71 research outputs found

    Implications on industrial productivity and employment in automotive sector

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    UIDB/04647/2020 UIDP/04647/2020Recent developments in automation and artificial intelligence (AI) are leading to a wave of innovation in organizational design and changes in the workplace. Techno-optimists even named it the “second machine age,” arguing that it now involves the substitution of the human brain. Other authors see this as just a continuation of previous ICT developments. Potentially, automation and AI can have significant technical, economic, and social implications in firms. This paper will answer the following question: What are the implications on industrial productivity and employment in the automotive sector with the recent automation trends, including AI, in Portugal? Our approach used mixed methods to conduct statistical analyses of relevant databases and interviews with experts on R&D projects related to automation and AI implementation. Results suggest that automation can have widespread adoption in the short term in the automotive sector, but AI technologies will take more time to be adopted. The findings show that adoption of automation and AI increases productivity in firms and is dephased in time with employment implications. Investments in automation are not substituting operators but rather changing work organization. Thus, negative effects of technology and unemployment were not substantiated by our results.publishersversionpublishe

    Impact assessment of AI-enabled automation on the workplace and employment. The case of Portugal

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to lead to a wave of innovation in organiza-tional design, changes in the workplace and create disruptive effects in the employment sys-tems across the world. Moreover, the future deployment of broad-spectrum algorithms capa-ble of being used in wide areas of application (e.g., industrial robotics, software and data anal-ysis, decision-making) can lead to considerable changes in current work patterns, swiftly render many unemployed across the globe and profoundly destabilize labour relations. The impacts of AI are estimated to lead to a reduction of millions of workplaces. But qualitative research about AI and its governance is scarce. An emergent technology requires a technology assess-ment (TA) approach to understand the implications of AI in firms. Mechanisms of industrial democracy can help to adopt AI by ensuring adequate arrangements for employees and avoid-ing conflicts (mitigating negative effects, promoting reskilling, etc.). In this research work, the probable penetration of AI in the manufacturing sector is identified to study its effects in work organization and employment in Portugal. Is the employ-ment changing alongside recent AI trends in Portugal? What are the expectable changes in work organisation due to AI-enabled automation? Are there signs of work qualification to go with AI systems implementation? Are there visions on the role of humans on the interaction with the features of industry 4.0? Does that imply new forms of human interaction with AI? These are the questions this research work will try to answer. A TA approach using mixed methods was applied to conduct statistical analyses of relevant databases, interviews with ac-ademic, industrial and social actors and exploratory scenarios of AI-based automation systems, on work organization and employment. The manufacturing industry was the chosen sector since it is the sector where most cases of AI-based automation systems are in place. Findings suggest that, until now, it seems AI is still not able to replace most of the human skills and cognitive capacities but can replace humans on simple tasks. In the future, four different possible states may occur, according to the various initial conditions, the com-pany's motivation, their business strategy, the public policies in place and main social actors involved: Re-organisation of work; Substitution of the workforce; People at the centre and Fo-cus on Efficiency. These were the basis for our scenario outcomes.A inteligência artificial (IA) tem o potencial de levar a uma onda de inovação no desenho das organizações, nas mudanças no local de trabalho e em criar efeitos disruptivos nos sistemas de emprego em todo o mundo. Além disso, a futura implementação de algoritmos de amplo espectro, capazes de serem usados em muitas áreas de aplicação (por exemplo, robótica industrial, software e análise de dados, tomada de decisão), pode levar a mudanças consideráveis nos padrões de trabalho atuais, e rapidamente, levar ao desemprego em todo o mundo e à desestabilização profunda das relações laborais. Estima-se que os impactos da IA levem a uma redução de milhões de locais de trabalho. Mas a investigação qualitativa sobre IA é escassa. Uma tecnologia emergente requer uma abordagem de avaliação de tecnologia (AT) para entender as suas implicações. Mecanismos de democracia industrial podem ajudar a adotar a IA, garantindo condições adequadas para os trabalhadores e evitando conflitos (mitigando efeitos negativos, promovendo requalificação, etc.). Neste trabalho de investigação identifica-se a provável penetração da IA no setor da indústria transformadora para estudar os seus efeitos na organização do trabalho e emprego em Portugal. O emprego está a mudar a par das tendências recentes da IA em Portugal? Quais são as mudanças na organização do trabalho devido à automação baseada em IA? Há indícios de qualificação do trabalho para acompanhar a implementação dos sistemas de IA? Existem visões sobre o papel do ser humano na interação com os recursos da indústria 4.0? Isso implica novas formas de interação humana com a IA? Estas são as perguntas que este trabalho de investigação tentará responder. Na abordagem de AT, foram usados métodos mistos para realizar análises estatísticas de bases de dados, entrevistas com atores do ecossistema académico, industrial e social e cenários exploratórios sobre os efeitos da adoção de sistemas de automação baseados em IA, na organização do trabalho e emprego. A indústria transformadora foi escolhida por ser onde existem a maioria de casos de aplicação de sistemas de auto-mação baseados em IA. Os resultados sugerem que, até ao momento, que a IA não tem a capacidade de subs-tituir a maioria das competências e raciocínio humanos, mas apenas tarefas simples. No futuro, poderão ocorrer quatro situações, dependendo das condições iniciais, motivação e estratégia da empresa, das políticas e incentivos públicos existentes e do envolvimento de atores sociais: Reorganização do trabalho; Substituição da mão-de-obra; Pessoas no centro da transformação e foco na Eficiência. Estas foram a base para os nossos cenários de referência

