43 research outputs found

    Editorial: Neurodegeneration: From Genetics to Molecules (Part II)

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    Among non-transmissible chronic diseases, neurodegenerative complications have become a big challenge in public health. Elongation of human lifespan, due in part to better health services, lifestyle changes, and improvements in medicine and nutrition, has brought up in consequence, an emergence in growing scientific knowledge on fields related to aging and longevity physiology. This new social context faces human medicine to novel concerns that includes coping with chronic diseases that affect life quality at elderly and that increasingly, appear earlier in mid-age and young people

    Editorial: Neurodegeneration: from Genetics to Molecules

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    Chronic degenerative diseases are one of the major public health problems, particularly those affecting the nervous system. They are characterized by the degeneration of specific cell populations that include several pathologies which contribute significantly to morbidity and mortality in the elderly population. Therefore, in recent years, the study of neuroscience has gained significant importance. Most of these neurodegenerative disorders are the result of a complex interaction between genetic and environmental factors that generate progression and can even determine its severity. The presence of mutations in genes as LRRK2, SNCA, PARK7, PARK2 or PINK1 is associated with Parkinson's disease. Mutations in genes such as APP, PS1 and PS2 are associated with familial Alzheimer's disease; while HTT gene mutations are the cause of Huntington's disease. In most cases, this condition is inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern, which means one copy of the altered gene in each cell is sufficient to cause the disorder. It is known that these mutations can also alter the proteins function; however, it has not yet been possible to fully understand how some genetic changes cause the disease or influence the risk of developing these disorders. Most symptoms seen in these conditions occurs when specific nerve cells are damaged or die generating a loss in brain communication. Also many of these mutations generate aggregation of intracellular or extracellular proteins affecting cell function and eventually causing neuronal death. It is unclear whether the presence of these aggregates play an important role in nerve cell death during the development of neurodegenerative diseases, or if they are simply part of the response of cells to the disease. Other mutations affect the mitochondrial function generating alterations in energy production and promoting the formation of unstable molecules such as free radicals. Under normal conditions, the harmful effects caused by free radicals, are offset within the cell. However, in pathological conditions, the presence of mutations can alter this process by allowing the accumulation of radicals and damaging or killing cells. On the other hand, we also know that these diseases may not have a direct genetic component, thus, the study of sporadic type neurodegenerative diseases is much more complex. Histopathological lesions as well as the cellular and molecular alterations are generally indistinguishable from familial cases. For this reason, it is important to understand the genetic and molecular mechanisms associated with this type of pathologies. In this sense, this issue aims to understand the molecular processes that occur in the brain, and how these are influenced by the environment, genetics and behavior

    Oxidative Stress and Metabolic Syndrome: Cause or Consequence of Alzheimer's Disease?

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a major neurodegenerative disease affecting the elderly. Clinically, it is characterized by a progressive loss of memory and cognitive function. Neuropathologically, it is characterized by the presence of extracellular β-amyloid (Aβ) deposited as neuritic plaques (NP) and neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) made of abnormal and hyperphosphorylated tau protein. These lesions are capable of generating the neuronal damage that leads to cell death and cognitive failure through the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Evidence indicates the critical role of Aβ metabolism in prompting the oxidative stress observed in AD patients. However, it has also been proposed that oxidative damage precedes the onset of clinical and pathological AD symptoms, including amyloid-β deposition, neurofibrillary tangle formation, vascular malfunction, metabolic syndrome, and cognitive decline. This paper provides a brief description of the three main proteins associated with the development of the disease (Aβ, tau, and ApoE) and describes their role in the generation of oxidative stress. Finally, we describe the mitochondrial alterations that are generated by Aβ and examine the relationship of vascular damage which is a potential prognostic tool of metabolic syndrome. In addition, new therapeutic approaches targeting ROS sources and metabolic support were reported

    Diseño de estrategias para disminuir el estrés laboral en la Cooperativa de los trabajadores de la educación y empresarios del Putumayo COOTEP en La Hormiga en el primer semestre del año 2023.

