12 research outputs found

    Seleção estratégica de marcadores para detecção de locos para características quantitativas em aves

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    ABSTRACT: Selective genotyping for a certain trait in individuals with extreme phenotypes contributes sufficient information to determine linkage between molecular markers and quantitative trait loci (QTL). In this experiment an F2 population, developed by crossing males from a broiler line with females from a layer line, was employed to detect QTL on chromosomes 3 and 5. Twenty-eight performance and carcass traits were measured in F2 offspring, and phenotypic correlations between traits were calculated. Body weight at 42 days (BW42) presented the greatest positive correlations with most other traits, with correlation between body weights at 35 and 41 days, weight gain between birth and 35, 41 and 42 days, as well as weights of carcass and some body parts superior to 0.8. One hundred-and-seventy F2 offspring, representing the top (4.5%) and the bottom (4.5%) of a normal distribution curve of BW42, were selected with equal proportions of males and females, and within dam family. Samples were genotyped for 19 informative markers on chromosome 3, and 11 markers on chromosome 5. Marker allelic frequencies of phenotypic groups with high and low BW42 were compared with a chi-square test. Four regions on chromosome 3 and three regions on chromosome 5 had markers that were suggestively associated with BW42 (P < 0.10), confirming and expanding previous studies. ___________________________________________________________________________________ RESUMOA genotipagem seletiva de indivíduos com fenótipos extremos para uma determinada característica contribui com informação suficiente para determinar a ligação entre marcadores moleculares e locos para características quantitativas (QTL). Neste estudo uma população F2, formada a partir do cruzamento de uma linha parental de aves para corte com uma linha de postura foi empregada para obtenção de medidas fenotípicas e genotipagem por marcadores microssatélites, posicionados nos cromossomos 3 e 5. Foram medidas 28 características de desempenho e carcaça e determinada a correlação fenotípica entre elas. A característica peso vivo aos 42 dias (BW42) apresentou maior correlação positiva com a maioria das características, com correlação entre pesos vivos aos 35, 41 dias, ganhos de peso do nascimento aos 35, 41 e 42 dias, e pesos de carcaça e partes superiores a 0,8. Cento e setenta aves F2, representando 4,5% das aves mais leves e 4,5% das mais pesadas para BW42 foram selecionadas dentro de famílias, na mesma proporção de machos e fêmeas e genotipadas para 19 marcadores informativos no cromossomo 3 e 11 no cromossomo 5. As freqüências alélicas dos marcadores nos grupos fenotípicos de alto e baixo BW42 foram comparadas empregando teste de qui-quadrado. Foram identificadas quatro regiões no cromossomo 3 e três regiões no cromossomo 5 sugestivamente ligadas a QTL para BW42 (P < 0,10), confirmando e expandindo estudos anteriores de mapeamento de QTL em aves

    Mapas de ligação dos cromossomos 6, 7, 8, 11 e 13 de uma população brasileira de galinha

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    A linkage map is essential not only for quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping, but also for the organization and location of genes along the chromosomes. The present study is part of a project whose major objective is, besides from construction the linkage maps, the whole genome scan for mapping QTL for performance traits in the Brazilian experimental chicken population. Linkage maps of chicken chromosomes 6 to 8, 11 and 13 were constructed based on this population. The population was developed from two generations of crossbreeding between a broiler and a layer line. Fifty-one microsatellite markers were tested, from which 28 were informative: 4, 8, 7, 4 and 5 for chromosomes 6, 7, 8, 11 and 13, respectively. A SNP located in the leptin receptor gene was included for chromosome 8. Ten parental, 8 F1 and 459 F2 chickens from five full-sib families were genotyped with these markers. The number of total informative meioses per locus varied from 232 to 862, and the number of phase-known informative meioses from 0 to 764. Marker orders in the chromosomes coincided with those of the chicken consensus map, except for markers ADL0147 and MCW0213, on chromosome 13, which were inverted. The reduced number of phase-known informative meioses for ADL0147 (150) may be pointed out as a possible cause for this inversion, apart from the relative short distance between the two markers involved in the inversion (10.5 cM).O mapa de ligação além de ser fundamental no mapeamento de locos de características quantitativas (QTLs) é importante na organização e localização de genes distribuídos ao longo dos cromossomos. O presente estudo é parte de um trabalho cujo objetivo maior, é a análise de mapeamento de QTLs para características de desempenho no genoma de uma população experimental desenvolvida no Brasil. Com base nesta população foram construídos os mapas de ligação dos cromossomos 6 a 8, 11 e 13 da galinha. A população foi desenvolvida a partir de duas gerações de cruzamentos entre uma linhagem de corte e uma de postura. Foram testados 51 marcadores microssatélites, dos quais 28 foram informativos: 4, 8, 7, 4 e 5 dos cromossomos 6, 7, 8, 11 e 13, respectivamente. Um SNP localizado no gene do receptor da leptina foi incluído no cromossomo 8. Os 10 parentais, 8 F1 e um total de 459 aves F2 de cinco famílias de irmãos completos foram genotipados com estes marcadores. O número de meioses informativas totais por loco variou de 232 a 862 e o de meioses informativas de fase conhecida de 0 a 764. A ordem dos marcadores nos cromossomos coincidiu com a do mapa consenso da galinha, com exceção dos marcadores ADL0147 e MCW0213 do cromossomo 13 que tiveram sua ordem invertida. O número reduzido de meioses informativas de fase conhecida para o marcador ADL0147 (150) pode ser apontado como uma possível causa para a inversão, além da relativa proximidade entre os dois marcadores envolvidos na inversão (10,5 cM)

