489 research outputs found

    Public Perception: New Math and Reform Mathematics

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    Since connections are made in the public mind between current reform efforts in mathematics education and the changes of the past which were collectively called new math, , the purpose of this paper is to examine these two movements more closely. First, the beginning of both movements is examined, including not only a look at the supporters of each movement, but also an examination of their initial motivations. Next, the implementation of each movement is described, both by pro.filing the main features and by looking at how they were actually put into practice. Lastly, the impact of these movements is detailed, by characterizing some of the reactions they generated. Since a well-informed public is crucial to issues of educational reform, clarifying the features of the respective movements is one way to help smooth the journey towards improved mathematics education

    Transcriptómica en diferentes condiciones de madurez del fruto de genotipos de tomate (Solanum lycopersicum) que discrepan para la vida poscosecha de los frutos

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    El tomate Solanum lycopersicum L., por su genoma pequeño, un ciclo de vida corto, mutantes de maduración bien caracterizados, ricos recursos genómicos e importancia comercial ha sido utilizado como modelo en estudios de maduración de frutos climatéricos, así como para dilucidar las bases genéticas y epigenética de numerosos caracteres de interés agronómico. Varios mutantes de maduración importantes, incluidos CNR, RIN y NOR han proporcionado nuevos conocimientos sobre el control de los procesos de maduración. Estos genes, que bloquean o alargan el proceso de la madurez, confieren larga vida poscosecha a los frutos, pero producen efectos indeseados sobre la calidad debido a su acción pleiotrópica sobre las vías metabólicas que brindan un adecuado sabor, aroma, textura, etc. Se ha demostrado que los frutos de las formas silvestres S. lycopersicum var. cerasiforme y S. pimpinellifolium tienen mayor vida poscosecha que los cultivares comerciales de tomate pero menor que los genotipos homocigotas para los mutantes de madurez del fruto nor y rin de S. lycopersicum y que esta prolongación de la vida poscosecha se logra sin detrimentos de otros caracteres de calidad organoléptica. A pesar de que S. lycopersicum y S. pimpinellifolium tienen diferencias fenotípicas extremas, existen relativamente pocas diferencias entre las especies de tomates silvestres y cultivadas a nivel de secuencia del genoma (cercanas al 0,6%). De acuerdo con esto, se ha postulado que las diferencias fenotípicas se deben a las funciones de las proteínas y, en consecuencia a la regulación del transcriptoma. Muchos de los procesos bioquímicos y metabólicos asociados con la maduración de los frutos requieren cambios en la expresión de cientos a miles de genes. Los estudios de expresión diferencial ayudan a comprender el control del crecimiento y desarrollo de las plantas y a identificar puntos de control específicos del metabolismo. La técnica denominada ADNc-AFLP (Polimorfismo de longitud de fragmento amplificado basado en ADNc), ha sido ya utilizada como una primera aproximación transcriptómica a los procesos moleculares asociados a la madurez del fruto. La regulación de la expresión génica es un proceso complejo que puede ocurrir en varios niveles, principalmente a nivel transcripcional con la acción coordinada los elementos cis-regulatorios presentes en los promotores y que son reconocidas por los factores que actúan en trans. En el presente trabajo se pretende: 1- Identificar genes con expresión diferencial en frutos que maduran en planta y en estantería en genotipos discrepantes para la vida poscosecha de tomate y 2- Describir y analizar in silico el rol de los promotores y los elementos reguladores que actúan en cis en la regulación de la expresión. Para ello se utilizaron los siguientes genotipos de S. lycopersicum: el cv Caimanta, (madurez normal) y el cv Nor (entrada 804627, mutante para el gen nor). Los genotipos silvestres: S. lycopersicum var cerasiforme (entrada LA1385) y S. pimpinellifolium (entrada LA722) con genes que prolongan la vida poscosecha. Al comparar, los perfiles de expresión obtenidos por ADNc-AFLP se observó menor cantidad de fragmentos derivados de transcriptos (FDTs) totales en todos los genotipos cuando los frutos maduran en estantería (2481), en comparación con aquellos que lo hacen en planta (2660). Además, se evidenció que la cantidad total de genes, como así también los genes específicos que se activan o reprimen, dependen del genotipo, en particular cuando el fruto madura en estantería. Por el contrario, durante la maduración del fruto en la planta, la cantidad total y específica de genes que se expresan es independiente del genotipo, indicando que dicho proceso parece ser similar entre ellos. El genotipo NOR, contrariamente a lo esperado, mostró la mayor cantidad de FDTs (fragmentos derivados de un transcripto) totales y específicos del sitio de maduración, lo que evidenciaría que otros genes que se encuentran activos escapan a la modulación del factor de transcripción codificado por el gen nor. Se logró identificar y validar por RT-qPCR genes que evidenciaron expresión diferencial detectados por ADNc-AFLP. El análisis funcional de estos genes mostró que la respuesta a estrés fue la función con más representación en los frutos que maduraron en planta. El análisis in silico de los elementos cis-regulatorios de la región promotora de los genes con expresión diferencial en planta y estantería, evidenció diferencias estructurales. La localización de los motivos cis en genes expresados en frutos que maduran en estantería sugiere que estos genes podrían estar regulados en la región proximal. Por el contrario, en planta un 48,8% de los elementos cis-regulatorios se localizaron más alejados del codon ATG, lo que dejaría suponer una regulación en la región distal. Estos resultados permitieron un acercamiento a los posibles mecanismos de control, vinculando la maduración de los frutos con la respuesta a estrés. Además, estos resultados reforzarían por un lado, las diferencias fenotípicas existente entre los genotipos y por otro la influencia del sitio de maduración (planta o estantería), sobre la expresión génica en frutos de tomate.Fil: Apellido, Nombre. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; ArgentinaFil: Souza Canada, Eduardo Daniel. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentin

    Canadian infants' nutrient intakes from complementary foods during the first year of life

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Complementary feeding is currently recommended after six months of age, when the nutrients in breast milk alone are no longer adequate to support growth. Few studies have examined macro- and micro-nutrient intakes from complementary foods (CF) only. Our purpose was to assess the sources and nutritional contribution of CF over the first year of life.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In July 2003, a cross-sectional survey was conducted on a nationally representative sample of mothers with infants aged three to 12 months. The survey was administered evenly across all regions of the country and included a four-day dietary record to assess infants' CF intakes in household (tablespoon) measures (breast milk and formula intakes excluded). Records from 2,663 infants were analyzed for nutrient and CF food intake according to 12 categories. Mean daily intakes for infants at each month of age from CF were pooled and compared to the Dietary Reference Intakes for the respective age range.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>At three months of age, 83% of infants were already consuming infant cereals. Fruits and vegetables were among the most common foods consumed by infants at all ages, while meats were least common at all ages except 12 months. Macro- and micro-nutrient intakes from CF generally increased with age. All mean nutrient intakes, except vitamin D and iron, met CF recommendations at seven to 12 months.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Complementary foods were introduced earlier than recommended. Although mean nutrient intakes from CF at six to 12 months appear to be adequate among Canadian infants, further attention to iron and vitamin D intakes and sources may be warranted.</p

    Metabolic Modulation Predicts Heart Failure Tests Performance

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    The metabolic changes that accompany changes in Cardiopulmonary testing (CPET) and heart failure biomarkers (HFbio) are not well known. We undertook metabolomic and lipidomic phenotyping of a cohort of heart failure (HF) patients and utilized Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA) to identify associations to CPET and HFBio test performance (peak oxygen consumption (Peak VO2), oxygen uptake efficiency slope (OUES), exercise duration, and minute ventilation-carbon dioxide production slope (VE/VCO2 slope), as well as the established HF biomarkers of inflammation C-reactive protein (CRP), beta-galactoside-binding protein (galectin-3), and N-terminal prohormone of brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP)). A cohort of 49 patients with a left ventricular ejection fraction \u3c 50%, predominantly males African American, presenting a high frequency of diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and hypertension were used in the study. MRA revealed that metabolic models for VE/VCO2 and Peak VO2 were the most fitted models, and the highest predictors’ coefficients were from Acylcarnitine C18:2, palmitic acid, citric acid, asparagine, and 3-hydroxybutiric acid. Metabolic Pathway Analysis (MetPA) used predictors to identify the most relevant metabolic pathways associated to the study, aminoacyl-tRNA and amino acid biosynthesis, amino acid metabolism, nitrogen metabolism, pantothenate and CoA biosynthesis, sphingolipid and glycerolipid metabolism, fatty acid biosynthesis, glutathione metabolism, and pentose phosphate pathway (PPP). Metabolite Set Enrichment Analysis (MSEA) found associations of our findings with pre-existing biological knowledge from studies of human plasma metabolism as brain dysfunction and enzyme deficiencies associated with lactic acidosis. Our results indicate a profile of oxidative stress, lactic acidosis, and metabolic syndrome coupled with mitochondria dysfunction in patients with HF tests poor performance. The insights resulting from this study coincides with what has previously been discussed in existing literature thereby supporting the validity of our findings while at the same time characterizing the metabolic underpinning of CPET and HFBio

