11 research outputs found

    Design of a distributed control system based on CORBA and Java for a new rib facility at LNL

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    Abstract SPES (Study for the Production of Exotic Species) [1] is a L.N.L. project that will produce by the end of this year the design of a facility for Radioactive Ion Beams (RIBs) originated by fission fragments produced by secondary neutrons; it will be characterized by moderate size, performance and cost and will produce also intense neutron beams for activities both in fundamental and applied Nuclear Physics. In the context of this design study and tightly related to the medium size of this facility, the architecture of a distributed control system using the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA, [2]) as middleware framework and Java as main programming language was investigated for the core components (diagnostics, optics, RF-control) of the primary accelerator. The performances of CORBA middleware for the high level control system were measured in different conditions and shown to be sufficient to cover the requirements for remote operations (all feedback loops will be performed either in specialized hardware or by dedicated real-time embedded controllers). A minimal programming effort, a good level of modularity and long-term maintenance were some of the reasons to choose Java [3] and its related Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) as the main programming language and as a software platform for the Graphical User Interface (GUI) and the middleware implementations of this project

    COVID-19-associated Guillain-Barré syndrome in the early pandemic experience in Lombardia (Italy)

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    Objective To estimate the incidence and describe clinical characteristics and outcome of GBS in COVID-19 patients (COVID19-GBS) in one of the most hit regions during the frst pandemic wave, Lombardia. Methods Adult patients admitted to 20 Neurological Units between 1/3–30/4/2020 with COVID19-GBS were included as part of a multi-center study organized by the Italian society of Hospital Neuroscience (SNO). Results Thirty-eight COVID19-GBS patients had a mean age of 60.7 years and male frequency of 86.8%. CSF albuminocytological dissociation was detected in 71.4%, and PCR for SARS-CoV-2 was negative in 19 tested patients. Based on neurophysiology, 81.8% of patients had a diagnosis of AIDP, 12.1% of AMSAN, and 6.1% of AMAN. The course was favorable in 76.3% of patients, stable in 10.5%, while 13.2% worsened, of which 3 died. The estimated occurrence rate in Lombardia ranges from 0.5 to 0.05 GBS cases per 1000 COVID-19 infections depending on whether you consider positive cases or estimated seropositive cases. When we compared GBS cases with the pre-pandemic period, we found a reduction of cases from 165 to 135 cases in the 2-month study period in Lombardia. Conclusions We detected an increased incidence of GBS in COVID-19 patients which can refect a higher risk of GBS in COVID-19 patients and a reduction of GBS events during the pandemic period possibly due to a lower spread of more common respiratory infectious diseases determined by an increased use of preventive measures

    Overview of DISCOVER22 experiment in the framework of INFN-LNGS Cosmic Silence activity: challenges and improvements in underground radiobiology

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    One of the most intriguing and still pending questions in radiobiology is to understand whether and how natural environmental background radiation has shaped Life over millions of years of evolution on Earth. Deep Underground Laboratories (DULs) represent the ideal below-background exposure facilities where to address such a question. Among the few worldwide DULs, INFN-Laboratorio Nazionale del Gran Sasso (LNGS) is one of the largest in terms of size and infrastructure. Designed and built to host neutrino and dark matter experiments, since the 1990 s the LNGS has been one of the first DULs to systematically host radiobiology experiments. Here we present the DISCOVER22 (DNA Damage and Immune System Cooperation in VEry low Radiation environment 2022) experiment recently started at LNGS. DISCOVER22 aims at investigating how the low radiation background modulates the Immune System (IS) response in in vitro and in vivo models. Underground radiobiology experiments are particularly complex and tricky to design and perform. In these studies, the accurate characterization of exposure scenarios is mandatory, but a challenging aspect is to understand how the very few ionizing tracks in the ultra-Low Radiation Environment (LRE) interact with the living matter in space and time in order to trigger different biological responses. In this Perspective, we describe these challenges and how we address them through a microdosimetric and a radiobiological approaches. We aim at linking physical microdosimetric measurements and the corresponding biological radiation responses by using radiation biophysical models that could shed light on many as yet unresolved questions

