1,233 research outputs found
Ricostruire 2. Architettura - Storia - Rappresentazione
Dall'editoriale di Marco Rosario Nobile: "Il 2014 è stato l’anniversario (bicentenario della nascita) di un grande architetto come Eu- gène Viollet-le-Duc. Per noi, associarsi al ricordo significa anche rilevarne le scomode pre- ferenze (espresse da un ventenne), che farebbero indispettire molti colleghi: «Je le dis peut-être à ma honte, mais je trouve Palladio, Sansovino, Vignole, plus qu’ennuyeux» (lettera da Venezia, estate 1837). Forse questo impietoso giudizio si giustifica con la perfezione delle opere del Cinquecento del centro-nord Italia, nell’assenza di stimoli a rielaborare mentalmente e poi graficamente completamenti, ricostruzioni che comportino qualche difficolta' suppletiva, opere che nella migliore circostanza delineano di per sé la soluzione di un rebus troppo facile, “noioso” per un esperto enigmista.
Ricostruire racconta, per esempi di studio, il ridisegno per la storia, ovvero presenta contributi che contemplano il desiderio di prefigurare i casi falliti, quelli sospesi, le vicende in- 5 terrotte o sommerse dai detriti del tempo. Negli ultimi anni, i campi di attività che comportano l’intreccio tra ipotesi storiche e la loro verifica di attendibilità si sono amplificati grazie a strumenti di rappresentazione sempre più sofisticati. Naturalmente si tratta di esercizi, il cui valore non è comunque da derubricare semplicemente alla voce “speculazioni”. Questo gioco ha coinvolto anche storici del Cinquecento di altissima levatura, da Arnaldo Bruschi a Manfredo Tafuri, e con precedenti di questa portata, cercare giustificazioni non
serve. Esistono però spiegazioni: si tratta forse di un fascino che gli architetti conoscono
bene, quel processo mentale che in passato poteva debordare anche in opere di comple- tamento, mentre, per chi come noi ha assimilato la passione di Ruskin, consente la soprav- vivenza di un angolo per continuare a coltivare le logiche complesse di Viollet-le Duc.
Questo numero è stato curato dai dottori Giuseppe Antista e Mirco Cannella"
ESR Essentials: diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma—practice recommendations by ESGAR
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most common primary hepatic malignancy and a leading cause of cancer related death worldwide. Current guidelines for the noninvasive diagnosis of HCC are provided by the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL), the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD) which endorsed the Liver Imaging Reporting and Data System (LI-RADS) algorithm, the Korean Liver Cancer Association-National Cancer Center (KLCA-NCC), and the Asian-Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver (APASL). These allow the diagnosis of HCC in high-risk patients in the presence of typical imaging features on contrast-enhanced CT, MRI, or contrast-enhanced ultrasound. Size, non-rim arterial phase hyperenhancement, non-peripheral washout, enhancing capsule, and growth are major imaging features and they should be combined for the diagnosis of HCC. This article provides concise and relevant practice recommendations aimed at general radiologist audience, summarizing the best practice and informing on the essential imaging criteria for the diagnosis of HCC, while also discussing the high-risk population criteria, imaging modalities, and imaging features according to the current guidelines
Inventory record inaccuracy in supply chains: the role of workers’ behavior
This research aims at exploring the effect of inventory record inaccuracy due to behavioral aspects of workers on the order and inventory variance amplification.
We adopt a continuous-time analytical approach to describe the effect of inbound throughput on the inventory and order variance amplification due to the workload pressure and arousal of workers. The model is numerically solved through simulation and results are analyzed with statistical general linear model.
Inventory management policies that usually dampen variance amplification are not effective when inaccuracy is generated due to workers’ behavioral aspects. Specifically, the psychological sensitivity and stability of workers to deal with a given range of operational conditions have a combined and multiplying effect over the amplification of order and inventory variance generated by her/his errors.
Research limitations/implications
The main limitation of our research is that we model workers’ behavior by inheriting a well-known theory from psychology that assumes a U-shaped relationship between stress and errors. We do not validate this relationship in the specific context of inventory operations.
Practical implications
The paper gives suggestions for managers who are responsible for designing order and inventory policies on how to take into account workers’ behavioral reaction to work pressure.
