410 research outputs found

    Night-time shift work and related stress responses: A study on security guards

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    Work-related stress can induce a break in homeostasis by placing demands on the body that are met by the activation of two different systems, the hypothalamic\u2013pituitary\u2013adrenal axis and the sympathetic nervous system. Night-shift work alters the body\u2019s exposure to the natural light\u2013 dark schedule and disrupts circadian (daily) rhythms. The greatest effect of night-shift work is the disruption of circadian rhythms. The impact that these disruptions may have on the pathogenesis of many diseases, including cancer, is unknown. This study aims to discover the relationship among three different job activities of security guards and their stress-related responses by evaluating salivary cortisol levels and blood pressure. Methods: Ninety security guards, including night-time workers and night-time and daily-shift workers, were recruited for this study. Each security guard provided two saliva samples before and after three scheduled time points: (i) at 22:00, (ii) at 06:30, and (iii) at 14:00. Results: The results of the study showed a significant alteration in cortisol levels. Night-time shift cortisol levels significantly increased before and after the work shifts. A physiological prevalence of the vagal tone on the cardiocirculatory activity was found during night-shift work. Conclusions: This study indicates that cortisol levels and blood pressure are sensitive markers of biological responses to severe work stress. Shift-change consequences may occur at the end of the night shift when there is a significant increase in the cortisol level and a significant variation in cardiovascular parameters

    Psychological assessment in pathological gamblers treated with escitalopram

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    Pathological Gambling (PG) is classified as a "Disorder of Impulse Control", but due to similarities with drug addiction is frequently described as a drug-free addiction (Potenza et al., 2012). PG is conceptualized as a behavioural addiction because of its neurobiologic, neurophysiologic and psychological features. Current therapeutical approaches seem unsatisfactory as they do not achieve definitive positive outcomes. Considering the well known psycopathological comorbidities, PG represents both a social (impact on relatives money/life) and a sanitary cost, in terms of pharmacological and psychological support. The compulsive behaviour detectable in PG, is a disease with neurophysiopathological basis now fairly well-defined which affects particularly vulnerable people. PG is linked to important changes in brain systems such as the prefrontal cortex, the nucleus accumbens, the endogenous opioid system and the extended amygdale. Recent fMRI studies associate PG with blunted mesolimbic activation to non-specific rewards, whereas increased prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate and ventral striatum activation is observed during gambling-related cue-exposure paradigms. Several neuropsychological studies show higher impulsivity in PG (Odlaug BL. et al., 2013) that, together with specific psychopathological symptoms, such as anxiety and depressed mood, characterize different PG subtypes (Blaszczynski A, Nower L. 2002). Impulsivity transcends multiple psychiatric disorders and is thought to be central to impulse control disorders such as PG. Furthermore, many PGs suffers from depression and decreased mood

    The Stock Genetic Structure of Two Sparidae Species, Diplodus vulgaris and Lithognathus mormyrus, in the Mediterranean Sea.

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    Polyacrilamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) of allozymes was used to investigate the intraspecies genetic variation and the genetic stock structure of Diplodus vulgaris and Lithognathus mormyrus captured from eight localities in the Mediterranean Sea. Twenty-two and 20 putative enzyme-coding loci were examined, respectively, in D. vulgaris and L. mormyrus. Polymorphic loci at the 95% level were used to assess the allozyme variability in D. vulgaris (AAT-2, EST-1, GLDH, PEPB-2, PGI-2, PGM, SDH) and L. mormyrus (AAT-2, EST-1, GLDH, MDH-2, PGI-2, PGM). The proportion of polymorphic loci in both species ranged from 0.31 (D. vulgaris) to 0.30 (L. mormyrus), and the observed and expected mean heterozygosity varied between 0.082 and 0.093 (D. vulgaris) and between 0.069 and 0.072 (L. mormyrus). The mean value of observed heterozygosity in D. vulgaris showed a deficit of heterozygosites, thereby indicating a Wahlund effect in the samples examined. Significant genetic differentiation (mean value of θ = 0.013, p < 0.005) was found in D. vulgaris indicating an intraspecific genetic substructure among the samples examined, whereas the mean value of θ = 0.001, p > 0.05 found in L. mormyrus showed a high degree of genetic homogeneity. The results showed the presence of distinct subpopulations of D. vulgaris among the sampled sites, and suggested that analysis of allozymes may provide important information on the genetic stock structure of these two sparids to ensure sustainable management of these species