    Architetture della Fabbrica tessile Bossi a Cameri. Il progetto e l’azione di tutela per una rifunzionalizzazione generatrice di nuovi scambi

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    L’intervento riguarda la riqualificazione dell’ex area industriale della Filatura Bossi di Cameri (Novara), con particolare attenzione al complesso dello Stabilimento per la tessitura realizzato nel 1968 da Vittorio Gregotti, Lodovico Meneghetti e Giotto Stoppino, dismesso dal 2013 e interessato, dal 2019, da un Programma integrato di rigenerazione urbana che ne prevedeva la demolizione quasi integrale. Il recente dibattito pubblico per la salvaguardia delle architetture italiane del secondo Novecento e il coinvolgimento degli enti preposti alla tutela sono parte integrante dell’approfondimento e della proposta progettuale che, intenzionalmente, rafforza l’elemento generatore del recinto-fabbrica della ex Filatura ancora oggi sostanzialmente inalterata nei caratteri percettivi, distributivi e nei materiali originari. Il caso studio consente inoltre – in netta controtendenza con quanto stabilito nel Piano comunale –, di evidenziare le potenzialitĂ  di un percorso a ritroso, di conoscenza e analisi, in un disegno territoriale a scala piĂč ampia e di proporre quindi – in una sorta di “fiera di lungo transito” (sul modello del caso insuperato della Fiera di Sant’Alessandro a Bergamo) –, nuove funzioni produttive e direttive anche degli scambi tra centri minori: attivitĂ  di formazione e didattica (agraria, zootecnica, biodiversitĂ , profilassi) in stretta relazione con i programmi del Parco del Ticino; dotazioni per residenza temporanea (studenti, docenti, ricercatori, tecnici), ricavate dal ridisegno della sezione della ex Tessitura a shed; aree pubbliche per associazioni culturali e per il tempo libero; la riconversione dell’ex Stabilimento tessile di Gregotti, Meneghetti e Stoppino ad auditorium e mercato coperto

    Influence of obstetric factors on osteogenic potential of umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Wharton's jelly from the umbilical cord is a noncontroversial source of mesenchymal stem cells (WJMSCs) with high plasticity, proliferation rate and ability to differentiate towards multiple lineages. WJMSCs from different donors have been characterized for their osteogenic potential. Although there is large evidence of WJMSCs plasticity, recently scientific debate has focused on MSCs selection, establishing predictable elements to discriminate the cells with most promising osteoprogenitor cell potential.</p> <p>In the present study a comparative study between the presence of osteoblastic markers and different parameters that pertain to both the newborn and the mother was performed. Umbilical cords were collected after all patients signed the informed consent and local ethical commettee approved the study. Obstetric parameters, including baby's gender and birth weight, mother's age at delivery, gestational stage at parturition and mode of delivery were examined. After characterization and expansion, WJMSCs were analyzed for two osteoblastic markers, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, and the expression level of RUNX-2 transcription factor, and for their ability to deposit mineralized matrix after osteogenic induction.</p> <p>We found that osteoblastic potential was not influenced by baby's gender and mode of delivery. On the contrary, the highest degree of osteoblastic potential has been shown by WJMSCs with RUNX-2 high basal levels, selected from umbilical cords of the heaviest term babies.</p> <p>Even if further evaluation is required, our hypothesis is that our findings may help in selecting the optimal umbilical cord donors and in collecting high potential Wharton's jelly-derived osteoprogenitors efficiently.</p

    Cryogenic Control System Migration and Developments towards the UNICOS CERN Standard at INFN

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    The cryogenic control systems at Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro (LNL) are undergoing an important and radical modernization, allowing all the plants controls and supervision systems to be renewed in a homogeneous way towards the CERN-UNICOS standard. Before the UNICOS migration project started there were as many as 7 different types of PLC and 7 different types of SCADA, each one requiring its own particular programming language. In these conditions, even a simple modification and/or integration on the program or on the supervision, required the intervention of a system integrator company, specialized in its specific control system. Furthermore it implied that the operators have to be trained to learn the different types of control systems. The CERN-UNICOS invented for LHC [1] has been chosen due to its reliability and planned to run and be maintained for decades on. The complete migration is part of an agreement between CERN and INFN