    Mapping QTL affecting growth traits in chicken chromosomes 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18

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    Uma população F2 foi desenvolvida através do cruzamento entre uma linhagem de frangos de corte (TT) e uma de postura (CC). Sete machos TT foram acasalados com sete fêmeas CC para produzir uma população F1 TC. Cada macho F1 foi acasalado com três fêmeas F1 não-aparentadas para produzir aproximadamente 100 descendentes por família de irmãos completos. Neste estudo foram utilizadas as 5 famílias que apresentaram maior número de marcadores informativos nos cromossomos 1 a 5, em estudos realizados anteriormente nesta população. Foram coletados dados fenotípicos de peso ao nascer (PN), peso aos 35 (PV35) e 41 (PV41) dias de idade, ganho de peso (GP35-41), consumo de ração (CR35-41) e eficiência alimentar (EF35-41) dos 35 aos 41 dias de idade. Os indivíduos parentais e F1 foram genotipados com 35 marcadores microssatélites posicionados nos cromossomos 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17 e 18. Os marcadores informativos (22) foram genotipados nos indivíduos F2 das famílias escolhidas. O cromossomo 16 não foi mapeado, pois o único marcador disponível não foi informativo. No cromossomo 17 apenas um marcador foi informativo, logo foi utilizada uma análise de marca simples para associação do marcador com as características selecionadas. O mapa de ligação de cada cromossomo foi construído e comparado ao mapa consenso. Os mapas de ligação apresentaram o mesmo ordenamento dos marcadores em relação aos mapas consenso, no entanto foram encontradas pequenas discrepâncias nas distâncias entre os marcadores A análise empregada no estudo de mapeamento de QTL por intervalo utilizou o método de regressão linear e estimação de quadrados-mínimos, utilizando o programa QTL Express, na opção análise de F2. No cromossomo 17, duas características foram associadas ao genótipo do marcador: GP35-41 (P<0,05) e EF35- 41 (P<0,01). Foram encontrados 4 QTL sugestivos no cromossomo 10: para PV35, PV41, GP35-41 e EF35-41. Houve interação do QTL com família para EF35-41. Os QTLs para PV35, PV41 e GP35-41 apresentaram efeito aditivo, apenas EF35-41 apresentou efeito de dominância.An F2 chicken population was developed by crossing broiler line (TT) with a layer line (CC). Seven males TT were mated with seven females CC to generate an F1 population. Each male F1 was then mated with three unrelated females F1 generating approximately 100 individual per family of dam. On the present study 5 families were used, which showed the greatest number of informative markers in previews studies of chromosomes 1 to 5 of the resource population. Phenotypic dada were collected for body weight at 1 (BW1), 35 (BW35) and 41 (BW41) days of age, weight gain (WG35- 41), feed intake (FI35-41) and feed efficiency (FE35-41) from 35 to 41 days of age. The parental and F1 individuals were genotyped for 35 microsatellite markers distributed on chromosomes 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18. The informative markers were genotyped on the F2 from the selected families. Chromosome 16 was excluded, because the only available marker was not informative. On chromosome 17 only one marker was informative, therefore a single marker analysis was used to associate the marker with the selected characteristics. The linkage map of each chromosome was constructed and compared to the consensus map. The linkage maps showed the same marker ordering compared to the consensus map, however small discrepancy between markers distances were presented. Interval mapping using regression methods was applied to a line-cross and least square analysis, using the QTL Express program, on the F2 analyses option. On chromosome 17, two characteristics were associated to the marker genotype: WG35-41 (P<0.05) and FE35-41 (P<0.01). Suggestive QTLs were detected for BW35, BW41, WG35-41 and FE35-41 on chromosome 10. A QTL x family interaction effect was statistically significant for FE35-41. QTLs for BW35, BW41 and WG35-41 showed addictive effects, only FE35-41 showed dominance effect

    Seleção estratégica de marcadores para detecção de locos para características quantitativas em aves

