43 research outputs found

    Estimativa de custo para o pr?-projeto de pontes rodovi?rias mistas de a?o e concreto.

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    Programa de P?s Gradua??o em Engenharia Civil. Departamento de Engenharia Civil, Escola de Minas, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.A defini??o do sistema estrutural de uma ponte mista de a?o e concreto para uso rodovi?rio depende de v?rios fatores que devem ser levados em considera??o durante a elabora??o do projeto, tais como: fun??o, topografia local, natureza do solo, extens?o e v?o livre necess?rios, gabaritos a serem obedecidos, est?tica, acessos, localiza??o, tempo de execu??o previsto e custos dispon?veis para a obra. Neste trabalho ser?o abordadas todas as etapas do projeto das superestruturas de pontes mistas de a?o e concreto em vigas m?ltiplas de perfis de a?o do tipo I e lajes em concreto: c?lculo, dimensionamento, detalhamento, fabrica??o, transporte e montagem. Assim, pode-se analisar e parametrizar as caracter?sticas e particularidades deste tipo de projeto, desenvolvendo um software espec?fico para pr?dimensionamento destas estruturas, seguindo as diretrizes e recomenda??es da norma AASTHO, permitindo ao usu?rio obter resultados r?pidos e consistentes.The definition of the structural system of steel and concrete composite bridges for road use depends on several factors that must be taken into account during project design, such as: function, local topography, nature of the ground, templates to be obeyed, aesthetics, accesses, location, expected execution time and costs available for the work. In this work, all the steps of the superstructure design of steel and concrete composite bridges in multiple beams of steel I sections and concrete slabs will be addressed: calculation, sizing, detailing, fabrication, transportation and assembly. Thus, we will be able to analyze and parameterize the characteristics and particularities of this type of project, developing a specific software for pre-dimensioning these structures, following the guidelines and recommendations of the AASTHO standard, allowing the user to obtain fast and consistent results

    Medical training, primary care and interdisciplinarity : experience report on necessary joints.

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    Relata-se a experi?ncia de implanta??o de atividade curricular obrigat?ria, de 225 horas, em tr?s semestres sequenciais do curso m?dico da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, voltada para o desenvolvimento de compet?ncias na pr?tica em servi?o. Descrevem-se as estrat?gias educacionais utilizadas para oportunizar aos estudantes: o reconhecimento da Rede de Aten??o ? Sa?de e seu territ?rio, a determina??o social do processo sa?de-doen?a, o processo de trabalho das equipes, o estabelecimento de v?nculo e rela??es interpessoais. Pautadas pela intencionalidade pedag?gica e pela coopera??o entre institui??o formadora e servi?os de sa?de, as a??es foram mediadas por docentes e contaram com participa??o ativa da equipe profissional nas atividades desenvolvidas em unidades de sa?de, territ?rio e domic?lios. A adequada compreens?o da Aten??o Prim?ria ? Sa?de e a valoriza??o de a??es de promo??o da sa?de desenvolvidas a partir das necessidades de sa?de das comunidades abordadas foram evidenciadas nos portf?lios reflexivos sobre a pr?tica, demonstrando o ?xito da iniciativa.We report a compulsory curricular implantation experience of 225 hours in three sequential semesters of the Federal University of Minas Gerais medical course, focused on the skills development in service practice. The educational strategies for student development are described as: health care network recognition and its territory, the social determination of health-disease process, the work process of the equipment, the establishment of bond and the interpersonal relations. Guided by pedagogical intentionality and health services cooperation, actions were tutored by teachers and accounted with specialized team participation in the activities developed in Health Units, territory and households. An adequate evaluation of Primary Health Care and a valuation of Health Promotion actions developed from the addressed communities health needs were evidenced in the reflexive portfolios about the practice, demonstrating the initiative success

    Facebook as a complementary learning tool in a Family and Community Medicine discipline : experience report.

