4 research outputs found

    Gesti贸n y desarrollo de un programa de educaci贸n continua por la Escuela de Biolog铆a de la Universidad de Costa Rica

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    The Project Education Continue, Updating and Biological Advices in Biological Sciences started to operate in 2010 year.聽 The main objective of this project is to give effective training and advice to professionals, public institutions or private enterprises, and also give support to Costa Rican population which demands training under the scope of continue education.聽 This document pretends to show experiences obtained during the first four year of activities (2010-2013). It was offer short courses, workshops, forums, symposiums and congress with professors from Costa Rica and other countries.聽 The average of activities reach per year was ten and the topics were in different biological fields.聽 The main strengths of the activities were the topics and professors skills, but it was detected weakness in terms of virtual education. It was developed a sustainable financial process and it gives the opportunity the School of Biology to obtain some economical support for the regular educational process.聽 The School Biology needs to improve the continuing the education process through to e-learning and apply the use of educational informatics technologies. In this way it can be possible to increase the impact and beneficiary population of PECACIBI.聽聽El Programa de Educaci贸n Continua, Actualizaci贸n y Asesoramiento en Ciencias Biol贸gicas (PECACIBI) inici贸 operaciones en el a帽o 2010. El objetivo primario del PECACIBI es brindar capacitaciones y asesor铆as a las instituciones p煤blicas o empresas privadas de Costa Rica y servir como fuente de capacitaci贸n a la poblaci贸n costarricense o de otras nacionalidades bajo el formato de educaci贸n continua. El presente trabajo pretende demostrar las experiencias educativas obtenidas durante los primeros cuatro a帽os de operaciones (2010-2013).聽 Se ofrecieron cursos, talleres, foros, simposios y congresos, con participaci贸n de profesores de Costa Rica y otros pa铆ses. Se logr贸 ejecutar un promedio de diez actividades anualmente y transmitir conocimientos en biolog铆a y ciencias afines. Se detect贸 que la mayor fortaleza en este proceso fueron los temas abordados y la calidad de cuerpo docente La mayor debilidad se evidenci贸 en temas de capacitaci贸n virtual. En planos econ贸micos el PECACIBI brind贸 una fuente de ingresos alternativa para apoyar la gesti贸n educativa de la Escuela de Biolog铆a.聽 La Escuela de Biolog铆a deber谩 incursionar en los procesos de educaci贸n continua a trav茅s de modalidades virtuales y lograr aplicar las tecnolog铆as de informaci贸n relacionadas con聽 educaci贸n; se podr铆a para as铆 lograr que el PECACIBI tenga mayor impacto en la tem谩tica divulgar y la poblaci贸n beneficiaria

    Remoci贸n de amonio y fosfato en cultivos de laboratorio con microalgas y cianobacterias aisladas de cuerpos de agua de Costa Rica

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    This research analyzed three green microalgae (Scenedesmus sp., Chlamydomonas sp., and Chlorella sp.) and two cyanobacteria (Synechocystis sp. as unicellular strain and Nostoc sp. as filamentous strain) native from Costa Rica to remove high concentrations of ammonium and phosphate. Cultures were exposed for 120 h to initial concentrations of 70 mgL-1 ammonium and 9 mgL-1 phosphate, under constant light intensity of 60 碌mol m-2s-1. Chlorella sp. showed the highest growth rate, followed by Chlamydomonas sp. and the cyanobacteria Nostoc sp. In contrast, Scenedesmus sp. and Synechocystis sp. cultures grew less than the other ones. The highest percentage of ammonium removal was achieved with Chlorella sp. followed by Chlamydomonas sp. and Synechocystis sp., then Scenedesmus sp. and Nostoc sp. Microalgae removed totally the initial phosphate concentration within 72 h, while cyanobacteria Synechocystis sp. and Nostoc sp. removed phosphate partially. These microorganisms are promising for wastewater reclamation.La presente investigaci贸n utiliz贸 las microalgas Scenedesmus sp,. Chlamydomonas sp. y Chlorella sp. y las cianobacterias Synechocystis sp. y Nostoc sp. nativas de Costa Rica, con el prop贸sito de analizar la capacidad de remoci贸n de amonio y fosfato. Las cepas se colocaron en medio de cultivo sint茅tico, con concentraciones iniciales de amonio de 70 mgL-1 y fosfato de 9 mgL-1. El cultivo se realiz贸 durante 120 h, con luz constante a una intensidad de 60 碌mol m-2s-1. Se cuantificaron las siguientes variables cada 24 h en todos los cultivos: a) la tasa de crecimiento (碌), b) productividad (mgL-1h-1), c) concentraci贸n de amonio y fosfato. La microalga Chlorella sp. present贸 la mayor tasa de crecimiento, luego Chlamydomonas sp. y la cianobacteria Nostoc sp. Los cultivos Scenedesmus sp. y Synechocystis sp. presentaron un menor crecimiento. La mayor remoci贸n de nitr贸geno se present貌 en Chlorella sp., seguida por Chlamydomonas sp. y Synechosystis sp., Scenedesmus sp. y Nostoc sp. El fosfato se removi贸 en forma total por las microalgas antes de las 72 h, mientras que en Synechocystis sp. y Nostoc sp. fue removido parcialmente. El estudio indica potenciales aplicaciones especialmente de la microalga Chlorella sp. en la remoci贸n de amonio y fosfato en aguas residuales urbanasUniversidad de Costa Rica/[808-B3-136]/UCR/Costa RicaUCR::Vicerrector铆a de Docencia::Ciencias B谩sicas::Facultad de Ciencias::Escuela de Biolog铆aUCR::Vicerrector铆a de Investigaci贸n::Unidades de Investigaci贸n::Ciencias B谩sicas::Centro de Investigaci贸n en Ciencias del Mar y Limnolog铆a (CIMAR

    Growth and hydrogen production by three Chlamydomonas strains cultivated in a commercial fertilizer

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    In the present investigation, we report the growth and hydrogen production of two wild type Chlamydomonas reinhardtii strains isolated from a tropical oxidation pond in Costa Rica. The performance of these two new isolates was compared to that of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii CC124. All the strains were grown both in conventional Tris-Acetate-Phosphate medium (TAP) and in a commercial fertilizer medium (NPK 20-20-20). The growth of the new two isolates in medium formulated with fertilizer was higher than that attained with the reference strain (CC124). However, the hydrogen production performance of the strain CC124 in TAP-S and fertilizer were comparable, while the two new strains performed better in fertilizer, although the total hydrogen production was lower than that achieved with CC124. By using fertilizer it is possible to reduce the cost of chemical reagents by about 63% compared to TAP. Another advantage of the fertilizer is that it does not contain sulfur, therefore it can be directly used for hydrogen production using the Melis protocol.UCR::Vicerrector铆a de Docencia::Ciencias B谩sicas::Facultad de Ciencias::Escuela de Biolog铆aUCR::Vicerrector铆a de Investigaci贸n::Unidades de Investigaci贸n::Ciencias B谩sicas::Centro de Investigaci贸n en Ciencias del Mar y Limnolog铆a (CIMAR