    Implications in productivity and employment

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    UIDB/04647/2020 UIDP/04647/2020Recent developments in automation and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are leading to a wave of innovation in organizational design and changes in the workplace. Techno-optimists even named it the ‘second machine age’, arguing that it now involves the substitution of the human brain. Other authors see this as just a continuation of previous ICT developments. Potentially, automation and AI can have significant technical, economic, and social implications in firms. The paper will answer the question: what are the implications on industrial productivity and employment in the automotive sector with the recent automation trends, including AI, in Portugal? Our approach used mixed methods to conduct statistical analyses of relevant databases and interviews with experts on R&D projects related to automation and AI implementation. Results suggest that automation can have widespread adoption in the short term in the automotive sector, but AI technologies will take more time to be adopted. Findings show that adoption of automation and AI increases productivity in firms and is dephased in time with employment implications. Investments in automation are not substituting operators but rather changing work organization. Thus, negative effects about technology and unemployment were not substantiated by our results.publishersversionpublishe

    The implications of nitrogen on the fermentative growth extension of Saccharomyces cerevisiae by isoproturon

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    The peptone is used to provide nitrogen to Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which is an essential element for growth. In nature and in industrial musts, essential nutrients for yeast growth are available in complex and variable flux. Some of these compounds are herbicides, where some specific microorganisms are capable to mineralize or degrade into more basic and less harmful compounds to the environmental. The isoproturon (IPU), a phenylurea used as an herbicide, is a compound very difficult to degrade in soils and aquifers, reaching levels considered toxic by European legislation, contributing to both surface and ground water pollution, and it may be also involved in the triggering of serious illnesses. So, it’s urgent to discover biological models to contribute to degrade or eliminate phenylureas in situations of accidental or systematic contamination. The main target of this study was to evaluate the influence of nitrogen to extend the fermentative phase of S. cerevisiae by IPU, using the wild-type strain UE-ME3 deposited in the collection of Enology Laboratory of University of Évora, Portugal. Cells at mid-exponential phase were inoculated in presence of 100μM IPU in YEPD or YED medium and incubated during 72 h with orbital stirring, at 28 ºC. Samples from each treatment were used to obtain OD, cfu, dry weight and to prepare post-12000 g supernatant for determination of protein [1], glutathione (GSH,GSSG) [2] and malondialdehyde (MDA) [3] contents, and cell capacity to scavenge free radicals by the 2,2-diphenyl-1- picryl-hidrazil (DPPH) [4] method, as well as, enzyme activities catalase T (CAT T) [5], glutathione reductase (GR) [6], glutathione peroxidase (GPx) [7], glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) [8], alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) [9], malate dehydrogenase (MDH2) [10] and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) [11] by fluorescence and spectrophotometry. The post-12000 g pellet was also used for protein content and enzyme activity catalase A (CAT A) determination. The results show that yeast grown in presence of IPU in peptone starvation conditions (YED-IPU) exhibit at 72 h a differential growth profile, with cfu, OD, dry weight and level of protein lower than cells grown in YEPD-IPU. The same type of response was detected in terms of antioxidant power estimated by the GSH/GSSG ratio and ability to scavenge free radicals detected by DPPH, as well as the levels of enzyme activities CAT T, CAT A, GR and G6PD which appears much lower in yeast cells grown in YED-IPU medium. On the other hand, cells exposed to IPU in YEPD medium exhibited fermentative activities, ADH and LDH, higher than those detected in cells exposed to phenylurea in the restrictive nitrogen medium, YED-IPU. This set of results suggests that yeast grown in rich medium, YEPD-IPU, remained more fermentative than those grew up in restrictive YED-IPU medium. This interpretation maybe confirmed by higher levels of glutathione and MDA contents, as well as enzyme activities GPx and MDH2 detected in S. cerevisiae exposed to YEPD-IPU which started early the respiratory-fermentative transition. So, S. cerevisiae grown in the nitrogen starvation conditions may more easily recognize isoproturon as substrate and expand its fermentative phase