    Fabbisogno assistenziale e insorgenza di eventi avversi in terapia intensiva: i risultati di un’indagine

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    Gli eventi avversi possono dipendere dal carico di lavoro e dal numero di infermieri presenti in turno rispetto al fabbisogno assistenziale dei pazienti. Obiettivo. Verificare l’associazione tra incidenza di eventi avversi e dotazione organica inferiore rispetto al fabbisogno, stimato utilizzando il sistema di rilevazione NAS (nursing activities score). Metodo. Sono stati selezionati 240 pazienti, ricoverati dal 15 dicembre 2009 al 9 maggio 2010 in una terapia intensiva polivalente. È stato rilevato il peso assistenziale/ die per paziente utilizzando il NAS. Il dato Ăš stato poi correlato con la reale presenza di infermieri/die, il tasso di occupazione letti ed il numero di eventi avversi registrati. Risultati. Su una popolazione di 240 pazienti, per un periodo di osservazione di 145 giorni, si sono verificati 45 eventi avversi. Nei giorni con eventi, la differenza tra fabbisogno ideale determinato dal NAS e reale si Ăš attestato a -7.68% (±8.84); nei giorni senza eventi la differenza Ăš stata di 0.44% (±7.96) (p 0.0001). Nei giorni con eventi si Ăš verificato un deficit di 110.66 (±127) minuti di assistenza per paziente; nei giorni senza eventi un eccesso di minuti di assistenza pari a 6.40 (±115) minuti/paziente. Il NAS medio dei pazienti con eventi Ăš risultato 81.88 (±10.00), per quelli senza eventi: 73.54 (±13.83) (p=0.001). Conclusioni. Gli eventi avversi si sono verificati prevalentemente quando la differenza tra assistenza necessaria secondo il NAS e assistenza erogata dagli infermieri presenti era maggior

    Covid-19-associated Guillain-Barré syndrome in the first wave of COVID-19 pandemic in Lombardia: Increased incidence or increased seroprevalence?

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    38noembargoed_20221015embargoed_20221015Filippo Martinelli Boneschi; Antonio Colombo; Nereo Bresolin; Maria Sessa; Mattia Pozzato; Giampiero Grampa; Pietro Bassi; Eugenio Magni; Maurizio Versino; Carlo Ferrarese; Davide Zarcone; Alberto Albanese; Giuseppe Micieli; Carla Zanferrari; Antonio Cagnana; Claudio Ferrante; Angelo Zilioli; Davide Locatelli; Maria Calloni; Maria Luisa Delodovici; Camillo Foresti; Barbara Frigeni; Stefania Canella; Rubjona Xhani; Massimo Crabbio; Alessandro Clemenzi; Marco Mauri; Simone Beretta; Isidoro La Spina; Simona Bernasconi; Anna Cavallini; Michela Ranieri; Elisabetta D{ extquotesingle}Adda; Maria Elisa Fruguglietti; Lorenzo Peverelli; Edoardo Agosti; Andrea Rigamonti; Andrea SalmaggiMartinelli Boneschi, Filippo; Colombo, Antonio; Bresolin, Nereo; Sessa, Maria; Pozzato, Mattia; Grampa, Giampiero; Bassi, Pietro; Magni, Eugenio; Versino, Maurizio; Ferrarese, Carlo; Zarcone, Davide; Albanese, Alberto; Micieli, Giuseppe; Zanferrari, Carla; Cagnana, Antonio; Ferrante, Claudio; Zilioli, Angelo; Locatelli, Davide; Calloni, Maria; Luisa Delodovici, Maria; Foresti, Camillo; Frigeni, Barbara; Canella, Stefania; Xhani, Rubjona; Crabbio, Massimo; Clemenzi, Alessandro; Mauri, Marco; Beretta, Simone; La Spina, Isidoro; Bernasconi, Simona; Cavallini, Anna; Ranieri, Michela; D( extquotesingle)Adda, Elisabetta; Elisa Fruguglietti, Maria; Peverelli, Lorenzo; Agosti, Edoardo; Rigamonti, Andrea; Salmaggi, Andre