2,718 research outputs found

    Scanning Tunneling Microscopy in the superconductor LaSb2

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    We present very low temperature (0.15 K) scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy experiments in the layered superconductor LaSb2_2. We obtain topographic microscopy images with surfaces showing hexagonal and square atomic size patterns, and observe in the tunneling conductance a superconducting gap. We find well defined quasiparticle peaks located at a bias voltage comparable to the weak coupling s-wave BCS expected gap value (0.17 meV). The amount of states at the Fermi level is however large and the curves are significantly broadened. We find Tc_c of 1.2 K by following the tunneling conductance with temperature.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Signatures of quantum criticality in the thermopower of Ba(Fe(1-x)Co(x))2As2

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    We demonstrate that the thermopower (S) can be used to probe the spin fluctuations (SFs) in proximity to the quantum critical point (QCP) in Fe-based superconductors. The sensitivity of S to the entropy of charge carriers allows us to observe an increase of S/T in Ba(Fe(1-x)Co(x))2As2 close to the spin-density-wave (SDW) QCP. This behavior is due to the coupling of low-energy conduction electrons to two-dimensional SFs, similar to heavy-fermion systems. The low-temperature enhancement of S/T in the Co substitution range 0.02 < x < 0.1 is bordered by two Lifshitz transitions, and it corresponds to the superconducting region, where a similarity between the electron and non-reconstructed hole pockets exists. The maximal S/T is observed in proximity to the commensurate-to-incommensurate SDW transition, for critical x_c ~ 0.05, close to the highest superconducting T_c. This analysis indicates that low-T thermopower is influenced by critical spin fluctuations which are important for the superconducting mechanism

    Crystal growth and annealing study of fragile, non-bulk superconductivity in YFe2_2Ge2_2

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    We investigated the occurrence and nature of superconductivity in single crystals of YFe2_2Ge2_2 grown out of Sn flux by employing x-ray diffraction, electrical resistivity, and specific heat measurements. We found that the residual resistivity ratio (RRR) of single crystals can be greatly improved, reaching as high as \sim60, by decanting the crystals from the molten Sn at \sim350^\circC and/or by annealing at temperatures between 550^\circC and 600^\circC. We found that samples with RRR \gtrsim 34 showed resistive signatures of superconductivity with the onset of the superconducting transition Tc1.4T_c\approx1.4 K. RRR values vary between 35 and 65 with, on average, no systematic change in TcT_c value, indicating that systematic changes in RRR do not lead to comparable changes in TcT_c. Specific heat measurements on samples that showed clear resistive signatures of a superconducting transition did not show any signature of a superconducting phase transition, which suggests that the superconductivity observed in this compound is either some sort of filamentary, strain stabilized superconductivity associated with small amounts of stressed YFe2_2Ge2_2 (perhaps at twin boundaries or dislocations) or is a second crystallographic phase present at levels below detection capability of conventional powder x-ray techniques.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figure

    Local superconducting density of states of ErNi2B2C

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    We present local tunnelling microscopy and spectroscopy measurements at low temperatures in single crystalline samples of the magnetic superconductor ErNi2B2C. The electronic local density of states shows a striking departure from s-wave BCS theory with a finite value at the Fermi level, which amounts to half of the normal phase density of states.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Research on applied bioelectrochemistry First quarterly progress report, 14 Mar. - 30 Jun. 1963

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    Optimum use of human waste as electrochemical fuels by urea bacterial organism conversion

    Anisotropic Hc2 of K0.8Fe1.76Se2 determined up to 60 T

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    The anisotropic upper critical field, Hc2(T), curves for K0.8Fe1.76Se2 are determined over a wide range of temperatures down to 1.5 K and magnetic fields up to 60 T. Anisotropic initial slopes of Hc2 ~ -1.4 T/K and -4.6 T/K for magnetic field applied along c-axis and ab-plane, respectively, were observed. Whereas the c-axis Hc2|c(T) increases quasi-linearly with decreasing temperature, the ab-plane Hc2|ab(T) shows a flattening, starting near 25 K above 30 T. This leads to a non-monotonic temperature dependence of the anisotropy parameter \gamma= Hc2|ab/Hc2|c. The anisotropy parameter is ~ 2 near Tc ~ 32 K and rises to a maximum \gamma ~ 3.6 around 27 K. For lower temperatures, \gamma decreases with T in a linear fashion, dropping to \gamma ~ 2.5 by T ~ 18 K. Despite the apparent differences between the K0.8Fe1.76Se2 and (Ba0.55K0.45)Fe2As2 or Ba(Fe0.926Co0.074)2As2, in terms of the magnetic state and proximity to an insulating state, the Hc2(T) curves are remarkably similar.Comment: slightly modified version, accepted to PRB, Rapid Communication

    Ferromagnetism or slow paramagnetic relaxation in Fe-doped Li3_3N?