    Induction of Saccharomyces cerevisiae UE-ME3 proliferation by isoproturon is independent of growth stage

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    The isoproturon (IPU), 3-(4-isopropylphenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea is an active component of several pesticides applied in autumn-winter crops which persist occasionally in the soil, aquifers and biological systems, at levels higher than established by directives of European Community. This phenylurea blocks photosynthesis, inhibiting chloroplasts electron chain at level of photosystem II. Therefore, the presence of IPU in the living cells can generate ROS and consequently cause slow but continuous damage to their cellular components which are increasingly described as important factors involved in the phenomenon of biological ageing and cell death. Cells exhibit defined antioxidant defences that are depleted throughout the life cycle involving the tripeptide glutathione (GSH) and antioxidants enzyme activities glutathione reductase (GR), catalase (CAT T) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP). Under normal conditions, antioxidant defence mechanisms are capable of maintaining ROS at harmless levels, but prolonged exposure can eventually result in an inability to prevent cellular damages. In general, changes in the value of the GSH/GSSG ratio, GR, CAT T and ALP activities are early indicator of sensitivity to oxidative stress. On the other hand, MDA level is also used as marker of lipid peroxidation in different biological systems. The aim of this work was to determine the response of Saccharomyces cerevisiae UE-ME3, a wine wild-type strain belonging to the Enology laboratory collection of University of Évora, Portugal as biological model to assess IPU toxicity in eukaryotes. S. cerevisiae UE-ME3 (106 cells mL-1) at mid-exponential phase were inoculated in YEPD medium with 2% (w/v) glucose and allowed grown in a water bath, with orbital stirring, at 28ºC during 3 or 72h in the absence or presence of 5 and 100 µM IPU. At the end of the experiment, samples from each treatment were taken to obtain the post-12000 g supernatant, which were used for determination of GSH, GSSG and MDA contents by fluorimetric methods, and GR, CAT T and ALP enzymatic activities by spectrophotometry. Statistical analysis was performed by ANOVA one-way and Duncan-test. The results showed that S. cerevisiae grown until lag phase, mitotically more actives, have showed higher values in ALP activity, non-protein thiols, glutathione disulfide and MDA than yeast cells grown until stationary phase. Conversely, an inverse relationship was observed for the enzyme activities GR and CAT T as well as GSH levels and GSH/GSSG ratio. Thus, fermentative cells exhibited lower effectiveness in stabilizing the reducing environment mediated by antioxidant enzymes, fact that may be related with an increase for occurrence of cell damages. On the other hand, the IPU exposure caused a significant increase in the enzyme activities ALP, CAT T and GR without affect cell reducing environment in both growth periods and exposition levels. These results suggest that the IPU caused an increase of cell proliferation, assisted in part, by CAT T activity and glutathione cycle which have been more effective in S. cerevisiae exposed to IPU until stationary phase/respiratory, which may have determined a significant decrease in the levels of MDA. However, an opposite effect was detected in S. cerevisiae exposed to IPU until lag phase, response that pointed toward a significant increase of oxidative damages due a slow effectiveness antioxidant response of these cells

