69 research outputs found

    Yeniliklerin Dış Ticarete Etkileri Üzerine Mekansal Ekonometrik Bir Analiz: 2002-2009 Türkiye Örneği

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    This study deals with the interaction between innovations and foreign trade across NUTS2 (Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics–2) regions of Turkey during the time period of 2002–2009. The aim of this study is to deal with the effects of innovations on the foreign trade, by considering the spatial effects across regions. In this context, the export booster and import dimmer effects of innovations are examined through estimating two separate models for export and import. Particularly, the import model has a special importance by investigating whether innovations can be a solution to Turkey’s chronic dependence on imported inputs. Besides, choice of the research sample as NUTS2 level, allows us to examine the clustering tendency of innovations, imports and exports. The evidences show that in both export and import models, innovations have significant and positive effects on dependent variables and this result proves that in Turkey innovations have a boost effect on both variables. In addition to these, the evidences related to testing spatial effect show that there is a clustering tendency for export, import and innovations. Also this result reveals that neighborhood relations are effective on the interaction between regions

    Yeniliklerin Dış Ticarete Etkileri Üzerine Mekansal Ekonometrik Bir Analiz: 2002-2009 Türkiye Örneği

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    This study deals with the interaction between innovations and foreign trade across NUTS2 (Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics–2) regions of Turkey during the time period of 2002–2009. The aim of this study is to deal with the effects of innovations on the foreign trade, by considering the spatial effects across regions. In this context, the export booster and import dimmer effects of innovations are examined through estimating two separate models for export and import. Particularly, the import model has a special importance by investigating whether innovations can be a solution to Turkey’s chronic dependence on imported inputs. Besides, choice of the research sample as NUTS2 level, allows us to examine the clustering tendency of innovations, imports and exports. The evidences show that in both export and import models, innovations have significant and positive effects on dependent variables and this result proves that in Turkey innovations have a boost effect on both variables. In addition to these, the evidences related to testing spatial effect show that there is a clustering tendency for export, import and innovations. Also this result reveals that neighborhood relations are effective on the interaction between regions


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    Comparison of Vitamin D and Calcium Levels Between Hospitalized Refugee Newborns and Native Newborns with Early-onset Hypocalcemia

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    Aim:Vitamin D deficiency (VDD) is mainly listed in the etiology of late-onset hypocalcemia in the neonatal period, as a probable cause of hypocalcemia in the early period, figured out in our study. We compared the vitamin D status and biochemical characteristics of refugee newborns with those of native newborns with early-onset hypocalcemia.Methods:One hundred and forty newborns enrolled in our comparative cross- sectional study were admitted with calcium <8 mg/dL in term or <7 mg/dL in preterm infants detected at the maternity ward within 72 h postnatal age during a 3-month period from June to August in 2020. Serum calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, alkaline phosphatase, and parathormone levels were measured on the initial day. Vitamin D and calcium levels in newborns before discharge.Results:The serum calcium levels in refugees were 7.12 mg/dL and 7.23 mg/dL in native newborns. The median vitamin D level was 8.57 μg/L in refugees and 7.99 μg/L in native newborns. Vitamin D deficiency was found in every eight in ten newborns with earlyonset hypocalcemia. There was no difference in the prevalence of VDD between the refugee and native neonates. Maternal vitamin D supplementation was 12.8% in the refugee group and 13.3% in the native group. The hospital stay was similar in both groups.Conclusion:Adequate access to preventive health services, routine screening of pregnant women for VDD, and supplementation during pregnancy and lactation should be provided to mothers from underdeveloped or developing countries because the prevalence of VDD is higher among this group


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    Bu çalışma ile örgüte güvenin ve lidere güvenin yenilikçi iş davranışlarının önemli öncülleri arasında olabileceği iddia edilmektedir. Yenilikçi iş davranışı, yeni fikirlerin veya davranışların üretilmesini, geliştirilmesini ve uygulanmasını içeren bir süreçtir. Ancak çalışanlar örgütlerde yeniliğe karşı direnebilirler. Bu nedenle bu çalışmada örgüte / lidere güven ile yenilikçi iş davranışı arasındaki ilişkide değişime karşı direncin aracı rolü incelenmiştir.Bu amaç doğrultusunda, İstanbul/Türkiye’de hizmet sektöründeki çeşitli firmalardan 229 çalışanın katılımıyla kesitsel bir araştırma yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın bulguları, örgüte güven ve lidere güvenin yenilikçi iş davranışı üzerinde önemli olumlu etkileri olduğunu göstermektedir (β = 0,465; t = 7,914; p =, 000 ve β = 0,503; t = 8,779; p =, 000). Böylece araştırmada önerildiği gibi hipotez 1 ve hipotez 2 desteklenmiştir. Ek olarak, değişime karşı direncin örgüte / lidere güven ile yenilikçi iş davranışı arasındaki ilişkide aracı rolü tespit edilmiştir (β = .056; LLCI = .0221; ULCI = .0990 ve β = .050; LLCI = .0190; ULCI = .0892; sırasıyla). Bu nedenle çalışmada önerilen hipotez 1a ve hipotez 2a desteklenmiştir

    Fabrication of D-type Fiber Optic Sensors with a Long Interaction Length and Studying Effects of Critical Parameters on Sensor Response

