9 research outputs found

    Smart Control of Air Climatization System in Function on the Values of Mean Local Radiant Temperature

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    The hygrothermal comfort indoor conditions are defined as: those environmental conditions in which an individual exposed, expresses a state of satisfaction. These conditions cannot always be achieved anywhere in an optimal way and economically; in some cases they can be obtained only in work environments specific areas. This could be explained because of air conditioning systems designing is generally performed both on the basis of the fundamental parameters' average values, such as temperature, velocity and relative humidity (T-a, v(a) e phi(a)) and derived parameters such as operating temperature and mean radiant one (T-op eT(mr)). However, in some specific cases - large open-spaces or in case of radiating surfaces - the descriptors defining indoor comfort conditions, based on average values, do not provide the optimum values required during the air conditioning systems design phase. This is largely due to the variability of real environmental parameters values compared to the average ones taken as input in the calculation. The results obtained in previous scientific papers on the thermal comfort have been the driving element of this work. It offers a simple, original and clever way of thinking about the new domotic systems for air conditioning, based on the "local mean radiant temperature." This is a very important parameter when one wants to analyze comfort in environments characterized by the presence of radiating surfaces, as will be seen hereinafter. In order to take into account the effects of radiative exchanges in the open-space workplace, where any occupant may find themselves in different temperature and humidity conditions, this paper proposes an action on the domotic climate control, with ducts and vents air distribution placed in different zones. Comparisons were performed between the parameters values representing the punctual thermal comfort, with the Predicted Mean Vote PMV, in an environment marked by radiating surfaces (i.e continuous glass) and calculated with the local radiant temperature suggested in previous works, with the corresponding values obtained always varying the air speed or the air temperature inflated from the air vents, in order to achieve the optimal comfort conditions

    Una metodologia di indagine diagnostica per uno screening della qualità energetico-ambientale del patrimonio storico-architettonico messinese

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    In the post-earthquake reconstruction of Messina a task that involved immediately administrators, professionals and workers, was the search for a "type of building earthquake-proof." Less stringent were considered, in the light of a thermotechnical culture in fieri, the problems of environmental well-being that a frame structure, with "armed or animated" masonry to close the mesh, it could have produced.Bringing those experiences to contemporary, governed by a crisis eco-systemic, has started a comparison of historical values and environmental quality in relation to a typical example, through the knowledge of the history of its construction, an instrumental monitoring of physical parameters and the evaluation technical  of the subjective perception of the users of the environment under investigation.Nella ricostruzione post-sisma di Messina un compito che coinvolse immediatamente amministratori, professionisti e maestranze fu la ricerca di un tipo edilizio antisismico. Meno stringenti si ritennero, alla luce di una cultura termotecnica in fieri, i problemi di benessere ambientale che concezioni strutturali a telaio, con murature "armate o animate" a chiudere le maglie, avrebbero potuto produrre. Riportando quelle esperienze alla contemporaneità, governata da una crisi eco-sistemica, si è avviato un confronto fra valori storico-testimoniali e qualità energetico-ambientale riferito a un esempio emblematico,attraverso la conoscenza della storia della sua costruzione, un monitoraggio strumentale dei parametri fisico tecnici e un accertamento della percezione soggettiva dei fruitori degli ambienti oggetto dell’indagine

    Una nuova metodologia di indagine diagnostica finalizzata alla conservazione ambientale dei manufatti e oggetti sottoposti a tutela artistica ed architettonica

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    The artistic and architectural heritage preservation and protection is a complex issue in which a double need cohabits: that of preserving and that of making the object to be used at the same time. The new screening technique here shown is configured as an evaluation tool of the deterioration of the whole organism, both before the damage occurs and after it took place, compared to an appropriate assessment of priorities. The method is meant to formalize an operative tool card able to convey precious information to integrate digital cartographic and alphanumeric databases: the Geographic Information System of the Risk Map (SIT CoR). It collects the damages and risks data highlighting the critical and managing the planning of conservation actions.La salvaguardia e tutela del patrimonio artistico ed architettonico rappresenta una complessa problematica nella quale convive la doppia esigenza di preservare e al contempo rendere fruibile il bene. La nuova tecnica di screening proposta si configura come  strumento di valutazione del degrado dell'organismo nel suo complesso sia prima che il danno si verifichi sia a danno avvenuto,  rispetto ad una opportuna valutazione delle priorità. Esso è volto alla formalizzazione di uno strumento operativo per schede in grado di convogliare preziose informazioni ad integrazione di un sistema digitale di banche-dati alfanumeriche e cartografiche: il Sistema Informativo Territoriale della Carta del Rischio (SIT CdR). Esso sintetizza i dati relativi a danni e rischi, ne evidenzia le criticità e gestisce la programmazione degli interventi conservativi