54 research outputs found

    Estudio microbiológico de flujo vaginal en mujeres tratadas en Centro de salud familiar Dr. José Dionisio Astaburuaga de la ciudad de Talca

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    62 p.En la actualidad, un gran porcentaje de consultas ginecológicas en centros de salud se debe a infecciones vaginales, representando un gran número de éstas las efectuadas por mujeres en edad reproductiva. La microbiota vaginal presenta diversos microorganismos que conviven en equilibrio, pero que al ver alteradas las condiciones normales en las que se desarrollan, pueden dar paso a cuadros como candidiasis vulvovaginal, vaginosis, vaginitis, entre otros, que pueden causar distintas afecciones a la paciente. El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la prevalencia de los principales agentes etiológicos de infecciones vaginales en la población de mujeres tratadas en el Centro de salud familiar (CESFAM) Dr. José Dionisio Astaburuaga de la ciudad de Talca, durante el período comprendido entre Abril de 2016 y Junio de 2017. Se recolectaron muestras de flujo vaginal de 90 pacientes atendidas en el Sector Amarillo del CESFAM (embarazadas y no embarazadas). Las muestras fueron procesadas mediante la ejecución de test de aminas, examen directo, tinción de Gram y posterior cultivo microbiológico en distintos medios. Se obtuvo una prevalencia de infección vaginal de 23,3%. Los principales agentes etiológicos identificados fueron Gardnerella vaginalis con 7,7%, mientras que el segundo lugar lo ocuparon Candida albicans con 5,6% y Enterococcus spp. con 5,6%. Los datos obtenidos se analizaron estadísticamente mediante el Software R Commander versión 3.3.1. En este estudio se concluye que las infecciones prevalentes fueron vaginosis bacteriana (representada por Gardnerella vaginalis) y vaginitis (representada por Candida albicans), predominando en el rango etario de 18-44 años, destacando por tanto, un descenso en la prevalencia de infecciones vaginales en las pacientes tratadas en dicho centro de salud (respecto a estudios anteriores)

    Estudio de tendencia en la solicitud de exámenes de tomografía computada (TC), en el Hospital El Pino

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    Tesis (Tecnólogo Médico, mención en Imagenología y Física Médica)El Hospital “El Pino” (HEP) junto con su Centro de Referencia de Salud (CRS) nace en la década del 40’. Está ubicado en la comuna de San Bernardo, Santiago de Chile. Es actualmente un hospital de alta complejidad. Según el sitio web del Ministerio de Salud, el HEP atiende a 491.177 pacientes, provenientes de las comunas de San Bernardo y El Bosque, inscritos en el Servicio de Salud Metropolitano Sur. La Tomografía Axial Computada o también conocida como Tomografía Computada (TC), es un método de diagnóstico por imágenes que permite al médico analizar desde una perspectiva más amplia, las distintas patologías que afectan al paciente. La hipótesis de investigación señala que el servicio de TC del HEP responde adecuadamente al aumento progresivo en las solicitudes de exámenes, en el período comprendido entre el 1 de enero del 2010 hasta el 30 de junio del 2015, de acuerdo a las necesidades en: CRS, Hospitalizados, Urgencia, siete consultorios de la zona sur, derivados del hospital San Luis de Buin (HSLB) y del Hospital Barros Luco (HBL). El objetivo es evaluar la tendencia de las solicitudes de exámenes de TC en el HEP, en el período de estudio señalado, realizar una proyección y así evaluar si es sostenible en el tiempo, ante el escenario actual de demanda que tiene el equipo. La metodología a utilizar será transversal de tipo descriptiva y cuantitativa, la cual incluye la recolección de datos mediante el software Microsoft Office que contiene el programa Excel, donde se analizarán las variables: sexo, edad, región anatómica (tipo de examen), uso o no de medio de contraste (MDC) y unidad de procedencia. Los resultados obtenidos nos dan a conocer un alza en la solicitud de exámenes de TC desde el 2010 hasta el primer semestre del 2015 en el HEP

    Estudio microbiológico de flujo vaginal en pacientes tratadas en Consultorio Norte Dr. José Astaburuaga y en centro de salud la Florida de la ciudad de Talca