    Marketing strategy for luxury retail : how to attract international consumers of luxury in Portugal : Fashion Clinic case study

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    Nowadays the luxury market is characterized by the high competitiveness and current globalization, with retailers and brands themselves making a great effort to achieve success. In Portugal, despite the unfavorable economic situation that the country undergoes, the luxury retail market has accompanied this increase global trend. Such a growth is meaningfully due to the increasing demand of international luxury brands by foreigners from emerging countries like Angola or Brazil. These consumers, with a high purchasing power, are attracted either for lack of offer in their own countries or for more reasonable prices in Portugal. Therefore luxury players must concentrate their efforts to effectively attract and keep them. To do so, it is crucial to have a deeper knowledge about them, namely their habits and preferences. In this dissertation, it was intended to understand if there are differences at the level of behavior, attitudes and preferences in view of the luxury between the Portuguese and the international consumer who buys in Portugal aiming at proposing a marketing strategy for target those international consumers who make luxury purchases in Portugal. This thesis used a Portuguese luxury retailer – Fashion Clinic – as a case study. To address such a research, after a review of the existing literature concerning the luxury industry, an analysis carried out of the data which resulted from online survey made by Fashion Clinic to its customers. Findings on the Portuguese and international consumers’ profile and preferences in view of luxury were then taken into account. Based on that, three major strategies to target international consumers in Portugal were recommended: 1) Provide the male customer with an excellent service, high quality and tailor made luxury products, 2) Educate customers on brands and 3) Create an online shopping platform

    ¿Y si en las amistades todo (in)fluye? Malabarismos, (Po)Éticas, Diálogos e (In)Comodidades en los Vínculos

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    Esta investigación gira en torno a las amistades. Desde mis propias experiencias llevaré a cabo una narración que exponga cuál es mi abordaje y posicionamiento respecto a estos vínculos, mediante la realización de un recorrido metodológico y una apuesta epistemológica que permita situarme dentro de los mismos. De esta manera se podrá realizar una recopilación de diferentes definiciones de amistad para politizarlas desde este enfoque, repensarlas y destacar los conceptos centrales, para ver cómo operan en la práctica de nuestra generación de vínculos. La intención es mostrar que dependiendo de las identidades y de las circunstancias que atraviesen a las personas que forman las relaciones de amistad, la manera de conceptualizar estos vínculos y sus imaginarios, y con ello lo que estos implican, variará considerablemente. Reflexiono así trayendo ideas compartidas y voces colectivas, pues este trabajo tiene una intencionalidad colaborativa, se hace presente un yo, pero también un nosotres. Voces que pensamos con y desde las comunidades o redes de amistades formadas por identidades (trans)feministas, activistas, queer, precarias y migrantes. Permitiendo este abordaje repensar sobre que emociones, afectos, cuidados, conflictos y acompañamientos se desarrollan en estos espacios cuando los vínculos amicales no tienen una línea de diferenciación tan marcada entre familia, parejas, compañerxs, amantes, etc. Con ello, teniendo en cuenta que el conocimiento se encuentra y se enuncia desde muchos lugares y formas este trabajo también cuenta con canciones, expresiones populares e imágenes que permiten acompañan lo expuesto, generar otros significados, o imaginar nuevos caminos. Finalmente, el objetivo último de esta investigación es cerrar las reflexiones mediante una propuesta conceptual.This research revolves around friendships. From my own experiences, I will carry out a narration that exposes my approach and positioning concerning these links using a methodological journey and an epistemological approach that allows me to situate myself within them. In this way, it will be possible to compile different definitions of friendship in order to politicise them from this approach, rethink them and highlight the central concepts to see how they operate in the practice of our generation of bonds. The intention is to show that depending on the identities and circumstances of the people who form friendships, the way of conceptualising these bonds and their imaginaries, and thus what they imply, will vary considerably. I reflect in this way, bringing shared ideas and collective voices, as this work has collaborative intentionality, an "I" is present, but also a "we". Voices that we think with and from communities or networks of friends formed by (trans)feminist, activist, queer, precarious and migrant identities. This approach allows us to rethink the emotions, affections, care, conflicts and accompaniments that develop in these spaces when the bonds of friendship do not have such a marked line of differentiation between family, partners, companions, lovers, etc. Thus, taking into account that knowledge is found and expressed in many places and forms, this work also uses songs, popular expressions and images that allow us to accompany what has been presented, generate other meanings, or imagine new paths. Finally, this research aims to close the reflections by means of a conceptual proposal.MÁSTER ERASMUS MUNDUS GEMMA. XIV EDICIÓ