    Microfluidic Device Generating Stable Concentration Gradients for Long-Term Cell Culture: Application to Wnt3a Regulation of B-catenin signaling

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    In developing tissues, proteins and signaling molecules present themselves in the form of concentration gradients, which determine the fate specification and behavior of the sensing cells. To mimic these conditions in vitro, we developed a microfluidic device designed to generate stable concentration gradients at low hydrodynamic shear and allowing long term culture of adhering cells. The gradient forms in a culture space between two parallel laminar flow streams of culture medium at two different concentrations of a given morphogen. The exact algorithm for defining the concentration gradients was established with the aid of mathematical modeling of flow and mass transport. Wnt3a regulation of B-catenin signaling was chosen as a case study. The highly conserved Wnt-activated B-catenin pathway plays major roles in embryonic development, stem cell proliferation and differentiation. Wnt3a stimulates the activity of B-catenin pathway, leading to translocation of B-catenin to the nucleus where it activates a series of target genes. We cultured A375 cells stably expressing a Wnt/B-catenin reporter driving the expression of Venus, pBARVS, inside the microfluidic device. The extent to which the B-catenin pathway was activated in response to a gradient of Wnt3a was assessed in real time using the BARVS reporter gene. On a single cell level, the B-catenin signaling was proportionate to the concentration gradient of Wnt3a; we thus propose that the modulation of Wnt3a gradients in real time can provide new insights into the dynamics of B-catenin pathway, under conditions that replicate some aspects of the actual cell-tissue milieu. Our device thus offers a highly controllable platform for exploring the effects of concentration gradients on cultured cells


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    Pathological gambling (PG) is a disorder recently conceptualized as a behavioural addiction, because of its neurobiological, neurophysiological and psychological features (American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders - 5th ed., 2013; Potenza et al., 2012). PG represents both a social and a sanitary cost, in terms of pharmacological and psychological therapies. The aim of this study was to examine the correlation between personality disorders, clinical syndromes and alexithymia levels in a group of pathological gamblers. Furthermore this study aimed at highlighting a relationship between PG and alexithymia, over and above the relationship between personality disorders, clinical syndromes and PG. Sixty treatment- seeking pathological gamblers and 60 healthy controls were included in the study. Psychological assessment included the South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS), the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI-III) and the Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20). Pathological gamblers displayed Axis I disorders, such as anxiety, somatoform symptoms, bipolar symptoms, dysthymia, thought disorders and major depression, as well as Axis II disorders such as depressive, antisocial, sadistic, passive-aggressive, self-defeating and paranoid disorders, and greater alexithymia levels. Alexithymia was detected in PG independently from the presence of other psychiatric disorders. Our data show that comorbid psychiatric disorders have been evidentiated in PG. Interestingly alexithymia is related to PG indipendently from other psychopathological disorders, representing a relevant feature, helpful for assessing PG diagnosis and for orienting to the correct therapeutical strategy. REFERENCES American Psychiatric Association. 2013. American Psychiatric Publishing Potenza et al.,2012Psychoph219(2):469-49

    Straining at work and its relationship with personality profiles and individual consequences in healthcare workers (HCWs)

