9 research outputs found


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    This study, entitled Professionalism Apparatus Yogyakarta City Government (Civil Registry Office case studies). This study aims to understand / know the professionalism apparatus Civil Registry Office of Yogyakarta as well as factors inhibiting professionalism. This research was conducted at the Civil Registry Office of Yogyakarta and data collection is done by using observation and interviews with officials Civil Registry office. Professionalism public bureaucratic apparatus is closely associated with penyelenggaraaan good governance and for anyone who is dealing with the bureaucracy. Examine the importance of professionalism because the bureaucratic apparatus bureaucratic apparatus does not understand the needs of society and technological progress even tend not responsive, innovative and be indifferent service delivery publkc. This study found a pathology that has been ingrained in the self apparatus in organizing tasks and functions of the organization. Pathologies such as red tape, extortion, waiting for instructions employers, and others. The main factors that hinder the professionalism of public bureaucratic apparatus, namely the existence of formal rules rigidly regulate the roles and duties of each section so that the apparatus in performing the duties and functions of the organization are not oriented to the organization's mission but are more likely to formal rules and instructions of superiors. Keywords : Professionalism apparatus, good governance, Public servic


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    The research focus is on the evaluation of public services in the district kemuning Palembang. There are some problems that the background for researchers in conducting this study include the absence of changes or improvements in public services performed after the division of the districts, education facilities and health is minimal, quality and performance of personnel resources that have not been reflected as personnel resources that have integrity in doing his job. The purpose of this study was to answer the problem formulation on how the evaluation of public services in the district after the division of the city of Palembang. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative data collection techniques is done through a literature review and interviews with select informants deemed technically competent da knowing the problems that occur in the field, the data obtained is then analyzed qualitatively. From the results of the study illustrate that public service delivery is done after splitting dilakukannnya districts has not undergone significant changes. It is seen from the analysis of the results of interviews and observations indicate that indeed there has been no change so significantly to pubic services in the district kemuning Palembang.Keywords : Evaluation, Public Service, Kemuning

    Perbandingan Sistem Pemilihan Umum Presiden Amerika Serikat Dengan Indonesia

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    This Research is based on of curiosity researchers know how indonesia (in the era of order reform ) and the united states as a country with system of government presidensial , in this case president and vice president. Both countries had a different way in elect president and his deputy where indonesia elect president and vice president directly while united states has a president and his deputy with a system of electoral college / represented through the electoral vote.The purpose of this research is to find and analyze the comparison about the system of presidential election between United States Of America and Indonesia.This Research is based on of curiosity researchers know how indonesia (in the era of order reform ) and the united states as a country with system of government presidensial , in this case president and vice president. Both countries had a different way in elect president and his deputy where indonesia elect president and vice president directly while united states has a president and his deputy with a system of electoral college / represented through the electoral vote.The purpose of this research is to find and analyze the comparison about the system of presidential election between United States Of America and Indonesi


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    Research thesis entitled quality of service to help the disabled (disabled people) in 2014 at the Social Service Palembang. Quality of service to help the disabled (disabled people) in 2014 at the Social Service Palembang background with a lack of public awareness of disabilities. Therefore, seen from this background, the problem can be formulated as follows: How is the quality of services to aid for disabled (disabled people) ?. To explain and describe objectively the author uses descriptive method with data collection techniques such as observation and interviews. While data analysis technique used is qualitative analysis. The results showed that the quality of service to help disabled not meet stndarisasi quality of service, in terms of facilities Social Service not provide a sense of comfort to the community, especially for disabled people because the facilities are not being met such as wheelchairs at the Social Affairs office let alone a special road wheelchair nothing and waiting room chairs are provided only slight, service procedures that are not transparent, employees of governance irreverent speech. Aspects that need to be revisited, namely a review of the facilities and infrastructure that a facility so that people feel comfortable, transparent procedures such as through media or notice boards, governance should talk friendly and courteous, dissemination to the public on the procedure for social assistance services. Keywords : Quality of Service, Disable


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    Quality of service is a response to the applicant on the level of service that is hosted by the Office of Integrated Licensing Services (KPPT) of Palembang as statements feeling of care received at the time taking care of business license letter (SIUP). This study aimed to analyze the dimensions of service quality ie reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangible based on observations and interviews delivered by employees and customers at the time taking care of Trade Business License (License) in the Integrated Licensing Services Office (KPPT) of Palembang. The method used is descriptive method with qualitative approach. Observations and interviews with respondents on 5 indicators show that the physical evidence (Tangibles) from the comfort of the service is still less than satisfactory, reliability (Reliability) of the cost and timeliness of the necessary permits are still not satisfied, responsiveness (Responsiveness) from providing easily understandable information still not satisfied, the guarantee (assurance) of the attitudes and actions of officers as well as friendliness towards customers still lacking. The last indicator is empathy (Empathy) measured from providing delightful service to customers can be categorized own good, but because of the high public expectations on the performance of the service of this dimension, then this condition gives effects on the service user is not satisfied with the services received.Keywords : quality of service, Business license letter (SIUP),integrated license service offices (KPPT