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    60 p.Las infecciones vaginales son caracterizadas por la alteración de la flora vaginal normal con disminución de lactobacilos y aumento de agentes infecciosos que abarcan virus, bacterias, y hongos y hoy en día constituyen un problema de relevancia en las consultas ginecológicas.El objetivo de este estudio es determinar la prevalencia de los agentes etiológicos de las infecciones vaginales en mujeres embarazadas y no embarazadas de los centro de salud La Florida y Consultorio norte, de Talca (Región del Maule, Chile) en un periodo comprendido entre noviembre 2012 y junio 2013. Se tomaron muestras en 176 pacientes que acudían a los centros La Florida y Consultorio Norte. A todas las pacientes se les tomó muestras de flujo vaginal realizándoseles test de amina, examen directo y tinción de Gram. Se hicieron cultivos en agar sangre, Sabouraud, Mac Conkey y Enterococosel. Los datos fueron analizados en Microsoft Excel 2012 y SPSS Stadistic v19.El análisis microbiológico logró identificar una etiología microbiana para 56% de las pacientes en este estudio y, a su vez, de este porcentaje, la mayoría fue por causa bacteriana. De este porcentaje un 24% presentó un cuadro de vaginosis, y 27% vaginitis. Los principales agentes etiológicos fueron Gardnerella vaginallis (18,18%) seguido de Candida albicans (11,36%). En conclusión, el principal grupo etario con prevalencia de infección vaginal fue entre 21 a 30 años

    Molecular identification of Bartonella spp. and Rickettsia felis in fox fleas, Chile

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    Seventy-five flea pools (one to ten fleas per pool) from 51 Andean foxes (Lycalopex culpaeus) and five South American grey foxes or chillas (Lycalopex griseus) from the Mediterranean region of Chile were analyzed for the presence of DNA of Bartonella spp. and Rickettsia spp. through quantitative real-time PCR for the nouG and gltA genes, respectively. Positive samples were further characterized by conventional PCR protocols, targeting gltA and ITS genes for Bartonella, and gltA, ompA, and ompB genes for Rickettsia. Bartonella was detected in 48 % of the Pulex irritans pools (B. rochalimae in three pools, B. berkhoffii in two pools, B. henselae in one pool), and 8 % of the Ctenocephalides felis felis pools (B. rochalimae, one pool). Rickettsia was confirmed in 11 % of P. irritans pools and 92 % of the Ct. felis pools. Characterization confirmed R. felis in all sequenced Rickettsia-positive pools. All Ct. canis pools were negative. A Ct. felis pool from a wild-found domestic ferret (Mustela putorius furo) also resulted positive for R. felis. Although opportunistic, this survey provides the first description of zoonotic pathogens naturally circulating in fleas parasitizing Chilean free-living carnivores

    Abnormal social behaviors and altered gene expression rates in a mouse model for Potocki-Lupski syndrome

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    The Potocki-Lupski syndrome (PTLS) is associated with a microduplication of 17p11.2. Clinical features include multiple congenital and neurobehavioral abnormalities and autistic features. We have generated a PTLS mouse model, Dp(11)17/+, that recapitulates some of the physical and neurobehavioral phenotypes present in patients. Here, we investigated the social behavior and gene expression pattern of this mouse model in a pure C57BL/6-Tyrc-Brd genetic background. Dp(11)17/+ male mice displayed normal home-cage behavior but increased anxiety and increased dominant behavior in specific tests. A subtle impairment in the preference for a social target versus an inanimate target and abnormal preference for social novelty (the preference to explore an unfamiliar mouse versus a familiar one) was also observed. Our results indicate that these animals could provide a valuable model to identify the specific gene(s) that confer abnormal social behaviors and that map within this delimited genomic deletion interval. In a first attempt to identify candidate genes and for elucidating the mechanisms of regulation of these important phenotypes, we directly assessed the relative transcription of genes within and around this genomic interval. In this mouse model, we found that candidates genes include not only most of the duplicated genes, but also normal-copy genes that flank the engineered interval; both categories of genes showed altered expression levels in the hippocampus of Dp(11)17/+ mic

    Functional and cellular characterization of human Retinoic Acid Induced 1 (RAI1) mutations associated with Smith-Magenis Syndrome

