1,521 research outputs found

    A preliminary study on electrocatalytic reduction of CO2 using FAC-ReI(CO)3(4,4′-dimethyl-2,2′-bipyridyl)((E)-2-((3-amino-pyridin-4-ylimino)-methyl)-4,6-DI-tert-butylphenol))+ complex

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    Indexación: Scopus.Several research to explore the possible conversion of CO2 using rhenium(I) tricarbonyl complexes have been reported the last years. In the present work, we investigated a potential use of fac-Re(CO)3(4,4′-di-methyl-2,2′-bipyridyl)L+ complex (C2), where L is an electron-withdrawing ancillary ligands which present an intramolecular hydrogen bond (IHB), in a preliminary electrocatalytic reduction of CO2. The C2 complex was synthesized and characterized according to reported methods earlier. The cyclic voltammogram profle for the C2 complex were studied in dichloromethane under inert atmosphere, and it shows a typical behavior for an electrocatalytic process, the C2 complex illustrate the electrochemical reaction mechanism corresponds to an electrochemical-chemical-electrochemical pathway (ECE). Also, a Vitreous Carbon plate used as working electrode was employed and modifed by cycling the anodic region of C2 in CH2Cl2 which involve the oxidative redox response for the -NH2 and -OH groups. The voltammogram profle involve shows a polymeric deposit on the plate surface in a CO2 saturated solution (pH=7.0). A strong electrocatalytic discharge of current is obtained with a wave foot of -1.3 V showing that C2 have the potential to be used in electrocatalyst CO2 reduction. © 2017 Sociedad Chilena de Quimica. All Rights Reserved.https://scielo.conicyt.cl/pdf/jcchems/v62n4/0717-9324-jcchems-62-04-3765.pd

    Remarkable magnetostructural coupling around the magnetic transition in CeCo0.85_{0.85}Fe0.15_{0.15}Si

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    We report a detailed study of the magnetic properties of CeCo0.85_{0.85}Fe0.15_{0.15}Si under high magnetic fields (up to 16 Tesla) measuring different physical properties such as specific heat, magnetization, electrical resistivity, thermal expansion and magnetostriction. CeCo0.85_{0.85}Fe0.15_{0.15}Si becomes antiferromagnetic at TNT_N \approx 6.7 K. However, a broad tail (onset at TXT_X \approx 13 K) in the specific heat precedes that second order transition. This tail is also observed in the temperature derivative of the resistivity. However, it is particularly noticeable in the thermal expansion coefficient where it takes the form of a large bump centered at TXT_X. A high magnetic field practically washes out that tail in the resistivity. But surprisingly, the bump in the thermal expansion becomes a well pronounced peak fully split from the magnetic transition at TNT_N. Concurrently, the magnetoresistance also switches from negative to positive just below TXT_X. The magnetostriction is considerable and irreversible at low temperature (ΔLL(16T)\frac {\Delta L}{L} \left(16 T\right) \sim 4×\times104^{-4} at 2 K) when the magnetic interactions dominate. A broad jump in the field dependence of the magnetostriction observed at low TT may be the signature of a weak ongoing metamagnetic transition. Taking altogether, the results indicate the importance of the lattice effects in the development of the magnetic order in these alloys.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Transforming Teenagers: Integrating Social Justice into Catholic Youth Ministry or Catholic Education

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    This article investigates transforming teenagers through the process on integrating and implementing social justice concepts and principles into Catholic youth ministry and Catholic secondary and higher education. The essay addresses four aspects concerning social justice and Catholic young people: (1) it briefly studies the ecclesial documents concerning social justice and young people, (2) it looks at integrating Christian social justice concepts and principles into Catholic ministry and academia, (3) it examines the benefits of social justicelearning initiatives, and (4) it discusses two types of social justice-learning initiatives that work well in Catholic youth ministry and Catholic education-- praxis-based education and immersion trips. “I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. That is why right temporarily defeated is stronger than evil triumphant.”i Martin Luther King, Jr. Nobel Prize for Peace Acceptance Speech December 10, 196

    High-resolution resonant inelastic soft X-ray scattering as a probe of the crystal electrical field in lanthanides demonstrated for the case of CeRh2Si2