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    Today evanescent wave based fiber optic (F/O) platforms are in favor of the use for monitoring molecular interactions since they are practical, economic and easy to operate which make them ideal turnkey systems for clinical, pharmaceutical, environmental and security applications. The side polishing is one of techniques for reshaping the geometry of the waveguide to make the F/O sensor more sensitive to surrounding refractive index (RI) in evanescent field. In this study D-type F/O sensors with a 25 mm-long interaction lengths are fabricated. In addition to that, effects of the critical parameters such as the polishing depth, the wavelength, and the temperature on the sensor response are determined for the RI in the range of 1.33 - 1.47. The developing key of these F/O sensors is reaching high strength and penetration depth of evanescent wave in varying RI of the surrounding bio-layer. Development steps of D-type F/O sensors are; fabrication of supporting elements - silicon V channels, F/O cable preparation, adhesion, lapping and polishing, fusing the FC connectors, construction of the optical system, and RI measurements. Details of these steps are explained and the general characteristics of the D-type F/O sensor are presented. Results indicate that the sensor's responses in three different RI ranges can be improved by the polishing depth. A maximum sensitivity of around 2x10(5) for the D-type F/O sensors is demonstrated in the RI range of 1.44-1.46


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    Giriş: Dental materyallerin yüzey özellikleri mikrobiyal dental plak birikimini doğrudan etkilemektedir ve bu nedenle dental materyallerin yüzey özellikleri oral hijyen ile doğrudan ilişkilidir. Özellikle tam metal kron ve porselen veneer kron restorasyonlarında oral dokularla ilişkili metal yüzeylerin genişliği fazla olduğundan metal yüzeylerin pürüzsüzlüğü önem kazanır. Bu çalışmanın amacı; iki farklı kıymetsiz metal alaşımın yüzey pürüzlülüğünün karşılaştırılmasıdır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu çalışmada döküm yoluyla elde edilen tüm restorasyonlarda ve porselen veneer kron restorasyonlarında, metal destekli porselen kron-köprü restorasyonlarında kullanılabilen Ni-Cr Wirolloy®, NB, Bego, Bremen, Almanya ve Co-Cr Wirobond® 280, Bego, Bremen, Almanya alaşımlar kullanılmıştır. Her grup için 10 adet disk şeklinde 1.5 mm kalınlığında ve 10 mm çapında örnekler hazırlanmıştır. Üretici firmaların önerilerine göre klinik açıdan kabul edilebilir yüzeyler oluşturulana kadar bitirme ve cilalama işlemleri uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen örnekler ultrasonik olarak temizlenerek 24 saat boyunca 60 ºC de kurutulmuştur. Yüzey pürüzlülüğü ölçümleri profilometre cihazı Perthometer M1, Mahr GmbH, Göttingen, Almanya kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Her bir örneğin 5 ayrı bölgesinden ölçüm gerçekleştirilmiş ve her bir örneğin ortalama Ra Roughness Average değeri belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen verilerin istatistiksel analizi varyans analiz testi ANOVA kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Bulgular: Co-Cr alaşımından 0,289 m elde edilen örneklerin yüzey pürüzlülüğü ortalama değerleri yaklaşık olarak Ni-Cr alaşımından 0,096 m elde edilen örneklerin ortalama değerlerinin 3 katı kadardır. Ortalama değerler arasındaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmuştur = 0,05 . Sonuç: Elde edilen sonuçlara göre Ra değerleri Ni-Cr alaşım örnekleri için 0.089-0.1026 µm aralığında, Co-Cr alaşım örnekleri için ise 0.270.3422 µm aralığında bulunmuştur. Co-Cr örneklerin pürüzlülük değerleri plak tutulumuna izin verebilmektedir. 0.2 µm bakteriyel tutulum için eşik değer olarak kabul edilmektedir ve bu değerin altında bakteriyel tutulum beklenmemektedi

    Effects of different culture media on biodegradation of triclosan by Rhodotorula mucilaginosa and Penicillium sp.

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    Triclosan is an antimicrobial agent and a persistent pollutant. The biodegradation of triclosan is dependent on many variables including the biodegradation organism and the environmental conditions. Here, we evaluated the triclosan degradation potential of two fungi strains, Rhodotorula mucilaginosa and Penicillium sp., and the rate of its turnover to 2,4-dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP). Both of these strains showed less susceptibility to triclosan when grown in minimal salt medium. In order to further evaluate the effects of environmental conditions on triclosan degradation, three different culture conditions including original thermal power plant wastewater, T6 nutrimedia and ammonium mineral salts medium were used. The maximum triclosan degradation yield was 48\% for R. mucilaginosa and 82\% for Penicillium sp. at 2.7 mg/L triclosan concentration. Biodegradation experiments revealed that Penicillium sp. was more tolerant to triclosan. Scanning electron microscopy micrographs also showed the morphological changes of fungus when cells were treated with triclosan. Overall, these fungi strains could be used as effective microorganisms in active uptake (degradation) and passive uptake (sorption) of triclosan and their efficiency can be increased by optimizing the culture conditions

    The effect of Phase I sample size on the run length performance of control charts for autocorrelated data

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    Traditional control charts assume independence of observations obtained from the monitored process. However, if the observations are autocorrelated, these charts often do not perform as intended by the design requirements. Recently, several control charts have been proposed to deal with autocorrelated observations. The residual chart, modified Shewhart chart, EWMAST chart, and ARMA chart are such charts widely used for monitoring the occurrence of assignable causes in a process when the process exhibits inherent autocorrelation. Besides autocorrelation, one other issue is the unknown values of true process parameters to be used in the control chart design, which are often estimated from a reference sample of in-control observations. Performances of the above-mentioned control charts for autocorrelated processes are significantly affected by the sample size used in a Phase I study to estimate the control chart parameters. In this study, we investigate the effect of Phase I sample size on the run length performance of these four charts for monitoring the changes in the mean of an autocorrelated process, namely an AR(1) process. A discussion of the practical implications of the results and suggestions on the sample size requirements for effective process monitoring are provided.autocorrelated data, sample size, residual chart, EWMAST chart, modified Shewhart chart, ARMA chart, run length,