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Smith-Magenis Syndrome is a contiguous gene syndrome in which the dosage sensitive gene has been identified: the Retinoic Acid Induced 1 (<it>RAI1</it>). Little is known about the function of human RAI1.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We generated the full-length cDNA of the wild type protein and five mutated forms: <it>RAI1-HA </it>2687delC, <it>RAI1-HA </it>3103delC, <it>RAI1 </it>R960X, <it>RAI1-HA </it>Q1562R, and <it>RAI1-HA </it>S1808N. Four of them have been previously associated with SMS clinical phenotype. Molecular weight, subcellular localization and transcription factor activity of the wild type and mutant forms were studied by western blot, immunofluorescence and luciferase assays respectively. The wild type protein and the two missense mutations presented a higher molecular weight than expected, localized to the nucleus and activated transcription of a reporter gene. The frameshift mutations generated a truncated polypeptide with transcription factor activity but abnormal subcellular localization, and the same was true for the 1-960aa N-terminal half of RAI1. Two different C-terminal halves of the RAI1 protein (1038aa-end and 1229aa-end) were able to localize into the nucleus but had no transactivation activity.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results indicate that transcription factor activity and subcellular localization signals reside in two separate domains of the protein and both are essential for the correct functionality of RAI1. The pathogenic outcome of some of the mutated forms can be explained by the dissociation of these two domains.</p

    Molecular survey and phylogenetic analysis of Bartonella sp., Coxiella sp., and hemoplamas in pudu (Pudu puda) from Chile: first report of Bartonella henselae in a wild ungulate species

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    IntroductionRecent evidence shows a high diversity of infectious agents in wildlife that represent a threat to human, domestic, and wild animal health. In Chile, wild populations of the most common cervid species, pudu (Pudu puda), have been reported as hosts for novel pathogens such as Mycoplasma ovis-like and a novel ecotype of Anaplasma phagocytophilum. A better understanding of the epidemiology of this group and other intracellular bacteria that might have cervids as hosts would enlighten their population relevance. This study aimed to determine the occurrence and genetic diversity of Bartonella spp., hemotropic mycoplasmas, and Coxiella burnetii in pudus from Chile.MethodsThe DNA was extracted from the blood samples of 69 wild free-ranging and 30 captive pudus from Chile. A combination of real-time (nouG gene for Bartonella and IS1111 element for C. burnetii) and conventional PCR (16S rRNA for hemotropic Mycoplasma spp. and rpoB, gltA, and ITS for Bartonella spp.) was used for pathogen screening and molecular characterization.ResultsDNA of Bartonella spp. was detected in 10.1% [95% CI (5.2–18.2%)] samples, hemotropic Mycoplasma spp. in 1.7% [95% CI (0.08–10.1%)], and C. burnetii in 1.0% [95% CI (0.05–6.3%)] samples. Two sequenced samples were identified as Mycoplasma ovis-like, and one free-ranging pudu was positive for C. burnetii. While one captive and two free-ranging pudus were positive for Bartonella henselae, one wild pudu was co-positive for B. henselae and Bartonella sp., similar to Bartonellae identified in ruminants.DiscussionTo the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of B. henselae in wild ungulate species, and C. burnetii and Bartonella spp. in wild ungulate species in South America. Further research will be necessary to evaluate the potential role of pudu as reservoirs of infection and identify the sources for disease transmission among humans and wild and domestic animals


