1,001 research outputs found

    Magnetization orientation dependence of the quasiparticle spectrum and hysteresis in ferromagnetic metal nanoparticles

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    We use a microscopic Slater-Koster tight-binding model with short-range exchange and atomic spin-orbit interactions that realistically captures generic features of ferromagnetic metal nanoparticles to address the mesoscopic physics of magnetocrystalline anisotropy and hysteresis in nanoparticle quasiparticle excitation spectra. Our analysis is based on qualitative arguments supported by self-consistent Hartree-Fock calculations for nanoparticles containing up to 260 atoms. Calculations of the total energy as a function of magnetization direction demonstrate that the magnetic anisotropy per atom fluctuates by several percents when the number of electrons in the particle changes by one, even for the largest particles we consider. Contributions of individual orbitals to the magnetic anisotropy are characterized by a broad distribution with a mean more than two orders of magnitude smaller than its variance and with no detectable correlations between anisotropy contribution and quasiparticle energy. We find that the discrete quasiparticle excitation spectrum of a nanoparticle displays a complex non-monotonic dependence on an external magnetic field, with abrupt jumps when the magnetization direction is reversed by the field, explaining recent spectroscopic studies of magnetic nanoparticles. Our results suggests the existence of a broad cross-over from a weak spin-orbit coupling to a strong spin-orbit coupling regime, occurring over the range from approximately 200- to 1000-atom nanoparticles.Comment: 39 pages, 18 figures, to be published in Physical Review

    Thin films of a three-dimensional topological insulator in a strong magnetic field: a microscopic study

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    The response of thin films of Bi2_2Se3_3 to a strong perpendicular magnetic field is investigated by performing magnetic bandstructure calculations for a realistic multi-band tight-binding model. Several crucial features of Landau quantization in a realistic three-dimensional topological insulator are revealed. The n=0n=0 Landau level is absent in ultra-thin films, in agreement with experiment. In films with a crossover thickness of five quintuple layers, there is a signature of the n=0n=0 level, whose overall trend as a function of magnetic field matches the established low-energy effective-model result. Importantly, we find a field-dependent splitting and a strong spin-polarization of the n=0n=0 level which can be measured experimentally at reasonable field strengths. Our calculations show mixing between the surface and bulk Landau levels which causes the character of levels to evolve with magnetic field.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Elementary Excitations of Ferromagnetic Metal Nanoparticles

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    We present a theory of the elementary spin excitations in transition metal ferromagnet nanoparticles which achieves a unified and consistent quantum description of both collective and quasiparticle physics. The theory starts by recognizing the essential role played by spin-orbit interactions in determining the energies of ferromagnetic resonances in the collective excitation spectrum and the strength of their coupling to low-energy particle-hole excitations. We argue that a crossover between Landau-damped ferromagnetic resonance and pure-state collective magnetic excitations occurs as the number of atoms in typical transition metal ferromagnet nanoparticles drops below approximately 10410^4, approximately where the single-particle level spacing, δ\delta, becomes larger than, αEres\sqrt{\alpha} E_{\rm res}, where EresE_{\rm res} is the ferromagnetic resonance frequency and α\alpha is the Gilbert damping parameter. We illustrate our ideas by studying the properties of semi-realistic model Hamiltonians, which we solve numerically for nanoparticles containing several hundred atoms. For small nanoparticles, we find one isolated ferromagnetic resonance collective mode below the lowest particle-hole excitation energy, at Eres≈0.1E_{\rm res} \approx 0.1 meV. The spectral weight of this pure excitation nearly exhausts the transverse dynamical susceptibility spectral weight. As δ\delta approaches αEres\sqrt{\alpha} E_{\rm res}, the ferromagnetic collective excitation is more likely to couple strongly with discrete particle-hole excitations. In this regime the distinction between the two types of excitations blurs. We discuss the significance of this picture for the interpretation of recent single-electron tunneling experiments.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figure

    Chern number spins of Mn acceptor magnets in GaAs

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    We determine the effective total spin JJ of local moments formed from acceptor states bound to Mn ions in GaAs by evaluating their magnetic Chern numbers. We find that when individual Mn atoms are close to the sample surface, the total spin changes from J=1J = 1 to J=2J = 2, due to quenching of the acceptor orbital moment. For Mn pairs in bulk, the total JJ depends on the pair orientation in the GaAs lattice and on the separation between the Mn atoms. We point out that Berry curvature variation as a function of local moment orientation can profoundly influence the quantum spin dynamics of these magnetic entities.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Magnetic interactions of substitutional Mn pairs in GaAs

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    We employ a kinetic-exchange tight-binding model to calculate the magnetic interaction and anisotropy energies of a pair of substitutional Mn atoms in GaAs as a function of their separation distance and direction. We find that the most energetically stable configuration is usually one in which the spins are ferromagnetically aligned along the vector connecting the Mn atoms. The ferromagnetic configuration is characterized by a splitting of the topmost unoccupied acceptor levels, which is visible in scanning tunneling microscope studies when the pair is close to the surface and is strongly dependent on pair orientation. The largest acceptor splittings occur when the Mn pair is oriented along the symmetry direction, and the smallest when they are oriented along . We show explicitly that the acceptor splitting is not simply related to the effective exchange interaction between the Mn local moments. The exchange interaction constant is instead more directly related to the width of the distribution of all impurity levels -- occupied and unoccupied. When the Mn pair is at the (110) GaAs surface, both acceptor splitting and effective exchange interaction are very small except for the smallest possible Mn separation.Comment: 25 figure

    I sostegni all'ambiente

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    Diversi sono e saranno i protagonisti nell’ambito del traspor¬to sostenibile (pubblico e privato): la politica e le istituzioni con le con¬seguenti normative, gli utenti-consumatori, le multinazionali dei com¬bustibili, le case costruttrici di autoveicoli e la ricerca che dovrà trovare e proporre soluzioni alternative, dai propulsori dalle emissioni con un impatto ambientale sempre minore, alle materie prime per i carburanti ricavate da fonti rinnovabili. La normativa europea in materia di mobilità sostenibile è piuttosto estesa. Vige un principio di sussidiarietà che delega agli stati membri l’ado-zione di norme in materia di trasporti urbani. Di conseguenza, le diret¬tive si focalizzano principalmente sul miglioramento della qualità dei combustibili, sulla differenziazione delle fonti energetiche usate nel campo dei trasporti, sul miglioramento degli standard emissivi e sulla promozione di buone pratiche. Altro obiettivo da conseguire è la sicurezza e, sebbene l’Unione Europea sia impegnata ad incrementarla relativamente per tutti i modi di traspor¬to, essa continua a rappresentare una delle problematiche più rilevanti
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