The logistics management literature does not lack of research works on behavioral decision making causes of order and inventory variance amplification. Contrarily, this paper investigates a new kind of behavioral issue, namely the impact of psycho-behavioral aspects of workers on variance amplification
Mechanical design of an affordable adaptive gravity balanced orthosis for upper limb stroke rehabilitation
In this paper, a novel design of a non-powered orthosis for upper limb stroke rehabilitation is reported. Its design exploits the gravity balancing theory. Designed for home-based use, it is the first affordable, passive design to incorporate an assistive level that can be adaptively varied within a closed-loop control scheme. This allows the device to be integrated with a dual robotic and electrical stimulation control scheme, to thereby enable full exploitation of the motor relearning principles which underpin both robotic therapy and Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) based stroke rehabilitation. This embeds the potential for more effective treatment. The article focuses on the mechanical design of the non-powered orthosis, providing detailed design, dynamic analysis and evaluation. Publisher statement: “This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines on 14 June 2015, available online: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/15397734.2015.1054513
Transcranial Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Guided Focused Ultrasound Treatment at 1.5 T: A Retrospective Study on Treatment- and Patient-Related Parameters Obtained From 52 Procedures
Objective: To present a retrospective analysis of patient- and sonication-related parameters of a group of patients treated with a transcranial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-guided focused ultrasound (tcMRgFUS) system integrated with a 1.5-T MRI unit. Methods: The data obtained from 59 patients, who underwent the tcMRgFUS procedure from January 2015 to April 2019, were retrospectively reviewed for this study. The following data, among others, were mainly collected: skull density ratio (SDR), skull area (SA), number of available transducer elements (Tx), and estimated focal power at target (FP). For each of the four different treatment stages, we calculated the number of sonication processes (S-n), user-defined sonication power (S-p), effective measured power (S-mp), sonication duration (S-d), user-defined energy (E), effective measured energy (E-m), maximum temperature (T-max), and MR thermometry plane orientation. Furthermore, the time delay between each sonication (S-t) and the total treatment time (T-t) were recorded. Results: Fifty-two patients (40 males and 12 females; age 64.51 +/- SD 11.90 years; range 26-86 years), who underwent unilateral Vim thalamotomy (left = 50, 96.15%; right = 2, 3.85%) for medication-refractory essential tremor (n = 39; 78%) or Parkinson tremor (n = 13; 22%) were considered. A total of 1,068 (95.10%) sonication processes were included in our final analysis (average S-n per treatment: 20.65 +/- 6.18; range 13-41). The energy released onto the planned target was found to decrease with the SDR for all temperature ranges. A positive correlation was observed between the slope of T-max vs. E-m plot and the SDR (R-2 = 0.765; p < 0.001). In addition, the T-max was positively correlated with SDR (R-2 = 0.398; p < 0.005). On the contrary, no significant correlation was found between SDR and SA or Tx. An analysis of the MR thermometry scanning plane indicated that, at our site, the axial and the coronal planes were used (on average) 10.4 (SD +/- 3.8) and 7.7 (SD +/- 3.0) times, respectively, whereas the sagittal plane was used only 2.5 (SD +/- 3.0) times per treatment. Conclusion: Our results confirm the factors that significantly influence the course of a tcMRgFUS procedure even when a 1.5-T MRI scanner is used for procedure guidance. The experience we gained in this study indicates that the SDR remains one of the most significant technical parameters to be considered in a tcMRgFUS procedure. The possibility of prospectively setting the sonication energy according to the presented curves of energy delivery as a function of SDR for each treatment stage could provide a further understanding and a greater awareness of this emerging technology
The Benign Side of the Abdominal Wall: A Pictorial Review of Non-Neoplastic Diseases
The abdominal wall is the location of a wide spectrum of pathological conditions, from benign to malignant ones. Imaging is often recommended for the evaluation of known palpable abdominal masses. However, abdominal wall pathologies are often incidentally discovered and represent a clinical and diagnostic challenge. Knowledge of the possible etiologies and complications, combined with clinical history and laboratory findings, is crucial for the correct management of these conditions. Specific imaging clues can help the radiologist narrow the differential diagnosis and distinguish between malignant and benign processes. In this pictorial review, we will focus on the non-neoplastic benign masses and processes that can be encountered on the abdominal wall on cross-sectional imaging, with a particular focus on their management. Distinctive sonographic imaging clues, compared with computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) findings will be highlighted, together with clinical and practical tips for reaching the diagnosis and guiding patient management, to provide a complete diagnostic guide for the radiologist
The Neoplastic Side of the Abdominal Wall: A Comprehensive Pictorial Essay of Benign and Malignant Neoplasms