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    Objective: To know the perception of humanized care from nursing professionals of Emergency Unit of a general hospital in Quillota, Chile.Methodology: A qualitative, descriptive and phenomenological study. The participation of four nurse professionals who work in the Emergency Room of a Hospital from Quillota was requested. Then, it was performed a direct interview to the participants, which was recorded and transcribed verbatim in order to be applied identify relevant aspects according to the proposed objectives of the research.Results: In the discourses emerged concepts that describe humanized care, identifying it as integral care, which should include the patient and his family and should be governed by bioethics principles. Also emerged the limitations and facilities perceived in their work environment to perform this care andfeelings that arose regarding this.Conclusions: The context of the Emergency Room differs from the others hospital services, due to a multiplicity of factors that hinder humanized care. The concept of humanized care described by the actors is similar to the theory, but they relate that there are difficulties to carry out and that it´s hard to realize achange within the team. Also, the person who works in Emergency Room should have vocation, optimism and take his work as a challenge. Humanized nursing care should be present in all the attention, and Emergency Room personnel should be continuously updated on the issue, as well as perform qualitativestudies on the subject.Objetivo: Conocer la percepción de cuidado humanizado que posee el profesional enfermero de la Unidad de Emergencias de un hospital general en la ciudad de Quillota, Chile.Metodología: Estudio cualitativo, descriptivo, de tipo fenomenológico. Se solicitó la participación de cuatro profesionales enfermeros que se desempeñan en la Unidad de Emergencia del Hospital de Quillota, a quienes se les realizó una entrevista dirigida, grabada y transcrita de manera textual con el objeto de identificar aspectos relevantes de acuerdo a los objetivos propuestos.Resultados: De los discursos emergieron conceptos que describen el cuidado humanizado, identificándolo como un cuidado integral, que debe incluir a la familia del paciente y debe regirse por los principios bioéticos. Además de las limitaciones y facilidades percibidas dentro del ámbito laboral para llevar acabo este cuidado y los sentimientos que surgían al respecto.Conclusiones: El contexto de la Unidad de Emergencia difiere al de otros servicios hospitalarios debido a múltiples factores que dificultan el cuidado humanizado. El concepto de cuidado humanizado descrito por los actores es similar al teórico, pero refieren dificultades para llevarlo a cabo. La persona quese desempeñe en los servicios de emergencia debe tener vocación, optimismo y tomar su labor como un desafío. Los cuidados humanizados en enfermería, deben ser una fortaleza presente en toda atención, por lo mismo, el personal de Emergencia debiera ser capacitado continuamente, así como también realizarestudios cualitativos sobre la temática.Objetivo: conhecer a percepção do cuidado humanizado que possui profissionais de enfermagem da Unidade de Emergência de um hospital geral no Quillota, Chile.Metodologia: Um estudo qualitativo, descritivo e fenomenológico. A participação de quatro profissionais de enfermagem que trabalham na Unidade de Emergência do Hospital de Quillota foi solicitada, para uma entrevista dirigida, que foi gravada e transcrita na íntegra, a fim de identificar os aspectos relevantes de acordo com os objetivos propostos na investigação.Resultados: Dos discursos surgiram conceitos que descrevem cuidado humanizado, identificando-o cuidado tão abrangente, que deve incluir o paciente ea família e devem ser regidos por princípios da bioética. Eles também expressaram as limitações e as facilidades percebidas em seu ambiente de trabalho para executar este cuidado e sentimentos que surgiram em relaçãoa este.Conclusões: O contexto da Unidade de Emergência difere da de outros serviços do hospital devido a uma multiplicidade de fatores que dificultam o cuidado humanizado. Embora o conceito de cuidado humanizado descrito pelos atores é semelhante à teoria, eles reportam que existem dificuldades em fazê-lo eque é muito difícil de realizar uma alteração na equipa. A pessoa que está a trabalhar nos serviços de emergência deve ter uma vocação, otimismo e ver seu trabalho como um desafio. Cuidado humanizado deve estar presente em todo atenção, portanto, o pessoal de emergência deve ser continuamente atualizado sobre o assunto, bem como realizar estudos qualitativos sobre o assunto

    Reliability and validity of the revised impact on family scale (RIOFS) in the hospital context

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    https://jpro.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s41687-019-0118-1Background: The lack of formal instruments to measure Burden in primary caregivers of Children in a hospital context is limited because mostly of published instruments are related to cancer survivors, ambulatory environment or general context for children with chronic conditions, but none of them adapted property to prolonged hospitalization context. This leaves the rising population of hospitalized chronic children’s caregivers without a proper assessment. The aim of this study was to develop a version of the Revised Impact on Family Scale adapted to primary caregivers of chronic hospitalized children. A cross-sectional study with two main stages was conducted. The first one describes the linguistic and contextual adaptation process of the instrument, and the second refers to the psychometric testing and analysis. Results: Less than 15% of the participants expressed problems with some adapted items in the scale. Eighty-six caregivers were evaluated at Josefina Martinez Hospital, mostly female (34.2 ± 11.6 years old). Majority of participants were graduated from high school, salaried employee and mothers of the chronic child. The scale exhibits a high level of internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha 0.73), excellent intra-observer reliability (Intraclass Correlation Coefficient 0.9), acceptable empirical evaluation of content validity and low and negative construct validity (Pearson’s correlation coefficient − 0.23). Conclusions: This adapted version of the Revised Impact on Family Scale to the hospital context is a reliable, valid, self-administered and simple instrument to implement in order to assess the burden of primary caregivers with chronic hospitalized children. © 2019, The Author(s).https://jpro.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s41687-019-0118-