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    Lista de FigurasPara la Cooperativa de los trabajadores de la educación y empresarios del Putumayo COOTEP LTDA, es indispensable que exista un ambiente laboral sano e idóneo en el cambio físico y mental, de modo que se ofrezca al colaborador salud, bienestar y satisfacción de sus necesidades a cambio de brindar las mejores actitudes, aptitudes y habilidades mejorando el desempeño de organización ; es por ello que mediante este investigación se diseñara estrategias para disminuir el estrés laboral en los funcionarios de la cooperativa de los trabajadores de educación y empresarios del Putumayo COOTEP LTD, oficina valle del Guamuez, para este estudio utilizaremos un enfoque mixto, donde tenemos la oportunidad de analizar información cuantitativa y cualitativa para una mayor comprensión de las necesidades, utilizando como instrumento de investigación una encuesta de 15 preguntas, que fueron diligenciadas por los 6 colaboradores de la oficina vía link, una vez realizado el análisis se evidencia que el dolor lumbar , seguido de los ataques de ansiedad, dolores de cabeza, y la falta de concentración son los más presentados, y se pueden asociar a la falta de espacios para la sana recreación por lo tanto es indispensable que la cooperativa diseñar estrategia como las de sano esparcimiento fuera de la oficina y que no interfieran en la realización de sus labores, mejorando su salud física y mental y que de una u otra manera el personal se sienta motivado para un buen desempeño de sus funciones, logrando las metas y el objeto de la organización.For the Cooperative of Education Workers and Entrepreneurs of Putumayo COOTEP LTDA, it is essential that there is a healthy and suitable work environment in physical and mental change, so that health, well-being and satisfaction of their needs are offered to the collaborator in exchange to provide the best attitudes, aptitudes and abilities, improving the performance of the organization; That is why through this research strategies will be designed to reduce work stress in the officials of the cooperative of education workers and businessmen of Putumayo COOTEP LTD, Valle del Guamuez office, for this study we will use a mixed approach, where we have the opportunity to analyze quantitative and qualitative information for a better understanding of the needs, using as a research instrument a survey of 15 questions, which were completed by the 6 collaborators of the office via link, once the analysis was carried out, it is evident that low back pain, followed by anxiety attacks, headaches, and lack of concentration are the most presented, and can be associated with the lack of spaces for healthy recreation, therefore it is essential that the cooperative design a strategy such as healthy recreation outside from the office and that they do not interfere in carrying out their work, improving their physical and mental health and that in one way or another the staff feels motivated to perform their duties well, achieving the goals and purpose of the organization

    Amyloid β, lipid metabolism, basal cholinergic system, and therapeutics in Alzheimer\u27s disease

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    The presence of insoluble aggregates of amyloid β (Aβ) in the form of neuritic plaques (NPs) is one of the main features that define Alzheimer\u27s disease. Studies have suggested that the accumulation of these peptides in the brain significantly contributes to extensive neuronal loss. Furthermore, the content and distribution of cholesterol in the membrane have been shown to have an important effect on the production and subsequent accumulation of Aβ peptides in the plasma membrane, contributing to dysfunction and neuronal death. The monomeric forms of these membrane-bound peptides undergo several conformational changes, ranging from oligomeric forms to beta-sheet structures, each presenting different levels of toxicity. Aβ peptides can be internalized by particular receptors and trigger changes from Tau phosphorylation to alterations in cognitive function, through dysfunction of the cholinergic system. The goal of this review is to summarize the current knowledge on the role of lipids in Alzheimer\u27s disease and their relationship with the basal cholinergic system, as well as potential disease-modifying therapies

    SORL1 polymorphisms in Mexican patients with Alzheimer\u27s disease

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    The present study evaluated the risk effect of 12 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in the SORL1 gene in the Mexican population using Late-Onset Alzheimer\u27s Disease (LOAD) and control subjects. Considering APOE as the strongest genetic risk factor for LOAD, we conducted interaction analyses between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and the APOE genotype. METHODS: Patients were interviewed during their scheduled visits at neurologic and geriatric clinics from different institutions. The LOAD diagnosis included neurological, geriatric, and psychiatric examinations, as well as the medical history and neuroimaging. Polymorphisms in RESULTS: The A/A genotype in rs1784933 might be associated with an increased LOAD risk. Two blocks with high degree linkage disequilibrium (LD) were identified. The first block composed by the genetic variants rs668387, rs689021 and rs641120 showed a positive interaction (mainly the rs689021) with rs1784933 polymorphism. Moreover, we found a significant association between the CONCLUSION: The rs1784933 polymorphism is associated with LOAD in Mexican patients. In addition, the presence o