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    O uso de redes sociais no processo de aprendizagem expandiu-se nos ?ltimos anos devido ? sua popularidade entre os estudantes, ? flexibilidade do tempo gasto na rede e ao seu potencial de intera??o entre professores e alunos. Apresenta-se a experi?ncia da disciplina ?Medicina de Fam?lia e Comunidade?, da Escola de Medicina da Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, em que a rede social Facebook ? utilizada como ferramenta complementar no processo de aprendizado acad?mico. Em um grupo controlado e secreto dessa rede, alunos matriculados na disciplina convertem d?vidas cl?nicas cotidianas em objetivos de aprendizado sob a media??o dos professores respons?veis. A participa??o dos acad?micos n?o ? obrigat?ria nem possui car?ter avaliativo. Trata-se de estrat?gia complementar na qual houve participa??o ativa a partir das d?vidas levantadas nos atendimentos ambulatoriais, tornando as intera??es dos alunos qualificadas e o processo de aprendizagem contextual e significativo.The use of Social Networks in learning process has expanded in recent years due to its popularity among students, the flexibility of time spend there and its potential for teachers and students interaction and among students themselves. We present the Federal University of Ouro Preto School of Medicine ?Family and Community Medicine? discipline experience, where Facebook Social Network is used as a complementary tool in the academic learning process. In a controlled and secret group of this network, the students enrolled in the discipline convert daily clinical doubts into learning objectives under supervision of the responsible teachers. The academics participation is neither mandatory nor evaluative. It is a complementary strategy in which there was active participation arising from patient care doubts, making the students? interactions qualified, and the process of learning contextual and meaningful

    eLearning for health in Brazil - UNA-SUS in numbers.

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    Use of technology enabled learning for distance education in the health field is growing, and new challenges are emerging related to reaching health professionals working in remote areas. The Open University of the Unified Health System (UNA-SUS) promotes Continuing Professional Development and uses Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) for distance education to theBrazilian health workforce, mainly in primary care. Methods: As part of ongoing quality assurance assessments, we performed a descriptive analysis of courses, learners, and completion rates from all enrolments in UNA-SUS for Qualification and Specialisation Courses. Data were collected directly from the UNA-SUS information system. Results: From March 2008 to October 2015 (91 months), UNA-SUS had 206,834 enrolments in 40 Specialisation Courses and 60 Qualification Courses, reaching 119,109 professionals (mean - 1.7 courses per person). These were distributed amongst 5,199 Brazilian municipalities, 59% of which had a population of 10,000 to 50,000 inhabitants. Learners were mainly women (80.6%), nurses (26.4%), and working in primary care (39.8%). Completion rates were 67.3% for Specialisation Courses and 37.9% for Qualification Courses, which were self-instructional. Reaching 93% of all Brazilian cities and 119,109 learners, UNA-SUS was able to deliver health education to health professionals (physicians, nurses, and others) in rural and other areas of shortage such as indigenous districts and metropolitan outskirts. UNA-SUS has succeeded in expanding ten-fold the seats for Specialisation Courses for family health, and has good results in TEL Qualification Courses. UNA-SUS has innovated Continuing Professional Development for health professionals in Brazil. These courses responded to the previously unattended educational needs of the workforce, focusing on reaching primary care professionals in smaller towns and remote areas. UNA-SUS is consolidating itself as a nationwide provider of continuing education

