66 research outputs found

    New MACRO results on atmospheric neutrino oscillations

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    The final results of the MACRO experiment on atmospheric neutrino oscillations are presented and discussed. The data concern different event topologies with average neutrino energies of ~3 and ~50 GeV. Multiple Coulomb Scattering of the high energy muons in absorbers was used to estimate the neutrino energy of each event. The angular distributions, the L/E_nu distribution, the particle ratios and the absolute fluxes all favour nu_mu --> nu_tau oscillations with maximal mixing and Delta m^2 =0.0023 eV^2. A discussion is made on the Monte Carlos used for the atmospheric neutrino flux. Some results on neutrino astrophysics are also briefly discussed.Comment: Invited Paper at the NANP03 Int. Conf., Dubna, 200

    A novel role for RecA under non-stress: promotion of swarming motility in Escherichia coli K-12

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    BACKGROUND: Bacterial motility is a crucial factor in the colonization of natural environments. Escherichia coli has two flagella-driven motility types: swimming and swarming. Swimming motility consists of individual cell movement in liquid medium or soft semisolid agar, whereas swarming is a coordinated cellular behaviour leading to a collective movement on semisolid surfaces. It is known that swimming motility can be influenced by several types of environmental stress. In nature, environmentally induced DNA damage (e.g. UV irradiation) is one of the most common types of stress. One of the key proteins involved in the response to DNA damage is RecA, a multifunctional protein required for maintaining genome integrity and the generation of genetic variation. RESULTS: The ability of E. coli cells to develop swarming migration on semisolid surfaces was suppressed in the absence of RecA. However, swimming motility was not affected. The swarming defect of a ΔrecA strain was fully complemented by a plasmid-borne recA gene. Although the ΔrecA cells grown on semisolidsurfaces exhibited flagellar production, they also presented impaired individual movement as well as a fully inactive collective swarming migration. Both the comparative analysis of gene expression profiles in wild-type and ΔrecA cells grown on a semisolid surface and the motility of lexA1 [Ind-] mutant cells demonstrated that the RecA effect on swarming does not require induction of the SOS response. By using a RecA-GFP fusion protein we were able to segregate the effect of RecA on swarming from its other functions. This protein fusion failed to regulate the induction of the SOS response, the recombinational DNA repair of UV-treated cells and the genetic recombination, however, it was efficient in rescuing the swarming motility defect of the ΔrecA mutant. The RecA-GFP protein retains a residual ssDNA-dependent ATPase activity but does not perform DNA strand exchange. CONCLUSION: The experimental evidence presented in this work supports a novel role for RecA: the promotion of swarming motility. The defective swarming migration of ΔrecA cells does not appear to be associated with defective flagellar production; rather, it seems to be associated with an abnormal flagellar propulsion function. Our results strongly suggest that the RecA effect on swarming motility does not require an extensive canonical RecA nucleofilament formation. RecA is the first reported cellular factor specifically affecting swarming but not swimming motility in E. coli. The integration of two apparently disconnected biologically important processes, such as the maintenance of genome integrity and motility in a unique protein, may have important evolutive consequences

    The Interaction of Canine Plasminogen with Streptococcus pyogenes Enolase: They Bind to One Another but What Is the Nature of the Structures Involved?

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    For years it has been clear that plasminogen from different sources and enolase from different sources interact strongly. What is less clear is the nature of the structures required for them to interact. This work examines the interaction between canine plasminogen (dPgn) and Streptococcus pyogenes enolase (Str enolase) using analytical ultracentrifugation (AUC), surface plasmon resonance (SPR), fluorescence polarization, dynamic light scattering (DLS), isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC), and simple pull-down reactions. Overall, our data indicate that a non-native structure of the octameric Str enolase (monomers or multimers) is an important determinant of its surface-mediated interaction with host plasminogen. Interestingly, a non-native structure of plasminogen is capable of interacting with native enolase. As far as we can tell, the native structures resist forming stable mixed complexes

    Mu Transposon Insertion Sites and Meiotic Recombination Events Co-Localize with Epigenetic Marks for Open Chromatin across the Maize Genome

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    The Mu transposon system of maize is highly active, with each of the ∼50–100 copies transposing on average once each generation. The approximately one dozen distinct Mu transposons contain highly similar ∼215 bp terminal inverted repeats (TIRs) and generate 9-bp target site duplications (TSDs) upon insertion. Using a novel genome walking strategy that uses these conserved TIRs as primer binding sites, Mu insertion sites were amplified from Mu stocks and sequenced via 454 technology. 94% of ∼965,000 reads carried Mu TIRs, demonstrating the specificity of this strategy. Among these TIRs, 21 novel Mu TIRs were discovered, revealing additional complexity of the Mu transposon system. The distribution of >40,000 non-redundant Mu insertion sites was strikingly non-uniform, such that rates increased in proportion to distance from the centromere. An identified putative Mu transposase binding consensus site does not explain this non-uniformity. An integrated genetic map containing more than 10,000 genetic markers was constructed and aligned to the sequence of the maize reference genome. Recombination rates (cM/Mb) are also strikingly non-uniform, with rates increasing in proportion to distance from the centromere. Mu insertion site frequencies are strongly correlated with recombination rates. Gene density does not fully explain the chromosomal distribution of Mu insertion and recombination sites, because pronounced preferences for the distal portion of chromosome are still observed even after accounting for gene density. The similarity of the distributions of Mu insertions and meiotic recombination sites suggests that common features, such as chromatin structure, are involved in site selection for both Mu insertion and meiotic recombination. The finding that Mu insertions and meiotic recombination sites both concentrate in genomic regions marked with epigenetic marks of open chromatin provides support for the hypothesis that open chromatin enhances rates of both Mu insertion and meiotic recombination

    Gravitational Lensing from a Spacetime Perspective

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    Effect of genotype on chromosome variation in tissue-culture of inbred and outbred rye

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    To examine the effect of genotype on the nature of the cytological variation induced in culture, plants were regenerated from cultured immature embryos of six genotypes (lines A-F) of rye (Secale cereale L.). The variation observed differed among the six lines and was generally consistent with the donors. Regenerants of line A were consistent with the donor, cv. Ailes, in that chromosome translocations appeared at high frequencies. No structural or numerical variation was observed in the B chromosomes of line B. Two of the four inbred lines studied were very stable in culture. Inbred line D was also stable except for a translocation in the regenerants. In inbred line F, variation was observed in the donors and the regenerants. An examination of chiasma frequency and distribution indicated that the regenerated plants generally had higher chiasma frequencies and more distally localized chiasmata than the donors. Line F was exceptional in that the regenerants had more interstitial chiasmata. The elevation in chiasma frequency was not as great, or statistically as significant, as the change in distribution. These results provide further evidence that the nature of cytological variation observed in regenerated plants is genotype-dependent and that, in addition to numerical and structural chromosome variation, shifts in chiasma frequency and distribution, and therefore in genetic recombination, can occur as a result of somaclonal variation
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