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    The magnetic properties of rare earth compounds are usually well captured by assuming a fully localized f shell and only considering the Hund's rule ground state multiplet split by a crystal electrical field (CEF). Currently, the standard technique for probing CEF excitations in lanthanides is inelastic neutron scattering. Here we show that with the recent leap in energy resolution, resonant inelastic soft X-ray scattering has become a serious alternative for looking at CEF excitations with some distinct advantages compared to INS. As an example we study the CEF scheme in CeRh2Si2, a system that has been intensely studied for more than two decades now but for which no consensus has been reached yet as to its CEF scheme. We used two new features that have only become available very recently in RIXS, high energy resolution of about 30 meV as well as polarization analysis in the scattered beam, to find a unique CEF description for CeRh2Si2. The result agrees well with previous INS and magnetic susceptibility measurements. Due to its strong resonant character, RIXS is applicable to very small samples, presents very high cross sections for all lanthanides, and further benefits from the very weak coupling to phonon excitation. The rapid progress in energy resolution of RIXS spectrometers is making this technique increasingly attractive for the investigation of the CEF scheme in lanthanides


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    Gender dysphoria (GD)-perceived gender identity and the biological sex has been a wholly enigma and a source of contention between experts of various disciplines since long. This is a narrative review of the medical literature utilizing PubMed, Scopus, and Web of science databases, on the social status of GD patients, their therapeutic options, as well as the medical and ethical debate on GD that are of especial interest to the Muslim readers. Gender dysphoric patients or transgender people have a long history of social discrimination, marginalization, abuse, and neglect all around the world. Currently, large scale social developments supporting of transgender rights are rapidly underway in the west. Clinical evidence-based guidelines have also been published and are available for the management of GD, albeit with some medical and ethical concerns. On the other hand, the transgender community is continued to suffer profoundly in the developing and majority of Muslim nations, due to generalized unawareness, neglect, cultural and religious boundaries on this issue. Currently, Muslim youth or young adults are showing passionate interest in GD and are actively seeking information to comprehend its complexities, but they face more dilemma on this matter than the people in the West. This article addresses and discusses key transgender issues and controversies and provides a logical explanation that demonstrates that GD is real medical condition needing attention and that its treatment guidelines are justified. We hope this article will stimulate a new and broader perspective in minds of young Muslims and will urge them to take pragmatic steps in alleviating the travails of long-suffering and neglected transgender community

    Immunodepletion and hypoxia preconditioning of mouse vompact bone cells as a novel protocol to isolate highly immunosuppressive mesenchymal stem cells

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    Prepublished on Liebert Instant Online December 21, 2016Compact bones (CB) are major reservoirs of mouse mesenchymal stem cells (mMSC). Here, we established a protocol to isolate MSC from CB and tested their immunosuppressive potential. Collagenase type II digestion of BM-flushed CB from C57B/6 mice was performed to liberate mMSC precursors from bone surfaces to establish nondepleted mMSC. CB cells were also immunodepleted based on the expression of CD45 (leukocytes) and TER119 (erythroid cells) to eliminate hematopoietic cells. CD45-TER119- CB cells were subsequently used to generate depleted mMSC. CB nondepleted and depleted mMSC progenitors were cultured under hypoxic conditions to establish primary mMSC cultures. CB depleted mMSC compared to nondepleted mMSC showed greater cell numbers at subculturing and had increased functional ability to differentiate into adipocytes and osteoblasts. CB depleted mMSC had high purity and expressed key mMSC markers (>85% Sca-1, CD29, CD90) with no mature hematopoietic contaminating cells (<5% CD45, CD11b) when subcultured to passage 5 (P5). Nondepleted mMSC cultures, however, were less pure and heterogenous with <72% Sca-1+, CD29+, and CD90+ cells at early passages (P1 or P2), along with high percentages of contaminating CD11b+ (35.6%) and CD45+ (39.2%) cells that persisted in culture long term. Depleted and nondepleted mMSC nevertheless exhibited similar potency to suppress total (CD3+), CD4+ and CD8+ T cell proliferation, in a dendritic cell allostimulatory one-way mixed lymphocyte reaction. CB depleted mMSC, pretreated with proinflammatory cytokines IFN-γ, TNF-α, and IL-17A, showed superior suppression of CD8+ T cell, but not CD4+ T cell proliferation, relative to untreated-mMSC. In conclusion, CB depleted mMSC established under hypoxic conditions and treated with selective cytokines represent a novel source of potent immunosuppressive MSC. As these cells have enhanced immune modulatory function, they may represent a superior product for use in clinical allotransplantation.Kisha Nandini Sivanathan, Stan Gronthos, Shane T. Grey, Darling Rojas-Canales, and Patrick T. Coate