    Long-term stability of maxillary anterior alignment in non-extraction cases

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    OBJETIVO: o presente estudo avaliou, por meio de uma an?lise retrospectiva, a estabilidade p?s-tratamento do alinhamento dos incisivos anterossuperiores de pacientes submetidos ao tratamento ortod?ntico sem extra??es. M?TODOS: a amostra foi constitu?da de 23 pacientes (13 do sexo feminino e 10 do sexo masculino), com idade inicial de 13,36 ? 1,81 anos. Mediu-se nos modelos de estudo das fases inicial (T1), final (T2) e p?s-tratamento (T3) de aproximadamente de 5 anos, a irregularidade dos incisivos superiores, as dist?ncias intercaninos e entre os primeiros e segundos pr?-molares, a dist?ncia intermolares, o comprimento e o per?metro da arcada superior. Ap?s a obten??o dos dados, realizou-se a an?lise estat?stica. Para a an?lise das altera??es ao longo dos tr?s tempos estudados, utilizou-se a an?lise de vari?ncia (ANOVA) a um crit?rio de sele??o e, em caso de resultado significativo, o teste de Tukey. Para verificar a presen?a de correla??o entre a recidiva do apinhamento anterossuperior e a recidiva das vari?veis dist?ncias intercaninos, interpr?-molares, intermolares, comprimento e per?metro da arcada, utilizou-se o teste de correla??o de Pearson. RESULTADOS: os resultados n?o evidenciaram altera??es dimensionais significativas ao final do tratamento; entretanto, durante o per?odo de p?s-tratamento, foram observadas altera??es significativas em rela??o ? quantidade de irregularidade dos incisivos superiores. CONCLUS?O: concluiu-se que houve recidiva estatisticamente significativa (+1,52mm) na irregularidade anterossuperior durante o per?odo de p?s-tratamento. Entretanto, nenhuma das vari?veis aferidas nos modelos p?de ser clinicamente associada ? recidiva anterossuperior.Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG)Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecu?ria de Minas Gerais (EPAMIG)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq)Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES)OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this retrospective study was to evaluate long-term stability of maxillary incisors alignment in cases submitted to non-extraction orthodontic treatment. METHODS: The sample comprised 23 patients (13 female; 10 male) at a mean initial age of 13.36 years (SD = 1.81 years), treated with fixed appliances. Dental cast measurements were obtained at three different time points (T1 - pretreatment, T2 - posttreatment and T3 - long-term posttreatment). Variables assessed in maxillary arch were Little Irregularity Index, intercanine, interpremolar and intermolar widths, arch length and perimeter. The statistical analysis was performed by one-way ANOVA and Tukey tests when necessary. Pearson' correlation coefficients were used to investigate possible associations between the evaluated variables. RESULTS: There was no significant change in most arch dimension measurements during and after treatment, however, during the long-term posttreatment period, it was observed a significant maxillary incisors crowding relapse. CONCLUSION: The maxillary incisors irregularity increased significantly (1.52 mm) during long-term posttreatment. None of the studied clinical factors demonstrated to be predictive of the maxillary crowding relapse

    Analysis of learners? profile for self-instructional courses on the health of the elderly produced by the open University of SUS (UNA-SUS).

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    Objetivo: descrever a constru??o de estrat?gias educacionais e o perfil dos egressos dos dois primeiros cursos autoinstrucionais do Programa de Qualifica??o em Sa?de da Pessoa Idosa (PQSPI). M?todo: an?lise descritiva do perfil de egressos do PQSPI, a partir de banco de dados consolidado da Universidade Aberta do SUS (UNA-SUS), em cursos desenhados sob constru??o reversa. Cursos conceberam-se sob dois formatos diferentes, desenvolvidos por tr?s equipes distintas, com a parceria e homologa??o da Coordena??o de Sa?de da Pessoa Idosa do Minist?rio da Sa?de. Resultados: foram desenvolvidos dois cursos, distribu?dos em sete ofertas, entre 2016 e 2018, voltados para: profissionais de n?vel superior, especialmente m?dicos/enfermeiros, curso 1; e t?cnicos/auxiliares de enfermagem (TAE) e agentes comunit?rios de sa?de (ACS), curso 2. O p?blico mais comum em todos os cursos foi de estudantes (37,9%). Dentre os profissionais, os TAE superaram m?dicos e os ACS foram o 4? p?blico mais frequente no curso 1; no curso 2, os TAE e os ACS foram os mais frequentes, com taxas de conclus?o em torno de 50%. Conclus?o: demonstrou-se maior interesse de estudantes, TAE e ACS nos cursos autoinstrucionais, sendo necess?rio estudar melhor sua participa??o. Os TAE e ACS t?m menos oportunidade de capacita??o, sendo um p?blico estrat?gico para a??es futuras.Aims: to describe the construction strategy and the learners? profile of the two initial selfinstructional courses on the Health of the Elderly Qualification Program (PQSPI). Method: descriptive analysis of the PQSPI learner?s profile from the Open University of SUS (UNASUS) consolidated database. The courses were designed based on reverse construction, when the learning objectives are the first to be drawn, followed by the activities, and then, the theoretical content is developed from it. The reverse construction involved 5 different formats, 3 production teams, and was approved by the Coordination of the Elderly from the Ministry of Health. Results: two courses with 7 educational offers were developed, directed to: graduated professionals, mainly physicians and nurses, course 1; Nursing technicians/assistants (NTA) and community health agents (CHA), course 2. The most common public for all courses was mainly composed by graduation students, demonstrating undergraduate?s interest in permanent education courses. NTA outperformed physicians and CHA were the fourth most common professional audience in course 1. In course 2, NTA and CHA were the most common audience and had completion rates around 50%. Conclusion: greater interest from students, NTA, and CHA in self-instructional courses was demonstrated, so it?s necessary to study in depth their participation. NTA and CHA have less opportunity for competencies building, being a strategic audience for future actions