Abdominal wall neoplasms are usually benign and, in the majority of these cases, no further work-up or treatment is indicated. The percentage of malignant abdominal neoplasms, however, is not negligible. Radiologists play a pivotal role in identifying imaging features that should favor malignancy, including larger lesion size, edema, neurovascular involvement, and peripheral or inhomogeneous dynamic enhancement, thus indicating to the clinician the need for further work-up. Histopathology is the reference standard for the characterization of abdominal wall neoplasms. In patients undergoing surgery, radiological assessment is needed to guide the surgeon by providing a comprehensive anatomic guide of the tumor extension. We present a pictorial review of benign and malignant abdominal wall neoplasms that can be encountered on radiological examinations, with a main focus on CT and MRI features that help in narrowing the differential diagnosis
This paper introduces a novel methodology developed for creating 3D models of archaeological artifacts that reduces the time and effort required by operators. The approach uses a simple vision system mounted on a robotic arm that follows a predetermined path around the object to be reconstructed. The robotic system captures different viewing angles of the object and assigns 3D coordinates corresponding to the robot's pose, allowing it to adjust the trajectory to accommodate objects of various shapes and sizes. The angular displacement between consecutive acquisitions can also be fine-tuned based on the desired final resolution. This flexible approach is suitable for different object sizes, textures, and levels of detail, making it ideal for both large volumes with low detail and small volumes with high detail. The recorded images and assigned coordinates are fed into a constrained implementation of the structure-from-motion (SfM) algorithm, which uses the scale-invariant features transform (SIFT) method to detect key points in each image. By utilising a priori knowledge of the coordinates and SIFT algorithm, low processing time can be ensured while maintaining high accuracy in the final reconstruction.
The use of a robotic system to acquire images at a pre-defined pace ensures high repeatability and consistency across different 3D reconstructions, eliminating operator errors in the workflow. This approach not only allows for comparisons between similar objects but also provides the ability to track structural changes of the same object over time.
Overall, the proposed methodology provides a significant improvement over current photogrammetry techniques by reducing the time and effort required to create 3D models while maintaining a high level of accuracy and repeatability
Capacitance study of thin film SnO2:F/p-type a-Si:H heterojunctions
Abstract We characterized SnO 2 :F/p-type a-Si:H heterojunctions by current-voltage (I-V) and capacitance-voltage (C-V) measurements at room temperature to determine the junction parameters. Samples with circular geometry and different diameters were characterized. The current scales with the junction area, and the current density J as a function of the voltage V is a slightly asymmetric curve with a super-linear behaviour (cubic law) for high voltages. Using a transmission line model valid for devices with circular geometry, we studied the effects of the SnO 2 :F resistivity on the measured capacitance when the SnO2:F layer works as an electrical contact. The measured C-V curve allows us to determine junction parameters as doping of p-type a-Si:H, built-in potential and depletion width for the heterojunction with the smallest diameters, demonstrating that for these samples the TCO effects can be neglected. We compared theoretical and measured data to explain qualitatively the transport mechanism in this heterojunction
Consapevolezza e atteggiamento delle studentesse verso la prevenzione del cancro cervicale nelle scuole medie inferiori e superiori
Obiettivi: Il cancro cervicale è il secondo tumore più comune tra le donne in tutto il mondo e la causa è data dal Papilloma virus. Il Papillomavirus genitale umano (chiamato anche HPV) è la più comune infezione a trasmissione sessuale (STI) e la vaccinazione offre un'opportunità unica per la prevenzione primaria del cancro cervicale. L'obiettivo di questa ricerca, è un'indagine conoscitiva sulla conoscenza che hanno le giovani donne dell'HPV e la sua prevenzione, nello specifico nelle ragazze di età compresa tra i 13-19anni che frequentano le scuole medie inferiori e superiori di Alessandria. Metodologia: Questionario somministrato in forma anonima nel periodo che va da maggio a giugno, con una popolazione target composta da circa 210 adolescenti delle scuole medie inferiori e superiori di sesso femminile con lo scopo di valutare il grado di conoscenza sull'infezione da Papilloma Virus e la sua prevenzione mediante vaccino nelle ragazze di età compresa tra i 13-19 anni. Risultati: Dallo studio condotto, si è riscontrato che le studentesse hanno sentito parlare del Papilloma, in misura maggiore questo è emerso fra le giovani con età >16 anni e del relativo vaccino fra quelle aventi la madre con titolo di studio superiore alla scuola media. Il 70% farebbe il vaccino, fra queste: il 53% per prevenire le malattie a trasmissione sessuale e solo il 12% per prevenire un'infezione potenzialmente cancerogena.A confronto sono state più favorevoli le giovani con età >16anni. Conclusioni: In conclusione, possiamo dire che è un problema del quale si sente parlare ma che crea ancora oggi un po' di confusione fra le giovani donne
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