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    ABSTRACT: Selective genotyping for a certain trait in individuals with extreme phenotypes contributes sufficient information to determine linkage between molecular markers and quantitative trait loci (QTL). In this experiment an F2 population, developed by crossing males from a broiler line with females from a layer line, was employed to detect QTL on chromosomes 3 and 5. Twenty-eight performance and carcass traits were measured in F2 offspring, and phenotypic correlations between traits were calculated. Body weight at 42 days (BW42) presented the greatest positive correlations with most other traits, with correlation between body weights at 35 and 41 days, weight gain between birth and 35, 41 and 42 days, as well as weights of carcass and some body parts superior to 0.8. One hundred-and-seventy F2 offspring, representing the top (4.5%) and the bottom (4.5%) of a normal distribution curve of BW42, were selected with equal proportions of males and females, and within dam family. Samples were genotyped for 19 informative markers on chromosome 3, and 11 markers on chromosome 5. Marker allelic frequencies of phenotypic groups with high and low BW42 were compared with a chi-square test. Four regions on chromosome 3 and three regions on chromosome 5 had markers that were suggestively associated with BW42 (P < 0.10), confirming and expanding previous studies. ___________________________________________________________________________________ RESUMOA genotipagem seletiva de indivíduos com fenótipos extremos para uma determinada característica contribui com informação suficiente para determinar a ligação entre marcadores moleculares e locos para características quantitativas (QTL). Neste estudo uma população F2, formada a partir do cruzamento de uma linha parental de aves para corte com uma linha de postura foi empregada para obtenção de medidas fenotípicas e genotipagem por marcadores microssatélites, posicionados nos cromossomos 3 e 5. Foram medidas 28 características de desempenho e carcaça e determinada a correlação fenotípica entre elas. A característica peso vivo aos 42 dias (BW42) apresentou maior correlação positiva com a maioria das características, com correlação entre pesos vivos aos 35, 41 dias, ganhos de peso do nascimento aos 35, 41 e 42 dias, e pesos de carcaça e partes superiores a 0,8. Cento e setenta aves F2, representando 4,5% das aves mais leves e 4,5% das mais pesadas para BW42 foram selecionadas dentro de famílias, na mesma proporção de machos e fêmeas e genotipadas para 19 marcadores informativos no cromossomo 3 e 11 no cromossomo 5. As freqüências alélicas dos marcadores nos grupos fenotípicos de alto e baixo BW42 foram comparadas empregando teste de qui-quadrado. Foram identificadas quatro regiões no cromossomo 3 e três regiões no cromossomo 5 sugestivamente ligadas a QTL para BW42 (P < 0,10), confirmando e expandindo estudos anteriores de mapeamento de QTL em aves.Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária (FAV

    Strategic marker selection to detect quantitative trait loci in chicken Seleção estratégica de marcadores para detecção locos para características quantitativas em aves

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    Selective genotyping for a certain trait in individuals with extreme phenotypes contributes sufficient information to determine linkage between molecular markers and quantitative trait loci (QTL). In this experiment an F2 population, developed by crossing males from a broiler line with females from a layer line, was employed to detect QTL on chromosomes 3 and 5. Twenty-eight performance and carcass traits were measured in F2 offspring, and phenotypic correlations between traits were calculated. Body weight at 42 days (BW42) presented the greatest positive correlations with most other traits, with correlation between body weights at 35 and 41 days, weight gain between birth and 35, 41 and 42 days, as well as weights of carcass and some body parts superior to 0.8. One hundred-and-seventy F2 offspring, representing the top (4.5%) and the bottom (4.5%) of a normal distribution curve of BW42, were selected with equal proportions of males and females, and within dam family. Samples were genotyped for 19 informative markers on chromosome 3, and 11 markers on chromosome 5. Marker allelic frequencies of phenotypic groups with high and low BW42 were compared with a chi-square test. Four regions on chromosome 3 and three regions on chromosome 5 had markers that were suggestively associated with BW42 (P < 0.10), confirming and expanding previous studies.<br>A genotipagem seletiva de indivíduos com fenótipos extremos para uma determinada característica contribui com informação suficiente para determinar a ligação entre marcadores moleculares e locos para características quantitativas (QTL). Neste estudo uma população F2, formada a partir do cruzamento de uma linha parental de aves para corte com uma linha de postura foi empregada para obtenção de medidas fenotípicas e genotipagem por marcadores microssatélites, posicionados nos cromossomos 3 e 5. Foram medidas 28 características de desempenho e carcaça e determinada a correlação fenotípica entre elas. A característica peso vivo aos 42 dias (BW42) apresentou maior correlação positiva com a maioria das características, com correlação entre pesos vivos aos 35, 41 dias, ganhos de peso do nascimento aos 35, 41 e 42 dias, e pesos de carcaça e partes superiores a 0,8. Cento e setenta aves F2, representando 4,5% das aves mais leves e 4,5% das mais pesadas para BW42 foram selecionadas dentro de famílias, na mesma proporção de machos e fêmeas e genotipadas para 19 marcadores informativos no cromossomo 3 e 11 no cromossomo 5. As freqüências alélicas dos marcadores nos grupos fenotípicos de alto e baixo BW42 foram comparadas empregando teste de qui-quadrado. Foram identificadas quatro regiões no cromossomo 3 e três regiões no cromossomo 5 sugestivamente ligadas a QTL para BW42 (P < 0,10), confirmando e expandindo estudos anteriores de mapeamento de QTL em aves