    Proposal of Home Care Residency as actuation field.

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    A Aten??o Domiciliar (AD) configura-se numa ?rea de atua??o de diversos especialistas, como M?dicos de Fam?lia e Comunidade, Geriatras, Pediatras e Internistas. Por suas especificidades e dentro do seu campo de pr?ticas, demanda compet?ncias que n?o est?o contempladas isoladamente em nenhuma especialidade m?dica, sendo que o tempo e a estrutura necess?rios para a aquisi??o destas ultrapassa a capacidade de inser??o ao longo dos programas atuais. A expans?o desta modalidade de cuidados representa uma demanda crescente de forma??o, exigindo a inclus?o da AD como potencial campo de trabalho destes especialistas, concebendo a necessidade de um ano adicional para forma??o nas especificidades dessa ?rea de atua??o. Discutem-se as estrat?gias de forma??o, campos da pr?tica e estrutura program?tica necess?rios para a consolida??o desta proposta. Espera-se que este artigo possa subsidiar a natural constru??o desta especialidade no ?mbito da atua??o m?dica em sa?de.Home Care (HC) is an expertise area for several specialists, such as Family Physicians, Geriatricians, Pediatricians and Internal Medicine. Due to its specificities and within its practice field, it demands competences that are not contemplated apart in any medical specialty, and the time and structure required to acquire them surpasses the insertion capacity in the current programs. This care type expansion represents a growing demand for training, requiring HC inclusion as a potential field of work for these specialists, conceiving the need for an additional year for the formation of specific features as an activity area. We discuss training strategies, practice fields and programmatic structure required to consolidate this proposal. We expect that this article can subsidize the natural construction of this specialty within the scope of health medical practice

    Electro-optical interfacial effects on a graphene/?-conjugated organic semiconductor hybrid system.

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    The influence of graphene and retinoic acid (RA) ? a ?-conjugated organic semiconductor ? interface on their hybrid system is investigated. The physical properties of the interface are assessed via scanning probe microscopy, optical spectroscopy (photoluminescence and Raman) and ab initio calculations. The graphene/RA interaction induces the formation of a well-organized ?-conjugated self-assembled monolayer (SAM) at the interface. Such structural organization leads to the high optical emission efficiency of the RA SAM, even at room temperature. Additionally, photo-assisted electrical force microscopy, photo-assisted scanning Kelvin probe microscopy and Raman spectroscopy indicate a RA-induced graphene doping and photo-charge generation. Finally, the optical excitation of the RA monolayer generates surface potential changes on the hybrid system. In summary, interface-induced organized structures atop 2D materials may have an important impact on both design and operation of ?-conjugated nanomaterialbased hybrid systems

    Raman evidence for pressure-induced formation of diamondene.

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    Despite the advanced stage of diamond thin-film technology, with applications ranging from superconductivity to biosensing, the realization of a stable and atomically thick two-dimensional diamond material, named here as diamondene, is still forthcoming. Adding to the outstanding properties of its bulk and thin-film counterparts, diamondene is predicted to be a ferromagnetic semiconductor with spin polarized bands. Here, we provide spectroscopic evidence for the formation of diamondene by performing Raman spectroscopy of double-layer graphene under high pressure. The results are explained in terms of a breakdown in the Kohn anomaly associated with the finite size of the remaining graphene sites surrounded by the diamondene matrix. Ab initio calculations and molecular dynamics simulations are employed to clarify the mechanism of diamondene formation, which requires two or more layers of graphene subjected to high pressures in the presence of specific chemical groups such as hydroxyl groups or hydrogens