367 research outputs found

    Tracheobronchopathia osteochondroplastica and cervical spine involvement in rheumatoid arthritis

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    A 62-year-old man presented to our outpatient clinic with a neck pain that began 4-month ago. The pain was increasing in severity without any neurological symptom or radiating to arms. The patient had a history of cerebrovascular accident without sequelae (1 year ago), 40 pack-year smoking, and diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) 10 years ago. He had received an irregular treatment with prednisolone, methotrexate, and rituximab (discontinued 2 years ago)

    A breath from TRT İzmir Radio: Kemal Kırmızı

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    Mey, hüzünlü ve yanık sesi, benzersiz rengi ve tınısıyla zengin bir geleneğin modern ve geleneksel yaşamını yansıtan, amatör ve usta sanatkârlar tarafından seslendirilen kadim bir çalgıdır. Bu sanatkârlardan halk müziği yorumculuğuna damga vuran Kemal Kırmızı, halk ezgilerini yöre tavrı içerisinde, üslubunda ve geleneksel yapı çerçevesinde icrâ etmiştir. Ayrıca Kemal Kırmızı, icrâlarındaki yorum farklılığı ve üslubu ile dönemin musiki sanatı içerisindeki yerini de almıştır. Kırmızı, başta TRT İzmir Radyosu olmak üzere mey çalımı hususunda konservatuvar öğrencilerine de katkılar sağlamış, kendi yöresine ait pek çok ezginin de kültürel hafızaya kodlanmasında önemli roller üstlenmiştir. Araştırmamız halk müziği sanatçısı Kırmızı’nın yaşam öyküsü, sanatçı kimliği (mey sanatçılığının teknik yönden incelenmesi) ve derlemecilik faaliyetlerine olan katkıları hakkında bilgi verilmesi yönüyle önem arz etmektedir. Ayrıca Kemal Kırmızı’nın hayatının detaylı bir biçimde incelendiği ilk akademik çalışma olması ve bazı mey kayıtlarının ilk kez notaya alınması bakımından da ayrı önem arz etmektedir. Kırmızı’nın mey icrâ tekniği yönüyle yöresel mey tavrı bakımından bilinen önemli temsillerden olduğu söylenebilir. Bu çalışmada sanatçının hayatına ve sanatçı kimliğine yönelik bulgular elde edilmiş, mey sanatının yöresel tavır ile seslendirilmesi ve yaygınlaştırılarak yaşatılması, gelecek kuşaklara aktarılması amaçlanmıştır. Veri toplama sürecinde ise doküman inceleme ve görüşme (mülakat) teknikleri kullanılmış, Kemal Kırmızı’nın yaşam öyküsü ve derlemeciliği yönüyle ilgili bulgulara, mey icrâsının teknik özellikleri bakımından sonuçlara ulaşılmıştır.Mey is an ancient instrument that reflects the modern and traditional life of a rich tradition with its sad and burning sound, unique colour and timbre, and is performed by amateur and master artists. Among these artists, Kemal Kırmızı, who left his mark on the interpretation of folk music, performed folk melodies in the local manner, style and traditional structure. In addition, Kemal Kırmızı took his place in the musical art of the period with the difference of interpretation and style in his performances. Kırmızı has also contributed to conservatory students in the field of mey playing, especially TRT Izmir Radio, and has played an important role in encoding many melodies of his region into cultural memory. Our research is important in terms of giving information about the life story of folk music artist Kırmızı, his artist identity (technical examination of mey playing) and his contributions to compilation activities. In addition, it is also important in terms of being the first academic study to examine Kemal Kırmızı's life in detail and notating some of his mey recordings for the first time. It can be said that Kırmızı is one of the most important representations known in terms of local mey style in terms of mey performance technique. In this study, findings on the artist's life and artist identity were obtained, and it was aimed to keep the art of mey alive by performing and popularising it with a local style and to transfer it to future generations. In the data collection process, document analysis and interview techniques were used, and findings related to Kemal Kırmızı's life story and compilations, and conclusions were reached in terms of the technical characteristics of mey performance