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    Straining is an attenuated form of mobbing, in which the continuity of vexatious actions is not driven by a discriminatory intent. With the objective of testing the possible moderating role of personality in the relationship between perceptions about straining at work and individual consequences, a correlational design research involved 374 healthcare workers (HCWs) from two Italian hospitals. The following questionnaires were administered: (1) Short Negative Acts Questionnaire (S‐NAQ), to assess discriminative actions at work); (2) the Italian version of the Big Five Inventory (BFI‐10 scale), to assess personality factors; (3) Occupational Stress Indicator (OSI), to measure psychological and physical health. Regression analysis and Structural Equation Models (SEM) were computed in order to test the relationships between variables. Perceived straining showed significant correlations with both psychological and physical health. Conscientiousness was inversely proportional to work‐related bullying (WB), as agreeableness was to personal bullying (PB). Emotional stability was negatively correlated with all the three component scales of S‐NAQ: WB, PB, and social bullying. The results seem to confirm that straining perceptions especially elicit, through emotional stability, psychological consequences. As regards the role of emotional stability in risk perceptions, it seems management has to pay thorough attention to personal factors in organizational perceptions and to straining actions

    A pilot study of occupational exposure to ultrafine particles during 3D printing in research laboratories

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    Introduction3D printing is increasingly present in research environments, and could pose health risks to users due to air pollution and particulate emissions. We evaluated the nanoparticulate emissions of two different 3D printers, utilizing either fused filament fabrication with polylactic acid, or stereolithography (SLA) with light curing resin. MethodsNanoparticulate emissions were evaluated in two different research environments, both by environmental measurements in the laboratory and by personal sampling. ResultsThe SLA printer had higher nanoparticulate emissions, with an average concentration of 4,091 parts/cm(3), versus 2,203 particles/cm(3) for the fused filament fabrication printer. The collected particulate matter had variable morphology and elemental composition with a preponderance of carbon, sulfur and oxygen, the main byproducts. DiscussionOur study implies that when considering the health risks of particulate emissions from 3D printing in research laboratories, attention should be given to the materials used and the type of 3D printer

    The transitional gap transient AT 2018hso: new insights into the luminous red nova phenomenon

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    Context. The absolute magnitudes of luminous red novae (LRNe) are intermediate between those of novae and supernovae (SNe), and show a relatively homogeneous spectro-photometric evolution. Although they were thought to derive from core instabilities in single stars, there is growing support for the idea that they are triggered by binary interaction that possibly ends with the merging of the two stars. Aims. AT 2018hso is a new transient showing transitional properties between those of LRNe and the class of intermediate-luminosity red transients (ILRTs) similar to SN 2008S. Through the detailed analysis of the observed parameters, our study supports that it actually belongs to the LRN class and was likely produced by the coalescence of two massive stars. Methods. We obtained ten months of optical and near-infrared photometric monitoring, and 11 epochs of low-resolution optical spectroscopy of AT 2018hso. We compared its observed properties with those of other ILRTs and LRNe. We also inspected the archival Hubble Space Telescope (HST) images obtained about 15 years ago to constrain the progenitor properties. Results. The light curves of AT 2018hso show a first sharp peak (reddening-corrected M-r = -13.93 mag), followed by a broader and shallower second peak that resembles a plateau in the optical bands. The spectra dramatically change with time. Early-time spectra show prominent Balmer emission lines and a weak [Ca II] doublet, which is usually observed in ILRTs. However, the strong decrease in the continuum temperature, the appearance of narrow metal absorption lines, the great change in the H alpha strength and profile, and the emergence of molecular bands support an LRN classification. The possible detection of a M-I similar to -8 mag source at the position of AT 2018hso in HST archive images is consistent with expectations for a pre-merger massive binary, similar to the precursor of the 2015 LRN in M101. Conclusions. We provide reasonable arguments to support an LRN classification for AT 2018hso. This study reveals growing heterogeneity in the observables of LRNe than has been thought previously, which is a challenge for distinguishing between LRNe and ILRTs. This suggests that the entire evolution of gap transients needs to be monitored to avoid misclassifications