4,461 research outputs found

    Electroexcitation of the Roper resonance from CLAS data

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    The helicity amplitudes of the electroexcitation of the Roper resonance on proton are extracted at 1.7 < Q2 < 4.2 GeV2 from recent high precision JLab-CLAS cross sections data and longitudinally polarized beam asymmetry for pi+ electroproduction on protons. The analysis is made using two approaches, dispersion relations and unitary isobar model, which give consistent results. It is found that the transverse helicity amplitude for the gamma* p --> P11(1440) transition, which is large and negative at Q2=0, becomes large and positive at Q2 ~ 2 GeV2, and then drops slowly with Q2. Longitudinal helicity amplitude, that was previously found from CLAS data as large and positive at Q2=0.4,0.65 GeV2, drops with Q2. These results rule out the presentation of P11(1440) as a 3qG hybrid state, and provide strong evidence in favor of this resonance as a first radial excitation of the 3q ground state.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, Talk on the Workshop on "The Physics of Excited Nucleons", Bonn, Germany, October 200

    Broad-lined type Ic supernova iPTF16asu: A challenge to all popular models

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    It is well-known that ordinary supernovae (SNe) are powered by 56Ni cascade decay. Broad-lined type Ic SNe (SNe Ic-BL) are a subclass of SNe that are not all exclusively powered by 56Ni decay. It was suggested that some SNe Ic-BL are powered by magnetar spin-down. iPTF16asu is a peculiar broad-lined type Ic supernova discovered by the intermediate Palomar Transient Factory. With a rest-frame rise time of only 4 days, iPTF16asu challenges the existing popular models, for example, the radioactive heating (56Ni-only) and the magnetar+56Ni models. Here we show that this rapid rise could be attributed to interaction between the SN ejecta and a pre-existing circumstellar medium ejected by the progenitor during its final stages of evolution, while the late-time light curve can be better explained by energy input from a rapidly spinning magnetar. This model is a natural extension to the previous magnetar model. The mass-loss rate of the progenitor and ejecta mass are consistent with a progenitor that experienced a common envelope evolution in a binary. An alternative model for the early rapid rise of the light curve is the cooling of a shock propagating into an extended envelope of the progenitor. It is difficult at this stage to tell which model (interaction+magnetar+56Ni or cooling+magnetar+56Ni) is better for iPTF16asu. However, it is worth noting that the inferred envelope mass in the cooling+magnetar+56Ni is very high.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, 3 table

    The host of the Type I SLSN 2017egm: A young, sub-solar metallicity environment in a massive spiral galaxy

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    Here we present an integral-field study of the massive, high-metallicity spiral NGC 3191, the host of SN 2017egm, the closest SLSN Type I to date. We use data from PMAS/CAHA and the public MaNGA survey to shed light on the properties of the SLSN site and the origin of star-formation in this non-starburst spiral galaxy. We map the physical properties different \ion{H}{II} regions throughout the galaxy and characterize their stellar populations using the STARLIGHT fitting code. Kinematical information allows to study a possible interaction with its neighbouring galaxy as the origin of recent star formation activity which could have caused the SLSN. NGC 3191 shows intense star-formation in the western part with three large SF regions of low metallicity. The central regions of the host have a higher metallicity, lower specific star-formation rate and lower ionization. Modeling the stellar populations gives a different picture: The SLSN region has two dominant stellar populations with different ages, the youngest one with an age of 2-10 Myr and lower metallicity, likely the population from which the SN progenitor originated. Emission line kinematics of NGC 3191 show indications of interaction with its neighbour MCG+08-19-017 at \sim45 kpc, which might be responsible for the recent starburst. In fact, this galaxy pair has in total hosted 4 SNe, 1988B (Type Ia), SN 2003ds (Type Ic in MCG+08-19-017), PTF10bgl (SLSN-Type II) and 2017egm, underlying the enhanced SF in both galaxies due to interaction. Our study shows that one has to be careful interpreting global host and even gas properties without looking at the stellar population history of the region. SLSNe seem to still be consistent with massive stars (>> 20 M_\odot) requiring low (<0.6Z< 0.6Z_{\odot}) metallicity and those environments can also occur in massive, late-type galaxies but not necessarily starbursts.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 13 pages, 11 figures, 7 tables. Abstract has been reduced to match arXiv form requirement