    The impact of service quality on customer satisfaction and repurchase intention in the turkish banking sector: an analysis using structural equation modeling

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    Bu çalışma Türkiye’de özel bankalar tarafından sunulan hizmetlerin kalitesine yönelik müşteri beklentilerini ve algılarını değerlendirmeyi ve yapısal eşitlik modeli ile banka hizmet kalitesi, müşteri tatmini ve tekrar satın alma niyeti arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Araştırmada veri SERVQUAL ölçeği kullanılarak dünyanın en değerli 100 banka markası arasında yer alan özel bir bankanın 500 müşterisinden yüz yüze anket yöntemi ile toplanmıştır. Analiz sonuçları müşterilerin hizmet kalitesi algılamalarının beklentilerinin altında kaldığını ve en büyük farkın yanıt verebilirlik en küçük farkın ise somutluk boyutunda olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Ayrıca, kaliteli hizmet sunumunun müşterinin hizmeti tekrar satın alma niyetini doğrudan etkilemediği, buna karşın, müşteri tatminini artırarak müşterinin tekrar satın alma niyetini dolaylı ve güçlü bir şekilde etkilediğini göstermektedir. Bu sonuç müşteri tatmininin tekrar satın alma niyetine aracılık ettiğini doğrulamaktadır.The aim of this paper is two-fold: firstly, to assess customers’ expectations and perceptions towards the quality of services provided by private banks in Turkey and, secondly, to investigate the relationships between service quality, satisfaction, and repurchase intention for bank customers through a structural equation model. Data were collected by face to face interviews with 500 customers of a private bank listed in world’s most valuable 100 banking brands using the SERVQUAL method. Results revealed that customers’ perceptions of service quality fell short of their expectations, with the responsiveness dimension having the largest gap and the tangibles dimension having the smallest gap. Moreover, although the service quality did not have a direct effect on customer repurchase intention, it did have an indirect influence on customer repurchase intention via customer satisfaction. Results confirmed the mediator effect of customer satisfaction

    Depressive Symptoms in a General Population: Associations with Obesity, Inflammation, and Blood Pressure

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    To determine whether obesity, inflammation, or conventional risk factors are related to depressive symptoms (DeprSy) in the general population. Responses to 3 questions served to assess sense of depression. Body mass index (BMI), C-reactive protein (CRP), and other epidemiologic data of participants were available. In 1940, individuals who consulted a psychiatrist in the preceding year, or felt depressed (together DeprSy), 248 were female. Logistic regressions for adjusted associations of BMI with DeprSy were not significant as was serum CRP level. Diabetes and, in men, fasting glucose concentrations were associated with DeprSy. Systolic blood pressure (SBP) was robustly inversely associated with DeprSy in diverse models at ORs of 0.74 (95%CI 0.63; 0.89) independent of confounders, including antihypertensive and lipid-lowering medication. The use of antidepressants could not explain the reduced BP. Women are predisposed to depression with which, not BMI and CRP, but SBP is inversely associated. Anti-inflammatory substances produced in depressed persons might explain the slightly lower BP

    Binali Selman’ın Mey Açışlarına Yönelik Biçim Tâhlili

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    20.yüzyılın önemli mey virtüozlarından biri olan Binali Selman ( 1931 -1992), Türk halk müziği nefesli çalgıları ve mey icrâcılığı alanında ayrıcalıklı bir yere sâhiptir. Binali Selman’ın mey icrâcılığındaki teknik hâkimiyeti ve nağme zenginliği, kendisinden sonraki icrâcıları etkilemiş ve ekol olmasını sağlamıştır. Türk halk mûsikîsinde bir eserin icrâsından önce hânendeyi seslendirilecek eserin makāmına hazırlamak amacıyla irticâlen yapılan “Açış” formunun önemli temsilcisidir. Duygulu, etkileyici, teknik açıdan mükemmel özelliklere sâhip açış icrâları kişisel tavır özelliklerini yansıtması bakımından ayrı bir önem arz etmektedir. Yapılan bu araştırmada, Selman’ın mey açışlarının biçim özellikleri motif, cümle ve bölüm yapılarıyla tahlîl edilmiş ve bu bağlamda, örneklem grubu olarak san’atçıya ait üç farklı makamda mey açışı seçilmiştir. Mey açışlarının tahlîlinde “Gülçin Yahya Biçim Tahlîli Yöntemi” kullanılmış, Selman’ın mey açışlarındaki Eser Kurgusu ve İcrâ Akışı gösterimleriyle, yorumculuğuna ait değerlendirmelerde bulunulmuştur

