engaged in the field of postcolonialism, gender studies and neo-Marxism gave it a strong impulse by initiating a debate about insufficient representation of some social groups (women, racial or ethnic minorities and people from lower social strata) in high school curricula in the USA. The debate was expanded into theoretical polemics of whether the canon is formed by means of objective aesthetic criteria or, on the contrary, canon depends on the social contract. Methodologically, investigations of literary canon that are genetically related to the tradition of sociology of culture seem to be the most productive, while this perspective provides an apparatus for a detailed investigation of relations between specific interests of literary field and wider national, social or group interests.The framework of this article is based on the studies of John Guillory, Renate von Heydebrand and Simone Winko. Their essential starting point is the understanding of the canon as a sociocultural process in which the political elite selects a corpus of significant texts in accordance with tradition and formulates practices that ensure the transmission of those texts for future generations. Therefore, canon formation turns to be a strategy based on complex relations of evaluation, cognition and actions that aims to conserve this selected knowledge and transmit it to future generations. The structure of the canon is directly related to the notion of literature and literariness; a society (or its group) defines its canon by considering what they recognize as valuable.Unlike religious canons, which can only be constructed by theologians, there are a lot of canonizing institutions (schools, universities, literary criticism, theatre repertoire, book market, libraries, etc.) involved in the formation of literary canons. They do not create any well-balanced system of the canon but rather conduct diverse practices of canonization. We can distinguish a micro and macro level in the process of canon formation. The micro level contains a lot of separate actions of canonization that propel the canonization process which enables the canon formation at macro level. Origin, stabilization and transformation of literary canon are multidimensional processes, thus it is essential not to lose sight of the interaction of separate dimensions.Straipsnyje lietuvių auditorijai pristatomos svarbiausių šiuolaikinių anglakalbių ir vokiečiakalbių literatūrinio kanono tyrimų teorinės prielaidos, terminija ir analizės metodai. Nors įvade glaustai atpasakojamos kanono tyrimų ištakos, straipsnyje iš principo atsiribojama nuo preskriptyvinių kanono debatų problemikos (t. y. nėra sprendžiamas klausimas, koks turėtų būti kanonas) ir susitelkiama į teorinius kanono tyrimų aspektus. Iš gausios teorinės ir empirinės medžiagos stengtasi atrankos ir sisteminimo būdu rekonstruoti bendruosius šiuolaikinių kanono tyrimų metodologinius principus. Atsirenkant straipsnyje pristatomas literatūrinio kanono teoretikų įžvalgas, paisyta jų mokslinio naujumo ir konceptualumo, taip pat perimamumo ir cituojamumo vėlesniuose tyrimuose.Pirmame dėstomosios dalies skyriuje aptariama literatūrinio kanono specifika, palyginti su bibliniu kanonu, taip pat literatūrinių kanonų tipologija, vidinė struktūra, kanonų formavimo(si) principai ir kanonizacinės institucijos. Antrame skyriuje nagrinėjamos kultūrinės kanono funkcijos ir socializacija

    Local housing crisis is similar to nation's

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    District OverviewHousing ; Housing - Prices ; Federal Reserve District, 8th

    Through the Loneliness: A Woman\u27s Spiritual Journal

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    Reviewed Book: Beld, Antonia J van den. Through the Loneliness: A Woman\u27s Spiritual Journal. New York: Paulist Press, 1987

    An introduction to the history of Israel and Judah

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    Soggin, J Alberto (Jan Alberto). An introduction to the history of Israel and Judah. London: SCM Pr; Valley Forge, Pa: TPI, 1993

    Review Of The Textual Condition Of Nineteenth-Century Literature By J. M. Guy And I. Small

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    Basic Theological Convictions Essential to Lutheran Identity

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    Prepared by the Institute for Ecumenical Research, Strasbourg, France, Second Draft, June 1976; translated from the German by Dr. Herbert J. A. Bauma

    Book Review: Khrist Bhakta Movement: A Model for an Indian Church? Inculturation in the Area of Community Building

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    Book review of Khrist Bhakta Movement: A Model for an Indian Church? Inculturation in the Area of Community Building. By Ciril J. Kuttiyanikkal. Berlin: LIT Verlag, 2014, 377 pages