    Optical biosensor for catechol determination based on laccase‐immobilized anionic polyamide 6 microparticles

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    This work presents the preparation, optimization, and testing of an enzymebased optical biosensor for catechol determination. The sensing area is attached to a glass support and contains: anionic polyamide 6 (PA6) porous microparticles supporting laccase from Trametes Versicolor, embedded in a Pebax® MH1657 polymer binder that contains the optical indicator dye 3-methyl-2-benzothiazolinone hydrazone (MBTH), responsible for the optical transduction. The catechol analyte, after its enzymatic oxidation, forms o-benzoquinone that can be detected by oxidative coupling with MBTH giving rise to a colored product. The latter can be quantified easuring the UV/VIS absorbance at 500 nm. The PA6 microparticles performed as useful laccase carriers reaching high immobilization yields of up to 99.8% and preserving the enzyme catalytic activity. This permitted the reparation of a new biosensor presenting a detection limit of 11 μM and responding linearly to up to 118 μM of catechol. Biosensor applicability was tested in spiked natural water samples from river and spring. The recovery rates observed were in the range of 97–108% that proves the good accuracy of the proposed biosensor.All authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the project TSSiPRO NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000015, supported by the regional operation program NORTE2020, under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund, as well as the support by National Funds through Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), project UID/CTM/50025/2019. Special thank is due to the ALBA synchrotron governance for financing our WAXS/SAXS experiments at NCD SWEET beamline in the framework of the approved pro posal ID 2018/022726. N. Dencheva is also grateful for the financial support of FCT in the frames of the strategic project UID/CTM/50025/2013 and the personal program contract CTTI-51/18-IPC. The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of Dr. Amélie Noel (Arkema, France) for providing a free sample of Pebax® MH 1657

    GRB 130427A Afterglow: A Test for GRB Models

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    Gamma-ray Burst 130427A had the largest fluence for almost 30 years. With an isotropic energy output of 8.5×1053 erg and redshift of 0.34, it combined a very high energy release with a relative proximity to Earth in an unprecedented fashion. Sensitive X-ray facilities such as {\it XMM-Newton} and {\it Chandra} detected the afterglow of this event for a record-breaking baseline of 90 Ms. We show the X-ray light curve of GRB 130427A of this event over such an interval. The light curve shows an unbroken power law decay with a slope of α=1.31 over more than three decades in time. In this presentation, we investigate the consequences of this result for the scenarios proposed to interpret GRB 130427A and the implications in the context of the forward shock model (jet opening angle, energetics, surrounding medium). We also remark the chance of extending GRB afterglow observations for several hundreds of Ms with {\it Athena}

    The rp-process and new measurements of beta-delayed proton decay of light Ag and Cd isotopes

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    Recent network calculations suggest that a high temperature rp-process could explain the abundances of light Mo and Ru isotopes, which have long challenged models of p-process nuclide production. Important ingredients to network calculations involving unstable nuclei near and at the proton drip line are β\beta-halflives and decay modes, i.e., whether or not β\beta-delayed proton decay takes place. Of particular importance to these network calculation are the proton-rich isotopes 96^{96}Ag, 98^{98}Ag, 96^{96}Cd and 98^{98}Cd. We report on recent measurements of β\beta-delayed proton branching ratios for 96^{96}Ag, 98^{98}Ag, and 98^{98}Cd at the on-line mass separator at GSI.Comment: 4 pages, uses espcrc1.sty. Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium Nuclei in the Cosmos, June 1996, Notre Dame/IN, USA, Ed. M. Wiescher, to be published in Nucl.Phys.A. Also available at ftp://ftp.physics.ohio-state.edu/pub/nucex/nic96-gs