2,305 research outputs found

    2017-2018 Illinois waterfowl hunter report: harvest, youth hunts, and zone option preferences

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    A total of 3,190 (44% response rate) Illinois waterfowl hunters returned usable questionnaires to the 2017-18 Illinois Waterfowl Hunter Survey. An estimated 37,215 adult waterfowl hunters spent 1 day or more afield during 2017-18, a decrease of 9.7% from the 41,242 hunters in 2016-17. Waterfowl hunters spent 732,166 days afield, a decrease of 15.9% from the 870,721 days devoted during the 2016-17 license year. Total waterfowl harvest decreased 0.4%, from 490,463 during 2016-17 to 421,384 during 2017-18. Duck harvest estimates for the regular duck season were as follows: 136,381 mallards (Anas platyrhynchos), 29,372 wood ducks (Aix sponsa), and 111,937 other ducks. A total of 15,062 teal (Anas spp.) were harvested during the September teal season. Goose hunters harvested 78,850 Canada geese (Branta canadensis) during the regular Canada goose season, a 2.1% increase from the 77,216 Canada geese harvested during the 2016-17 regular goose season. Hunters harvested 16,155 Canada geese during the September Canada goose season, an 8.8% decrease from the previous year. During the Youth Waterfowl Hunting Season, 4,780 adults took 6,459 youths waterfowl hunting, an 8.7% increase in adult participation and a 9.1% increase in youth participation from the 2016-17 Youth Waterfowl Hunting Season. Hunter preferences for season and zones, and satisfaction with the waterfowl seasons are also discussed.llinois Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife U.S. Fish & Wildlife ServiceFederal Aid in Wildlife Restoration W-112-R-27unpublishednot peer reviewedOpe

    2018-2019 Illinois Trapper Report: Harvest, Effort, and Marketing Practices

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    We sampled 1,200 of 2018 resident Illinois trapping license purchasers from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources licensing database. Licensees were mailed an 8-page questionnaire, and we received 739 (63%) questionnaires. Trapping license sales increased 7.6% from 2017-18 (5,964 licenses) to 2018-19 (6,416). Trappers set an average of 15.8 traps for an average of 26.4 days or nights during the 2018-19 season and harvested an estimated 127,990 furbearers (down 4.8% from the 134,560 harvested in 2017-18). An estimated 63,179 raccoons (Procyon lotor) were trapped during the 2018-19 Illinois trapping season, a decrease of 1.3% from the estimated 64,025 trapped during the 2017-18 season. Opossum (Didelphis virginiana) harvest was the next highest at 17,815 opossum (6.3% increase from the previous year). OBJECTIVEFederal Aid Project Number W-112-R-28unpublishednot peer reviewedOpe

    2014-2015 Illinois Trapper Report: Harvest, Effort, and Marketing Practices

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    Wesampled1,200 purchasersof2014resident Illinois trapping licensesfrom the Illinois Department of Natural Resources licensing database.Licensees were mailed a 4-page questionnaire, and we received 710 (58%) questionnaires.Trapping license sales increased 7%from 2013 (7,782licenses)to 2014 (8,303).Trappers set an average of 16.1traps for an average of 23.1days or nights during the 2014-2015season,and harvested an estimated179,978furbearers (down28% from the 251,178harvested in 2013-2014).An estimated 101,035raccoons (Procyon lotor) were trapped during the 2014-2015Illinois trapping season, adecreaseof33%from the estimated 151,367trapped during the 2013-2014 season.Muskrat(Ondatra zibethicus) harvest was the next highest at33,860muskrats(4% increasefrom the previous year).IDNRDivision of Wildlife U.S. Fish & Wildlife ServiceFederal Aid Project Number W-112-R-24unpublishednot peer reviewe

    Advanced integrated general aviation primary flight display user interface design : development and assessment

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    Thesis (M.Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2001.Includes bibliographical references (p. 100-101).This thesis describes work performed during a project in the Master of Engineering degree program in the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It was performed in close coordination with the Avidyne Corporation of Bedford, Massachusetts and involved design, development and assessment of the user interface for a primary flight display/horizontal situation indicator. The effort began with a Quality Function Deployment analysis of needs and requirements. Next the hardware interface was developed through two trade study iterations. Software interfaces were developed using various techniques including the Goals, Operators, Methods, Selection Rules (GOMS) Keystroke-Level Model. Two iterations of software interface development were conducted to accommodate evolving corporate business strategy. A human subject evaluation using a personal computer based simulation resulted in quantitative and qualitative results that indicate significant gains over a recent prototype. Improvements to the user interface were made in several areas including task execution time, accuracy and a subjective comparison of ease of use. Over the six common tasks, the mean task execution time for the baseline display was 37.6 seconds compared with 23.6 seconds and 22.2 seconds for two alternative user interfaces. In addition the accuracy of setting the standby NAV format task was significantly better in the new user interfaces. In a redundant paired comparison of the three interfaces based upon ease of use, the new interfaces were significantly better than the baseline. The application of the GOMS Keystroke-Level Model to primary flight display user interface design was validated through the human subject evaluation. Project outcomes support the Avidyne product development goal of fielding the first 'Highway-in-the-Sky' (HITS) flight display for general aviation applications.by Charles Brent Campbell.M.Eng

    2014-2015 Illinois Waterfowl Hunter Report: Harvest, Youth Hunts, and Season Preferences