    Nucleocapsid (N) Gene Mutations of SARS-CoV-2 Can Affect Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic and Impact False-Negative Results

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    The current COVID-19 pandemic demands massive testing by Real-time RT-PCR (Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction), which is considered the gold standard diagnostic test for the detection of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. However, the virus continues to evolve with mutations that lead to phenotypic alterations as higher transmissibility, pathogenicity or vaccine evasion. Another big issue are mutations in the annealing sites of primers and probes of RT-PCR diagnostic kits leading to false-negative results. Therefore, here we identify mutations in the N (Nucleocapsid) gene that affects the use of the GeneFinder COVID-19 Plus RealAmp Kit. We sequenced SARS-CoV-2 genomes from 17 positive samples with no N gene detection but with RDRP (RNA-dependent RNA polymerase) and E (Envelope) genes detection, and observed a set of three different mutations affecting the N detection: a deletion of 18 nucleotides (Del28877-28894), a substitution of GGG to AAC (28881-28883) and a frameshift mutation caused by deletion (Del28877-28878). The last one cause a deletion of six AAs (amino acids) located in the central intrinsic disorder region at protein level. We also found this mutation in 99 of the 14,346 sequenced samples by the Sao Paulo state Network for Pandemic Alert of Emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants, demonstrating the circulation of the mutation in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Continuous monitoring and characterization of mutations affecting the annealing sites of primers and probes by genomic surveillance programs are necessary to maintain the effectiveness of the diagnosis of COVID-19

    Retrospective Insights of the COVID-19 Epidemic in the Major Latin American City, S&atilde;o Paulo, Southeastern Brazil

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    S&atilde;o Paulo is the financial center of Brazil, with a population of over 12 million, that receives travelers from all over the world for business and tourism. It was the first city in Brazil to report a case of COVID-19 that rapidly spread across the city despite the implementation of the restriction measures. Despite many reports, much is still unknown regarding the genomic diversity and transmission dynamics of this virus in the city of S&atilde;o Paulo. Thus, in this study, we provide a retrospective overview of the COVID-19 epidemic in S&atilde;o Paulo City, Southeastern, Brazil, by generating a total of 9995 near-complete genome sequences from all the city&rsquo;s different macro-regions (North, West, Central, East, South, and Southeast). Our analysis revealed that multiple independent introduction events of different variants (mainly Gamma, Delta, and Omicron) occurred throughout time. Additionally, our estimates of viral movement within the different macro-regions further suggested that the East and the Southeast regions were the largest contributors to the Gamma and Delta viral exchanges to other regions. Meanwhile, the North region had a higher contribution to the dispersion of the Omicron variant. Together, our results reinforce the importance of increasing SARS-CoV-2 genomic monitoring within the city and the country to track the real-time evolution of the virus and to detect earlier any eventual emergency of new variants of concern that could undermine the fight against COVID-19 in Brazil and worldwide

    Retrospective Insights of the COVID-19 Epidemic in the Major Latin American City, São Paulo, Southeastern Brazil

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    São Paulo is the financial center of Brazil, with a population of over 12 million, that receives travelers from all over the world for business and tourism. It was the first city in Brazil to report a case of COVID-19 that rapidly spread across the city despite the implementation of the restriction measures. Despite many reports, much is still unknown regarding the genomic diversity and transmission dynamics of this virus in the city of São Paulo. Thus, in this study, we provide a retrospective overview of the COVID-19 epidemic in São Paulo City, Southeastern, Brazil, by generating a total of 9995 near-complete genome sequences from all the city’s different macro-regions (North, West, Central, East, South, and Southeast). Our analysis revealed that multiple independent introduction events of different variants (mainly Gamma, Delta, and Omicron) occurred throughout time. Additionally, our estimates of viral movement within the different macro-regions further suggested that the East and the Southeast regions were the largest contributors to the Gamma and Delta viral exchanges to other regions. Meanwhile, the North region had a higher contribution to the dispersion of the Omicron variant. Together, our results reinforce the importance of increasing SARS-CoV-2 genomic monitoring within the city and the country to track the real-time evolution of the virus and to detect earlier any eventual emergency of new variants of concern that could undermine the fight against COVID-19 in Brazil and worldwide