    Peran Pemerintah Desa terhadap Pemberdayaan Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM) dalam Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Lokal pada Industri Batu Bata (Studi Kasus Desa Ujanmas Baru Kec. Ujanmas Kabupaten Muara Enim)

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    AbstractThe research of aim for knowing and analyze role Government of Ujanmas Baru Village to empowerment business small medium through indicator enhancement ability financial, marketing developing, human resource development, strategy regulation and control. This research is type research descriptive qualitative. This research held in Ujanmas Baru Village, Ujanmas Subdistricts, Muara Enim District. This research use technique data collection through questionnaire, observation , interview and documentation. Based on from results research, strategies that can do namely: 1) government village increase capital with way giving and capital borrowing for businessman industry stone brick use do innovation and more creative promotion; 2) expand network marketing stone brick with promote through social media and print media others as support development industry stone brick; 3) increase ability and cauldron bag source power human with way more many do and give training for power available work; 4) socialize and register industry stone brick that has not registered so that guaranteed legality and got protection law and do cooperation with party third and stakeholders for help limitations capital or finance.Keywords : Government Village, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Industry of Bricks.Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui dan menganalisis peran Pemeritah Desa Ujanmas Baru terhadap pemberdayaan usaha kecil menengah melalui indikator peningkatan kemampuan finansial, pengembangan pemasaran, pengembangan sumber daya manusia, strategi pengaturan dan pengendalian. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Desa Ujanmas Baru Kecamatan Ujanmas Kabupaten Muara Enim. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data melalui angket/kuesioner, observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi yang dapat dilakukan pemerintah desa yakni: 1) meningkatkan permodalan dan peminjaman modal untuk pengusaha industri; 2)memperluas jaringan pemasaran batu bata dengan mempromosikan melalui media sosial maupun media cetak sebagai penunjang pengembangan industri batu bata tersebut; 3)meningkatkan kemampuan dan kualitas sumber daya manusia dengan cara lebih banyak melakukan dan memberi pelatihan bagi tenaga kerja yang tersedia; 4)mensosialisasikan dan mendaftarkan pemilik industri batu bata yang belum terdaftar supaya terjamin legalitasnya serta mendapat perlindungan hukum dan meningkatkan kerjasama dengan pihak ketiga maupun stakeholder untuk membantu keterbatasan permodalan dan keuangan.Kata kunci : Pemerintah Desa, Usaha Kecil dan Menegah (UKM), Industri Batu Bat


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    The Birth of the Act No. 22 of the 1999 on Regional Government and revised by Law Number 32 Year 2004 on Regional Government become a fresh breeze for the region to immediately accelerate of development and prosperity in the region. Musi Rawas Utara (Muratara) be concreate evidence on enactment of Law No. 32/2004. The Problem arise when terms the formation of new autonomous regions must meet three (3) main requirements, namely the Administrative Terms, Conditions Physical and Technical Terms. In this case, some of the terms such as goverment facilities and infrastructure; Sosio-cultural factors; Social adn Politics factor; Defense (Including the boundaries of regions); and security deemed inadequate. Based on the results of research, readiness of the Human Resources to manage their own region are still very limited when viewed from their education levels. Not to mention if you see the political culture society which adopts a parochial and Kaula, provide a loophole for elites and oligarchs be able to infiltrate into the joint life of society and power interfering with the welfare of society. The impact, within a period of three (3) years after the division of the District Muratara designated as disadvantaged areas by the central government.Keywords : Political Autonomy, Musi Rawas Utar

    MSDM Strategik: Konsep dan Implementasinya

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    Buku MSDM Strategik: Konsep dan Implementasinya adalah panduan komprehensif yang menggali dalam konsep-konsep kunci dalam Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (MSDM) strategik, membimbing pembaca melalui teori-teori terkini dan praktik terbaik untuk mencapai keunggulan organisasi. Dalam buku ini, pembaca akan dibawa untuk memahami peran krusial MSDM dalam mencapai visi dan misi organisasi di tengah lingkungan bisnis yang cepat berubah. Penulis menyajikan konsep MSDM strategik dengan pendekatan yang aplikatif, membahas langkah-langkah implementasi yang dapat diterapkan secara efektif dalam berbagai konteks organisasi. Dengan menggunakan kasus studi nyata dan temuan penelitian terkini, buku ini tidak hanya memberikan landasan teoritis, tetapi juga memberikan wawasan praktis tentang bagaimana mengelola sumber daya manusia secara strategis. Pembaca akan diberikan alat yang diperlukan untuk menghadapi tantangan global dan teknologis, serta membangun keberlanjutan organisasi melalui investasi dalam pengembangan dan pemberdayaan karyawan. Buku ini cocok untuk berbagai pembaca, mulai dari praktisi MSDM yang mencari peningkatan keterampilan hingga mahasiswa dan akademisi yang ingin memahami konsep MSDM strategik secara mendalam. Dengan bahasa yang jelas dan ilustrasi yang kuat, buku ini menjadi panduan tak ternilai bagi siapa pun yang ingin mengoptimalkan peran MSDM sebagai pendorong keberhasilan organisasi di era modern ini