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    A total of 2,212(48%response rate) Illinois waterfowl hunters responded to the 2014-15Illinois Waterfowl Hunter Survey. An estimated 50,698waterfowl hunters spent982,193days afield, adecreaseof6.7% from the 1,052,728days devoted during the 2013-2014license year. Waterfowl harvest decreased9.0%, from 605,720 during 2013-14to 550,946 during 2014-15.Duck harvest estimates for the regular duck season were as follows: 197,997mallards (Anas platyrhynchos), 48,216wood ducks (Aix sponsa), and 138,615other ducks. A total of 29,058teal (Anasspp.) were harvested during the September teal season. Goose hunters harvested 87,672Canada geese (Branta canadensis) during the regular Canada goose season, a 16.4% decreasefrom the 104,887Canadageese harvested during the 2013-14regular goose season. Hunters harvested 19,089Canada geese during the September Canada goose season, a 22.0% increasefrom the previous year. During the Youth Waterfowl Hunting Season, 6,405adults took 8,572youths waterfowl hunting, a 24.1% decrease in adult participation and a less than 1.0% decrease in youth participation from the 2013-14Youth Waterfowl Hunting Season.Duck huntercommitment to waterfowl hunting, preferences for season and zones,and satisfaction with the waterfowl seasons are also discussed.Federal Aid Project Number W-112-R-24IDNR Division of WildlifeU.S. Fish & Wildlife Serviceunpublishednot peer reviewe

    2014-2015 Illinois Otter Trapper Report

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    llinois otter trapping was reinstated during the 2012-2013 Illinois Furbearer Trapping season. During 2014-2015, thethirdyear of reinstatement, 495 Illinois residents who trapped an otter were provided anotter permit; each otter trapper was mailed a 4-page questionnaire. We received 342 (74%) usable questionnaires. During the 2014-15 season, an average of 30 traps were set per trapper over the course of 43 days or nights. Respondents harvested an average of 2.2 otters (Lontra canadensis) for a total of 723 otters, which represented a 25% decrease from 2013-14. Participants also harvested 15,513 raccoons (Procyon lotor), 7,410 muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus), and 2,557 opossum (Didelphis virginiana) during the 2014-2015 Illinois trapping season. Trapper attitudes toward wildlife related issuesand marketing practices were also examined.IDNR Division of WildlifeU.S. Fish & Wildlife ServiceFederal Aid Project Number W-112-R-24unpublishednot peer reviewe

    2016-2017 Illinois waterfowl hunter report: harvest, youth hunts, and zone option preferences

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    To survey waterfowl (duck, goose, and coot) hunters annually to determine their activities, harvest, characteristics, attitudes, and opinions.Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife; U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service; and Illinois Natural History Survey; Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration W-112-R-26unpublishednot peer reviewedOpe

    Inventaire printanier d'une frayère multispécifique : l'ichtyofaune des rapides de la rivière Gatineau, Québec

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    Un inventaire ichtyologique printanier a été réalisé dans la rivière Gatineau, dans le premier rapide à l’amont de son embouchure dans la rivière des Outaouais, pour établir la chronoséquence d’utilisation du site par les espèces s’y reproduisant, dont trois espèces de chevaliers. L’échantillonnage des rapides a permis de capturer 2388 poissons répartis en 13 familles et 39 espèces, dont six ayant fait l’objet d’une évaluation par le COSEPAC. Seize espèces étaient en état de se reproduire lors de l’échantillonnage. Nous avons observé une reproduction plus ou moins simultanée pour le Chevalier blanc et le Chevalier rouge, suivie de celle du Chevalier de rivière. Également, pour ces trois espèces, nous avons observé la capture des mâles de stade V plus tôt que les femelles, et nous les retrouvons en plus grand nombre. Ceci pourrait s’expliquer du fait que les mâles précèdent les femelles sur les frayères, que celles-ci sont reconnues pour rester très peu de temps sur les sites de fraie et qu’un minimum de deux mâles par femelle est requis pour la reproduction. Cette étude démontre que les rapides de la rivière Gatineau doivent être protégés puisqu’ils sont habités par trois espèces qui ont obtenu un statut spécial du COSEPAC (Menacée: Fouille-roche gris; situation préoccupante : Lamproie du nord et Chevalier de rivière) en plus de constituer une frayère multispécifique importante

    2014-2015 Illinois Hunter Harvest Report

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    A random sample of 3,000 hunters wasselected from 2014Illinois resident Habitat Stampand hunting licenseholdersandmailed an 8-page self-administered questionnaire designed to query hunters about their hunting activities and harvest in Illinois. We received1,296questionnaires,1,207of which were usable, for a 43% response rate. Illinois resident license salesdecreased1.0% from 2013(281,399) to the 2014seasons(278,546).Total days afield decreased for 12 game species (rabbit, dove, snipe, rail, crow, turkey, deer, raccoon, coyote, opossum, red and gray fox) from 2013-14, but increased for 4 species (woodcock, groundhog, and red and gray squirrel).Harvest decreased for 9game species(dove, woodcock, snipe, crow, raccoon, red and gray fox, coyote, and opossum) from 2013-2014, butincreasedfor 3species (groundhog, gray squirrel and fox squirrel). Harvestdid not change for onegame species (rail)and could not be compared for fourgame species (rabbit, wild quail, wild pheasant, and wild gray partridge).Hunters were also asked about small game hunting, applying for Free Upland Game Permits, and the effects of Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease (EHD) and Blue Tongue Virus (BTV) on deer hunting, as well as their opinionsabouthunting experiences and regulationsin Illinois.Federal Aid Project Number W-112-R-24IDNR Division of WildlifeU.S. Fish & Wildlife Serviceunpublishednot peer reviewe
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