10 research outputs found

    An advection-diffusion model to explain thermal surface anomalies off Cape Trafalgar

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    The authors describe an almost permanent thermal anomaly, with low surface-temperature values, off Cape Trafalgar. The existence of strong tidal currents in the alongshore direction, and the local offshore orientation of isobaths at this point, support the hypothesis of vertical forcing by interaction between the barotropic tide and topography. This is simplified for modelisation as the pass of a tidal current over a ridge, which is considered uniform in the crossshore direction. A bidimensional model in finite differences is developed to reproduce the main features observed experimentally. The combined effects of advection (both vertical and horizontal) and diffusion appear to be very important. The model is sensitive to the assumed values of thermal diffusion coefficients and their depth dependence, as well as to heat flux through the sea surface. To have realistic values for these parameters, a unidimensional diffusion model aimed at reproducing the mixed layer and thermocline observed in this area during summer has been developed. Heat flux and diffusion coefficients are adjustment parameters of the model, and, once determined, they are introduced in the 2-D advection-diffusion model. Results from simulation seem to be in good agreement with CTD observations, confirming our initial hypothesis.Se describe una anomalía térmica caracterizada por bajas temperaturas superficiales frente al cabo de Trafalgar. Debido a que la orientación de las isóbatas en esta área es casi perpendicular a la costa y a que existen fuertes corrientes de marea a lo largo de ella, se desarrolla la hipótesis de que la interacción entre las corrientes de marea y la topografía son los mecanismos responsables de esta anomalía. Para revisar esta hipótesis se desarrolla en el presente trabajo un modelo de advección-difusión que estudia el efecto del paso de una corriente de marea sobre un obstáculo. El modelo es sensible a ciertos parámetros, como los coeficientes de difusión térmica y el flujo de calor en la superficie del mar. Por ello desarrollamos un modelo monodimensional que reproduce la formación de la capa de mezcla y la termoclina estacional usando estos parámetros como parámetros de ajuste. Una vez encontrados los valores adecuados, son introducidos en el modelo de advección-difusión. Los resultados obtenidos parecen estar de acuerdo con los datos experimentales.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Ichthyoplankton, holoplankton and hydrology in the Gulf of Cadiz, Straits of Gibraltar and north-west sector of Alboran Sea, in July 1994.

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    The results obtained from 62 stations sampled in the Gulf of Cadiz, Straits of Gibraltar and Alborán Sea (north-west sector) during July 1994 are analysed. The zooplankton sampling was conducted virtually simultaneously with study of temperature, salinity and nutrients. The main hydrological characteristics registered during the survey and their relationship with zooplankton composition and distribution are presented. The different geographical locations and the particular topography and oceanography of the Gulf of Cadiz and the Alborán Sea have clearly affected the spatial distribution and the taxonomic composition of the ichthyoplankton and the holoplankton found on both sides of the Straits of Gibraltar.Postprint

    The structure of the pelagic ecosystem related to oceanographic and topographic features in the Gulf of Cadiz, Straits of Gibraltar and Alborán Sea during July 1995

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    Se analizan los resultados obtenidos en 59 estaciones muestreadas en el golfo de Cádiz, el estrecho de Gibraltar y el sector noroeste del mar de Alborán, en julio de 1995. Se presentan las principales características hidrológicas registradas durante la prospección y su posible relación con las composiciones y distribuciones planctónicas. En el golfo de Cádiz, con aguas más someras, cálidas y de menor salinidad, predominan los huevos y lavas de boquerón Engraulis encrasicolus (L., 1758) y de alacha Sardinella aurita Valenciennes, 1847 (tipicamente costeros), mientras que en mar de Alborán, con plataforma estrecha y un afloramiento activo, el ictioplancton oceánico de Maurolicus muelleri (Gmelin, 1788) es el mayoritario. Las diferentes características topográficas y oceanográficas de ambas zonas también se han reflejado en los análisis complementarios realizados. Así, las aguas atlánticas se caracterizan por presentar valores inferiores en concentraciones (actividad nitrato reductasa, material particulado, clorofila a y feopigmentos), mayores concentraciones de fosfatos y mayor abundancia de grupos planctónicos de pequeño tamaño (bacterioplacton, picoplancton autótrofo, flagelados, ciliados, cladóceros y copépodos).The results obtained from 59 stations sampled in the Gulf of Cadiz, Straits of Gibraltar and Alborán Sea (northwest sector) during July 1995 are analysed in this paper. The main hydrological characteristics recorded during the survey and their possible relationship with planktonic distribution and composition are presented. The eggs and larvae of anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus (L., 1758) and gilt sardine Sardinella aurita Valenciennes, 1847 (typically coastal) were the most abundant in the Gulf of Cadiz, where warmer, fresher and shallower waters are dominant. However, the Maurolicus muelleri (Gmelin, 1788) plankton components (oceanic) predominated in the Alborán Sea, characterised by a narrow continental shelf and active upwelling. The different topographic and hydrographic features of these geographic zones were also apparent in the complementary analyses that were carried out: Atlantic waters were characterised by lower concentration values of nitrate reductase activity, particulate matter, chlorophyll-a and phaeopigments, and higher values of phosphate concentrations and small planktonic organisms (bacterioplankton, autotrophic picoplankton, flagellates, ciliates, cladocerans and copepods).Postprint