    Transcriptome profiling of IL-17A preactivated mesenchymal stem cells: a comparative study to unmodified and IFN-gamma modified mesenchymal stem cells

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    Published 15 February 2017Human mesenchymal stem cells pretreatment with IL-17A (MSC-17) potently enhances T cell immunosuppression but not their immunogenicity, in addition to avidly promoting the induction of suppressive regulatory T cells. The aim of this study was to identify potential mechanisms by which human MSC-17 mediate their superior immunomodulatory function. Untreated-MSC (UT-MSC), IFN-γ treated MSC (MSC-γ), and MSC-17 were assessed for their gene expression profile by microarray. Significantly regulated genes were identified for their biological functions (Database for Annotation, Visualisation and Integrated Discovery, DAVID). Microarray analyses identified 1278 differentially regulated genes between MSC-γ and UT-MSC and 67 genes between MSC-17 and UT-MSC. MSC-γ were enriched for genes involved in immune response, antigen processing and presentation, humoral response, and complement activation, consistent with increased MSC-γ immunogenicity. MSC-17 genes were associated with chemotaxis response, which may be involved in T cell recruitment for MSC-17 immunosuppression. MMP1, MMP13, and CXCL6 were highly and specifically expressed in MSC-17, which was further validated by real-time PCR. Thus, MMPs and chemokines may play a key role in mediating MSC-17 superior immunomodulatory function. MSC-17 represent a potential cellular therapy to suppress immunological T cell responses mediated by expression of an array of immunoregulatory molecules.Kisha Nandini Sivanathan, Darling Rojas-Canales, Shane T. Grey, Stan Gronthos, and Patrick T. Coate

    Síndrome de eagle: una revisión de la literatura

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    Introduction: Eagle syndrome (ES) is a very unusual pathology caused by the elongation of the styloid process (SP), it can cause various clinical symptoms, the size ranges between approximately 25 to 30 mm, when it exceeds these parameters it is classified as attached as elongated process. Objective: To describe the general aspects, diagnosis and treatment of Eagle Syndrome. Development: Eagle Syndrome is a complex pathology that requires extensive knowledge of its signs and symptoms to establish a correct diagnosis and subsequently an adequate treatment. Conclusion: Contrast-enhanced CT examination can easily diagnose this disease, it is important to consider a differential diagnosis. Surgery is the best alternative when conservative management fails, it reduces morbidity. Recognizing diagnostic tools, applicable images, and alternatives is crucial for successful treatment.Introducción: El síndrome de Eagle (SE) es una patología muy poco habitual causada por el alargamiento del proceso estiloides (SP), puede causar diversos síntomas clínicos, el tamaño oscila entre los 25 hasta los 30 mm aproximadamente, cuando excede estos parámetros se le atribuye como apófisis alargada. Objetivo: Describir los aspectos generales, diagnóstico y tratamiento del Síndrome de Eagle. Desarrollo: El Síndrome de Eagle es una patología compleja que requiere un conocimiento amplio de sus signos y síntomas para establecer un correcto diagnóstico y posteriormente un adecuado tratamiento. Conclusión: El examen de TC mejorado con contraste puede diagnosticar fácilmente esta enfermedad, es importante contemplar un diagnóstico diferencial. La cirugía es la mejor alternativa cuando falla el manejo conservador, reduce morbilidad. Es crucial reconocer las herramientas de diagnóstico, las imágenes aplicables y las alternativas para un tratamiento exitoso