    Sistemas de biotransformação e de resposta ao stress de Petromyzon Marinus L.: influência no recrutamento de juvenis de bacias hidrográficas portuguesas no início da fase de migração trófica

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    O alvo principal deste estudo foi avaliar como a salinidade e/ou a exposição à atrazina, interagem com sistemas de biotransformação e de resposta ao stress oxidativo, hepáticos e branquiais de Petromyzon marinus L., no início da sua fase de migração trófica. A origem geográfica e a aclimatação à salinidade geraram resultados com maior contraste nos parâmetros hepáticos e branquiais de transformers capturados nas bacias do Lima e do Vouga, motivo que determinou a sua seleção como bacia pristina e bacia com indicadores de maior exposição a xenobióticos, respetivamente. A segregação de transformers das bacias do Lima e do Vouga em grupos distintos, tendo em consideração a sua origem geográfica e/ou a resposta a salinidade 10, 25 e 35, pelos sistemas de biotransformação e de resposta ao stress oxidativo, confirmou as conclusões preliminares. A exposição a atrazina (50 e/ou 100 μg/L), em ambiente dulçaquícola, perturbou a capacidade de metabolização de xenobióticos e de resposta ao stress pelos efetivos da bacia do Lima, ilustrada pelo decréscimo do índice HSI e da razão GSH/GSSG citoplasmática branquial ou pelo aumento do conteúdo em MDA citoplasmático e mitocondrial hepático, de ROS citoplasmático branquial, de ROS e MDA mitocondrial branquial, bem como pelo decréscimo das atividades enzimáticas CPR microssomal, cGST, GPx e GR do citoplasma hepático. Assim, a exposição acidental ou permanentemente a níveis de atrazina iguais ou superiores a 50 μg/L poderá comprometer a migração trófica de juvenis de lampreia-marinha. A exposição à atrazina (50 μg/L) em ambiente salino provocou um decréscimo dos índices HSI e GLSI, das atividades CTT1 hepática e UDPGT branquial, bem como o aumento do conteúdo em GSSG e ROS citoplasmáticos branquiais de transformers do Lima, perturbações hepáticas e branquiais, que poderão igualmente comprometer, ainda que de forma mais atenuada, o sucesso da migração trófica de juvenis de P. marinus L; Systems of biotransformation and stress response of Petromyzon marinus L Abstract: The main purpose of this study was to evaluate how salinity and/or atrazine exposure interact with hepatic and branchial systems of biotransformation and oxidative stress response of Petromyzon marinus L., at the beginning of its trophic migration phase. The geographic origin and the acclimation to the salinity generated results with greater contrast in the hepatic and gill parameters of transformers captured in the Lima and Vouga basins, which determined their selection as pristine basin and basin with indicators of greater exposure to xenobiotics, respectively. The segregation of transformers from the Lima and Vouga basins into distinct groups, taking in account their geographic origin and/or its response to salinity 10, 25 and 35, by the systems of biotransformation and oxidative stress response, confirmed the early conclusions. Exposure of sea lamprey juveniles to atrazine (50 and/or 100 μg/L) in the fresh water, disrupted the capacity of xenobiotics metabolism and stress response of the animals of Lima basin, showed by the decrease in HSI index and cytoplasmic GSH/GSSG ratio of gills or by the increase in the contents of cytoplasmic and mitochondrial MDA of liver, cytoplasmic ROS of gills, mitochondrial ROS and mitochondrial MDA of gills, as well as the decrease in the microsomal CPR and cytoplasmic cGST, GPx and GR enzyme activities of liver. Thus, accidental or permanent exposure to 50 μg/L atrazine levels or higher, may compromise the trophic migration of sea lamprey juveniles. Exposure to atrazine (50 μg/L) in saline environment resulted in a decrease in the HSI and GLSI indexes, hepatic CTT1 and gills UDPGT activities, as well as the increase in cytoplasmic GSSG and ROS of gills of Lima transformers, which may also compromise, even though more attenuated, the success of the trophic migration of juveniles of P. marinus L