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    We report on isothermal magnetization, M\"ossbauer spectroscopy, and magnetostriction as well as temperature-dependent alternating-current (ac) susceptibility, specific heat, and thermal expansion of single crystalline and polycrstalline Li2_2(Li1x_{1-x}Fex_x)N with x=0x = 0 and x0.30x \approx 0.30. Magnetic hysteresis emerges at temperatures below T50T \approx 50\,K with coercivity fields of up to μ0H=11.6\mu_0H = 11.6\,T at T=2T = 2\,K and magnetic anisotropy energies of 310310\,K (2727\,meV). The ac susceptibility is strongly frequency dependent (f=10f\,=\,10--10,00010,000\,Hz) and reveals an effective energy barrier for spin reversal of ΔE1100\Delta E \approx 1100\,K. The relaxation times follow Arrhenius behavior for T>25T > 25\,K. For T<10T < 10\,K, however, the relaxation times of τ1010\tau \approx 10^{10}\,s are only weakly temperature-dependent indicating the relevance of a quantum tunneling process instead of thermal excitations. The magnetic entropy amounts to more than 2525\,J molFe1^{-1}_{\rm Fe}\,K1^{-1} which significantly exceeds RRln2, the value expected for the entropy of a ground state doublet. Thermal expansion and magnetostriction indicate a weak magneto-elastic coupling in accordance with slow relaxation of the magnetization. The classification of Li2_2(Li1x_{1-x}Fex_x)N as ferromagnet is stressed and contrasted with highly anisotropic and slowly relaxing paramagnetic behavior.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Anisotropic transport and magnetic properties, and magnetic-field tuned states of CeZn11 single crystals

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    We present detailed temperature and field dependent data obtained from magnetization, resistivity, heat capacity, Hall resistivity and thermoelectric power measurements performed on single crystals of CeZn11. The compounds orders antiferromagnetically at \sim 2 K. The zero-field resistivity and TEP data show features characteristic of a Ce-based intermetallic with crystal electric field splitting and possible correlated, Kondo lattice effects. We constructed the T-H phase diagram for the magnetic field applied along the easy, [110], direction which shows that the magnetic field required to suppress T_N below 0.4 K is in the range of 45-47.5 kOe. A linear behavior of the rho(T) data, H||[110], was observed only for H=45 kOe for 0.46 K<T<1.96 K followed by the Landau-Fermi-liquid regime for a limited range of fields, 47.5 kOe< H<60 kOe. From the analysis of our data, it appears that CeZn11 is a weakly to moderately correlated local moment compound with rather small Kondo temperature. The thermoelectric and transport properties of CeZn11 are mostly governed by the CEF effects. Given the very high quality of our single crystals, quantum oscillations are found for both CeZn11 and its non-magnetic analogue, LaZn11

    Magnetic and superconducting phase diagrams in ErNi2B2C

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    We present measurements of the superconducting upper critical field Hc2(T) and the magnetic phase diagram of the superconductor ErNi2B2C made with a scanning tunneling microscope (STM). The magnetic field was applied in the basal plane of the tetragonal crystal structure. We have found large gapless regions in the superconducting phase diagram of ErNi2B2C, extending between different magnetic transitions. A close correlation between magnetic transitions and Hc2(T) is found, showing that superconductivity is strongly linked to magnetism.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    H. Spofford Canfield to Jean Allen, 26 July 1974

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    Typed letter signed dated 26 July 1974 from H. Spofford Canfield, Legislative Assistant to the President of the Senate, to Jean Allen, Executive Secretary to Eastland, re: signed photographs of Vice-President Ford\u27s swearing-in ceremony.https://egrove.olemiss.edu/joecorr_f/1019/thumbnail.jp