    Effect of a novel commercial potassium-oxalate containing tooth-desensitizing mouthrinse on the microhardness of resin composite restorative materials with different monomer compositions

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    The effects of mouthrinses on dental resin composites have been investigated extensively. However, there is little information available regarding the effects of ‘newly developed mouthrinse’ formulations on the microhardness of different monomer based composite systems. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of a novel potassium-oxalate containing desensitizing mouthrinse on the microhardness of different monomer based composite materials. A hundred and twenty specimens (6mm in diameter and 2mm in height) were prepared for composite resin groups (methacrylate based, DX-511 monomer based and silorane monomer based) and for storage solution groups (artificial saliva and potassium oxalate-containing tooth-desensitizing mouthrinse). After allowing post-polimerization the baseline Knoop microhardness measurements for all specimens were recorded. The specimens were stored in 20 mL mouthwash and artificial saliva for 12 hours at 37ºC. The post-immersion microhardness values of all specimens were also recorded. Data were subjected to ANOVA/Scheffe’s test at a significance level of 0.05. The intra group (pre and post immersion values) comparison of the mean microhardness values of the specimens was done using Wilcoxon signed rank test. The microhardness of the silorane based composite was not affected significantly (p>0.05). The hardness values of the DX-511 monomer based composite and the methacrylate based composite exhibited a slight but not significant microhardness change compared to the baseline values (p>0.05). Studies reported that the effect of mouthrinses on microhardness changes of composite resins may be material dependent, and the hardness change susceptibility of a restorative material may be attributed to its resin matrix or filler type. However, dental monomers as well as the oral care products have an ever-evolving technology and future studies should consider newer products. Potassium oxalate containing mouthrinses, especially alcohol-free ones, may be used safely with dental composites with newly developed low-shrink monomer compositions

    Morganella morganii in sinonasal region: A rare case report

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    Morganella morganii is a gram negative pathogen andmay cause potentially lethal disease especially in patientswith underlying or immunosuppressive disease. It is commonlyfound in long-term urinary catheter used and immunesystem deficiency patients as nosocomial disease.Involving other systems such as skin, skeletal systemand central nervous system can be seen too. Sporadicoccurrence is rare and can be seen in any system by variouscauses like AIDS, snake bites and poisoning. In thiscase we present sporadic Morganella morganii infectionon sinonasal region with the presence of sinusitis, sinocutaneousfistula, preseptal cellulitis and hard palate defecton 58 year old male diabetic patient. Microbiologicalassessment from open wound and sinuses were reportedas Morganella morganii. To our knowledge, this is the firstcase of sino-nasal Morganella morganii infection with sino-cutaneous fistula, preseptal cellulitis and maxillofacialbone destruction. J Clin Exp Invest 2013; 4 (3): 383-386Key words: Morganella Morganii, sino-nasal fistula, preseptalcellulitis, bone destructio

    A new wide area-based algorithm to determine faulted line in series-compensated grid using k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) classification method

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    Nowadays, series capacitors are frequently used to increase the transfer capacity and reduce losses on long transmission lines. They also play an important role in improving the voltage stability of the grid. In addition to the positive contributions, it is known that series capacitors affect the operation of distance relays negatively in series-compensated lines and adjacent lines. In this study, a protection algorithm based on wide-area monitoring is proposed using the K-NN classification method to protect series compensated transmission lines in steady-state. The algorithm is tested offline in the radial grid created in the Digsilent Power Factory program. In short circuit scenarios, 2-phase, 3-phase, 2-phase to ground and single-phase to ground faults are analyzed under different fault impedances. According to the results, in case of short circuit faults at certain locations of the lines, the proposed algorithm has determined the faulted line accurately. After the faulted line has been determined, a protection scheme is also proposed for the network