    Stress por fenilureias: Efeitos do isoproturão sobre o metabolismo energético de eucariotas

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    Este estudo teve como principal objectivo avaliar o efeito do isoproturão sobre a capacidade antioxidante e metabolismo energético da levedura vínica nativa Saccharomyces cerevisiae UE-ME3. Os resultados revelaram um aumento de células viáveis ao fim de 72 h de cultura, da capacidade antioxidante mediada pelo glutationo e pela actividade glutationo redutase. A fenilureia provocou ainda um acréscimo significativo das actividades álcool desidrogenase e lactato desidrogenase, factos que levantam a hipótese do isoproturão acentuar a fermentação alcoólica e/ou láctica, para reposição de NADP+ e activação da via glicolítica. Face ao exposto podemos concluir que a S. cerevisiae UE-ME3 responde adaptativamente ao isoproturão, protegida por uma resposta antioxidante maioritariamente mediada pelo glutationo e pelo suprimento energético assegurado por via fermentativa. A resposta observada em S. cerevisiae UE-ME3, manifestamente superior às estirpes S. cerevisiae IGC-4072 e IGC-3507, tornam plausível a sua aplicação na biorremediação de fenilureias; ABSTRACT: The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of isoproturon on the antioxidant capacity and energy metabolism of the wine-wild Saccharomyces cerevisiae UE-ME3. The results revealed an increase of viable cells, after 72 h of culture, antioxidant power mediated by glutathione and glutathione reductase activity. The phenylurea also caused a significant increase of alcohol dehydrogenase and lactate dehydrogenase activities, facts which raise the possibility of isoproturon enhance alcoholic and/or lactic fermentation, for NADP+ replacement and glycolysis activation. Given above we presume an adaptively answer of S. cerevisiae UE-ME3 to isoproturon, supported by an antioxidant response predominantly mediated by glutathione and energy supply provided through fermentation. The responses given by S. cerevisiae UE-ME3 are clearly highest than observed with S. cerevisiae IGC-4072 and IGC-3507 strains, make plausible its application in bioremediation of phenylurea

    Education and equity: the case of the Fénix Project for the promotion of academic achievement

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    One of the primary missions of the school is to provide quality education to all students, regardless of their socioeconomic status, of the educational level of their parents or of their particular conditions and needs, thus contributing to greater equity. However, not all students are able to learn at the same pace and under the same conditions as the majority. The development of projects and actions dealing with academic failure and dropout is essential. In this context, in 2008, the Fénix Project (included in the Mais Sucesso Escolar Program) was created in the Portuguese educational setting, trying to promote equal conditions for success, contributing to an increasingly equitable school. The Fénix project is based on an organizational school model that facilitates more individualized support to students with learning difficulties in the subjects of Portuguese Language, Mathematics, or other subject identified by the school according to their success rates. This article presents a case study implemented in a school cluster in the District of Setúbal that sought, through the implementation of the Fénix Project, to develop actions aimed at promoting school success among students from the four classes of the 5th grade. Three objectives were defined to respond to the research problem, respectively: i) to know the articulation, differentiation and curricular management practices of teachers involved in the Project; ii) to analyse the perceptions of students and teachers involved in the Project about its implementation and impact; and iii) to analyse the evolution of the academic results of the students participating in the Project. In order to achieve the proposed objectives, a mixed research methodology was used: the application of a questionnaire survey to all students (166) and teachers (15) involved in the project, and a documental analysis of the academic results of the students involved in the project. Statistical analysis and content analysis were the selected data analysis techniques. The main conclusions of the study point out that the Fénix Project was an asset, both for the majority of students involved, who considered that the Project contributed to their academic achievement (positive evolution of academic results), and for teachers, who reported having introduced curricular differentiation practices. A conclusion expected in the course of a project of this nature, especially in terms of students’ assessment.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio