57,181 research outputs found

    Collimated beam manifold with the number of output beams variable at a given output angle

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    An optical manifold is described which transforms a collimated beam, such as a laser beam, into a plurality of parallel beams having uniform intensity or having a desired intensity ratio. The manifold comprises an optical substrate coated on its rear surface with a fully reflective layer and on its front surface with a partially reflecting layer having a reflectivity gradient. An input collimated beam entering the rear surface and impinging on the front surface is reflected, multiply between the front and rear surfaces producing a plurality of parallel beams that emerge from the front surface. The intensities of the emerging beams have a relationship that depends on the reflectivity of the front surface at the points where the beams emerge. By properly selecting the reflectivity gradient, the emerging beams have uniform intensity or a desired intensity ratio

    Magnitude and frequency of wind speed shears and associated downdrafts

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    Data are presented indicating the frequency of occurrence of wind shear and downdrafts together with information on the simultaneous occurrence of these two phenomena. High resolution wind profile measurements recorded at a 150 meter ground winds tower facility were used for the analysis. From instantaneous measurements during horizontal wind speeds of gale-force and below intensity, vertical motion at the 10, 60, and 150 m levels was approximately 60 percent downward and 40 percent upward. At the 18 level the percentages were reversed. Updraft maxima were an order of magnitude or two greater than downdrafts at all levels. Frequency of vertical motion or = 9.7 kts for a year at four levels was 338 occurrences upward and 274 downward. Approximately 90 percent of these updrafts occurred at the 18 m level almost equally during summer and winter, and 65 percent of the downdrafts were at the 150 m level during summer

    Time- and frequency-domain polariton interference

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    We present experimental observations of interference between an atomic spin coherence and an optical field in a {\Lambda}-type gradient echo memory. The interference is mediated by a strong classical field that couples a weak probe field to the atomic coherence through a resonant Raman transition. Interference can be observed between a prepared spin coherence and another propagating optical field, or between multiple {\Lambda} transitions driving a single spin coherence. In principle, the interference in each scheme can yield a near unity visibility.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    High efficiency coherent optical memory with warm rubidium vapour

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    By harnessing aspects of quantum mechanics, communication and information processing could be radically transformed. Promising forms of quantum information technology include optical quantum cryptographic systems and computing using photons for quantum logic operations. As with current information processing systems, some form of memory will be required. Quantum repeaters, which are required for long distance quantum key distribution, require optical memory as do deterministic logic gates for optical quantum computing. In this paper we present results from a coherent optical memory based on warm rubidium vapour and show 87% efficient recall of light pulses, the highest efficiency measured to date for any coherent optical memory. We also show storage recall of up to 20 pulses from our system. These results show that simple warm atomic vapour systems have clear potential as a platform for quantum memory

    Androgen Receptor and Vasopressin Receptor (AVPR1a) Genetic Polymorphisms are not associated with Marital Status or Fertility among Ariaal Men of Northern Kenya

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    A growing body of scholarship implicates testosterone and vasopressin in male reproductive behavior, including in humans. Since hormones exert their effects through their respective receptors, an open question has been whether genetic polymorphisms in the androgen receptor and vasopressin 1a receptor (AVPR1a) impact human male social behavior. Here, we sought to test for associations between polymorphisms in the coding region of the androgen receptor and promoter region of AVPR1a in relation to marital status and fertility among pastoralist Ariaal men of northern Kenya. None of the three polymorphisms were related to marital status (single, monogamously married, polygynously married) or fertility (number of current living children). We discuss these null findings in light of existing data

    Quantum Control of Qubits and Atomic Motion Using Ultrafast Laser Pulses

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    Pulsed lasers offer significant advantages over CW lasers in the coherent control of qubits. Here we review the theoretical and experimental aspects of controlling the internal and external states of individual trapped atoms with pulse trains. Two distinct regimes of laser intensity are identified. When the pulses are sufficiently weak that the Rabi frequency Ω\Omega is much smaller than the trap frequency \otrap, sideband transitions can be addressed and atom-atom entanglement can be accomplished in much the same way as with CW lasers. By contrast, if the pulses are very strong (\Omega \gg \otrap), impulsive spin-dependent kicks can be combined to create entangling gates which are much faster than a trap period. These fast entangling gates should work outside of the Lamb-Dicke regime and be insensitive to thermal atomic motion.Comment: 16 pages, 15 figure

    Storage and Manipulation of Light Using a Raman Gradient Echo Process

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    The Gradient Echo Memory (GEM) scheme has potential to be a suitable protocol for storage and retrieval of optical quantum information. In this paper, we review the properties of the Λ\Lambda-GEM method that stores information in the ground states of three-level atomic ensembles via Raman coupling. The scheme is versatile in that it can store and re-sequence multiple pulses of light. To date, this scheme has been implemented using warm rubidium gas cells. There are different phenomena that can influence the performance of these atomic systems. We investigate the impact of atomic motion and four-wave mixing and present experiments that show how parasitic four-wave mixing can be mitigated. We also use the memory to demonstrate preservation of pulse shape and the backward retrieval of pulses.Comment: 26 pages, 13 figure

    Intimate partner violence among African American and African Caribbean women: prevalence, risk factors, and the influence of cultural attitudes.

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    BackgroundWomen of African descent are disproportionately affected by intimate partner abuse; yet, limited data exist on whether the prevalence varies for women of African descent in the United States and those in the US territories.ObjectiveIn this multisite study, we estimated lifetime and 2-year prevalence of physical, sexual, and psychological intimate partner abuse (IPA) among 1,545 women of African descent in the United States and US Virgin Islands (USVI). We also examined how cultural tolerance of physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence (IPV) influences abuse.DesignBetween 2009 and 2011, we recruited African American and African Caribbean women aged 18-55 from health clinics in Baltimore, MD, and St. Thomas and St. Croix, USVI, into a comparative case-control study. Screened and enrolled women completed an audio computer-assisted self-interview. Screening-based prevalence of IPA and IPV were stratified by study site and associations between tolerance of IPV and abuse experiences were examined by multivariate logistic regression analysis.ResultsMost of the 1,545 screened women were young, of low-income, and in a current intimate relationship. Lifetime prevalence of IPA was 45% in St. Thomas, 38% in St. Croix, and 37% in Baltimore. Lifetime prevalence of IPV was 38% in St. Thomas, 28% in St. Croix, and 30% in Baltimore. Past 2-year prevalence of IPV was 32% in St. Thomas, 22% in St. Croix, and 26% in Baltimore. Risk and protective factors for IPV varied by site. Community and personal acceptance of IPV were independently associated with lifetime IPA in Baltimore and St. Thomas.ConclusionsVariance across sites for risk and protective factors emphasizes cultural considerations in sub-populations of women of African descent when addressing IPA and IPV in given settings. Individual-based interventions should be coupled with community/societal interventions to shape attitudes about use of violence in relationships and to promote healthy relationships

    Microwave scattering and emission properties of large impact craters on the surface of Venus

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    Many of the impact craters on Venus imaged by the Magellan synthetic aperture radar (SAR) have interior floors with oblique incidence angle backscatter cross sections 2 to 16 times (3 dB to 12 dB) greater than the average scattering properties of the planet's surface. Such high backscatter cross sections are indicative of a high degree of wavelength-scale surface roughness and/or a high intrinsic reflectivity of the material forming the crater floors. Fifty-three of these (radar) bright floored craters are associated with 93 percent of the parabolic-shaped radar-dark features found in the Magellan SAR and emissivity data, features that are thought to be among the youngest on the surface of Venus. It was suggested by Campbell et al. that either the bright floors of the parabolic feature parent craters are indicative of a young impact and the floor properties are modified with time to a lower backscatter cross section or that they result from some property of the surface or subsurface material at the point of impact or from the properties of the impacting object. As a continuation of earlier work we have examined all craters with diameters greater than 30 km (except 6 that were outside the available data) so both the backscatter cross section and emissivity of the crater floors could be estimated from the Magellan data
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