    Factors leading to dissemination of cutaneous anthrax: an international ID-IRI study

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    Background: Although anthrax is a rare zoonotic infection, it still causes significant mortality and morbidity. In this multicenter study, which is the largest anthrax case series ever reported, we aimed to describe the factors leading to dissemination of cutaneous anthrax. Methods: Adult patients with cutaneous anthrax from 16 referral centers were pooled. The study had a retrospective design, and included patients treated between January 1, 1990 and December 1, 2019. Probable, and confirmed cases based upon CDC anthrax 2018 case definition were included in the study. A descriptive statistical analysis was performed for all variables. Results: A total of 141 cutaneous anthrax patients were included. Of these, 105 (74%) patients had probable and 36 (26%) had confirmed diagnosis. Anthrax meningitis and bacteremia occurred in three and six patients, respectively. Sequelae were observed in three patients: cicatricial ectropion followed by ocular anthrax (n = 2) and movement restriction on the left hand after surgical intervention (n = 1). One patient had gastrointestinal anthrax. The parameters related to poor outcome (p < 0.05) were fever, anorexia, hypoxia, malaise/fatigue, cellulitis, fasciitis, lymphadenopathy, leukocytosis, high CRP and creatinine levels, longer duration of antimicrobial therapy, and combined therapy. The last two were seemingly the consequences of dissemination rather than being the reasons. The fatality rate was 1.4%. Conclusions: Rapid identification of anthrax is crucial for prompt and effective treatment. Systemic symptoms, disseminated local infection, and high inflammatory markers should alert the treating physicians for the dissemination of the disease. © 2022 The Author

    Türk Bankacılık Sektöründe Hizmet Kalitesinin Müşteri Tatmini ve Tekrar Satın Alma Niyeti Üzerine Etkisi: Yapısal Eşitlik Modeli ile Bir İnceleme

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    The aim of this paper is two-fold: firstly, to assess customers’ expectations and perceptions towards the quality of services provided by private banks in Turkey and, secondly, to investigate the relationships between service quality, satisfaction, and repurchase intention for bank customers through a structural equation model. Data were collected by face to face interviews with 500 customers of a private bank listed in world’s most valuable 100 banking brands using the SERVQUAL method. Results revealed that customers’ perceptions of service quality fell short of their expectations, with the responsiveness dimension having the largest gap and the tangibles dimension having the smallest gap. Moreover, although the service quality did not have a direct effect on customer repurchase intention, it did have an indirect influence on customer repurchase intention via customer satisfaction. Results confirmed the mediator effect of customer satisfaction.Bu çalışma Türkiye’de özel bankalar tarafından sunulan hizmetlerin kalitesine yönelik müşteri beklentilerini ve algılarını değerlendirmeyi ve yapısal eşitlik modeli ile banka hizmet kalitesi, müşteri tatmini ve tekrar satın alma niyeti arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Araştırmada veri SERVQUAL ölçeği kullanılarak dünyanın en değerli 100 banka markası arasında yer alan özel bir bankanın 500 müşterisinden yüz yüze anket yöntemi ile toplanmıştır. Analiz sonuçları müşterilerin hizmet kalitesi algılamalarının beklentilerinin altında kaldığını ve en büyük farkın yanıt verebilirlik en küçük farkın ise somutluk boyutunda olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Ayrıca, kaliteli hizmet sunumunun müşterinin hizmeti tekrar satın alma niyetini doğrudan etkilemediği, buna karşın, müşteri tatminini artırarak müşterinin tekrar satın alma niyetini dolaylı ve güçlü bir şekilde etkilediğini göstermektedir. Bu sonuç müşteri tatmininin tekrar satın alma niyetine aracılık ettiğini doğrulamaktadır