    Molecular Predictors of Anakinra Treatment Success in Heart Failure Patients with Reduced Ejection Fraction

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    Background. Kineret (Anakinra) is an interleukin-1 antagonist that is under investigation for its novel clinical application treating patients that have heart failure with reduced (\u3c50%) ejection fraction (HFrEF). A prior study from our group indicated that Anakinra may restore heart function by addressing dysregulations in HFrEF metabolic pathways. Herein, we attempt to elicit Anakinra’s effects on both metabolome and lipidome. Methods. Lipids and metabolites that had previously been quantified by mass spectrometry (MS) from patients (n=49) who had ≥2 mg/L of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) were mTIC normalized and transformed. We conducted a stepwise Linear Discriminant Analysis (r- LDA) to test Anakinra (2 and 12 weeks) vs placebo for separation from combined baseline. Metabolic pathway analysis was performed with Fisher’s exact test algorithm for detection of over-represented and enriched analytes. Univariate analysis (one tailed t-test p\u3c0.05) compared placebo and Anakinra after 12-weeks for effect(s). Metaboanalyst 4.0, JMP Pro 14.0, and a proprietary package in R (version 3.4.4) were the software for all analyses and data wrangling. Results. Analytes such as acylcarnitines C10:0 and C16:0 and hsCRP showed significant improvements after 12 weeks of Anakinra, leading to improved mitochondrial function, reduced inflammation, and overall better health outcomes. Statistically significant (p\u3c0.05) pathways including the citrate cycle, cysteine and methionine metabolism, galactose metabolism among others were associated with treatment. Conclusions. We were able to determine significant alterations to metabolomic and lipidomic concentrations after 12 weeks of Anakinra therapy. Our biochemical analyses verifies that Anakinra did improve heart function within our HFrEF pilot cohort.https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/gradposters/1081/thumbnail.jp

    A Comparison of Women of Color and Non-Hispanic White Women on Factors Related to Leaving a Violent Relationship

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    This study compares women of color and non-Hispanic White women regarding the influence of socioeconomic status, family investment, and psychological abuse on leaving a violent relationship. It was found that most women who left stayed away for less than a month. Women of color and non-Hispanic White women did not differ in their length or rate of leaving, although women of color left more frequently when they did leave. Factors associated with leaving for both groups were threat with a weapon, psychological abuse, being single, and having fewer adults in the household. Women of color with higher socioeconomic status were less likely to leave, which was not the case for non-Hispanic White women. Non-Hispanic White women were more likely to leave if they had lived with their partners less than 5 years and had children at home.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/90886/1/Lacey-Saunders-Zhang 2011-Women of color vs white women - factors in leaving violent relationahip JIV .pd

    Managing understory light conditions in boreal mixedwoods through variation in the intensity and spatial pattern of harvest: A modelling approach

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    In the context of partial harvesting, adequately managing post-harvest light conditions are essential to obtain a desired composition of tree species regeneration. The objective of this study was to determine how varying the intensity and spatial pattern of harvest would affect understory light conditions in boreal mixedwood stands of northwestern Quebec using the spatially explicit SORTIE-ND light model. The model was evaluated based on comparisons of observed and predicted light levels in both mapped and un-mapped plots. In mapped plots, reasonably accurate predictions of the overall variation in light levels were obtained, but predictions tended to lack spatial precision. In un-mapped plots, SORTIE-ND accurately predicted stand-level mean GLI (Gap Light Index) under a range of harvest intensities. The model was then used to simulate nine silvicultural treatments based on combinations of three intensities of overstory removal (30%, 45% and 60% of basal area) and three harvest patterns (uniform, narrow strips, large gaps). Simulations showed that increasing overstory removal had less impact on light conditions with uniform harvests, and a more marked effect with more aggregated harvest patterns. Whatever the harvest intensity, uniform cuts almost never created high light conditions (GLI > 50%). Gap cuts, on the other hand, resulted in up to 40% of microsites receiving GLI > 50%. Our results suggest that either a 30% strip or gap cut or a 45–60% uniform partial harvest could be used to accelerate the transition from an aspen dominated composition to a mixedwood stand because both types of cut generate the greatest proportion of moderately low light levels (e.g., 15–40% GLI). These light levels tend to favour an accelerated growth response among shade-tolerant conifers, while preventing excessive recruitment of shade-intolerant species. A better understanding of how spatial patterns of harvest interact with tree removal intensity to affect understory light conditions can provide opportunities for designing silvicultural prescriptions that are tailored to species’ traits and better suited to meet a variety of management objectives