8 research outputs found

    Nursing Care For Patients Experiencing Clinical Complications During Haemodialysis

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    Introduction: Patients with chronic renal disease treated by haemodialysis experience various changes in their daily lives, which they and their families need to adapt to and cope with. Objective: To analyse the nursing care of patients with chronic renal failure on haemodialysis who experience clinical complications. Method: A descriptive, exploratory study was conducted, using a quantitative approach. Data collection was performed using a sample of 73 patients at the Hemodialysis Center located at city of Patos-PB. The sample comprised 73 patients. Results: 27 (37.0%) were female, aged between 20 and 88 years old. It was found that employees are 49.3% of respondents, in consonance to farmers with 31.5%. The most common complications were weakness (76.7%), headache (46.6%), cramp (43.8%) and pain (32.9%). Conclusion: The trusting relationship between professionals and patients is paramount, because helps to improve adherence to treatment and, consequently, the reduction of complications; furthermore, educational and preventive actions are facilitated

    Automobile Accidents Attended by Mobile Emergency Care Service

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    Background: Automobile accidents are increasing every day and are becoming a serious public health problem due to the high morbidity and mortality rate. The goal of the current study was to characterise the traffic accidents attended by the Mobile Emergency Care Service (MECS) in Ibiara, PB. Methods: This exploratory, descriptive, documentary study adopted a quantitative approach and analysis of data. The population consisted of all victims of traffic accidents attended by MECS in the city of Ibiara, PB, from June 2015 to June 2016. The following variables were studied: age, gender, time and day of the week the accident occurred, nature of the incident, substance ingested by the victim, wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) or not, the anatomical lesions on the victim and the body regions hit during the accident. Results: The sample consisted of 49 accident victims, and the majority (81.6%) were male, predominately 30 to 59 years. Events occurring at night (63.3%) and during the week (65.3%) predominated. The most frequent type of accident was motorcycle fall (71.4%), with almost half having consumed alcohol (46.9%) and most not wearing PPE (77.6%). The regions of the body most affected were the lower limbs (67.3%) and upper limbs (53.1%). Conclusion: The main factor/cause of these accidents was due to imprudence and violation of traffic laws, highlighting the need to invest in traffic education policies, to direct campaigns for the prevention of traffic accidents, as well as expand the surveillance of traffic laws by authorities

    As particularidades clínicas da otite média: Clinical features of otitis media

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    A otite média é um processo inflamatório de evolução abrupta, acompanhado pelo quadro clínico típico de inflamação na orelha média, sendo sua incidência prevalente em crianças, culminando em leves repercussões clínicas, mas que deve ser adequadamente diagnosticada e tratada. Este evento clínico pode ser agudo, subagudo ou crônico com aparições típicas, evolução e manejo clínico diferenciados. O seguinte artigo é uma revisão narrativa de literatura que visa analisar a respeito das principais particularidades clínicas da Otite Média. Diante das informações coletadas, pode se elucidar que a otite média é o fator causal para implicações negativas e antibioticoterapia em crianças, logo é essencial medidas para diagnose precoce para evitar repercussões na saúde destes


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    This thesis analyzes inflexion elements on the conception of the National Social Assistance Policy between 2003 and 2020 Lula, Dilma, Temer and Bolsonaro governments , elucidating whether and what were the continuities and ruptures on such policy. OurA tese analisa os elementos de inflexão na concepção da Política Nacional de Assistência Social entre os anos de 2003 e 2020 - governos Lula, Dilma, Temer e Bolsonaro -, evidenciando se houve e quais foram as continuidades e rupturas nessa política. NossaFundação Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES