12 research outputs found

    Desinformación en las elecciones presidenciales 2018 en Brasil: Un análisis de los grupos familiares en whatsapp

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    This investigation aims to verify what kind of contents was most shared in WhatsApp family groups during the 2018 Brazilian presidential campaign and which percentage contained false information. The relevance of this study is justified because WhatsApp is a closed app and during the campaign was used as a disinformation channel. There was undertaken a quantitative analysis of 472 publications shared in ten groups. The access to this data was possible thanks to the cooperation of citizens who responded to our invitation to participate in the research. The findings show that image with text still corresponds to the most disseminated content in the groups and that 60% of said publications contained false or partially false information. The discoveries corroborate the existence of a circle of disinformation within WhatsApp users. © 2019, El Profesional de la Informacion. All rights reserved

    The exposure of the nursing profession in online and print media

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    OBJECTIVE: to describe the coverage of news concerning the nursing profession in the Portuguese media: informative sites on the Internet and in print media. METHOD: a total of 1,271 health news items were collected in September and October of 2011 (956 online news items and 325 news items originating from the press review of the Portuguese Order of Nurses). Statistical analysis was used to characterize the variables. RESULTS: nurses were the sources of information in 6.6% of cases, suggesting limited media exposure. The health news collected is characterized by a production based on limited information sources, that is, male and official sources, on information disseminated by news agencies focused on economic and political issues in the health field. CONCLUSION: the presence of nurses in the news concerning nursing health is reduced. We suggest that nurses develop public communication skills to disseminate the importance of their profession in society and their relationship with the media

    Desinformación en las elecciones presidenciales 2018 en Brasil: Un análisis de los grupos familiares en whatsapp

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    "This investigation aims to verify what kind of contents was most shared in WhatsApp family groups during the 2018 Brazilian presidential campaign and which percentage contained false information. The relevance of this study is justified because WhatsApp is a closed app and during the campaign was used as a disinformation channel. There was undertaken a quantitative analysis of 472 publications shared in ten groups. The access to this data was possible thanks to the cooperation of citizens who responded to our invitation to participate in the research. The findings show that image with text still corresponds to the most disseminated content in the groups and that 60% of said publications contained false or partially false information. The discoveries corroborate the existence of a circle of disinformation within WhatsApp users. © 2019, El Profesional de la Informacion. All rights reserved.

    O ser humano como portal de comunicação: A construção do perfil no telemóvel

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    Introdução. A incorporação do telemóvel na vida diária do ser humano não apenas altera as dimensões de espaço e tempo, como também muda a sua percepçâo e maneira de se relacionar com o ecossistema. Método. A partir do conceito de intimidade tecnológica, que descreve os níveis de interação entre o homem e a tecnologia, utilizado por Boyce e Hancock, analisa-se o estado da arte e propõe-se uma metodologia que permita explorar questões, cada vez mais prementes, principalmente no que diz respeito à delimitação das esferas públicas, privada e ao interação no espaço comum. Resultados e conclusões. Seguindo em particular as teorias de Castells, Heidegger, Meyrowitz e Habermas, articula-se um conjunto de categorias que permitem aprofundar os conceitos de espacialização, voluntariedade e perfil, identificados como elementos chave nesta primeira fase do projeto para a análise do ser humano como portal de comunicação

    El ser humano como portal de comunicación: La construcción del perfil en el teléfono móvil

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    Introducción. La incorporación del teléfono móvil en la vida diaria del ser humano no sólo altera las dimensiones de tiempo y espacio, sino que también modifica su percepción y manera de relacionarse con el ecosistema. Metodología. A partir del concepto de intimidad tecnológica, que describe los niveles de interacción entre el hombre y la tecnología, empleado por Boyce y Hancock, se analiza el estado de arte y se propone una metodología que permita explorar cuestiones, cada vez más acuciantes, principalmente respecto a la delimitación de las esferas pública y privada así como de la interacción en el espacio común. Resultados y conclusiones. Siguiendo, en particular, las teorías de Castells, Heidegger, Meyrowitz y Habermas, se articulan un conjunto de categorías que permiten profundizar en los conceptos de espacialización, voluntariedad y perfil, identificados en esta primera etapa del proyecto como elementos clave para el análisis del ser humano como portal de comunicación