23 research outputs found

    Friendly Hall Preliminary Historic Assessment

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    76 pagesThis assessment identifies the historic features of Friendly Hall’s exterior (including landscape elements) and interior spaces. Understanding the building’s historic significance is the first step to evaluating and preserving its valuable architectural and landscape features. This assessment is intended to be used as a resource when making recommendations for treatment of Friendly Hall during any alterations or additions. The assessed areas are shown on the Surveyed Areas and Ranking map (pg. 4). Each area with potential historic significance is assigned a ranking of primary, secondary, or tertiary. This ranking is based on the level of historic significance (high, medium, or low) and level of integrity, defined as the degree to which the key historic elements are evident today (excellent, good, fair, or poor). Refer to Appendix A -- for a full description of the ranking methodology

    The University of Maine Climate Action Plan

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    The University of Maine\u27s Climate Action Plan that focuses on climate protection through renewable energy, efficiency, and Innovatio

    Proceedings of 3rd Australian Information Security

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    This paper discusses the different versions of hardware and firmware currently available for the Linksys WRT54G and WRT54GS router models. It covers the advantages, disadvantages, and compatibility issues of each one of them. The paper goes further to compare firmware added features and associated filesystems and then discusses firmware installation precautions and ways to recover from a failed instal